Krumar opens his mouth to instruct the goblin to carry his bags but before he could get the words out of his mouth Jordgubb eats the goblin...."Well I mean that was rude....Now who's going to carry my things." Krumar sighs "Fine, fine, I will continue to tote my things around but if my shoulder begins to ache, I will have to sit. I am a musical genius first after all"
Krumar walks near the back with Jerry the Aspirant making small talk about being an aspirant
With Nefire in a slight lead, the party moves west along the path. It is not long before you start to see rubble ahead and you begin to move a little more cautiously and keep your eyes peeled. You see no Goblins in the immediate area but the closer you get to the debris the more signs you pick up that this seems to be their lair. In the stone wall is carved an arch, an arch the dislodged and splintered doors once stood guard in front of. All around the area is signs of small fires, discarded remnants of meals, on the far side of the arch is a bit of a cleared area with crude playing cards cast aside. You can easily enough speculate they can't have been there long if they've not been scattered by wind or covered with leaves or other debris. The whole front area of the arch is packed dirt, obviously getting too much foot traffic for grass to take hold.
As you get close enough to gauge it, the arch is about twenty feet wide by twenty feet high, wide open now that the doors have fallen. Without digging through it you cannot be sure what all is in the debris but from a distance it all appears to be trash and broken items - Goblins are not know for their municipal trash collection efficiency. Getting close enough to dig through it though would definitely expose you to the open maw of the arch and whatever may be in the darkness beyond it...
The yellow is my crap 'draw tool' drawings to indicate the torn down doors and other debris. Don't try to decipher what is what, I'm not that good an artist :) And while the doors look on the archway, I assure you they are broken off the hinges and in a sad state of repair... The archway stands wide open. You can perhaps see a sliver into the area beyond the arch but it is dim as the sun has a bad angle at it and you don't see anything in there from where you stand now...
Nefire stops and looks around a bit. Seeing that everything was getting pretty dark, she turns to her group, "Anyone see in the dark? Would be good to see what we can in that archway? I know I can't."
"alasss, I cannot see in the dark, but I do know that goblinsss can." Jordgubb warns, finishing off the last of his goblin arm dinner and tossing the scraps to one side.
It becomes mightily apparent that the dragonborn has no head for planning an assault as he merely waits for instruction from the others.
"What?! Me? No I am almost blind. Doctors say another year maybe a few months before I go completely blind....See I thought you were a dwarf..bad vision...I uhhh shit fine....."Krumar begrudgingly walks with Nef and checks what he can see.
Nefire more or less drags Krumar out in front of the archway after, kind of, getting his agreement. It's not that she is using him as a human shield but it's not not like she is using him as a human shield either. The rest of the party edges up closer as well, Dabbert being the most willing to be out front of the others, RBA hanging a bit behind, mostly to stay well away from Jordgubb.
Being held in front of the open archway, Krumar blinks and adjusts his way of seeing... Things are now more black and white and gray all over. He still gets hints of color and sunlight of things outside and just inside the room but only hints. What Krumar can make out is largely more of the same as the immediate outside area - Broken items, craps strewn about and a general dirtiness. The room is carved directly into the hillside with stone supports where needed. It is much better workmanship than one would expect from Goblins so the obvious assumption is they are squatters. There is a sense of a sepulcher or tomb to the room... Though any semblance of tranquility has been destroyed by the Goblins treatment of it. There is dirt and filth smeared everywhere, more broken bits and bobs scattered around the floor and the only things that seem to be in tact are a couple of barrels against the back wall. It is hard to tell from here but perhaps that is their version of a water cooler?
It is not pitch black for the others now that they are at a better angle to get a view inside but it darkens quickly once inside as there are no windows or other sources of light besides the stray sunbeams which only reach to the edges beyond the archway.
The Red Branch Aspirant clears his throat just loud enough to draw attention. He had uttered a small prayer and passed his holy symbol back and forth across the front of his shield and it now glows with a bright amber light. "So we can see, yes?" he offers. The light spreads brightly for 20 feet around him, and still well enough for perhaps another 20 beyond that.
So long as you don't get too far ahead of your friendly neighborhood clergyman you should have light enough. He does prefer to stick near the rear, however. (stop it, you pervs!)
