Reed strolls into the Elfsong without bothering to engage the bouncers.
“This is a tavern not a palace,” he says to his new bird companion.
He scans the room quickly and smiles. He then points out the rats and looks over to Wilfred.
”That’s a good sign. It means the food they serve is edible. Wouldn’t catch a rat dead in here if the food could kill you.”
When Ironmaiden broadcasts to the entire tavern who they’re looking for he cocks his head to one side and the walks over to the suit of armor and taps on the metal leg.
”Spies and such generally don’t like people who shout, or rather brightly illuminate, their name about. Makes the keeping to the background and shadows hard to do.”
But as it’s already been done, Reed does scan the patrons of the room to see if anyone goes out of their way not to react to the name emblazoned on Ironmaiden.
Corlith wanders into the Elfsong Tavern and slips the Flaming Fist badge back into his pouch.
As he looks about, noticing all the weaponry on display, he feels more than a little out of place. He follows Ironmaiden towards the fireplace and looks down at one of the padded chairs. He waves his hand across the material whilst uttering some magic words, cleaning off any stains, and then angles the chair so it has a better view of the tavern itself and sits down.
Hearing Reed's advice to Ironmaiden, he doesn't immediately start asking after Tarina, instead he tries to catch the eye of one of the humans passing out food and drinks.
Wilfred has his badge put away before they make it to the tavern. He'll follow up behind everyone else. He walks by the bouncers with a quick nod. "Good job! Keep up the good work!" As they get in, he will try to corral the group and keep everyone together. "Alright now, everybody. Let's all stick together now. Don't want anyone getting lost now, do we. I'll let you all that are better with words ask about. I'll try to keep an eye on you from here. One moment? Corlith, Virro, are you two old enough to be in here?"
Wilfred will lean up against the wall, near where the group is, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be looking to cause them trouble (Perception 9), but really is focused on Corlith and Virro, making sure they aren't sneaking drinks.
Reed pats Wilfred on the leg and nods at a halfling sitting at a table by the fire.
”I’m going to go say hi. That one with the scar down her face, I think she might be who we’re looking for or at least knows where she is”
Reed then quickly navigates through the crowd, side stepping big people while also being careful to avoid the rats scurrying about. As soon as he gets to the table he slips into a free chair.
”Hi, I’m Reed,” he says cheerfully. “I think you might be able to help me out. Any chance you know a Tarina? Just like to give a wee chat.”
You all make your way over to the fireplace with a few glances your way as you head over, you all do make quite a distinct group. The rooster riding the possum for sure attracts some attention, but then they head back to their drinks and conversation.
Corlith takes a seat and catches the eye of one of the servers and he makes his way over, bumping into a few patrons as he does. Once he gets to Corlith, he wipes his hands on his apron, cracks his neck and asks, “What can I get ya?”
As Reed takes a seat at the table with the halfling, the human sitting with her looks up from the small book he is writing in, looks at Reed for a moment, then goes back to his writing.
“Aren’t you presumptuous. Just because we’re both halflings, you think you can just join me and start up a conversation? What makes you think I want to help you…. Reed?” The halfling woman stops fiddling with her coin and rests on her elbows, her full attention now on Reed.
After an uncomfortably long time of simply staring into the fire as still as a statue, Ironmaiden quickly looks up as if electrified, and as they turn around two orbs glow and then sputter into flaming life within their smoky visor.
They begin walking around the room peering at people with these burning orbs, but after making the entire bar more than a little concerned, it seems that they find nothing of note.
Corlith gives Wilfred that stop embarrassing me look when he asks if he is old enough to be in the tavern, and then turns his attention to the server.
"Hey there. You happen to sell kaeth?", he asks, which was all the rage with his fellow students in his time away. "Anybody else fancy anything?", he asks the companions that have not wandered off.
"Oh, and do you happen to know of somebody named Tarina? A friend of hers asked us to say hi", he adds turning back to the server with a smile. His eyes briefly flick passed the server to watch as Ironmaiden goes stomping around the tavern.
