The blonde bearded warrior looks down with surprise as the wee folk too claims to be an adventurer, sending the warrior into another roaring laughter. After calming down and finding the girl and the wee folk still standing and facing Brugg he frowns. He had the sense there was no way he would convince these small people to stay home with their squirrels and burrows so he simply leans on the barcounter and looks back at the bird-man, by now fully expecting him too to make claims of being an adventurer.
Ember joins in the uproarious laughter, even if she's not entirely certain what they're laughing about. Patting her stomach to relieve the laugh-sore muscles, she peers up at Thurodim and states matter-of-factly, "I don't have a mommy." Seemingly unbothered by that--how could she miss someone she doesn't remember, after all--the wizard leans around the barbarian's hulking form to grin and wave at Ozyre before turning to Brugg once more.
As the little girl with the red squirrel nest for hair joins him in his bellowing laugh, the massive blonde bearded warrior briefly stops laughing, looking down at the peculiar girl before resuming his roaring laughter again. "You are a funny little girl." He says as he eventually stops laughing. As the girl mentions not having a mother he looks a bit troubled, sad even. A little girl should be with her mother but he couldn't just leave her here. "Alright little one, you can come with me then." He says, not in any condescending tone but rather one of care. "Now what great deeds do you want me to perform?"He turns and loudly asks the Bugbear whose name he thinks is Brugg.
Brugg watches the scene play out before addressing the four of you. He seemed to be gauging you, especially the little girl. He sighs.
"Well. Yer not exactly what I had in mind for this, but I guess you at least seem motivated. You’ll have to do. Please, step into my office. We’ll be more comfortable." He then turns to the human barkeep down on the ground floor. "Troy, clean up that mess. Patrons might start arriving soon and this place looks like a pig pen."
He then turns back the way he came and walks into a room at the end of the hall on the second floor.
Without hesitation the massive blonde bearded warrior grabs his gear again and follows the bugbear into the room at the end of the hall on the second floor, ready to have his quest explained.
With a smidge of hesitation the tiny brunet clean-shaven warrior bounds up the stairs to the second floor, one-by-one. He'd follow Brugg, but he can't see very much of him on account of the massive blond bearded warrior in the way, so he just follows the warrior instead.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
The Kenku starts towards the stairs then looks back and cocks his head at the single gold piece on the counter. He looks at it... turns his head to the empty drinks on the bar... looks at the bartender... and then shrugs. He gathers up his chest and drags it along behind him as he hurries up the staircase, right behind the barbarian and the little gnome warrior.
He pauses and turns back to wave at the little girl, as if to say 'hurry, hurry.'
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Chuffed to have been accepted by Big Man, Ember watches her new friends ascend the stairs, lips pursed against a smile. Shifting from foot to foot with ever-coiled energy, she waits for the feathered friend, then notices the gold piece he looks back to. With a glance up to where her familiar sits, the little squirrel makes the long jump to the counter and skitters over to the gold piece. He pushes the coin closer to the barkeep before returning to his wizard. “You can have it,” she offers with an equally friendly as toothy grin, then follows after the Kenku, hopping one by one up the steps behind his pet chest.
As you make your way inside Brugg’s office, you see a room that contrasts a bit with the rest of the inn. While not high class, the decor is definitely a step up to the common room with the ale-covered floor. The furniture is made of carved wood. There are two chairs with padding in front of the desk and one on the other side, where Brugg goes to sit. The desk itself seems sturdy and depicts sailing features like rope knots and boat wheels. There are books with numbers in them, typical of accounting books or ledgers.
One sat down, Brugg grabs a glass and a bottle of liquor from under his desk and pours himself a glass. He downs it in one gulp. His faces winces before he turns to you.
"Are you sure yet up for this job? It’ll take you beyond the town walls. Lots a nasties out there. It’s dangerous…", he turns to Ember. "…especially for a kid. Aren’t ya a little young to be playing hero?"
