The great bovine dubbed Beef tosses her long horns and then dips her head low as she starts down the mountain into the forest, the rattling of wooden runners and chains slipping over the snow coming behind her with the sled she's hitched to. The long snowy slope gives way into the trees, the thick, sinister fog rolling in great plumes through the woods. Visibility is low, the freezing air making the fog clammy on exposed skin. Beef moves slowly, picking her way carefully, finding a weaving pathway for herself and the sled through the towering trees, though Angus and Rivyre could never have seen how she does it. The bloodhound pads along beside, nose to the ground, hackles in the air.
Syletha braces her paws against the back of Rivyre's neck, her muscles tense as a quiet growl mutters out from deep within her small body. Rivyre squints into the fog, and stops. Something is coming towards them. Timber the bloodhound lifts his head suddenly with a snarl, and then a baying howl.
Four humanoid figures lurch out of the fog and head straight for the little group. It's impossible to see them clearly... but a sinister feeling of horror grips Rivyre and Angus both.
While Ellynel takes up a position to intercept anyone else who might be right behind them, Alorin rushes to pick up the infant (Sleight of Hand: 10) but is blocked by an invisible entity. At this point, Alorin looks at the gnome that just rushed into the clearing, and puts two and two together. (Insight: 24)
”Up to your old tricks, eh, Moz?”
Realizing that there isn’t much time left, and that the Hunt is closing in, Alorin moves behind a nearby tree and hides (Stealth: 24) in preparation for either an ambush if the Hunt gets too close, or an attempt to snatch the baby when he has a chance. Ellynel moves closer to the baby, and stands her ground facing the Emerald Door and the approaching Hunt.
Hearing the horns behind him Moz breaks into a full run toward the hut and the crying baby. "Boss they are going to be on us in a few seconds" Iago voice sounds in his mind "Thanks for the update" Moz responds back sarcastically "Grab the baby and find a place to hide." As Iago flies ahead he sees El exit the treeline and place herself in between Moz and the hunting and their goal"Alorin's dog is here!" He sends back to Moz "Then Alorin is close by, that could be handy. Stick to the plan" Moz sends back. His short legs pumping Moz starts shouting and waving his arms toward El and the stone hut "Their coming! Help! Help!" Iago circling invisibly above the race, dives toward the stone hut. Landing quietly beside the mewling babe. Looking down at the infant he looks back toward Moz"It's a fat one boss I don't think I can lift." he tries to get a hold of it but his wings just can't get the lift. "Ya, boss it's too heavy" Cursing silently to himself "Hold there, lets see what Alorin does." As Moz nears the hut and El, the sound of hounds of the hunting party on his heels, he suddenly he throws himself to the side in a roll. Coming to his feet he turns to look at the approaching hunting party. ( So as DM laid it out for me Moz is 40ft from El and the baby. Iago is 30ft away in the air and the Hunting Party are another 40 ft behind Moz and I don't know where Alorin is. Moz takes the Dash action [60 feet movement] and runs toward El and the Baby, but when he is 10 feet from El he takes a hard left turn and moves 15 feet off the line and then will stop and turn to face the hunting party. Iago uses his movement to fly to the baby and try to pick up the baby. Athletics: roll 2 - 2[str mod]=0, going to assume that is a fail.)
"Angus&RivyreGhoul Fog Ambush while traveling to Enniskillen"
Angus Initiative: 20 Rivyre Initiative: 12
A word of Sylvan races out of the mouth of Angus, and with it, Beef rears up and begins trotting backwards, eyes forward on the approaching threat. A quick whistle followed by Angus striding forward with Timber standing ready under his large frame. With a hand reaching towards his great axe, Angus shouts, "Halt! You approach the steward of the Silver Blade. make yourselves known or be slain!" Bonus Action: Enter Rage Rivyre casts Thaumaturgy as her voice booms w/ a boisterous intensity toward the advancing individuals, "I am a Flamekeeper of the Sacred Flame! Seise your aggressive actions or we will defend ourselves!" Action: Advantage Intimidation check w/ Booming Voice,18
The figures, as if egged on by Angus and Rivyre's shouts, begin to run faster. But they run hunched over, and as they materialize out of the fog, intent on the two standing in front of them, both Angus and Rivyre realize what they are. This is nothing natural, nothing that breathes. Dried out skin clings to skeletal frames, and empty eye sockets blaze with an unholy glow. Unnaturally long claws sprout from what may once have been normal fingers... but no more. These are ghouls. Both Angus and Rivyre know that these are formidable and dangerous foes. Angus recalls that this is one of the reasons why many folk stay indoors during Vague.... the dead have been known to walk in this unseason.
The ghouls reach out with their terrible claws towards their prey, jaws open in an endless hunger.
((The ghouls dash, and two of them end their turn in melee range, triggering Angus' readied action.))
Sylethayowls, and something jars Rivyre's awareness. The lay of the woods here is the same track she came up on. Off to the side and behind Beef as she backs up, Rivyre sees that gloomy, ten-foot-wide chasm. The same one that she seemed to have stepped out of the fairy road from.
Angus: Readied Attack- 9+5= 14 (hits), 8 slashing damage, bonus attack Cleave weapon mastery into adjacent ghoul Cleave Attack- 17+5= 22 (hits), 8+2 Rage damage to 2nd ghoul As the foul undead step with in an arms reach,Angus rips the great axe from its sling and spins, carving into the rotting bodies of the creatures before him. Rivyre: Moves to flank the first ghoul Angus hit, moving around within the threat range of the other ghoul to not provoke an opportunity attack. True Strike Longsword & attack that first ghoul: 8+5= 14 (hits), 8 radiant damage "May the light of the Sacred Flame cleanse you of your unholy existence!" as she slices into the back of the ghoul with her imbued longsword! Bonus Action Fey Step & Rivyre teleports 30ft behind from Angus.
Angus' axe swings through the desiccated corpses in front of him, and Rivyre sidesteps around to flash her sword into the first one in a terrible radiant hit. Flesh and bone hewed from the awful ghouls... but they do not go down. Rivyre disappears, and reappears behind Angus, near Beef and the sled. The four ghouls turn to leer at their remaining target... the two behind shambling up as the two in front reach out their branch-like claws. Their grinning jaws open and release ravenous barbed tongues like serpents at Angus. But the wise and furious barbarian gives neither of them purchase. ((All four attacks from the front two ghouls miss Angus!)) The two ghouls coming up from behind circle Angus and Timber, and one of them strikes out at the dog. Its terrible claws connect, and Timber is cut down with a howl, he falls to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.
The second ghoul lashes out at Angus, and Angus, distracted by his beloved dog's sudden felling, takes the brunt of the claws. His red-hot fury lessens the immediate effects ((w/ Rage resistance he takes only 2 damage, but Angus Lochlan please make a constitution saving throw, DC 10 or be paralyzed for 1 min)) Angus: CON save: 4=5= 9 (fail) Angus feels his body go rigid as the fetid claws cut into his flesh & he falls to the ground paralyzed! Death save for Timber: 14 (success!) Beef bellows as Angus drops to the ground, and her cloven hooves churn the snow as she throws her weight forward. The sled rattles behind her over the snow as she charges towards the implacable undead and their quarry, braking to a halt just behind Angus' paralyzed form. She drops her head down and noses under him, and then lifts him up entirely... cradled in her long horns! ((Beef's action))
Rivyre: Uses her Channel Divinity to Turn Undead w/ a prayer in attempt tp strike fear inot these unholy creatures, DC 13 WIS save. 2 of the ghouls freeze at hearing the prayer... their bodies seem to shrivel in horror, and they turn and flee.
The other 2 seem to shake it off, and they lunge at Beef who holds Angus up out of their reach in her horns. She rears and avoids one ghoul's lashing barbed tongue, but its claws catch her side, tearing out tufts of long white fur. The other lunges with its gaping mouth at her, sinking its teeth into her belly and tearing out a chunk of flesh. Beef bellows in pain, but she stays standing, determination in her dark eyes. She swings around, lowing, kicking her heels at the two remaining ghouls to disengage with them, and the sled rattles behind her, Angus trundled along in her horns--by some miracle he does not fall, but even fairy cows, it seems, have a strange grace--she heads straight towards the ten-foot-side chasm some distance behind them as it meanders through the wood. RivyreFree Action speak to Angus: "We are outmatched! The fairy road is just behind us through that chasm. Syletha & somehow I suspect Beef can help us navigate through that road back towards Darryl if my memory serves correctly. Call your dog back, we can flee, & find some respite in the Feywild!" Bonus Action: Healing Word to Angus's downed dog Timber: 9 HP back to full. Familiar Action: Syletha moves to "Help" distract one of the ghouls so Timber can get up & escape.