Reed’s smile never breaks as the halfling talks to him.
”Hmm, let me think for a moment. Presumptuous, presumptuous. Yes, I’ve been called that many times. But like I like to say, no one’s just going to give you what you want because you’re a smouldering suit of armor giving everyone the creeps,” Reed adds the last as he watches Ironmaiden roam the tavern. He turns his attention back to his new friend.
“We’re looking for Tarina. You know her and probably where she is. I’d like to know that information as well. I’m sure you’d like to give it to me out of the goodness of your heart, but I don’t want to besmirch your reputation here so how about I give you a gold piece in exchange.”
Several people stare as the IronMaiden makes their way around the room. Finally, the half-elf behind the bar throws the towel he was using to dry some mugs over his shoulder and calls out, “Hey Klank 2! Stop walking around on fire scaring the customers! People are here to relax, gamble and drink, not be scared off by the likes of you!” The animated armor stationed outside, leans over and peers through the open door at the sound of man.
The man talking to Corlith is about to answer the question on kaeth and as he hears the name Tarina his eyebrow raises. “Well, can’t say we have any of this kaeth you speak of, just some good ol fashioned ale. As for Tarina? Ha! No friend of hers would ask you to say hi. Not sure if she has friends anyways. Stop at the bar when you know what you want.” And he turns on his heel without waiting for a reply.
Reed’s comment on the suit of armor cracks a half smile on the halfling and she breaks away to watch the IronMaiden make their lap around. Her head snaps back as Reed mentions Tarina again. “I may or I may not. Why do you want to know? Goodness of my heart? Ha!" Her half smile grows, "Better make it two and show it… I might tell you what I know.”
The Ironmaiden snaps their attention over to the barkeep and then puts their hands up in front of themselves in an innocent gesture, the orbs of burning magical sight extinguish as the Ironmaiden lowers their head in defeat.
Dragging their large metal feet over toward the bar, like a puppy with its tail between its legs, the Ironmaiden points sadly but questioningly to the makeshift name tag magically emblazoned on their chest. After fishing around for far too long in a small pouch, they produce the flame fist badge and two silver coins, offering the silver to the barkeep they mime a lifting a drink to their visor and push the coins over slowly.
"Ah, oh! But...what then, is a tavern, good fellow?" He says as he rides his possum right through the doors and into the establishment. He watches as they split up, sorta, and Ironmaiden does what it is that Ironmaiden does; namely being on fire and intimidating. He listens to Wilfred for a moment, then watches as Corlith asks about some ridiculous Tarina name. The rooster's head jerks from one side to the other in his peculiar, avian way, and then he leaps straight off of his possum's back and lands on the bar.
"Seems there is a misunderstanding!" He says as he puffs his chest out and ruffles his feathers, his red-brown plumage fluffing up for a moment. "I am here for Tangerine! Do you hear me, good sir? Tan-ger-rine! We have been sent here by the Flaming Fists and we have a...a...hmm? Yes, chaperone!"
He points to Wilfred.
"We have a permit to do what now?"
There's a pause as his head continues making those odd little jerks from side to side as he takes in what he sees around him, and then he spots the nearest plate before stepping over to it, stepping into it, kicking about a time or two, and beginning to sample whatever roasted meat that is.
"This is amazing!" He exclaims, raising up with a beak covered in gravy. He spots Reed across the tavern and shouts his name. "Reed! Are you sure this isn't a palace, good sir?"
He then dips his beak into a patrons drink to wash it all down.
Wilfred has his badge put away before they make it to the tavern. He'll follow up behind everyone else. He walks by the bouncers with a quick nod. "Good job! Keep up the good work!" As they get in, he will try to corral the group and keep everyone together. "Alright now, everybody. Let's all stick together now. Don't want anyone getting lost now, do we. I'll let you all that are better with words ask about. I'll try to keep an eye on you from here. One moment? Corlith, Virro, are you two old enough to be in here?"
Wilfred will lean up against the wall, near where the group is, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be looking to cause them trouble (Perception 9), but really is focused on Corlith and Virro, making sure they aren't sneaking drinks.
