OOC - You folks haven't even talked to the governor to introduce yourselves. So far, you've just made in to see the Governor and hand over the prisoner.
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Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Mr Nighthill, I am Piotr Stoutwood. My companions and I are traveling through. Although none of us are experienced dragon killers, perhaps we can assist. What is the situation? Why is a dragon attacking Greenest?”
The Governor Nighthill says, "Oh just put the stolen good down over there the town will appreciate getting those back."
Nighthill points to the corner of the room.
"Now, the raiders have isolated the keep from the town with encircling groups of guards, but they haven’t organized an attack. I think the raiders don’t intend to attack the keep; they seem interested only in loot. The real danger is to the town and to those people who didn’t make it into the keep before it was cut off. I want you to slip back into the town and help people who are cut off or harass the raiders. A stealthy group can make it out of the keep and back in again without drawing the raiders’ attention. Meet my Castellan Escobert the Red. He can give you some information to help with getting in and out of the Keep."
Castellan Escobert the Red
Escobert is a shield dwarf with knotted, tangled, bright red hair. As master of the keep, Escobert is in charge of its defense and is the best source of information on the tunnel and the sally port.
Escobert says, "I recommend the tunnel as a means of sneaking townsfolk into the keep without running the gauntlet of attackers watching the gates. I have the keys here. Who wants em?"
Ven says, "I'd imagine we are all capable, so it doesn't matter to me if anyone else wants em."
Escobert continues., "A narrow tunnel runs from the cellar beneath the keep to the bank of the stream(area 2).Escobert points to the section on the map South of the Keep to the river. The tunnel is wide enough to allow warriors to pass through it in single file. In the keep, the tunnel is sealed with a locked ironbound door, and the stream exit is covered with a locked iron grate made to look like a sewer outlet. The tunnel’s main function was as a secret means of collecting water from the stream during a siege, but it can double as a sally port. Since the keep has never been besieged, the old tunnel has never been used. Barrels and crates are piled in front of the door. The keys for the locks are on the ring that Escobert carries with him everywhere. The Governer has some missions for you. I've got some rounds to make, but I'll be back shortly."
Nighthill says, "I got word from the parapet of the keep, someone spotted a group of raiders trying to set fire to the town mill (area 4). “The guards have spotted a new threat. Raiders are trying to set fire to the town’s mill. If it burns, we’ll lose our stockpile of flour, and we won’t be able to grind more for months. I’m trying to assemble enough defenders from here in the keep defending it through the rest of the night, but that will take time. You’d do us a great service if you could get to the mill quickly and drive away the raiders before they can set it aflame. You’ll need to defend it until our force arrives to take over, but it shouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes behind you. After that come see me again."
"Are you up for it? We'll deal with the dragon for now."
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Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Use the tunnel to get to the river then head west along the river to the flour mill to keep the raiders from burning the mill that is in the other side of the river. I hope they have some donuts. I’m ready.”
Ven says, "I'll get the keys then. Let's clear the barrels to get access to the tunnel."
You have it cleared in a minute or two. Ven uses the key and opens up the grate. The lock is stiff but opens with the key. The disused tunnel is choked with webs but is otherwise clear. A few yards inside, near the stream end of the tunnel is a nest of two swarms of rats.
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Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The swarm moved surprisingly fast on to him, resulting in a yelp of shock. He quickly pulled out his short sword and swung it around at the writhing mass of rodents. Attack 10
Piotr swings his short sword at the the first swarm (a) and connects but there are so many it not as effective (damage resistance) piercing for sure. -5 damage
Ven attacks the same swarm with his magical rapier
atk 25 damage 13 with sneak damage +4 =17/2 for 8 dmg
Bonus action two weapon fighting atk 16 dam 4/2 =2 since no +allowed to the roll
Getting a respite from the pack allows him to flex his shoulders a bit and resume chopping away at the rats with his short sword. Attack: 23
Damage: 8
It seems Piotr had enough of the rats and using his sword in a flurry hits the swarm. The damage still less effective, which is typical when dealing with swarms, it's still enough to finish it off. The second swarm scatter not having the stomach to fight a seasoned group.End Combat.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Are we taking a short rest here or going back out to help with the outside situation? Although not sure what we can do against that dragon.”
OOC - You folks haven't even talked to the governor to introduce yourselves. So far, you've just made in to see the Governor and hand over the prisoner.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Mr Nighthill, I am Piotr Stoutwood. My companions and I are traveling through. Although none of us are experienced dragon killers, perhaps we can assist. What is the situation? Why is a dragon attacking Greenest?”
The Governor Nighthill says, "Oh just put the stolen good down over there the town will appreciate getting those back."
Nighthill points to the corner of the room.
"Now, the raiders have isolated the keep from the town with encircling groups of guards, but they haven’t organized an attack. I think the raiders don’t intend to attack the keep; they seem interested only in loot. The real danger is to the town and to those people who didn’t make it into the keep before it was cut off. I want you to slip back into the town and help people who are cut off or harass the raiders. A stealthy group can make it out of the keep and back in again without drawing the raiders’ attention. Meet my Castellan Escobert the Red. He can give you some information to help with getting in and out of the Keep."