Angus Lochlan ((Con saving throw repeat)): 13 Angus was fully aware this whole time, he just couldn't move... now with a great effort of will and rage he shakes off the terrible paralysis, balanced precariously on Beef's horns as she runs! Timber, his wounds healed with a whimper as he regains consciousness, takes one look at the ghoul that just about dismembered him, yelps in terror, tucks his tail between his legs, and bolts after Beef. "Come back Syletha we cannot stay here!" Syletha is right on Timber's heels, scrambling in the snow as if she's playing an excellent game of cat and mouse.
((Angus is awake & no no longer paralyzed)) Angus jumps of Beef's rack of horns & advances 15ft forward. A fiery rage & fury burns in his eyes at seeing his pets attacked by such horrfic monsters. He cannot abide these creatures to live! Angus looks at the weakest ghoul still remaining, draws his trident, & looses it at the foul ghoul! Angus: Trident Throw 18+5= 23 (hits), 7 piercing damage, the ghoul needs to make a DC 13 CON save to avoid falling prone due to the tridents Topple effect.
The ghoul can hardly stand on its sliced up legs and it falls prone. The ghoul struggles again to its feet and comes towards Angus, but it is far behind the other ghoul, who makes for him with claws outstretched, however he is able to bat its claws away.
Angusmoves to flank the ghoul in front of him and will perform a Reckless Attack while signaling to Rivyre to strike at it. Greataxe Attack: 21 (hits), 9 slashing damage The axe slices cleanly into the ghoul, but the unholy dead thing seems to barely notice a blow that would have downed a living creature, even as its desiccated guts spill onto the ground. Rivyre moves 30ft, but has to fey step the rest of the way to flank the ghoul to the left of Angus & attacks! True Strike Longsword: 18 (hits), 5 radiant damage Rivyre steps up to attack with her longsword, flashing with Holy Light, and the ghoul's undead flesh sears black as she cuts into it, charred, it drops to the ground in its own guts, & finally stops moving.
The last ghoul, mangled, shambles the rest of the way to Angus and attacks him, the long barbed tongue whipping out to make a grab for his neck. Angus dodges the horrific thing, but the ghoul's claws catch his flesh. ((7 damage and CON save DC 10 to avoid paralyze effect again)) Angus:17+5= 22 CON save (success) He walks up to the last ghoul making an unarmed strike at it, Recklessly: 18+5 = 23 (hits), 4 bludgeoning damage. Angus picks up the wretched thing by the back of its skull & brings it close to his face before bellowing out, "DON'T...EVER...TOUCH...MY...PETS!!!" & crushes it's skull in his hand!
Alorin reaches to scoop up the baby, but as he goes to lift the crying child, something he can't see seems to yank it out of his grasp. Alorin's reflexes react with lightning speed so that the babe doesn't fall, catching it in his arms, but he's locked in some kind of invisible tug of war, even as he stands up, something is trying to pull the babe from his arms, though it doesn't quite succeed. Alorin hears Moz shouting for help, saying they're coming, but he won't let go of the babe, and the tussel eats up precious moments as shadows fly across the snow... and the blast of hunting horns suddenly rings in Alorin's ears. El barks sharply, and Alorin whirls around to see what is happening. The disguised Moz has somersaulted out of the way to the side, and El stands alone facing the Hunt.
Gone are the shadows and the wisping mist. Instead, terrible in its splendor, a rider sits tall before before him, seated on an otherworldly steed. The rider seems like a man, and yet not like a man, elf-like, beardless and with long flowing hair, breathtakingly beautiful, wrapped in a majestic cloak that glitters with embroidery and raiment that seems to shine. The horse is a stark white, except for its ears which are a deep red, and it is of a more spindly build than a mortal horse, with a flowing beard like a goat, and a mane and tail that seem far too long. Its bridle glitters like the rider's cloak. Standing in front of the horse and rider are three hounds that shimmer as if sunlight strikes a well-brushed coat of fur, even though it does. Seated on two of the hounds are a pair of goblins, each of them holding a horn with a wide bell and a long stem from which trails a banner. Alorin cannot make out what the detail on the banners are--the colors seem to shift aggressively, and he feels in his gut that it would be better not to know what appears on them.
The rider smiles coldly. "The Hunt finds its quarry. Hand me my child, mortal." The fairy steed snorts, and paws the ground.
"Iago, we are going with plan H." Moz sends to Iago "Ballsy, I like it boss." The Imp replies back.
"Alorin, let go of the baby." Stepping forward the gnome shimmers and his disguise drops revealing the goblin. His travelling leathers changing into his ever shifting jester's motley. Looking at the Fey rider. "I am Moz the Magnificent, the Mozester of Buttercup Lane, Harlequin of the Spade, Mime of Order of Silence, Knight-Errant of the Court of He Who Laughs First and I have claimed this child in the name of my Master." The goblin stands to his full height staring at the Fey, but out of the corner of eye looking to see what Alorin is doing as he tries to delay the inevitable fight.
(Want to see what Alorin is doing before I start blasting, but Moz is on the ready. Iago is going to keep ahold of the child.)
The rider's gaze--as well as that of its steed--snaps around to look at the goblin. "Ah," he says. "The Mozester. As Huntsman I send regards from my Master to yours. But it is too bad we are not in your domain, isn't it? The mortal has claimed the child. He will, however, revoke his claim." The rider smiles coldly, turning his gaze once again to Alorin. "Now, mortal. I repeat my command. Hand me my child." The fairy steed, however, keeps looking at Moz, and swishes its tail hard as if at a particularly obnoxious fly.
The three hounds, two with their goblin hornblowers astride, growl menacingly, and step towards El.
”We’re not in your domain either, Huntsman. And even if we were, I’m not beholden to your commands. The child is no prize to be claimed, but as you said, I will decide what to do with it,” Alorin tells the Huntsman.
He then turns to Moz and says, “Don’t be an idiot, Moz, a showdown in this open area with all of them at once won’t end well for us. We need to get to the woods, and Iago can’t carry the baby. Let me pick it up Come along, and let’s deal with them as we run.”
Alorin signals El to be ready to teleport into the woods if the fey attempt to attack her, in a direction away from the Hunt, and attempts to pick up the baby and dash in roughly the same direction.
(Alorin thinks both of them should run into the woods and pick off the Hunt piecemeal as they chase them. The trees should reduce the Hunt’s mobility and move speed advantage from being mounted. This response assumes Moz will tell Iago to let go of the child when it comes down to it.)
Rivyre looks on at Angus covered in ghoul blood as he breathes heavily from crushing the monsters skull in his rage. She caustiously approaches him, "Angus..., we have won this battle, but we must leave & retreat through chasm behind us to the Fairy Road. I have a passing familiarity as it's where Syletha led me out of when I arrived here in Giant's Lean. We can camp for the evening & I can tend to yours & Beef's wounds. I can feel my divine energy is almost tapped for the day so unfortunately I can only magically heal 1 of you. The other I will have to use the traditional method w/ a Healer's Kit & that individual will have to rest. Still as effective as magic, just slower. She waves Angus to follow her back towards Timber, Beef, & Syletha who are waiting at the the entrance to the chasm. "Also while we're in camp..., we need to have a little talk about your recklessness. It does you credit, but it came at quite a cost." With a Perception check of 10 you'd see a worried look in Rivyre's face & eyes.
Rolling his eyes dramatically with a groan. "Ugh.... I hate it when he his right. Let go of the baby and get ready for a run and fight Iago." Mozsends to his familiar. " Tell him I will try to run interference. We are doing "Look over there." Fill Alorin in and be ready to move."Iago sends back a mental thumbs up.
Alorin suddenly feels the invisible force fighting him over the baby let go and a voice whispers to him "Alright Meatsack, you and your little dog get ready to run. Boss is going to try to distract them and run interference. They are going to focus on you, try and string them out."
Raising his voice to the Huntsman. "These humans are so stubborn." Tilting his head to the side and looking past the Huntsman. "Look like we are not the only ones coming for the baby." ( Performance: 15+5=20, Hopefully they turn their heads and then Moz is running for the tree line.)
"Fly you fool!" Iago says to Alorin, with a chuckle.(Iago is going to stick to Alorin for the moment.)
Angus retrieves the trident he had thrown prior, deliberately crushing the corpses of the ghouls as he walks over them. "Heal...heal Beef, if the need arises. I've never traveled the Fairy Road before, but I can trust you and Beef to guide us." Anguskneels down amidst the battlefield and utters a quick prayer whilst clutching the totems around his neck before returning to the group. "Let's be on our way."