Virro gives a dead pan look at Wilfred, saying “I’m 100 years old, mind you. I was around when you were but a gleam in your father’s eye. I can have whatever I want to drink, please mind yourself and give me some space, … gosh!” Virro sits down in a huff in a seat near the fireplace, watching the patrons. The one spot they haven’t checked into yet is upstairs. He watches everyone come and go, looking for any sign of the one known as Tangerina, wait, no, Tarina. He watches who goes upstairs, servers, are they taking up beers, bringing down empty glasses? Anyone who is sitting in shadows, trying to remain unobserved? He reaches onto the back of his right hand, the dark glove. There is a simple wooden, black disk there, secured into a spot on the glove, he seems to hold it with his hand and close his eyes, his mouth moves, wordlessly for a moment, then he looks around the room, trying to spot things out of place.
"Hold on there. It seems the concept of discretion passed you by, so how about this. An associate of Tarina is calling in a favour. Now we both know you know who she is, so why don't you act a bit more friendly like and help me out?", Corlith says, his friendly demeanour hardening slightly, but remaining cordial.
“Psst. Fred. I’m going to head upstairs after I get a drink, perhaps you should follow soon afterward. I’m not seeing anyone down here fitting the description but there are full drinks being carried upstairs and empty mugs coming down. I would like to look up there.” Virro stands and heads to the bar, asks if they have any Shadowdark ale and purchases one. He does a double take when he sees this strange rooster drinking and nibbling things off the bar, he glances at Corlith and shrugs, gives a quick nod toward the upstairs portion of the tavern and then starts to walk up there, drink in hand.
As the Ironmaiden makes their way over to the bar, the two patrons sitting there, slide over giving them a wide berth and not making eye contact with the IronMaiden as they do. The barkeep raises an eyebrow at them while waiting to see what they are fishing for and after seeing the badge, gives a long sigh and a small shrug. “Yeah? Well what do you want? Ah yes, a drink, of course.” He takes the 2 silver offered and pours them an ale, handing it to them, “Flaming Fists or not, please stop scaring my customers.”
The server Corlith is talking to pauses for a moment, rolls his eyes and says, “Sure, she’s upstairs. Bit of advise? Don’t play the bones with her.”
The two patrons at the bar are having quite a night as they are split up when the rooster lands skittering its talons between them on the bar. As he puffs out and demands a tangerine the barkeep spreads his hands on the bar, leans over at the rooster and growls, “We don’t serve those fancy fruits here. Tangerine? Shit, we don’t have fruit at all.. Best take that possum of yours and head to the Upper Gates, don’t need your kind around here.”
When Roo’Stor starts enjoying the meal of the human next to him with no eyebrows, the man backs up from the bar appalled, and starts rolling up his sleeves ready to fight. Just before the first swing comes as Roo is drinking from his drink, his half-orc friend next to him, starts belly laughing and grabs Roo’Stor around the leg and yanks him off the bar, holding him upside down. He then flings him towards the stairs, “Best follow yer friends fella, less you want a fight.”
Seeing the gold produced, the halfling’s smile grows and then nods towards Virro, “You should head on up with your friends if you want to talk with Tarina.” And she holds her hand out towards Reed for her gold.
"That is great, thanks for the tip", Corlith says, nodding back at Virro to let him know he understood.
Standing, he wanders passed Wilfred on his way to the stairs. "Apparently the one we are looking for is upstairs, you coming?", he asks his older companion as he goes.
"Looks like your instincts are good, the server said she's upstairs", he says to Virro when he reaches him. "Should we get the others?", he asks, turning toward the bar in time to see Roo'Stor being manhandled.
"Fancy fruits? Ah, but my dear sir, you don't understand. You see..." He pauses. It's hard to read the facial expressions of a chicken. Roo' Stor simply cocks his head from side to side as he listens to what is said next. "Don't need...what sayest thou? Speak common, man! We Gallus don't entertain riddles BOCK!"