Rolling his eyes at the fussing, Jordgubb edges closer and then steps inside, keeping his back pressed to the right hand wall he side steps toward the upper corner and peeks his head around.
"Next time we should uh...probably wait for them to answer all our questions before we kill them." Dabbert points out to Jordgubb, thinking about how they asked the Goblin about the girl and didn't get a clear answer. "But at least we don't have to worry about that one coming up behind us while we're busy."
He shrugs when the Aspirant looks like he's going to be sick.
"Gotta eat. At least he killed it for a good reason."
Then he looks down into the dark hole of the presumed Goblin lair and curses, and curses some more as Nefire instructs Krumar to look into the depths of the darkness and tell him what they see and then he blithers some inanity about going blind.
"Ah, excellent. With any luck you'll go deaf and paralyzed too. That should uh...put a stop to that drivel you call music."
He reaches behind himself and produces a torch, then puts it away as the Clergyman produces a magical light.
"This isn't going to be fun."
He keeps his shield up and spear forward as he leads into the crypt.
The room, chamber, vestibule, whatever you wish to call it, appears empty and quiet. You're not sure you trust that though. Considering the statements the Goblins you killed made, the shouts and screams, it seems unlikely this structure would be empty... And amongst the bric-a-brak there were the discarded playing cards. Discarded mid-game perhaps. Dabbert's tactical mind whispers that perhaps they heard, that they were warned and fell back to a more defensible position.
Edging carefully into the chamber the area is more clear even if distinct, elongated shadows of the group are thrown out in front by RBA's illuminated shield behind the group. The stone floor is littered with debris, there is piles of filth in the corners of the room and it reeks of what it is - the den of filthy animals. In the back left corner there is indeed a couple of barrels - Drinking water, perhaps, but you'd have to get closer to be sure. Across from those, on the right, there is a wide staircase heading down but you definitely would need tread further inside to try to see around the corner...
Nefire wrinkles her nose in disgust, but moves forward in the chamber. Looking around for any movement, she starts heading towards the wide staircase. Axe at the ready.
"Shut up Krumar." Dabbert whispers, examining the room. He keeps his shield up and ready and his wits about him. "Look alive, people. They're here. They bugged out fast for some reason. I'm sure that reason is us."
Turn Summary
Readied Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting anything that moves within 5 feet of Dabbert. 10 to hit, 7 damage.
The party creeps up towards the stairs with Dabbert and Nefire in the lead (from what I can tell) and Jordgrubb not too far behind. It is pure darkness by about halfway down the steps but some chittering and rustling can be heard. And ambush, perhaps? The Red Branch Aspirant moves up closer to the front to try to provide light by one the scene is illuminated at all there is a volley of arrows sent up towards the group!
(Basic layout I am going with... if something is egregiously wrong feel free to let me know...)
The arrows come from the northern side of the room below, three readied attacks released at the first sign of intruders. I'm giving the three shots a surprise round but the attacks at disadvantage since they have been waiting tensely for a while. ((The very first screams alerted a couple goblin guards who had been playing cards outside the arch. They ran and set up the ambush. For target purposes, Dabbert is 1, Nefire is 2. Jordgubb is 3, Krumar is 4, RBA is 5 or 6 since they have the light. Mind ya Goblins do have darkvision so they didn't need the light, but the plan was to wait til full party was in the dark. RBA's light ruined that part of plan...))
First Arrow: Target - 3 - Nat 1 Second Arrow: Target - 1 - 7to hit for 8damage Third Arrow: Target - 5 - 14to hit for 8damage
(Hopefully I got the good damage rolls out of the way...)
We are now in initiative! Order not yet revealed as not all enemies seen yet.
A Goblin (Gob E) leans out from against the southwestern wall to peer out over the steps and releases an arrow at target 2 Gob E Arrow Attack: 13to hit for 5damage Once he releases his arrow he ducks back along the wall and out of sight. (Full coverage.)
You have one and a half Goblins in sight (on the northern half of the room) and you know one is hiding behind the turn on the bottom south part of the stairs...
Next Up: Dabbert and Jordgubb can both make their moves.