Unnerved by the tree's message and the strange events at the Elfgate, the three hurry from the greenstone chamber back onto the mossy paved stone that makes up the city streets of Eladria. Valanthe leads the way, not sparing a glance for the deserted gardens and roads that wind around the base of the huge, silent trees, but heading straight for an ornate spiral staircase that seems to grow like a vine around the trunk of one of the trees. The three climb in this manner up and up, into the canopy of the city, amongst the crushed and shattered ruins of houses, bridges, and towers. But Valanthe knows the walkways that have been rebuilt, lit by soft Dancing Lights, silent under the elves' feet as she leads the way through a city in the treetops built even more majestically, and densely, than the one on the ground.
There are more people up here, as well. Remodeled tree homes, a very few elf children running and playing among the treetops, silent scouts watching the foliaged horizons and the ground below for miles. The ethereal sound of ancient elven songs accompany many elven folk hard at work at various crafts. Valanthe leads the way past all of them, and the scouts, recognizing her, give her and her companions a nod as she eventually leads them to the great hall, the council and throne room, build in the spread of a tree as large as a city block, the Council seats formed from the huge, broad, stretching branches, crowned with canopies of rustling emerald leaves that sit above the shrouded mist, here, the cold and piercing winter sunlight dappling across the Councilroom.
Four elves rise from their seats---all who are present of the Council today--where they had been animatedly discussing something before Valanthe's feet leave the twisting walkway and land gently in the Councilroom. One of them is the Queen, crowned in autumnal splendor, and the other, two lords and a lady of the Council, their robes of different colors, but all edged in spun gold.
Queen Genevieve Autumnfall, a slender elven woman with platinum hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a brown robe interwoven with spun gold, steps down from the majestic throne of what appears a naturally formed tree branch that had cradled her, with a welcoming smile. The crown set upon her head as her mark of office seems to bow her head down farther than it would rest otherwise. "Welcome, my daughter. Welcome, Vaelorn. And, Thamno, my old friend, it is good to see you. What tidings do you bring?"
Small droplets of blood drip onto the snow beneath Beef's hooves as she clambers up the slope after her master, pulling the sled behind her. Its runners streak pink into the snow as it runs over the scant blood trail. Despite her injuries, Beef seems eager to reach the strange chasm that Rivyre leads the way to, moving as quickly as she can. Angus stoically marches along, bleeding from several wounds himself, and Timber runs along ahead, wagging his tail, his brush with death seemingly already forgotten. The foreboding mist grows thicker around the 10-foot-wide chasm, and the trees planted on either side of it seem to lean over it, silvery dew dripping from their branches.
Rivyre takes a deep breath and drops to her seat on the edge of the chasm, lowering her feet into it---and suddenly she is whisked away to the stark and desolate bottom of an enormous canyon, a heavy red sun looming its florid light down from a midnight blue sky. Beef appears next to her, and then Angus and Timber, trotting up along the zig-zagging road as if they'd just happened to arrive. Gone is the frigid, damp cold of Vague in Thawing, replaced by a temperature quite mild, air bitingly clear, and a sharp and tingling smell of ozone.
Rivyre looks around this part of Feywild for a suitable campsite, a little off the path but secluded enough to offer protection from wildlife & other creatures that lurk in the Feywild. Telepathically speaking, "Syletha, help me find a suitable site we can camp for the night & I can tend to our friend's wounds."She mutters an incantation & prayer asking the divine to protect them for the evening at camp. Guidance (3) + adv. Perception (Syletha "Help") (18)= 21 Perception. Once a suitable campsite is found, Rivyre will approach Beef & place her hand on Beef's wound & use her Channel Divinity: Divine Spark to heal him & pray in Sylvan: "Shine forth thy holy light, drive back darkness & pain."1d8 (7) + WIS= 10 HP to Beef. Once completed w/ Beef's healing she turns to & signals to Angus, "Sit, rest, & get comfortable while I tend your wounds." Rivyre pulls out her Healer's Kit & uses the Battle Medic "Utilize" action. She begins cleaning the wounds, applying herbal salves, & bandages. Angus, I roll 1 of your D12 Hit Dice (7) + 2= 9 HP.
While tending to Angus, Rivyre speaks: "The commitment you have to your pets is inspiring. I see that you care deeply for them, & they reciprocate that loyalty back to you. Few people possess such a talent. BUT with that said, charging headstrong into the fray when you were clearly outnumbered was foolish. I was worried you were going to die & little that I could do to prevent it. Your flame casts too long a shadow. Timber almost died..., & Beef was grievously wounded coming to your rescue when you were paralyzed by the ghouls. Your mind is a powerful tool & much stronger than your physical prowess. Use it to analyze a battlefield, find weak points in the enemy to outsmart them, & not only will you succeed, you will also keep those you care about safe from harm." Rivyre finishes tending to Angus's wounds, puts away her supplies, & begins to find a suitable place to meditate. As she walks away she says, "Think on what I said Steward of Silver Sword. Rivyre finds her mediation spot by a large tree, communicates to Syletha, "Keep watch & wake me in 4 hours & I will resume watch for the rest of the evening,"& she enters her trance.
Rivyre (2nd half watch, 4 hours) mutters another Guidance incantation praying for strong vision to spot any threats as she wakes from her Trance to take watch. Guidance (1) + 22= 23 perception.
As the Fey Huntsmanturns his head to look behind him "Suckers."Mozturns and dashes east toward the treeline, once he is under the the canopy of the tall firs and pines he ducks behind a tree, disappearing handily from sight. "Time to move Meatsack." Iago says to Alorin.
The hound to the left of the Huntsmanleaps forward, the goblin with his horn clinging to its back.
The fairy paws blur on the snow, and as the otherworldly hound leaps over the cold ashes of Kromac's bonfire, a misty shadow coalesces over the firepit, something like a cloud of smoke... only cold and sinister.
The dog running pell mell rushes past El, its eyes on Alorin and the babe. As the hound charges by El, eyes fixed on its prey, El leaps to catch the hound, slamming her shoulder into it and spinning around to sink her teeth into its neck. The hound is thrown to the side and it lurches back to face its assailant, snarling as its headlong charge was thrown off.
Alorinmakes sure to securely hold the baby with one arm, and takes off running roughly going east-south-east towards the woods. He goes as quickly as he can, making sure to put as much distance as possible between him and the Hunt.
He briefly worries about El, but he knows that the Hunt will prioritize following him, and that making them chase him is his best way to protect her. Besides, she can take care of herself in a skirmish.
Once he makes it as far into the woods as possible, he makes sure to duck behind the largest trees he can find to break line of sight from the Huntsman. Unfortunately, at exactly this moment, the baby begins to cry.
The goblin on the back of the hound to the Huntsman's right raises his horn and blows it long and shrill!
The Huntsmanspurs his steed, which rears up with a laughing neigh, and charges through the snow, straight in the direction of the baby's cry. The fairy steed is shockingly fast, and it thunders straight towards Alorin, cutting him off to the east to block his retreat. The rider puts a hand on his longbow, and cries out, "I command you to halt!" But he does not shoot.
The cold cloud that hovers above the firepit gathers itself together and suddenly rushes forwards, as if a wind had blown it. It reaches Eland the fairy hound locked in their tussle, and the misty cloud seems to wrap around the fairy hound. The hound yelps and cries and its legs stagger as terrible cold is forced into its body. Frost forms on the tips of its fur, and the skin of its eyes and nose turns blue.
And as Elwatches this... suddenly her own shadow, dim as it is in the diffused pale light of the stars on the snow, snaps up and tries to grab her! The dog-shaped shadow grabs her in its jaws, wrapping shadowy forelimbs around her neck. She is grappled, by her own shadow!
The second hound carrying a goblin charges after its master of the hunt, dashing into the trees after Alorin, quickly gaining, but not fast enough to reach him yet.
El, twisting around in the grasp of her own shadow, bites the cold-injured fairy hound in an attempt to put it down, but not kill it, then teleports 40 feet away out of the grapple, heading east as well. She then uses her movement to run another 40 ft east into the wood. This should let her catch up close to the other hound. She won’t close in all the way, but will try to use the trees to break line of sight with the second hound and the Huntsman. However, the commotion in the clearing has drawn their attention, and they have seen exactly where she has run up to, even if she is not immediately visible.
The fairy hound is dragged down by Eljust before she teleports, the cold weight in its limbs too much for the shock of another bite, and it stumbles down unconscious. The goblin on its back tumbles off, making an awkward somersault and landing flat on his face in the snow.
Iagofollows Alorininto the woods, the invisible Imp flapping his wings madly as he to makes a break for the treeline, sticking to Alorinfor the moment.
The last remaining hound dashes towards its quarry, Alorin and the baby.