The last word slips out as a loud squawk as Roo' is scooped up and tossed...
Reed strolls into the Elfsong without bothering to engage the bouncers.
“This is a tavern not a palace,” he says to his new bird companion.
He scans the room quickly and smiles. He then points out the rats and looks over to Wilfred.
”That’s a good sign. It means the food they serve is edible. Wouldn’t catch a rat dead in here if the food could kill you.”
When Ironmaiden broadcasts to the entire tavern who they’re looking for he cocks his head to one side and the walks over to the suit of armor and taps on the metal leg.
”Spies and such generally don’t like people who shout, or rather brightly illuminate, their name about. Makes the keeping to the background and shadows hard to do.”
But as it’s already been done, Reed does scan the patrons of the room to see if anyone goes out of their way not to react to the name emblazoned on Ironmaiden.
Iron maiden doesn't look away from the fire but does move an arm to give Reed a thumbs up
Corlith wanders into the Elfsong Tavern and slips the Flaming Fist badge back into his pouch.
As he looks about, noticing all the weaponry on display, he feels more than a little out of place. He follows Ironmaiden towards the fireplace and looks down at one of the padded chairs. He waves his hand across the material whilst uttering some magic words, cleaning off any stains, and then angles the chair so it has a better view of the tavern itself and sits down.
Hearing Reed's advice to Ironmaiden, he doesn't immediately start asking after Tarina, instead he tries to catch the eye of one of the humans passing out food and drinks.
Charisma Check: 19+5=24
Wilfred has his badge put away before they make it to the tavern. He'll follow up behind everyone else. He walks by the bouncers with a quick nod. "Good job! Keep up the good work!" As they get in, he will try to corral the group and keep everyone together. "Alright now, everybody. Let's all stick together now. Don't want anyone getting lost now, do we. I'll let you all that are better with words ask about. I'll try to keep an eye on you from here. One moment? Corlith, Virro, are you two old enough to be in here?"
Wilfred will lean up against the wall, near where the group is, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be looking to cause them trouble (Perception 9), but really is focused on Corlith and Virro, making sure they aren't sneaking drinks.
Reed pats Wilfred on the leg and nods at a halfling sitting at a table by the fire.
”I’m going to go say hi. That one with the scar down her face, I think she might be who we’re looking for or at least knows where she is”
Reed then quickly navigates through the crowd, side stepping big people while also being careful to avoid the rats scurrying about. As soon as he gets to the table he slips into a free chair.
”Hi, I’m Reed,” he says cheerfully. “I think you might be able to help me out. Any chance you know a Tarina? Just like to give a wee chat.”
Wilfred nods to Reed "You should probably bring a buddy with you... and you're already gone."
You all make your way over to the fireplace with a few glances your way as you head over, you all do make quite a distinct group. The rooster riding the possum for sure attracts some attention, but then they head back to their drinks and conversation.
Corlith takes a seat and catches the eye of one of the servers and he makes his way over, bumping into a few patrons as he does. Once he gets to Corlith, he wipes his hands on his apron, cracks his neck and asks, “What can I get ya?”
As Reed takes a seat at the table with the halfling, the human sitting with her looks up from the small book he is writing in, looks at Reed for a moment, then goes back to his writing.
“Aren’t you presumptuous. Just because we’re both halflings, you think you can just join me and start up a conversation? What makes you think I want to help you…. Reed?” The halfling woman stops fiddling with her coin and rests on her elbows, her full attention now on Reed.
After an uncomfortably long time of simply staring into the fire as still as a statue, Ironmaiden quickly looks up as if electrified, and as they turn around two orbs glow and then sputter into flaming life within their smoky visor.
They begin walking around the room peering at people with these burning orbs, but after making the entire bar more than a little concerned, it seems that they find nothing of note.
Corlith gives Wilfred that stop embarrassing me look when he asks if he is old enough to be in the tavern, and then turns his attention to the server.
"Hey there. You happen to sell kaeth?", he asks, which was all the rage with his fellow students in his time away. "Anybody else fancy anything?", he asks the companions that have not wandered off.