Ember shakes her head and insists, "I'm not a kid. And I promise I'm not playing anything..." Her lower lip trembles just slightly before she musters a brave face again. "Me and Aggie made the trip here all by ourselves and--and we even lived in the forest, um, by ourselves for a long time too. With nasties! And I learned my magic from the most powerful wizard ever to exist in all history! I can.. I can prove it!" Her fingers and hands form rapid spell signs in succession and the squirrel atop her head squeaks before leaping to Ozyre's shoulder. The room begins to shake ever so slightly, the spell not yet cast in completion.
Ozyre puts his hand on Ember's shoulder, which is a considerable reach for him that isn't exactly made easier by the squirrel currently trying to find enough room to stand on his shoulders. He says in Gnomish, "[Woah woah woah! No need to prove yourself. Everybody can tell that you're a very powerful wizard.]" He looks over to Brugg. "I'm sure we're all capable in our respective fields, whatever those may be, and we can cover each other where we're less capable. And I'm also sure Thurodim here and I can stand in front of any threats we might face to make extra-super-sure everybody's safe."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
The Kenku looks at the girl with what might be alarm. As the vibrations rattle the spectacles down his beak, he pushes them back up with a feathered index finger. A few times he opens his beak as if to speak, but nothing comes out.
He looks back and forth between the others, nodding vigourously at Ozyre's words... then opening his beak and repeating them for good measure, "we're all capable in our respective fields,".
Looking from seat to seat and then at the other three, he tips his chest down on its bottom and sets himself down gently on it like a bench, resting his hands in his lap as he waits to hear more about this job.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Abandoning his efforts to find a safe perch, Aganazzar runs along Ozyre's arm back to Ember. He ducks beneath the hair at her nape and curls around her shoulders. Her fingers splay outwards, dropping the spell and her grip on the Weave. Hearing the Gnomish words is similar in effect to an animal picking up their young by the scruff of the neck and she stills--all but mollified by the comforting and familiar sound of the language.
Giving Ozyre's hand and Aggie's head simultaneous and reassuring pats, she then goes to sit at the Kenku's feet, busying herself by tracing over the lines in the floorboards with her fingertips. She peeks sheepishly up at Brugg, puppy dog eyes big and glistening.
The massive blonde bearded warrior opens his mouth to answer the bugbear whose name he thinks is Brugg that coming outside the walls of the town was what he was hoping for, just as the little girl starts using her witchcraft again. He mutters something unintelligible as he focuses on keeping his balance with the increasing trembling, giving the girl a disapproving glare, but as she stops and sits herself down at the bird-man's clawed feet he finds himself feling pity for her. "Wee Folk and Bird Man is right, we are all adventurers and we will complete your quest together." He says with a firm rumbling voice, looking between the others in the room with reassuring nods. He didn't quite have the imagination to see in what fields the others would be capable, apart from the girl and her disconcerting witchcraft, but he was convinced he would be able to protect them all when needed, they were all quite small after all and should be able to hide behind him when the battles commenced. "Now tell us what monsters you want us to slay!" Thurodim demands, fully expecting this to be about fighting and killing rather than anything that would require even a modicum of thinking and planning.
Brugg watches your moving display of camaraderie and shrugs.
"Eh fine! No skin of my back." He straightens in his chair. "There’s something ya should know about me. In addition to running this inn, I have another side hustle. I lend coin to people that need it. Whether it’s for a big purchase, or settling debts, I’m happy to help…for a price.", he chuckles to himself. "That said, about a year and half ago, this guy, Bartolby, comes and ask me to help him with building the first farm on this continent. Says he and his crew found the perfect spot: vast, rich soil and almost no monsters go there. So I accept, and he agrees to pay me back the loan every month with interests. He’s been good on paying me back ever since." He pours himself another shot of from his bottle and downs it again.