The Aspirant also goes on this beat. He ritually turns his head left and then right to quickly kiss the vestments he wears and then raises on high his holy symbol casting Bless upon Dabbert, Jordgubb and Nefire... They can use this bonus this turn. RBA also more or less follows Dabbert movement wise to try to extend the benefits of his glowing shield. Dabbert can consider there to be 20' of bright light around him (not precisely but close enough) and dim light 20' beyond that...
Jordgubb takes an arrow fully to the chest and gasps out in pain, his eyes fill with anger and a visible chill begins smoking off of his scales. He grasps at the air, a quick motion that summons and collects this chill into a tangible form as a shard of ice forms, throwing it at the nearest goblin (6) whether the icicle hits its target or not the icicle explodes and showers everyone within melee range of the target like a shrapnel grenade.
(15 to hit, 4 piercing damage, then target and all hostiles within 5ft of target must beat a DC 15 Dex check or take 10 cold damage)
Jordgubb then moves back 10ft into cover and tries to stop the bleeding from his wound, he looks real bad, worse than usual.
The Goblin staggers when hit by the ice knife, almost falling to his knees but not quite. The icicle vibrates for a moment, a high pitch emanating from it, before it explodes and shards of ice fly everywhere within a five foot radius. The first result of this iceplosion is the Goblin practically joins in the shattering fun, the gap in it's chest widened to the point that blood rains down the area. Screams of pain, and surprise, come from behind that goblin as well but are quickly cut to whimpers and then silence... (Two for the price of one!)
Red Outline = Dead Green Outline = Blessed (still on 1/10)
Arrows fly, and Dabbert ducks his head behind his shield as they do so. One strikes Jordgubb in the chest.
"Guess we're going in..." Dabbert mutters before rushing into the room, not intending to let them get bottled up in the tunnel mouth. He moves in fast, finding the closest Goblin and starting his attack...
Turn Summary
Movement: Up to 30 feet to closest target... Action- Attack w/ Spear: Targeting closest Goblin. 17 to hit (w/ Bless), 6 damage. Bonus Action- Polearm Master Bonus Attack: Targeting closest Goblin. 22 to hit, 8 damage. Readied Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting any enemy that comes within Dabbert's 5 foot reach. 21 to hit. 10 damage.
Krumar opens his mouth to instruct the goblin to carry his bags but before he could get the words out of his mouth Jordgubb eats the goblin...."Well I mean that was rude....Now who's going to carry my things." Krumar sighs "Fine, fine, I will continue to tote my things around but if my shoulder begins to ache, I will have to sit. I am a musical genius first after all"
Krumar walks near the back with Jerry the Aspirant making small talk about being an aspirant
With Nefire in a slight lead, the party moves west along the path. It is not long before you start to see rubble ahead and you begin to move a little more cautiously and keep your eyes peeled. You see no Goblins in the immediate area but the closer you get to the debris the more signs you pick up that this seems to be their lair. In the stone wall is carved an arch, an arch the dislodged and splintered doors once stood guard in front of. All around the area is signs of small fires, discarded remnants of meals, on the far side of the arch is a bit of a cleared area with crude playing cards cast aside. You can easily enough speculate they can't have been there long if they've not been scattered by wind or covered with leaves or other debris. The whole front area of the arch is packed dirt, obviously getting too much foot traffic for grass to take hold.
As you get close enough to gauge it, the arch is about twenty feet wide by twenty feet high, wide open now that the doors have fallen. Without digging through it you cannot be sure what all is in the debris but from a distance it all appears to be trash and broken items - Goblins are not know for their municipal trash collection efficiency. Getting close enough to dig through it though would definitely expose you to the open maw of the arch and whatever may be in the darkness beyond it...
Nefire stops and looks around a bit. Seeing that everything was getting pretty dark, she turns to her group, "Anyone see in the dark? Would be good to see what we can in that archway? I know I can't."
"alasss, I cannot see in the dark, but I do know that goblinsss can." Jordgubb warns, finishing off the last of his goblin arm dinner and tossing the scraps to one side.
It becomes mightily apparent that the dragonborn has no head for planning an assault as he merely waits for instruction from the others.
Krumar stays unusually quiet
Nefire notices Krumar stay quiet and she narrows her eyes at him. "You. You can see in the dark, can't you. Come here, tell me what you see."