The goblin facedown in the snow scrambles to his feet, and, looking around wildly, sees himself and his unconscious fairy hound quite abandoned by enemies and companions alike, shouts, howls, and horns echoing through the woods and moving quickly farther away from him. Only the terrible cloud that seems to be growing thicker is near him. He takes one look at it and runs, leaving the unconscious hound to its fate, running over the snow as fast as his short legs will carry him, towards the sound of the Hunt that left him behind.
From his hidden postion Mozsees the Huntsman cut off Alorin. Steping out from the shadow of a tall fir. Pointing his jester's stick at the mount of the Huntsman, with an arcane word he gathers the magical energy into himself. He then says "Have you heard the one about the runaway horse? It was a terrible tale of WHOA!" With the final word he releases the energy of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. He then turns and moves deeper into the woods.
The steed turns its ears towards Moz and gives him the most absolute deadpan look, as if to say his joke wasn't funny at all. And it swishes it tail hard as if again at an obnoxious fly. Moz disappears from sight into the woods...
“Shh, little one, we’re not out of the woods yet, but I’ll protect you as best I can,”Alorin tries to soothe the baby, and it slowly stops crying. He shouts out to Moz, “Good try there, and not a terrible joke either! If you can’t drop the horse, maybe try to knock it out! I’ll try and keep some distance.” He then dashes 60 feet to the south-west, staying within the tree line. Alorin spots a frozen stream blocking his way and manages to deftly cross it by using stepping stones that barely peek out of the ice. He then hides in the well-concealed hollow of a particularly large tree.
The goblin that is still mounted on one of the fairy hounds blows his horn, a shrill blast.
The Huntsman urges his steed after Alorin, galloping after him--but casting his sharp gaze around, he fails to see him. Uncertain where he has gone, but knowing he cannot go as fast, he slows his mount as he looks. The fairy steed catches its progress on the same frozen stream that Alorin had to cross, and has to find a way carefully across.
The shadowy patch of mist roils sinisterly and, as if it heard the goblin's trumpeting blast, rushes like a swirling wind after the hapless hornblower on the running fairy hound. Cold tendrils of mist reach out to the goblin, and sink into it. The goblin stiffens, yelping, his benumbed hands nearly dropping his horn, but he manages to hang on both to it and to the hound beneath him.
The fairy hound that has the goblin on its back tucks its tail and dashes south, angling towards where Alorin ran, catching up with the Huntsman.
"Well I tried to be nice about this. Iago get the horse." Moz telepathically tells his familiar. "Don't feel bad Boss, horses are notoriously dumb." Iago swoops in at the Huntsman's mount, his tail uncoils and the stinger whips out stirking the horse's rump.
The invisible imp appears suddenly above the horse's rump as he gives it a hefty sting. The fairy steed squeals and gives a wild buck, kicking out. The Huntsman, horseman that he is, stays seated, his head snapping around to regard the imp. "I see you want to increase the stakes of the game, O Magnificent Moz," he says.
El takes a step forward and snaps at the lone hound in front of her. but she misses. Her form disappears in the mist, reappearing 40 feet away, and she runs to the south, putting her about west of the Hunstman and the fairy hound carrying the goblin. She tries to hide, slinking into the misty brush.
The last fairy hound, deftly ducking out of the way of El's teeth, turns as she disappears and dashes to catch up with its master.
Valanthe hastens into the room with a courtly scamper and, after a brief pause to dip her head in an awkward, half-curtsy, she embraces her mother. "Oh, Mother - it's the Elf Gate - it activated. The three of us saw it... um... felt it. We have come here directly from the chamber."
Stepping back from the Queen, Valanthe continues "Nothing came through, but the arches had energy. There was a crackle and, oh..." Valanthe catches her breath reliving the wave of negative emotion that had hit them "... it was like something reached out or lashed out at us. It was awful: such contempt and such dread." Valanthe looks again at Vaelorn as if her mentor will know the right thing to say.
Queen Genevieve embraces her daughter demurely, and then lays her slender hands on either side of Valanthe's face, peering earnestly at her. "The Elfgate activated? Ah, my dear, you've had a fright, you must be mistaken." Slowly, she shakes her head. "That gate does not work anymore... the delerium stones that powered it were stolen centuries ago, and even our most learned scholars cannot discern the workings of the gate." She smiles sadly. "It is our curse, not to remember where we came from... nor how. All we know is that the gate exists... and..." Tears fill the Queen's bright blue eyes, "not one of us is free from a pain and loss that we cannot remember. No, child, the gate isn't activated. It is dead and gone, just like our world. We must turn away from such things, and forge a new identity for ourselves." She lowers her hands and then taps her chin thoughtfully. "But something happened. I wonder why? Has such a thing happened before to the Elfgate? How, I wonder, did it behave when its stones were removed?" She glances at her Council members, but directs her question to Vaelorn, the pre-eminent scholar amongst them.
Sascha felt herself growing in concern. These pious men speaking of delay, of duty. It didn't bode well. What had taken place her while she had been gone fetching the monk? Sascha wasn't the most devout woman but she did feel some sense of duty to others, and if these men were to put themselves at risk, then Sascha would be failing in her duties as a member of the nobility if she didn't assist the faithful. She dismounted, collecting Feock's belongings.
"Lady Sascha of the House Von Syndow at your service." She said, pausing to offer a formal bow, setting the monk's belongings down for but a moment. "You speak of duty, sir? What's troubling you?" Sascha stepped closer in toward the group now, so as not to draw too much attention to the group's conversation if it could be avoided. As she drew in closer she offered the Monk's luggage to the man who offered to assist, without comment on the matter.
Sascha found herself adjusting the position of her belt, checking her word's placement almost subconsciously. She didn't like the idea that she might be about to be involved in a conflict with locals who had, til now, proven relatively hospitable, but if that was what her own duties demanded of her, so so be it.
The goblin running on foot, panting, tries to catch up with the pack that tore on ahead of him.
Flapping his wings in mid air, Iago shrugs. "Hey, he tried it the nice way. It's not our fault your horse doesn't have a sense of humor." Looking at the horse, "Sorry pal, you should have laughed." From the shadows of the tall snow clad trees a sparkling beam of energy shoots out at the horse. The fairy steed snorts, stepping to the side and narrowly avoiding the beam of energy. Moz, snapping his fingers as his spell goes wide, ducks away again into the foliage.
Alorin places the baby safely and securely in the tree hollow where they were hiding, and steps out, drawing out his short bow. He moves 15 ft south-east to where he can barely see the Huntsman, and shoots at his mount. He then moves back into the tree hollow with the baby, and attempts to hide again.
Alorin's arrow flies out from the mists of the forest, and sinks deep into the unsuspecting fairy steed's breast. The horse neighs wildly, rearing up and thrashing, it falls to its side, pitching the Huntsman from its back. Before it even hits the ground, it disappears, a cloud of pink mist hugging the ground where it would have struck. The Huntsman, as the horse topples, gains his balance and leaps into the air, landing deftly on his feet, and he whirls around to look for the source of the attack.
An arrow is nocked in the Huntsman's bow as he slowly circles the area, approaching where he saw the arrow fly from, but he as yet seems not to have discerned Alorin's hiding spot... the goblin seated on one of the hounds peers into the mist, his horn at the ready if he should spot anything. The hound puts its nose to the ground and follows its master, seeking for Alorin's scent. And it also has not yet found him.
The misty shadow moves like a breath of wind over the snow, weaving between the fir trees, after the hapless goblin on foot that's still scrambling through the snow towards the rest of the Hunt. The black cloud appears around the goblin... and the goblin's eyes go wide, terrified, as all the blood drains from its face and limbs, and it falls to the snow, lifeless and frozen.
Iago waves to the horse as it falls. "Off to the glue factory for you." He then shimmers and disappears from view. Flapping his wings he flies back into the trees, where he perches on a tree branch. Telepathically he says to Moz, "What's the plan now, boss? Did you see that cloud too?"
El dashes to the south-east, not going quite as far south as the Hunt, instead curving around them and placing herself twenty feet away between them and wherever Alorin is hiding.
The remaining fairy hound, unencumbered by a goblin rider, puts its nose to the ground and begins to sniff for its quarry. But it does not find them... yet.
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Angus Mac Lochlann and Rivyre Lightdove
The great bovine dubbed Beef tosses her long horns and then dips her head low as she starts down the mountain into the forest, the rattling of wooden runners and chains slipping over the snow coming behind her with the sled she's hitched to. The long snowy slope gives way into the trees, the thick, sinister fog rolling in great plumes through the woods. Visibility is low, the freezing air making the fog clammy on exposed skin. Beef moves slowly, picking her way carefully, finding a weaving pathway for herself and the sled through the towering trees, though Angus and Rivyre could never have seen how she does it. The bloodhound pads along beside, nose to the ground, hackles in the air.