"That is until three months ago. He’s gone dark. Ain’t heard a peep from him. Now, I don’t know if something attacked his home or if he’s trying to play me for a fool and stop giving what he owes me, either way, I don’t like it.That’s where you four come in. Job’s to get down to his home and figure out what’s goin’on. I’d go myself, but why risk my neck when I can pay you guys to do it for me, amirite? So waddya say?"
The massive blonde bearded warrior frowns slightly at the bugbear's words. He had briefly taken a job as an enforcer while in one of the cities he passed on his journey here, but when he was supposed to collect money owed and realized the old woman being in debt had nothing he had ended up giving her what little he had and told his boss to not come near her again. He would not be anyone's enforcer again but by the sounds of it these people could be in trouble, and saving them was something honourable to fight for. "We will go and make sure they are alright and remind them of their debt."He says with a firm rumbling voice. "Just give us directions to Bartolby." He adds, not even bothering to ask about the pay. His clients would always pay him his due in the end.
"Sounds good to me! I'm in. I hope he's in danger." Ozyre gives a small smile and nods very slightly to his own statement, and then realizes what he actually said. The ancient gnomish tradition of talking very very quickly kicks in. "Well I mean that isn't to say I'd prefer him to be in peril, just that if he's in danger instead of just avoiding bills that makes the whole thing a lot more simpler and gives a more straightforward path to completing the job, that is, making him not be in danger, instead of the more complicated and confusing path that might result from figuring out if he's got all the money and why he isn't paying it and getting him to pay it and if he doesn't have the money then breaking his fingers would be really not something that I want to-"
The somewhat out-of-breath gnome repeats, "I'm in."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Very familiar with this tradition, Ember has no problem following along with the quick-talking. She peers up at the kenku, wondering what voice he'll use next. "I'm in!We will go!" she echoes from both her companions, attempting to also mimic their voices. ((Performance: 6)) She sounds nothing like either, adding strange accents to both.
"But!," the little wizard hops up from the floor and approaches the desk, rising to her tiptoes to stage-whisper to Brugg, "I don't need pay. I just want, um..." She reaches across to pick up the empty glass then sniffs at its contents before grimacing at the pungent scent and setting it down again, "information. Can I have that instead please?" Aggie's head pops out from within the folds of her oversized scarf and chitters at Brugg, as though further pleading their case. Ember nods along in agreement as she now peruses and flips through the various books and papers laid out on the desktop.
While still waiting for each of your responses, Brugg catches Ember trying to go through the ledgers. He quickly closes the books and slides them out of the child’s reach. However, he does seem intrigued by your proposition.
"Oh? And what kind of information might you be looking for, little lady?", he asks with a corner grin.
The Kenku sits on his chest with his feathered hands in his lap, listening to Brugg's brief synopsis of the task he wants completed.
He opens his beak to say something, before the barbarian speaks up and instantly accepts the job. He looks at the barbarian briefly with his head cocked to one side.
He shifts in his seat and opens his beak to speak again when the gnome warrior chimes in instead. He slowly leans further and further back on his seat as the Ozyre breathlessly shares all of his thoughts on the matter and likewise agrees to the job.
He then turns to the child, waits this time, and sure enough she agrees to the job as well. If he notices that she is attempting to mimic the others, he doesn't show it.
Now, with everyone else having answered, the Kenku does not try to speak immediately. He looks at Brugg, then around the office, then at the other three beside him. His face is difficult to read, his black, doll like eyes having little expression and his beak a blank mask. When he does at last look back at Brugg, he opens his mouth and answers him with his own voice. "Job’s to get down to his home and figure out what’s goin’on...... I’m happy to help…for a price." He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, as if unhappy with what he had just said. Perhaps the gruff voice of the Bugbear was too aggressive for his taste. He adds, in a light, feminine voice that is soft and lyrical in a way that suggests its speaker may have been elven, "You have to pay for that; it isn't just free, you know."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
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The blonde bearded warrior looks down with surprise as the wee folk too claims to be an adventurer, sending the warrior into another roaring laughter. After calming down and finding the girl and the wee folk still standing and facing Brugg he frowns. He had the sense there was no way he would convince these small people to stay home with their squirrels and burrows so he simply leans on the barcounter and looks back at the bird-man, by now fully expecting him too to make claims of being an adventurer.