"Oh, and do you happen to know of somebody named Tarina? A friend of hers asked us to say hi", he adds turning back to the server with a smile. His eyes briefly flick passed the server to watch as Ironmaiden goes stomping around the tavern.
Reed’s smile never breaks as the halfling talks to him.
”Hmm, let me think for a moment. Presumptuous, presumptuous. Yes, I’ve been called that many times. But like I like to say, no one’s just going to give you what you want because you’re a smouldering suit of armor giving everyone the creeps,” Reed adds the last as he watches Ironmaiden roam the tavern. He turns his attention back to his new friend.
“We’re looking for Tarina. You know her and probably where she is. I’d like to know that information as well. I’m sure you’d like to give it to me out of the goodness of your heart, but I don’t want to besmirch your reputation here so how about I give you a gold piece in exchange.”
Several people stare as the IronMaiden makes their way around the room. Finally, the half-elf behind the bar throws the towel he was using to dry some mugs over his shoulder and calls out, “Hey Klank 2! Stop walking around on fire scaring the customers! People are here to relax, gamble and drink, not be scared off by the likes of you!” The animated armor stationed outside, leans over and peers through the open door at the sound of man.
The man talking to Corlith is about to answer the question on kaeth and as he hears the name Tarina his eyebrow raises. “Well, can’t say we have any of this kaeth you speak of, just some good ol fashioned ale. As for Tarina? Ha! No friend of hers would ask you to say hi. Not sure if she has friends anyways. Stop at the bar when you know what you want.” And he turns on his heel without waiting for a reply.
Reed’s comment on the suit of armor cracks a half smile on the halfling and she breaks away to watch the IronMaiden make their lap around. Her head snaps back as Reed mentions Tarina again. “I may or I may not. Why do you want to know? Goodness of my heart? Ha!" Her half smile grows, "Better make it two and show it… I might tell you what I know.”
The Ironmaiden snaps their attention over to the barkeep and then puts their hands up in front of themselves in an innocent gesture, the orbs of burning magical sight extinguish as the Ironmaiden lowers their head in defeat.
Dragging their large metal feet over toward the bar, like a puppy with its tail between its legs, the Ironmaiden points sadly but questioningly to the makeshift name tag magically emblazoned on their chest. After fishing around for far too long in a small pouch, they produce the flame fist badge and two silver coins, offering the silver to the barkeep they mime a lifting a drink to their visor and push the coins over slowly.
Almost like magic, two gold coins appear in Reed’s hands, quickly slipping over and under his knuckles. He raises an eyebrow at his new friend.
Roo' rolls around Reed's words.
"Ah, oh! But...what then, is a tavern, good fellow?" He says as he rides his possum right through the doors and into the establishment. He watches as they split up, sorta, and Ironmaiden does what it is that Ironmaiden does; namely being on fire and intimidating. He listens to Wilfred for a moment, then watches as Corlith asks about some ridiculous Tarina name. The rooster's head jerks from one side to the other in his peculiar, avian way, and then he leaps straight off of his possum's back and lands on the bar.
"Seems there is a misunderstanding!" He says as he puffs his chest out and ruffles his feathers, his red-brown plumage fluffing up for a moment. "I am here for Tangerine! Do you hear me, good sir? Tan-ger-rine! We have been sent here by the Flaming Fists and we have a...a...hmm? Yes, chaperone!"
He points to Wilfred.
"We have a permit to do what now?"
There's a pause as his head continues making those odd little jerks from side to side as he takes in what he sees around him, and then he spots the nearest plate before stepping over to it, stepping into it, kicking about a time or two, and beginning to sample whatever roasted meat that is.
"This is amazing!" He exclaims, raising up with a beak covered in gravy. He spots Reed across the tavern and shouts his name. "Reed! Are you sure this isn't a palace, good sir?"
He then dips his beak into a patrons drink to wash it all down.