Syletha braces her paws against the back of Rivyre's neck, her muscles tense as a quiet growl mutters out from deep within her small body. Rivyre squints into the fog, and stops. Something is coming towards them. Timber the bloodhound lifts his head suddenly with a snarl, and then a baying howl.
Four humanoid figures lurch out of the fog and head straight for the little group. It's impossible to see them clearly... but a sinister feeling of horror grips Rivyre and Angus both.
Alorin Vonsin
While Ellynel takes up a position to intercept anyone else who might be right behind them, Alorin rushes to pick up the infant (Sleight of Hand: 10) but is blocked by an invisible entity. At this point, Alorin looks at the gnome that just rushed into the clearing, and puts two and two together. (Insight: 24)
”Up to your old tricks, eh, Moz?”
Realizing that there isn’t much time left, and that the Hunt is closing in, Alorin moves behind a nearby tree and hides (Stealth: 24) in preparation for either an ambush if the Hunt gets too close, or an attempt to snatch the baby when he has a chance. Ellynel moves closer to the baby, and stands her ground facing the Emerald Door and the approaching Hunt.
Moz the Magnificent
Hearing the horns behind him Moz breaks into a full run toward the hut and the crying baby.
"Boss they are going to be on us in a few seconds" Iago voice sounds in his mind "Thanks for the update" Moz responds back sarcastically "Grab the baby and find a
place to hide."
As Iago flies ahead he sees El exit the treeline and place herself in between Moz and the hunting and their goal "Alorin's dog is here!" He sends back to Moz "Then Alorin is close by, that could be handy. Stick to the plan" Moz sends back. His short legs pumping Moz starts shouting and waving his arms toward El and the stone hut "Their coming! Help! Help!" Iago circling invisibly above the race, dives toward the stone hut. Landing quietly beside the mewling babe. Looking down at the infant he looks back toward Moz "It's a fat one boss I don't think I can lift." he tries to get a hold of it but his wings just can't get the lift. "Ya, boss it's too heavy"
Cursing silently to himself "Hold there, lets see what Alorin does." As Moz nears the hut and El, the sound of hounds of the hunting party on his heels, he suddenly he throws himself to the side in a roll. Coming to his feet he turns to look at the approaching hunting party.
( So as DM laid it out for me Moz is 40ft from El and the baby. Iago is 30ft away in the air and the Hunting Party are another 40 ft behind Moz and I don't know where Alorin is. Moz takes the Dash action [60 feet movement] and runs toward El and the Baby, but when he is 10 feet from El he takes a hard left turn and moves 15 feet off the line and then will stop and turn to face the hunting party. Iago uses his movement to fly to the baby and try to pick up the baby. Athletics: roll 2 - 2[str mod]=0, going to assume that is a fail.)
"Angus & Rivyre Ghoul Fog Ambush while traveling to Enniskillen"
Angus Initiative: 20
Rivyre Initiative: 12
A word of Sylvan races out of the mouth of Angus, and with it, Beef rears up and begins trotting backwards, eyes forward on the approaching threat. A quick whistle followed by Angus striding forward with Timber standing ready under his large frame. With a hand reaching towards his great axe, Angus shouts, "Halt! You approach the steward of the Silver Blade. make yourselves known or be slain!" Bonus Action: Enter Rage
Rivyre casts Thaumaturgy as her voice booms w/ a boisterous intensity toward the advancing individuals, "I am a Flamekeeper of the Sacred Flame! Seise your aggressive actions or we will defend ourselves!" Action: Advantage Intimidation check w/ Booming Voice,18
The figures, as if egged on by Angus and Rivyre's shouts, begin to run faster. But they run hunched over, and as they materialize out of the fog, intent on the two standing in front of them, both Angus and Rivyre realize what they are. This is nothing natural, nothing that breathes. Dried out skin clings to skeletal frames, and empty eye sockets blaze with an unholy glow. Unnaturally long claws sprout from what may once have been normal fingers... but no more. These are ghouls. Both Angus and Rivyre know that these are formidable and dangerous foes. Angus recalls that this is one of the reasons why many folk stay indoors during Vague.... the dead have been known to walk in this unseason.
The ghouls reach out with their terrible claws towards their prey, jaws open in an endless hunger.
((The ghouls dash, and two of them end their turn in melee range, triggering Angus' readied action.))
Syletha yowls, and something jars Rivyre's awareness. The lay of the woods here is the same track she came up on. Off to the side and behind Beef as she backs up, Rivyre sees that gloomy, ten-foot-wide chasm. The same one that she seemed to have stepped out of the fairy road from.
((Initiative Order: Angus, Ghoul 1, Rivyre, Ghoul 2, Ghoul 3, Ghoul 4))
Angus: Readied Attack- 9+5= 14 (hits), 8 slashing damage, bonus attack Cleave weapon mastery into adjacent ghoul
Cleave Attack- 17+5= 22 (hits), 8+2 Rage damage to 2nd ghoul
As the foul undead step with in an arms reach, Angus rips the great axe from its sling and spins, carving into the rotting bodies of the creatures before him.
Rivyre: Moves to flank the first ghoul Angus hit, moving around within the threat range of the other ghoul to not provoke an opportunity attack.
True Strike Longsword & attack that first ghoul: 8+5= 14 (hits), 8 radiant damage
"May the light of the Sacred Flame cleanse you of your unholy existence!" as she slices into the back of the ghoul with her imbued longsword!
Bonus Action Fey Step & Rivyre teleports 30ft behind from Angus.
Angus' axe swings through the desiccated corpses in front of him, and Rivyre sidesteps around to flash her sword into the first one in a terrible radiant hit. Flesh and bone hewed from the awful ghouls... but they do not go down. Rivyre disappears, and reappears behind Angus, near Beef and the sled.
The four ghouls turn to leer at their remaining target... the two behind shambling up as the two in front reach out their branch-like claws. Their grinning jaws open and release ravenous barbed tongues like serpents at Angus. But the wise and furious barbarian gives neither of them purchase. ((All four attacks from the front two ghouls miss Angus!))
The two ghouls coming up from behind circle Angus and Timber, and one of them strikes out at the dog. Its terrible claws connect, and Timber is cut down with a howl, he falls to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.
The second ghoul lashes out at Angus, and Angus, distracted by his beloved dog's sudden felling, takes the brunt of the claws. His red-hot fury lessens the immediate effects ((w/ Rage resistance he takes only 2 damage, but Angus Lochlan please make a constitution saving throw, DC 10 or be paralyzed for 1 min))
Angus: CON save: 4=5= 9 (fail)
Angus feels his body go rigid as the fetid claws cut into his flesh & he falls to the ground paralyzed!
Death save for Timber: 14 (success!)
Beef bellows as Angus drops to the ground, and her cloven hooves churn the snow as she throws her weight forward. The sled rattles behind her over the snow as she charges towards the implacable undead and their quarry, braking to a halt just behind Angus' paralyzed form. She drops her head down and noses under him, and then lifts him up entirely... cradled in her long horns! ((Beef's action))
Rivyre: Uses her Channel Divinity to Turn Undead w/ a prayer in attempt tp strike fear inot these unholy creatures, DC 13 WIS save.
2 of the ghouls freeze at hearing the prayer... their bodies seem to shrivel in horror, and they turn and flee.
The other 2 seem to shake it off, and they lunge at Beef who holds Angus up out of their reach in her horns. She rears and avoids one ghoul's lashing barbed tongue, but its claws catch her side, tearing out tufts of long white fur. The other lunges with its gaping mouth at her, sinking its teeth into her belly and tearing out a chunk of flesh. Beef bellows in pain, but she stays standing, determination in her dark eyes. She swings around, lowing, kicking her heels at the two remaining ghouls to disengage with them, and the sled rattles behind her, Angus trundled along in her horns--by some miracle he does not fall, but even fairy cows, it seems, have a strange grace--she heads straight towards the ten-foot-side chasm some distance behind them as it meanders through the wood.
Rivyre Free Action speak to Angus: "We are outmatched! The fairy road is just behind us through that chasm. Syletha & somehow I suspect Beef can help us navigate through that road back towards Darryl if my memory serves correctly. Call your dog back, we can flee, & find some respite in the Feywild!"
Bonus Action: Healing Word to Angus's downed dog Timber: 9 HP back to full.
Familiar Action: Syletha moves to "Help" distract one of the ghouls so Timber can get up & escape.