Ember joins in the uproarious laughter, even if she's not entirely certain what they're laughing about. Patting her stomach to relieve the laugh-sore muscles, she peers up at Thurodim and states matter-of-factly, "I don't have a mommy." Seemingly unbothered by that--how could she miss someone she doesn't remember, after all--the wizard leans around the barbarian's hulking form to grin and wave at Ozyre before turning to Brugg once more.
As the little girl with the red squirrel nest for hair joins him in his bellowing laugh, the massive blonde bearded warrior briefly stops laughing, looking down at the peculiar girl before resuming his roaring laughter again. "You are a funny little girl." He says as he eventually stops laughing. As the girl mentions not having a mother he looks a bit troubled, sad even. A little girl should be with her mother but he couldn't just leave her here. "Alright little one, you can come with me then." He says, not in any condescending tone but rather one of care. "Now what great deeds do you want me to perform?" He turns and loudly asks the Bugbear whose name he thinks is Brugg.
Brugg watches the scene play out before addressing the four of you. He seemed to be gauging you, especially the little girl. He sighs.
"Well. Yer not exactly what I had in mind for this, but I guess you at least seem motivated. You’ll have to do. Please, step into my office. We’ll be more comfortable." He then turns to the human barkeep down on the ground floor. "Troy, clean up that mess. Patrons might start arriving soon and this place looks like a pig pen."
He then turns back the way he came and walks into a room at the end of the hall on the second floor.
Without hesitation the massive blonde bearded warrior grabs his gear again and follows the bugbear into the room at the end of the hall on the second floor, ready to have his quest explained.
With a smidge of hesitation the tiny brunet clean-shaven warrior bounds up the stairs to the second floor, one-by-one. He'd follow Brugg, but he can't see very much of him on account of the massive blond bearded warrior in the way, so he just follows the warrior instead.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
The Kenku starts towards the stairs then looks back and cocks his head at the single gold piece on the counter. He looks at it... turns his head to the empty drinks on the bar... looks at the bartender... and then shrugs. He gathers up his chest and drags it along behind him as he hurries up the staircase, right behind the barbarian and the little gnome warrior.
He pauses and turns back to wave at the little girl, as if to say 'hurry, hurry.'
He lugs his chest up each step behind him.
(squish-klik-klik-squish-klik-klik-THUNK... squish-klik-klik-squish-klik-klik-THUNK... squish-klik-klik-squish-klik-klik-THUNK...)
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Chuffed to have been accepted by Big Man, Ember watches her new friends ascend the stairs, lips pursed against a smile. Shifting from foot to foot with ever-coiled energy, she waits for the feathered friend, then notices the gold piece he looks back to. With a glance up to where her familiar sits, the little squirrel makes the long jump to the counter and skitters over to the gold piece. He pushes the coin closer to the barkeep before returning to his wizard. “You can have it,” she offers with an equally friendly as toothy grin, then follows after the Kenku, hopping one by one up the steps behind his pet chest.
As you make your way inside Brugg’s office, you see a room that contrasts a bit with the rest of the inn. While not high class, the decor is definitely a step up to the common room with the ale-covered floor. The furniture is made of carved wood. There are two chairs with padding in front of the desk and one on the other side, where Brugg goes to sit. The desk itself seems sturdy and depicts sailing features like rope knots and boat wheels. There are books with numbers in them, typical of accounting books or ledgers.
One sat down, Brugg grabs a glass and a bottle of liquor from under his desk and pours himself a glass. He downs it in one gulp. His faces winces before he turns to you.
"Are you sure yet up for this job? It’ll take you beyond the town walls. Lots a nasties out there. It’s dangerous…", he turns to Ember. "…especially for a kid. Aren’t ya a little young to be playing hero?"