"What?! Me? No I am almost blind. Doctors say another year maybe a few months before I go completely blind....See I thought you were a dwarf..bad vision...I uhhh shit fine....." Krumar begrudgingly walks with Nef and checks what he can see.
Nefire more or less drags Krumar out in front of the archway after, kind of, getting his agreement. It's not that she is using him as a human shield but it's not not like she is using him as a human shield either. The rest of the party edges up closer as well, Dabbert being the most willing to be out front of the others, RBA hanging a bit behind, mostly to stay well away from Jordgubb.
Being held in front of the open archway, Krumar blinks and adjusts his way of seeing... Things are now more black and white and gray all over. He still gets hints of color and sunlight of things outside and just inside the room but only hints. What Krumar can make out is largely more of the same as the immediate outside area - Broken items, craps strewn about and a general dirtiness. The room is carved directly into the hillside with stone supports where needed. It is much better workmanship than one would expect from Goblins so the obvious assumption is they are squatters. There is a sense of a sepulcher or tomb to the room... Though any semblance of tranquility has been destroyed by the Goblins treatment of it. There is dirt and filth smeared everywhere, more broken bits and bobs scattered around the floor and the only things that seem to be in tact are a couple of barrels against the back wall. It is hard to tell from here but perhaps that is their version of a water cooler?
It is not pitch black for the others now that they are at a better angle to get a view inside but it darkens quickly once inside as there are no windows or other sources of light besides the stray sunbeams which only reach to the edges beyond the archway.
The Red Branch Aspirant clears his throat just loud enough to draw attention. He had uttered a small prayer and passed his holy symbol back and forth across the front of his shield and it now glows with a bright amber light. "So we can see, yes?" he offers. The light spreads brightly for 20 feet around him, and still well enough for perhaps another 20 beyond that.
Rolling his eyes at the fussing, Jordgubb edges closer and then steps inside, keeping his back pressed to the right hand wall he side steps toward the upper corner and peeks his head around.
Krumar sighs a bit of relief as RBG provides light "Thanks Gerry, perhaps I will stick by you then" Krumar walks alongside RBG
"Next time we should uh...probably wait for them to answer all our questions before we kill them." Dabbert points out to Jordgubb, thinking about how they asked the Goblin about the girl and didn't get a clear answer. "But at least we don't have to worry about that one coming up behind us while we're busy."
He shrugs when the Aspirant looks like he's going to be sick.
"Gotta eat. At least he killed it for a good reason."
Then he looks down into the dark hole of the presumed Goblin lair and curses, and curses some more as Nefire instructs Krumar to look into the depths of the darkness and tell him what they see and then he blithers some inanity about going blind.
"Ah, excellent. With any luck you'll go deaf and paralyzed too. That should uh...put a stop to that drivel you call music."
He reaches behind himself and produces a torch, then puts it away as the Clergyman produces a magical light.
"This isn't going to be fun."
He keeps his shield up and spear forward as he leads into the crypt.
Turn Summary
Perception Check: 14
Passive Perception: 14
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
The room, chamber, vestibule, whatever you wish to call it, appears empty and quiet. You're not sure you trust that though. Considering the statements the Goblins you killed made, the shouts and screams, it seems unlikely this structure would be empty... And amongst the bric-a-brak there were the discarded playing cards. Discarded mid-game perhaps. Dabbert's tactical mind whispers that perhaps they heard, that they were warned and fell back to a more defensible position.
Edging carefully into the chamber the area is more clear even if distinct, elongated shadows of the group are thrown out in front by RBA's illuminated shield behind the group. The stone floor is littered with debris, there is piles of filth in the corners of the room and it reeks of what it is - the den of filthy animals. In the back left corner there is indeed a couple of barrels - Drinking water, perhaps, but you'd have to get closer to be sure. Across from those, on the right, there is a wide staircase heading down but you definitely would need tread further inside to try to see around the corner...
Krumar from the back says "Lead on stable boy turned soldier"
Nefire wrinkles her nose in disgust, but moves forward in the chamber. Looking around for any movement, she starts heading towards the wide staircase. Axe at the ready.
"Shut up Krumar." Dabbert whispers, examining the room. He keeps his shield up and ready and his wits about him. "Look alive, people. They're here. They bugged out fast for some reason. I'm sure that reason is us."