Angus Lochlan ((Con saving throw repeat)): 13
Angus was fully aware this whole time, he just couldn't move... now with a great effort of will and rage he shakes off the terrible paralysis, balanced precariously on Beef's horns as she runs! Timber, his wounds healed with a whimper as he regains consciousness, takes one look at the ghoul that just about dismembered him, yelps in terror, tucks his tail between his legs, and bolts after Beef.
"Come back Syletha we cannot stay here!"
Syletha is right on Timber's heels, scrambling in the snow as if she's playing an excellent game of cat and mouse.
((Angus is awake & no no longer paralyzed))
Angus jumps of Beef's rack of horns & advances 15ft forward. A fiery rage & fury burns in his eyes at seeing his pets attacked by such horrfic monsters. He cannot abide these creatures to live! Angus looks at the weakest ghoul still remaining, draws his trident, & looses it at the foul ghoul!
Angus: Trident Throw 18+5= 23 (hits), 7 piercing damage, the ghoul needs to make a DC 13 CON save to avoid falling prone due to the tridents Topple effect.
The ghoul can hardly stand on its sliced up legs and it falls prone.
The ghoul struggles again to its feet and comes towards Angus, but it is far behind the other ghoul, who makes for him with claws outstretched, however he is able to bat its claws away.
Angus moves to flank the ghoul in front of him and will perform a Reckless Attack while signaling to Rivyre to strike at it.
Greataxe Attack: 21 (hits), 9 slashing damage
The axe slices cleanly into the ghoul, but the unholy dead thing seems to barely notice a blow that would have downed a living creature, even as its desiccated guts spill onto the ground.
Rivyre moves 30ft, but has to fey step the rest of the way to flank the ghoul to the left of Angus & attacks!
True Strike Longsword: 18 (hits), 5 radiant damage
Rivyre steps up to attack with her longsword, flashing with Holy Light, and the ghoul's undead flesh sears black as she cuts into it, charred, it drops to the ground in its own guts, & finally stops moving.
The last ghoul, mangled, shambles the rest of the way to Angus and attacks him, the long barbed tongue whipping out to make a grab for his neck. Angus dodges the horrific thing, but the ghoul's claws catch his flesh. ((7 damage and CON save DC 10 to avoid paralyze effect again))
Angus: 17+5= 22 CON save (success)
He walks up to the last ghoul making an unarmed strike at it, Recklessly: 18+5 = 23 (hits), 4 bludgeoning damage.
Angus picks up the wretched thing by the back of its skull & brings it close to his face before bellowing out, "DON'T...EVER...TOUCH...MY...PETS!!!" & crushes it's skull in his hand!
Alorin Vonsin and Moz Crowthorn
Alorin reaches to scoop up the baby, but as he goes to lift the crying child, something he can't see seems to yank it out of his grasp. Alorin's reflexes react with lightning speed so that the babe doesn't fall, catching it in his arms, but he's locked in some kind of invisible tug of war, even as he stands up, something is trying to pull the babe from his arms, though it doesn't quite succeed. Alorin hears Moz shouting for help, saying they're coming, but he won't let go of the babe, and the tussel eats up precious moments as shadows fly across the snow... and the blast of hunting horns suddenly rings in Alorin's ears. El barks sharply, and Alorin whirls around to see what is happening. The disguised Moz has somersaulted out of the way to the side, and El stands alone facing the Hunt.
Gone are the shadows and the wisping mist. Instead, terrible in its splendor, a rider sits tall before before him, seated on an otherworldly steed. The rider seems like a man, and yet not like a man, elf-like, beardless and with long flowing hair, breathtakingly beautiful, wrapped in a majestic cloak that glitters with embroidery and raiment that seems to shine. The horse is a stark white, except for its ears which are a deep red, and it is of a more spindly build than a mortal horse, with a flowing beard like a goat, and a mane and tail that seem far too long. Its bridle glitters like the rider's cloak. Standing in front of the horse and rider are three hounds that shimmer as if sunlight strikes a well-brushed coat of fur, even though it does. Seated on two of the hounds are a pair of goblins, each of them holding a horn with a wide bell and a long stem from which trails a banner. Alorin cannot make out what the detail on the banners are--the colors seem to shift aggressively, and he feels in his gut that it would be better not to know what appears on them.
The rider smiles coldly. "The Hunt finds its quarry. Hand me my child, mortal." The fairy steed snorts, and paws the ground.
Moz the Magnificent
"Iago, we are going with plan H." Moz sends to Iago "Ballsy, I like it boss." The Imp replies back.
"Alorin, let go of the baby." Stepping forward the gnome shimmers and his disguise drops revealing the goblin. His travelling leathers changing into his ever shifting jester's motley. Looking at the Fey rider. "I am Moz the Magnificent, the Mozester of Buttercup Lane, Harlequin of the Spade, Mime of Order of Silence, Knight-Errant of the Court of He Who Laughs First and I have claimed this child in the name of my Master." The goblin stands to his full height staring at the Fey, but out of the corner of eye looking to see what Alorin is doing as he tries to delay the inevitable fight.
(Want to see what Alorin is doing before I start blasting, but Moz is on the ready. Iago is going to keep ahold of the child.)
Alorin Vonsin and Moz Crowthorn
The rider's gaze--as well as that of its steed--snaps around to look at the goblin. "Ah," he says. "The Mozester. As Huntsman I send regards from my Master to yours. But it is too bad we are not in your domain, isn't it? The mortal has claimed the child. He will, however, revoke his claim." The rider smiles coldly, turning his gaze once again to Alorin. "Now, mortal. I repeat my command. Hand me my child." The fairy steed, however, keeps looking at Moz, and swishes its tail hard as if at a particularly obnoxious fly.
The three hounds, two with their goblin hornblowers astride, growl menacingly, and step towards El.
”We’re not in your domain either, Huntsman. And even if we were, I’m not beholden to your commands. The child is no prize to be claimed, but as you said, I will decide what to do with it,” Alorin tells the Huntsman.
He then turns to Moz and says, “Don’t be an idiot, Moz, a showdown in this open area with all of them at once won’t end well for us. We need to get to the woods, and Iago can’t carry the baby. Let me pick it up Come along, and let’s deal with them as we run.”
Alorin signals El to be ready to teleport into the woods if the fey attempt to attack her, in a direction away from the Hunt, and attempts to pick up the baby and dash in roughly the same direction.
(Alorin thinks both of them should run into the woods and pick off the Hunt piecemeal as they chase them. The trees should reduce the Hunt’s mobility and move speed advantage from being mounted. This response assumes Moz will tell Iago to let go of the child when it comes down to it.)
Rivyre looks on at Angus covered in ghoul blood as he breathes heavily from crushing the monsters skull in his rage. She caustiously approaches him,
"Angus..., we have won this battle, but we must leave & retreat through chasm behind us to the Fairy Road. I have a passing familiarity as it's where Syletha led me out of when I arrived here in Giant's Lean. We can camp for the evening & I can tend to yours & Beef's wounds. I can feel my divine energy is almost tapped for the day so unfortunately I can only magically heal 1 of you. The other I will have to use the traditional method w/ a Healer's Kit & that individual will have to rest. Still as effective as magic, just slower.
She waves Angus to follow her back towards Timber, Beef, & Syletha who are waiting at the the entrance to the chasm.
"Also while we're in camp..., we need to have a little talk about your recklessness. It does you credit, but it came at quite a cost."
With a Perception check of 10 you'd see a worried look in Rivyre's face & eyes.
Moz the Magnificent
Rolling his eyes dramatically with a groan. "Ugh.... I hate it when he his right. Let go of the baby and get ready for a run and fight Iago." Moz sends to his familiar. " Tell him I will try to run interference. We are doing "Look over there." Fill Alorin in and be ready to move." Iago sends back a mental thumbs up.
Alorin suddenly feels the invisible force fighting him over the baby let go and a voice whispers to him "Alright Meatsack, you and your little dog get ready to run. Boss is going to try to distract them and run interference. They are going to focus on you, try and string them out."
Raising his voice to the Huntsman. "These humans are so stubborn." Tilting his head to the side and looking past the Huntsman. "Look like we are not the only ones coming for the baby." ( Performance: 15+5=20, Hopefully they turn their heads and then Moz is running for the tree line.)
"Fly you fool!" Iago says to Alorin, with a chuckle. (Iago is going to stick to Alorin for the moment.)
Angus retrieves the trident he had thrown prior, deliberately crushing the corpses of the ghouls as he walks over them. "Heal...heal Beef, if the need arises. I've never traveled the Fairy Road before, but I can trust you and Beef to guide us."
Angus kneels down amidst the battlefield and utters a quick prayer whilst clutching the totems around his neck before returning to the group.
"Let's be on our way."