Ember shakes her head and insists, "I'm not a kid. And I promise I'm not playing anything..." Her lower lip trembles just slightly before she musters a brave face again. "Me and Aggie made the trip here all by ourselves and--and we even lived in the forest, um, by ourselves for a long time too. With nasties! And I learned my magic from the most powerful wizard ever to exist in all history! I can.. I can prove it!" Her fingers and hands form rapid spell signs in succession and the squirrel atop her head squeaks before leaping to Ozyre's shoulder. The room begins to shake ever so slightly, the spell not yet cast in completion.
Ozyre puts his hand on Ember's shoulder, which is a considerable reach for him that isn't exactly made easier by the squirrel currently trying to find enough room to stand on his shoulders. He says in Gnomish, "[Woah woah woah! No need to prove yourself. Everybody can tell that you're a very powerful wizard.]" He looks over to Brugg. "I'm sure we're all capable in our respective fields, whatever those may be, and we can cover each other where we're less capable. And I'm also sure Thurodim here and I can stand in front of any threats we might face to make extra-super-sure everybody's safe."
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
The Kenku looks at the girl with what might be alarm. As the vibrations rattle the spectacles down his beak, he pushes them back up with a feathered index finger. A few times he opens his beak as if to speak, but nothing comes out.
He looks back and forth between the others, nodding vigourously at Ozyre's words... then opening his beak and repeating them for good measure, "we're all capable in our respective fields,".
Looking from seat to seat and then at the other three, he tips his chest down on its bottom and sets himself down gently on it like a bench, resting his hands in his lap as he waits to hear more about this job.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Abandoning his efforts to find a safe perch, Aganazzar runs along Ozyre's arm back to Ember. He ducks beneath the hair at her nape and curls around her shoulders. Her fingers splay outwards, dropping the spell and her grip on the Weave. Hearing the Gnomish words is similar in effect to an animal picking up their young by the scruff of the neck and she stills--all but mollified by the comforting and familiar sound of the language.
Giving Ozyre's hand and Aggie's head simultaneous and reassuring pats, she then goes to sit at the Kenku's feet, busying herself by tracing over the lines in the floorboards with her fingertips. She peeks sheepishly up at Brugg, puppy dog eyes big and glistening.
The massive blonde bearded warrior opens his mouth to answer the bugbear whose name he thinks is Brugg that coming outside the walls of the town was what he was hoping for, just as the little girl starts using her witchcraft again. He mutters something unintelligible as he focuses on keeping his balance with the increasing trembling, giving the girl a disapproving glare, but as she stops and sits herself down at the bird-man's clawed feet he finds himself feling pity for her. "Wee Folk and Bird Man is right, we are all adventurers and we will complete your quest together." He says with a firm rumbling voice, looking between the others in the room with reassuring nods. He didn't quite have the imagination to see in what fields the others would be capable, apart from the girl and her disconcerting witchcraft, but he was convinced he would be able to protect them all when needed, they were all quite small after all and should be able to hide behind him when the battles commenced. "Now tell us what monsters you want us to slay!" Thurodim demands, fully expecting this to be about fighting and killing rather than anything that would require even a modicum of thinking and planning.
Brugg watches your moving display of camaraderie and shrugs.
"Eh fine! No skin of my back." He straightens in his chair. "There’s something ya should know about me. In addition to running this inn, I have another side hustle. I lend coin to people that need it. Whether it’s for a big purchase, or settling debts, I’m happy to help…for a price.", he chuckles to himself. "That said, about a year and half ago, this guy, Bartolby, comes and ask me to help him with building the first farm on this continent. Says he and his crew found the perfect spot: vast, rich soil and almost no monsters go there. So I accept, and he agrees to pay me back the loan every month with interests. He’s been good on paying me back ever since." He pours himself another shot of from his bottle and downs it again.