Turn Summary
Readied Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting anything that moves within 5 feet of Dabbert. 10 to hit, 7 damage.
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Krumar looks as alive as he can standing a little too close to RBG
The party creeps up towards the stairs with Dabbert and Nefire in the lead (from what I can tell) and Jordgrubb not too far behind. It is pure darkness by about halfway down the steps but some chittering and rustling can be heard. And ambush, perhaps? The Red Branch Aspirant moves up closer to the front to try to provide light by one the scene is illuminated at all there is a volley of arrows sent up towards the group!
The arrows come from the northern side of the room below, three readied attacks released at the first sign of intruders. I'm giving the three shots a surprise round but the attacks at disadvantage since they have been waiting tensely for a while. ((The very first screams alerted a couple goblin guards who had been playing cards outside the arch. They ran and set up the ambush. For target purposes, Dabbert is 1, Nefire is 2. Jordgubb is 3, Krumar is 4, RBA is 5 or 6 since they have the light. Mind ya Goblins do have darkvision so they didn't need the light, but the plan was to wait til full party was in the dark. RBA's light ruined that part of plan...))
First Arrow: Target - 3 - Nat 1
Second Arrow: Target - 1 - 7 to hit for 8 damage
Third Arrow: Target - 5 - 14 to hit for 8 damage
(Hopefully I got the good damage rolls out of the way...)
We are now in initiative! Order not yet revealed as not all enemies seen yet.
A Goblin (Gob E) leans out from against the southwestern wall to peer out over the steps and releases an arrow at target 2
Gob E Arrow Attack: 13 to hit for 5 damage
Once he releases his arrow he ducks back along the wall and out of sight. (Full coverage.)
You have one and a half Goblins in sight (on the northern half of the room) and you know one is hiding behind the turn on the bottom south part of the stairs...
Next Up: Dabbert and Jordgubb can both make their moves.
The Aspirant also goes on this beat. He ritually turns his head left and then right to quickly kiss the vestments he wears and then raises on high his holy symbol casting Bless upon Dabbert, Jordgubb and Nefire... They can use this bonus this turn. RBA also more or less follows Dabbert movement wise to try to extend the benefits of his glowing shield. Dabbert can consider there to be 20' of bright light around him (not precisely but close enough) and dim light 20' beyond that...
Bless upon Dabbert, Jordgubb and Nefire - 1/10
Jordgubb takes an arrow fully to the chest and gasps out in pain, his eyes fill with anger and a visible chill begins smoking off of his scales. He grasps at the air, a quick motion that summons and collects this chill into a tangible form as a shard of ice forms, throwing it at the nearest goblin (6) whether the icicle hits its target or not the icicle explodes and showers everyone within melee range of the target like a shrapnel grenade.
(15 to hit, 4 piercing damage, then target and all hostiles within 5ft of target must beat a DC 15 Dex check or take 10 cold damage)
Jordgubb then moves back 10ft into cover and tries to stop the bleeding from his wound, he looks real bad, worse than usual.
The Goblin staggers when hit by the ice knife, almost falling to his knees but not quite. The icicle vibrates for a moment, a high pitch emanating from it, before it explodes and shards of ice fly everywhere within a five foot radius. The first result of this iceplosion is the Goblin practically joins in the shattering fun, the gap in it's chest widened to the point that blood rains down the area. Screams of pain, and surprise, come from behind that goblin as well but are quickly cut to whimpers and then silence... (Two for the price of one!)
Red Outline = Dead
Green Outline = Blessed (still on 1/10)
Arrows fly, and Dabbert ducks his head behind his shield as they do so. One strikes Jordgubb in the chest.
"Guess we're going in..." Dabbert mutters before rushing into the room, not intending to let them get bottled up in the tunnel mouth. He moves in fast, finding the closest Goblin and starting his attack...
Turn Summary
Movement: Up to 30 feet to closest target...
Action- Attack w/ Spear: Targeting closest Goblin. 17 to hit (w/ Bless), 6 damage.
Bonus Action- Polearm Master Bonus Attack: Targeting closest Goblin. 22 to hit, 8 damage.
Readied Reaction- Polearm Master Opportunity Attack: Targeting any enemy that comes within Dabbert's 5 foot reach. 21 to hit. 10 damage.
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York