DM OOC The guide just says that it takes 60 mins to clear the rubble if its one character doing so
The rockfall is from the old exterior stairwell up the tower, the most secure point is to work from the nearest edge. The stairwell can still be accessed above the window it winds its way up to the top of the observatory tower.
Adiron whispers back I'm Aidron, Runaras grandson. I've been trying to dig my way out but it just crumbles around me. My wing was damaged getting out of their cage. If I step back you may be able to make the hole bigger from the outside.
Tarak moves to the hole and tosses in a potion for Adirons wing , Here rub this on your wing, then he gently prizes the rubble from the stairs away from the window.
Soon the party has made a gap human sized with very little damage to the window frame, shards of glass shimmer from the floor within. Aidron gestures you to enter.
Stale air heavy with the smell of old parchment floods your nostrils. The walls are lined with shelves stuffed full of old tomes and yellowing scrolls. Glas cases, toppled over and shattered, have strewn their contents across the stone floor. The sound of splintering wood echoes through the space, and a moment later you se an agitated bronze dragon the size of an owlbear, picking himself up from the wreckage of a desk that he'd tried to sit on. The remains of a cage is in fragments around him. Being careful of the glass and wooden spikes you make your way into the room.
Tarak carefully moves into the room and gestures towards the scarred wing. Is it all right now? I'm Tarak from Dragons Rest.
Aidron briefly stretches out. Just a scratch now, I can still fly. Come in all of you you don't want to be seen yet.
Thank you Krack I've never had one before! Yes you are right I'm hungry, it's been a couple of days since I've eaten anything. He throws the berry into the air and catches it in his teeth to swallow it. Seeing Beans he comes forward and then kneels in front of the Drake rolling his eyes in a draconic hello. Did Runara send you? I am so glad that you came! He says to you all
He moved back to a mosaic on the floor. There are four statues of dragons facing different ways and a round circle. The stones there look like they could move.
"This looks similar to what the kobolds were doing outside? A ritual for Sparkrender, something evil I think. I broke the statues to stop them. Can we use these statues to get you free?"
They are a secret staircase leading to the top of the tower, food used to be brought in that way. The dragon statues have each a shield with Bahamuts crest on. They are as old as the tower. I don't know the secret locking mechanism, maybe we could put our heads together to find one. I think the statues rotate. It would be a good way to sneak up on Sparkrender.
Tarak looks around the secret library and picks up a book with glowing letters, a grimoire of Bahamut, it has a lock on the side. He looks at it carefully Perception 18, and notes that the lock is a trap. He gets out his thieves tools and opens it without mishap, Can anyone read this ? (He failed a wisdom check) Tarak holds it out to you all.
Taking the book gently from Tarak both Krack and Theodor glance at the writing, but whilst some words are familiar they can't make out the gist of it. Shayla peers over Kracks shoulder and finds that all her hard work as a cleric had paid off. She gently opens the star maps on the table. They are laid out for different rituals, including the comet. A ritual to concentrate the dead dragons energy into one other, it could be used for good or evil. You know that Sparkrender is evil. On the first page is a quote To ye four scholars: Point your eyes towards the dragons light, for it guides your ascent into knowledge.
The rest of the book is in Draconic and deals with various spells for a Cleric or Paladin. A useful find, particularly for Theodor and Runara.
Aidron shimmers in a haze of light, and then appears as a young elf lord, his hair down his back with bronze skin and green eyes. This appearance is most likely more useful at the moment. It is too late to learn new spells, you only have an hour or so until Sparkrender awakes. He looks at the mosaic on the floor. There is a sun in the middle. Ideas anyone he asks.
He leans over Shayla to look at the rituals star chart, and the comet. It was due to come into view soon. Let's see if we can move a statue, give me a hand! Try towards the sun in the mosaic.
Aidron still naked moves over to Tarak and they each take a side of the nearest statue. They braced themselves against it and it moved a miniscule amount. Looks like we need more hands.
DM OOC The guide just says that it takes 60 mins to clear the rubble if its one character doing so
The rockfall is from the old exterior stairwell up the tower, the most secure point is to work from the nearest edge. The stairwell can still be accessed above the window it winds its way up to the top of the observatory tower.