"That is until three months ago. He’s gone dark. Ain’t heard a peep from him. Now, I don’t know if something attacked his home or if he’s trying to play me for a fool and stop giving what he owes me, either way, I don’t like it.That’s where you four come in. Job’s to get down to his home and figure out what’s goin’on. I’d go myself, but why risk my neck when I can pay you guys to do it for me, amirite? So waddya say?"
The massive blonde bearded warrior frowns slightly at the bugbear's words. He had briefly taken a job as an enforcer while in one of the cities he passed on his journey here, but when he was supposed to collect money owed and realized the old woman being in debt had nothing he had ended up giving her what little he had and told his boss to not come near her again. He would not be anyone's enforcer again but by the sounds of it these people could be in trouble, and saving them was something honourable to fight for. "We will go and make sure they are alright and remind them of their debt." He says with a firm rumbling voice. "Just give us directions to Bartolby." He adds, not even bothering to ask about the pay. His clients would always pay him his due in the end.
"Sounds good to me! I'm in. I hope he's in danger." Ozyre gives a small smile and nods very slightly to his own statement, and then realizes what he actually said. The ancient gnomish tradition of talking very very quickly kicks in. "Well I mean that isn't to say I'd prefer him to be in peril, just that if he's in danger instead of just avoiding bills that makes the whole thing a lot more simpler and gives a more straightforward path to completing the job, that is, making him not be in danger, instead of the more complicated and confusing path that might result from figuring out if he's got all the money and why he isn't paying it and getting him to pay it and if he doesn't have the money then breaking his fingers would be really not something that I want to-"
The somewhat out-of-breath gnome repeats, "I'm in."
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Very familiar with this tradition, Ember has no problem following along with the quick-talking. She peers up at the kenku, wondering what voice he'll use next. "I'm in! We will go!" she echoes from both her companions, attempting to also mimic their voices. ((Performance: 6)) She sounds nothing like either, adding strange accents to both.
"But!," the little wizard hops up from the floor and approaches the desk, rising to her tiptoes to stage-whisper to Brugg, "I don't need pay. I just want, um..." She reaches across to pick up the empty glass then sniffs at its contents before grimacing at the pungent scent and setting it down again, "information. Can I have that instead please?" Aggie's head pops out from within the folds of her oversized scarf and chitters at Brugg, as though further pleading their case. Ember nods along in agreement as she now peruses and flips through the various books and papers laid out on the desktop.
While still waiting for each of your responses, Brugg catches Ember trying to go through the ledgers. He quickly closes the books and slides them out of the child’s reach. However, he does seem intrigued by your proposition.
"Oh? And what kind of information might you be looking for, little lady?", he asks with a corner grin.
The Kenku sits on his chest with his feathered hands in his lap, listening to Brugg's brief synopsis of the task he wants completed.
He opens his beak to say something, before the barbarian speaks up and instantly accepts the job. He looks at the barbarian briefly with his head cocked to one side.
He shifts in his seat and opens his beak to speak again when the gnome warrior chimes in instead. He slowly leans further and further back on his seat as the Ozyre breathlessly shares all of his thoughts on the matter and likewise agrees to the job.
He then turns to the child, waits this time, and sure enough she agrees to the job as well. If he notices that she is attempting to mimic the others, he doesn't show it.
Now, with everyone else having answered, the Kenku does not try to speak immediately. He looks at Brugg, then around the office, then at the other three beside him. His face is difficult to read, his black, doll like eyes having little expression and his beak a blank mask. When he does at last look back at Brugg, he opens his mouth and answers him with his own voice. "Job’s to get down to his home and figure out what’s goin’on...... I’m happy to help…for a price." He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, as if unhappy with what he had just said. Perhaps the gruff voice of the Bugbear was too aggressive for his taste. He adds, in a light, feminine voice that is soft and lyrical in a way that suggests its speaker may have been elven, "You have to pay for that; it isn't just free, you know."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War