Thamno, Vaelorn, and Valanthe
Unnerved by the tree's message and the strange events at the Elfgate, the three hurry from the greenstone chamber back onto the mossy paved stone that makes up the city streets of Eladria. Valanthe leads the way, not sparing a glance for the deserted gardens and roads that wind around the base of the huge, silent trees, but heading straight for an ornate spiral staircase that seems to grow like a vine around the trunk of one of the trees. The three climb in this manner up and up, into the canopy of the city, amongst the crushed and shattered ruins of houses, bridges, and towers. But Valanthe knows the walkways that have been rebuilt, lit by soft Dancing Lights, silent under the elves' feet as she leads the way through a city in the treetops built even more majestically, and densely, than the one on the ground.
There are more people up here, as well. Remodeled tree homes, a very few elf children running and playing among the treetops, silent scouts watching the foliaged horizons and the ground below for miles. The ethereal sound of ancient elven songs accompany many elven folk hard at work at various crafts. Valanthe leads the way past all of them, and the scouts, recognizing her, give her and her companions a nod as she eventually leads them to the great hall, the council and throne room, build in the spread of a tree as large as a city block, the Council seats formed from the huge, broad, stretching branches, crowned with canopies of rustling emerald leaves that sit above the shrouded mist, here, the cold and piercing winter sunlight dappling across the Councilroom.
Four elves rise from their seats---all who are present of the Council today--where they had been animatedly discussing something before Valanthe's feet leave the twisting walkway and land gently in the Councilroom. One of them is the Queen, crowned in autumnal splendor, and the other, two lords and a lady of the Council, their robes of different colors, but all edged in spun gold.
Queen Genevieve Autumnfall, a slender elven woman with platinum hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a brown robe interwoven with spun gold, steps down from the majestic throne of what appears a naturally formed tree branch that had cradled her, with a welcoming smile. The crown set upon her head as her mark of office seems to bow her head down farther than it would rest otherwise. "Welcome, my daughter. Welcome, Vaelorn. And, Thamno, my old friend, it is good to see you. What tidings do you bring?"
Angus Mac Lochlann and Rivyre Lightdove
Small droplets of blood drip onto the snow beneath Beef's hooves as she clambers up the slope after her master, pulling the sled behind her. Its runners streak pink into the snow as it runs over the scant blood trail. Despite her injuries, Beef seems eager to reach the strange chasm that Rivyre leads the way to, moving as quickly as she can. Angus stoically marches along, bleeding from several wounds himself, and Timber runs along ahead, wagging his tail, his brush with death seemingly already forgotten. The foreboding mist grows thicker around the 10-foot-wide chasm, and the trees planted on either side of it seem to lean over it, silvery dew dripping from their branches.
Rivyre takes a deep breath and drops to her seat on the edge of the chasm, lowering her feet into it---and suddenly she is whisked away to the stark and desolate bottom of an enormous canyon, a heavy red sun looming its florid light down from a midnight blue sky. Beef appears next to her, and then Angus and Timber, trotting up along the zig-zagging road as if they'd just happened to arrive. Gone is the frigid, damp cold of Vague in Thawing, replaced by a temperature quite mild, air bitingly clear, and a sharp and tingling smell of ozone.
Rivyre looks around this part of Feywild for a suitable campsite, a little off the path but secluded enough to offer protection from wildlife & other creatures that lurk in the Feywild. Telepathically speaking, "Syletha, help me find a suitable site we can camp for the night & I can tend to our friend's wounds." She mutters an incantation & prayer asking the divine to protect them for the evening at camp.
Guidance (3) + adv. Perception (Syletha "Help") (18)= 21 Perception.
Once a suitable campsite is found, Rivyre will approach Beef & place her hand on Beef's wound & use her Channel Divinity: Divine Spark to heal him & pray in Sylvan: "Shine forth thy holy light, drive back darkness & pain." 1d8 (7) + WIS= 10 HP to Beef.
Once completed w/ Beef's healing she turns to & signals to Angus, "Sit, rest, & get comfortable while I tend your wounds." Rivyre pulls out her Healer's Kit & uses the Battle Medic "Utilize" action. She begins cleaning the wounds, applying herbal salves, & bandages. Angus, I roll 1 of your D12 Hit Dice (7) + 2= 9 HP.
While tending to Angus, Rivyre speaks: "The commitment you have to your pets is inspiring. I see that you care deeply for them, & they reciprocate that loyalty back to you. Few people possess such a talent. BUT with that said, charging headstrong into the fray when you were clearly outnumbered was foolish. I was worried you were going to die & little that I could do to prevent it. Your flame casts too long a shadow. Timber almost died..., & Beef was grievously wounded coming to your rescue when you were paralyzed by the ghouls. Your mind is a powerful tool & much stronger than your physical prowess. Use it to analyze a battlefield, find weak points in the enemy to outsmart them, & not only will you succeed, you will also keep those you care about safe from harm."
Rivyre finishes tending to Angus's wounds, puts away her supplies, & begins to find a suitable place to meditate. As she walks away she says, "Think on what I said Steward of Silver Sword. Rivyre finds her mediation spot by a large tree, communicates to Syletha, "Keep watch & wake me in 4 hours & I will resume watch for the rest of the evening," & she enters her trance.
Syletha (1st half watch, 4 hours) Smell perception (advantage): 19+5= 24 perception.
Rivyre (2nd half watch, 4 hours) mutters another Guidance incantation praying for strong vision to spot any threats as she wakes from her Trance to take watch. Guidance (1) + 22= 23 perception.
Alorin Vonsin and Moz Crowthorn
The Hunt - Round 1
As the Fey Huntsman turns his head to look behind him "Suckers." Moz turns and dashes east toward the treeline, once he is under the the canopy of the tall firs and pines he ducks behind a tree, disappearing handily from sight.
"Time to move Meatsack." Iago says to Alorin.
The hound to the left of the Huntsman leaps forward, the goblin with his horn clinging to its back.
The fairy paws blur on the snow, and as the otherworldly hound leaps over the cold ashes of Kromac's bonfire, a misty shadow coalesces over the firepit, something like a cloud of smoke... only cold and sinister.
The dog running pell mell rushes past El, its eyes on Alorin and the babe. As the hound charges by El, eyes fixed on its prey, El leaps to catch the hound, slamming her shoulder into it and spinning around to sink her teeth into its neck. The hound is thrown to the side and it lurches back to face its assailant, snarling as its headlong charge was thrown off.
Alorin makes sure to securely hold the baby with one arm, and takes off running roughly going east-south-east towards the woods. He goes as quickly as he can, making sure to put as much distance as possible between him and the Hunt.
He briefly worries about El, but he knows that the Hunt will prioritize following him, and that making them chase him is his best way to protect her. Besides, she can take care of herself in a skirmish.
Once he makes it as far into the woods as possible, he makes sure to duck behind the largest trees he can find to break line of sight from the Huntsman. Unfortunately, at exactly this moment, the baby begins to cry.
The goblin on the back of the hound to the Huntsman's right raises his horn and blows it long and shrill!
The Huntsman spurs his steed, which rears up with a laughing neigh, and charges through the snow, straight in the direction of the baby's cry. The fairy steed is shockingly fast, and it thunders straight towards Alorin, cutting him off to the east to block his retreat. The rider puts a hand on his longbow, and cries out, "I command you to halt!" But he does not shoot.
The cold cloud that hovers above the firepit gathers itself together and suddenly rushes forwards, as if a wind had blown it. It reaches El and the fairy hound locked in their tussle, and the misty cloud seems to wrap around the fairy hound. The hound yelps and cries and its legs stagger as terrible cold is forced into its body. Frost forms on the tips of its fur, and the skin of its eyes and nose turns blue.
And as El watches this... suddenly her own shadow, dim as it is in the diffused pale light of the stars on the snow, snaps up and tries to grab her! The dog-shaped shadow grabs her in its jaws, wrapping shadowy forelimbs around her neck. She is grappled, by her own shadow!
The second hound carrying a goblin charges after its master of the hunt, dashing into the trees after Alorin, quickly gaining, but not fast enough to reach him yet.
El, twisting around in the grasp of her own shadow, bites the cold-injured fairy hound in an attempt to put it down, but not kill it, then teleports 40 feet away out of the grapple, heading east as well. She then uses her movement to run another 40 ft east into the wood. This should let her catch up close to the other hound. She won’t close in all the way, but will try to use the trees to break line of sight with the second hound and the Huntsman. However, the commotion in the clearing has drawn their attention, and they have seen exactly where she has run up to, even if she is not immediately visible.
The fairy hound is dragged down by El just before she teleports, the cold weight in its limbs too much for the shock of another bite, and it stumbles down unconscious. The goblin on its back tumbles off, making an awkward somersault and landing flat on his face in the snow.