Adiron whispers back I'm Aidron, Runaras grandson. I've been trying to dig my way out but it just crumbles around me. My wing was damaged getting out of their cage. If I step back you may be able to make the hole bigger from the outside.
She tries to dislodge as many stone as she can to open up the hole.
Naked 20 roll 9
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
"Yes, Yes! We're here to rescue you, great Aidron" the kobold says excitedly, he will then help Shayla widen the hole.
Theodor assists Shayla and Krack.
// OOC using athletics if allowed
Athletics check: 24
Tarak moves to the hole and tosses in a potion for Adirons wing , Here rub this on your wing, then he gently prizes the rubble from the stairs away from the window.
Soon the party has made a gap human sized with very little damage to the window frame, shards of glass shimmer from the floor within. Aidron gestures you to enter.
Careful to avoid glass shards, she enters the room.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Stale air heavy with the smell of old parchment floods your nostrils. The walls are lined with shelves stuffed full of old tomes and yellowing scrolls. Glas cases, toppled over and shattered, have strewn their contents across the stone floor. The sound of splintering wood echoes through the space, and a moment later you se an agitated bronze dragon the size of an owlbear, picking himself up from the wreckage of a desk that he'd tried to sit on. The remains of a cage is in fragments around him. Being careful of the glass and wooden spikes you make your way into the room.
Tarak carefully moves into the room and gestures towards the scarred wing. Is it all right now? I'm Tarak from Dragons Rest.
Aidron briefly stretches out. Just a scratch now, I can still fly. Come in all of you you don't want to be seen yet.
Krack will offer the dragon a krack berry. "Here, its very filling, and can heal some of your wounds! I mean if your hungry."
Thank you Krack I've never had one before! Yes you are right I'm hungry, it's been a couple of days since I've eaten anything. He throws the berry into the air and catches it in his teeth to swallow it. Seeing Beans he comes forward and then kneels in front of the Drake rolling his eyes in a draconic hello. Did Runara send you? I am so glad that you came! He says to you all
He moved back to a mosaic on the floor. There are four statues of dragons facing different ways and a round circle. The stones there look like they could move.
"This looks similar to what the kobolds were doing outside? A ritual for Sparkrender, something evil I think. I broke the statues to stop them. Can we use these statues to get you free?"
They are a secret staircase leading to the top of the tower, food used to be brought in that way. The dragon statues have each a shield with Bahamuts crest on. They are as old as the tower. I don't know the secret locking mechanism, maybe we could put our heads together to find one. I think the statues rotate. It would be a good way to sneak up on Sparkrender.
Tarak looks around the secret library and picks up a book with glowing letters, a grimoire of Bahamut, it has a lock on the side. He looks at it carefully Perception 18, and notes that the lock is a trap. He gets out his thieves tools and opens it without mishap, Can anyone read this ? (He failed a wisdom check) Tarak holds it out to you all.
Wisdom roll please.
Krack Wis Save: 14
WIS check 15
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Wis check: 12
Taking the book gently from Tarak both Krack and Theodor glance at the writing, but whilst some words are familiar they can't make out the gist of it. Shayla peers over Kracks shoulder and finds that all her hard work as a cleric had paid off. She gently opens the star maps on the table. They are laid out for different rituals, including the comet. A ritual to concentrate the dead dragons energy into one other, it could be used for good or evil. You know that Sparkrender is evil. On the first page is a quote To ye four scholars: Point your eyes towards the dragons light, for it guides your ascent into knowledge.
The rest of the book is in Draconic and deals with various spells for a Cleric or Paladin. A useful find, particularly for Theodor and Runara.
Aidron shimmers in a haze of light, and then appears as a young elf lord, his hair down his back with bronze skin and green eyes. This appearance is most likely more useful at the moment. It is too late to learn new spells, you only have an hour or so until Sparkrender awakes. He looks at the mosaic on the floor. There is a sun in the middle. Ideas anyone he asks.
He leans over Shayla to look at the rituals star chart, and the comet. It was due to come into view soon. Let's see if we can move a statue, give me a hand! Try towards the sun in the mosaic.
Aidron still naked moves over to Tarak and they each take a side of the nearest statue. They braced themselves against it and it moved a miniscule amount. Looks like we need more hands.
Roll for strength if you take part.
Steps up and tries to help, Str: 9
STR check 4
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Strength check: 8