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Virro gives a dead pan look at Wilfred, saying “I’m 100 years old, mind you. I was around when you were but a gleam in your father’s eye. I can have whatever I want to drink, please mind yourself and give me some space, … gosh!” Virro sits down in a huff in a seat near the fireplace, watching the patrons. The one spot they haven’t checked into yet is upstairs. He watches everyone come and go, looking for any sign of the one known as Tangerina, wait, no, Tarina. He watches who goes upstairs, servers, are they taking up beers, bringing down empty glasses? Anyone who is sitting in shadows, trying to remain unobserved? He reaches onto the back of his right hand, the dark glove. There is a simple wooden, black disk there, secured into a spot on the glove, he seems to hold it with his hand and close his eyes, his mouth moves, wordlessly for a moment, then he looks around the room, trying to spot things out of place.
Perception : 18 + guidance : 4
"Hold on there. It seems the concept of discretion passed you by, so how about this. An associate of Tarina is calling in a favour. Now we both know you know who she is, so why don't you act a bit more friendly like and help me out?", Corlith says, his friendly demeanour hardening slightly, but remaining cordial.
Persuasion: 14+7=21
“Psst. Fred. I’m going to head upstairs after I get a drink, perhaps you should follow soon afterward. I’m not seeing anyone down here fitting the description but there are full drinks being carried upstairs and empty mugs coming down. I would like to look up there.” Virro stands and heads to the bar, asks if they have any Shadowdark ale and purchases one. He does a double take when he sees this strange rooster drinking and nibbling things off the bar, he glances at Corlith and shrugs, gives a quick nod toward the upstairs portion of the tavern and then starts to walk up there, drink in hand.
As the Ironmaiden makes their way over to the bar, the two patrons sitting there, slide over giving them a wide berth and not making eye contact with the IronMaiden as they do. The barkeep raises an eyebrow at them while waiting to see what they are fishing for and after seeing the badge, gives a long sigh and a small shrug. “Yeah? Well what do you want? Ah yes, a drink, of course.” He takes the 2 silver offered and pours them an ale, handing it to them, “Flaming Fists or not, please stop scaring my customers.”
The server Corlith is talking to pauses for a moment, rolls his eyes and says, “Sure, she’s upstairs. Bit of advise? Don’t play the bones with her.”
The two patrons at the bar are having quite a night as they are split up when the rooster lands skittering its talons between them on the bar. As he puffs out and demands a tangerine the barkeep spreads his hands on the bar, leans over at the rooster and growls, “We don’t serve those fancy fruits here. Tangerine? Shit, we don’t have fruit at all.. Best take that possum of yours and head to the Upper Gates, don’t need your kind around here.”
When Roo’Stor starts enjoying the meal of the human next to him with no eyebrows, the man backs up from the bar appalled, and starts rolling up his sleeves ready to fight. Just before the first swing comes as Roo is drinking from his drink, his half-orc friend next to him, starts belly laughing and grabs Roo’Stor around the leg and yanks him off the bar, holding him upside down. He then flings him towards the stairs, “Best follow yer friends fella, less you want a fight.”
Seeing the gold produced, the halfling’s smile grows and then nods towards Virro, “You should head on up with your friends if you want to talk with Tarina.” And she holds her hand out towards Reed for her gold.
"That is great, thanks for the tip", Corlith says, nodding back at Virro to let him know he understood.
Standing, he wanders passed Wilfred on his way to the stairs. "Apparently the one we are looking for is upstairs, you coming?", he asks his older companion as he goes.
"Looks like your instincts are good, the server said she's upstairs", he says to Virro when he reaches him. "Should we get the others?", he asks, turning toward the bar in time to see Roo'Stor being manhandled.
"Uh-oh, things seem to be kicking off".
"Fancy fruits? Ah, but my dear sir, you don't understand. You see..." He pauses. It's hard to read the facial expressions of a chicken. Roo' Stor simply cocks his head from side to side as he listens to what is said next. "Don't need...what sayest thou? Speak common, man! We Gallus don't entertain riddles BOCK!"
The last word slips out as a loud squawk as Roo' is scooped up and tossed...
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York