Iago follows Alorin into the woods, the invisible Imp flapping his wings madly as he to makes a break for the treeline, sticking to Alorin for the moment.
The last remaining hound dashes towards its quarry, Alorin and the baby.
Alorin Vonsin and Moz Crowthorn
The Hunt - Round 2
The goblin facedown in the snow scrambles to his feet, and, looking around wildly, sees himself and his unconscious fairy hound quite abandoned by enemies and companions alike, shouts, howls, and horns echoing through the woods and moving quickly farther away from him. Only the terrible cloud that seems to be growing thicker is near him. He takes one look at it and runs, leaving the unconscious hound to its fate, running over the snow as fast as his short legs will carry him, towards the sound of the Hunt that left him behind.
From his hidden postion Moz sees the Huntsman cut off Alorin. Steping out from the shadow of a tall fir. Pointing his jester's stick at the mount of the Huntsman, with an arcane word he gathers the magical energy into himself. He then says "Have you heard the one about the runaway horse? It was a terrible tale of WHOA!" With the final word he releases the energy of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. He then turns and moves deeper into the woods.
The steed turns its ears towards Moz and gives him the most absolute deadpan look, as if to say his joke wasn't funny at all. And it swishes it tail hard as if again at an obnoxious fly. Moz disappears from sight into the woods...
“Shh, little one, we’re not out of the woods yet, but I’ll protect you as best I can,” Alorin tries to soothe the baby, and it slowly stops crying. He shouts out to Moz, “Good try there, and not a terrible joke either! If you can’t drop the horse, maybe try to knock it out! I’ll try and keep some distance.” He then dashes 60 feet to the south-west, staying within the tree line. Alorin spots a frozen stream blocking his way and manages to deftly cross it by using stepping stones that barely peek out of the ice. He then hides in the well-concealed hollow of a particularly large tree.
The goblin that is still mounted on one of the fairy hounds blows his horn, a shrill blast.
The Huntsman urges his steed after Alorin, galloping after him--but casting his sharp gaze around, he fails to see him. Uncertain where he has gone, but knowing he cannot go as fast, he slows his mount as he looks. The fairy steed catches its progress on the same frozen stream that Alorin had to cross, and has to find a way carefully across.
The shadowy patch of mist roils sinisterly and, as if it heard the goblin's trumpeting blast, rushes like a swirling wind after the hapless hornblower on the running fairy hound. Cold tendrils of mist reach out to the goblin, and sink into it. The goblin stiffens, yelping, his benumbed hands nearly dropping his horn, but he manages to hang on both to it and to the hound beneath him.
The fairy hound that has the goblin on its back tucks its tail and dashes south, angling towards where Alorin ran, catching up with the Huntsman.
"Well I tried to be nice about this. Iago get the horse." Moz telepathically tells his familiar. "Don't feel bad Boss, horses are notoriously dumb." Iago swoops in at the Huntsman's mount, his tail uncoils and the stinger whips out stirking the horse's rump.
The invisible imp appears suddenly above the horse's rump as he gives it a hefty sting. The fairy steed squeals and gives a wild buck, kicking out. The Huntsman, horseman that he is, stays seated, his head snapping around to regard the imp. "I see you want to increase the stakes of the game, O Magnificent Moz," he says.
El takes a step forward and snaps at the lone hound in front of her. but she misses. Her form disappears in the mist, reappearing 40 feet away, and she runs to the south, putting her about west of the Hunstman and the fairy hound carrying the goblin. She tries to hide, slinking into the misty brush.
The last fairy hound, deftly ducking out of the way of El's teeth, turns as she disappears and dashes to catch up with its master.
Valanthe Autumnfall
Valanthe hastens into the room with a courtly scamper and, after a brief pause to dip her head in an awkward, half-curtsy, she embraces her mother. "Oh, Mother - it's the Elf Gate - it activated. The three of us saw it... um... felt it. We have come here directly from the chamber."
Stepping back from the Queen, Valanthe continues "Nothing came through, but the arches had energy. There was a crackle and, oh..." Valanthe catches her breath reliving the wave of negative emotion that had hit them "... it was like something reached out or lashed out at us. It was awful: such contempt and such dread." Valanthe looks again at Vaelorn as if her mentor will know the right thing to say.
Thamno, Vaelorn, and Valanthe
Queen Genevieve embraces her daughter demurely, and then lays her slender hands on either side of Valanthe's face, peering earnestly at her. "The Elfgate activated? Ah, my dear, you've had a fright, you must be mistaken." Slowly, she shakes her head. "That gate does not work anymore... the delerium stones that powered it were stolen centuries ago, and even our most learned scholars cannot discern the workings of the gate." She smiles sadly. "It is our curse, not to remember where we came from... nor how. All we know is that the gate exists... and..." Tears fill the Queen's bright blue eyes, "not one of us is free from a pain and loss that we cannot remember. No, child, the gate isn't activated. It is dead and gone, just like our world. We must turn away from such things, and forge a new identity for ourselves." She lowers her hands and then taps her chin thoughtfully. "But something happened. I wonder why? Has such a thing happened before to the Elfgate? How, I wonder, did it behave when its stones were removed?" She glances at her Council members, but directs her question to Vaelorn, the pre-eminent scholar amongst them.
Sascha felt herself growing in concern. These pious men speaking of delay, of duty. It didn't bode well. What had taken place her while she had been gone fetching the monk? Sascha wasn't the most devout woman but she did feel some sense of duty to others, and if these men were to put themselves at risk, then Sascha would be failing in her duties as a member of the nobility if she didn't assist the faithful. She dismounted, collecting Feock's belongings.
"Lady Sascha of the House Von Syndow at your service." She said, pausing to offer a formal bow, setting the monk's belongings down for but a moment. "You speak of duty, sir? What's troubling you?" Sascha stepped closer in toward the group now, so as not to draw too much attention to the group's conversation if it could be avoided. As she drew in closer she offered the Monk's luggage to the man who offered to assist, without comment on the matter.
Sascha found herself adjusting the position of her belt, checking her word's placement almost subconsciously. She didn't like the idea that she might be about to be involved in a conflict with locals who had, til now, proven relatively hospitable, but if that was what her own duties demanded of her, so so be it.
Alorin Vonsin and Moz Crowthorn
The Hunt - Round 3
The goblin running on foot, panting, tries to catch up with the pack that tore on ahead of him.
Flapping his wings in mid air, Iago shrugs. "Hey, he tried it the nice way. It's not our fault your horse doesn't have a sense of humor." Looking at the horse, "Sorry pal, you should have laughed." From the shadows of the tall snow clad trees a sparkling beam of energy shoots out at the horse. The fairy steed snorts, stepping to the side and narrowly avoiding the beam of energy. Moz, snapping his fingers as his spell goes wide, ducks away again into the foliage.
Alorin places the baby safely and securely in the tree hollow where they were hiding, and steps out, drawing out his short bow. He moves 15 ft south-east to where he can barely see the Huntsman, and shoots at his mount. He then moves back into the tree hollow with the baby, and attempts to hide again.
Alorin's arrow flies out from the mists of the forest, and sinks deep into the unsuspecting fairy steed's breast. The horse neighs wildly, rearing up and thrashing, it falls to its side, pitching the Huntsman from its back. Before it even hits the ground, it disappears, a cloud of pink mist hugging the ground where it would have struck. The Huntsman, as the horse topples, gains his balance and leaps into the air, landing deftly on his feet, and he whirls around to look for the source of the attack.
An arrow is nocked in the Huntsman's bow as he slowly circles the area, approaching where he saw the arrow fly from, but he as yet seems not to have discerned Alorin's hiding spot... the goblin seated on one of the hounds peers into the mist, his horn at the ready if he should spot anything. The hound puts its nose to the ground and follows its master, seeking for Alorin's scent. And it also has not yet found him.
The misty shadow moves like a breath of wind over the snow, weaving between the fir trees, after the hapless goblin on foot that's still scrambling through the snow towards the rest of the Hunt. The black cloud appears around the goblin... and the goblin's eyes go wide, terrified, as all the blood drains from its face and limbs, and it falls to the snow, lifeless and frozen.
Iago waves to the horse as it falls. "Off to the glue factory for you." He then shimmers and disappears from view. Flapping his wings he flies back into the trees, where he perches on a tree branch. Telepathically he says to Moz, "What's the plan now, boss? Did you see that cloud too?"
El dashes to the south-east, not going quite as far south as the Hunt, instead curving around them and placing herself twenty feet away between them and wherever Alorin is hiding.
The remaining fairy hound, unencumbered by a goblin rider, puts its nose to the ground and begins to sniff for its quarry. But it does not find them... yet.