Castellan Escobert the Red
Escobert is a shield dwarf with knotted, tangled, bright red hair. As master of the keep, Escobert is in charge of its defense and is the best source of information on the tunnel and the sally port.
Updated map in player section of the campaign link. Tyranny of Dragons - Campaigns - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com)
Escobert says, "I recommend the tunnel as a means of sneaking townsfolk into the keep without running the gauntlet of attackers watching the gates. I have the keys here. Who wants em?"
Ven says, "I'd imagine we are all capable, so it doesn't matter to me if anyone else wants em."
Escobert continues., "A narrow tunnel runs from the cellar beneath the keep to the bank of the stream (area 2). Escobert points to the section on the map South of the Keep to the river. The tunnel is wide enough to allow warriors to pass through it in single file. In the keep, the tunnel is sealed with a locked ironbound door, and the stream exit is covered with a locked iron grate made to look like a sewer outlet. The tunnel’s main function was as a secret means of collecting water from the stream during a siege, but it can double as a sally port. Since the keep has never been besieged, the old tunnel has never been used. Barrels and crates are piled in front of the door. The keys for the locks are on the ring that Escobert carries with him everywhere. The Governer has some missions for you. I've got some rounds to make, but I'll be back shortly."
Nighthill says, "I got word from the parapet of the keep, someone spotted a group of raiders trying to set fire to the town mill (area 4). “The guards have spotted a new threat. Raiders are trying to set fire to the town’s mill. If it burns, we’ll lose our stockpile of flour, and we won’t be able to grind more for months. I’m trying to assemble enough defenders from here in the keep defending it through the rest of the night, but that will take time. You’d do us a great service if you could get to the mill quickly and drive away the raiders before they can set it aflame. You’ll need to defend it until our force arrives to take over, but it shouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes behind you. After that come see me again."
"Are you up for it? We'll deal with the dragon for now."
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
“Use the tunnel to get to the river then head west along the river to the flour mill to keep the raiders from burning the mill that is in the other side of the river. I hope they have some donuts. I’m ready.”
“Sounds like a plan, ready as I’ll ever be”
Ven says, "I'll get the keys then. Let's clear the barrels to get access to the tunnel."
You have it cleared in a minute or two. Ven uses the key and opens up the grate. The lock is stiff but opens with the key. The disused tunnel is choked with webs but is otherwise clear. A few yards inside, near the stream end of the tunnel is a nest of two swarms of rats.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Initiative 8 , no spells active I will cast Eldritch blast when able to
Pax / Init 8 / Active spells timer / Concentration: NA / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions: NA
Initiative 13 no active spells
if more than 30’ away, will attack with longbow. If nearer, will use short sword.
Ven Initiative: 12
DDB roller seems like it's down...I'll roll here for Ven above then add it into the mix.
Time stamp 10:30 pm
Conditions = Dimly lit
PP = Passive perception, PI = Passive Investigation, PIN = Passive Insight
Piotr / Init 13 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 14 / PI 10/ PIN 14 / Conditions:
Venfaen / Init ? / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 13 / PI 13 / PIN 12 / Conditions:
Pax / Init 8 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP19 / PI 11 / PIN14 / Conditions:
Swarm of Rats / Init 19 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Swarm of Rats / Init 18 / Active spells timer / Concentration / Passive info PP 10 / PI / PIN / Conditions:
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The Swarm of rats hear the gate open and while you are all clearing the webs they attack.
The first swarm attacks 2 1=Ven, 2=Piotr, 3=Pax
The second swarm attacks 3 1=Ven, 2=Piotr, 3=Pax
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The swarm moved surprisingly fast on to him, resulting in a yelp of shock. He quickly pulled out his short sword and swung it around at the writhing mass of rodents.
Attack 10
Damage 11
Piotr swings his short sword at the the first swarm (a) and connects but there are so many it not as effective (damage resistance) piercing for sure. -5 damage
Ven attacks the same swarm with his magical rapier
atk 25 damage 13 with sneak damage +4 =17/2 for 8 dmg
Bonus action two weapon fighting atk 16 dam 4/2 =2 since no +allowed to the roll
total damage = 10
phone post so no formatting
pax has init
swarm (a) bloodied and b healthy.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Eldritch blast to bloodied rats. 25 to hit 6 damage
im done
Rats have init:
The first swarm attacks 1 1=Ven, 2=Piotr, 3=Pax
The second swarm attacks 3 1=Ven, 2=Piotr, 3=Pax
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Swarm (a) goes after Ven and is angry at all the damage. Atk 21 damage 3 with the lower numbers of rats attacking now.
Swarm (b) goes after Pax. Pax is doing a serious dance and avoids the attack with ease. Atk 6.
Piotr has init:
then Ven:
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
Getting a respite from the pack allows him to flex his shoulders a bit and resume chopping away at the rats with his short sword.
Attack: 23
Damage: 8
It seems Piotr had enough of the rats and using his sword in a flurry hits the swarm. The damage still less effective, which is typical when dealing with swarms, it's still enough to finish it off. The second swarm scatter not having the stomach to fight a seasoned group. End Combat.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;
The group make their way to the end. Ven signals to go into stealth mode.
All roll for Stealth please with Guidance as standard now. I'll let you know if guidance isn't allowed.
Ven Stealth: 10
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver;