Zooke looks over his mates on deck then back to the creature, "look here creature from the deep, the captain says you usually extort 400 gold, seeing how we're all poor pilgrims I don't really see how you're going to get that amount. So here's the deal. We'll pay you 100 gold, leaving us with the packs on our backs. You take it and swim back to the scale queen of ours and we'll be on our way. Or, the good captain here puts me to swabbing the deck after we bleed you from port to stern."
The Merrow grumbles something under his breath and says “Fine 100 gold it is now leave before I change my mind.” With a splash, the merrow disappears into the ocean deeps and the ship continues on its way. The sailors raise a cheer, and the storm brewing overhead seems not quite so threatening now.It And that brings us to the end of your first taste of adventure.
Zooke moves to the rail on the side the creature went, glancing over just to make sure he's gone. "well, that could have been interesting. Alas, a peaceful solution is sometimes a good solution."
He looks at everyone on deck, "by the way, Zooke's the name. Owed my captain friend here a favor so I'm working this part of the run. What brings the rest of you out?" Zooke is a goliath, just over 7 ft tall, bald, blue/gray skin tone, you've seen him working around on the ship, seems to know his way around a sailing vessel.
Narath puts his sword away as he scowls at the monster swim away. "It pleases me that we avoided bloodshed, but I fear the creature will simply lick it's wounds and return to a life of piracy. When all this is over, I may have to track it down and bring it into the light." He turns back to the others, "Well done all, my name is Narath, and I must say you seem to all be able to handle yourselves well. Perhaps when we get to the island we could stay together for a while, i'm happy to lend my shield to others following a path of justice and hope."
Elle angles his blue shield with a quarter silver moon towards Natath and studies him for any symbol Elle might be familiar with.
“Hail sir Narath, sadly history teaches us that stopping such an insignificant underling is as useful as cutting off the head of a Hydra. Two more will come in his place and cause more suffering. One must stop the source of the problem to truly help.
That being put aside, it would be an honor to stand alongside such great heros. May your blade always strike as true as Corellon’s”
(I think i've been playing Narath pretty much Lawful Good. He believes that a just system of rules can exist and it only needs to be enforced in order to prevail. I was probably gonna pick up Oath of Devotion, the base Paladin subclass.)
Narath puts his sword away as he scowls at the monster swim away. "It pleases me that we avoided bloodshed, but I fear the creature will simply lick it's wounds and return to a life of piracy. When all this is over, I may have to track it down and bring it into the light." He turns back to the others, "Well done all, my name is Narath, and I must say you seem to all be able to handle yourselves well. Perhaps when we get to the island we could stay together for a while, i'm happy to lend my shield to others following a path of justice and hope."
"Jodhr. Philosopher and shantyman" *The sun-dried dwarf says*
Aside from the Merrow, Your journey was uneventful, but the island now visible off the bow promises rare wonders. Seaweed shimmers in countless brilliant colors below you, and rays of sunlight defy the overcast sky to illuminate the lush grass and dark basalt rock of the island. Avoiding the rocks jutting up from the ocean, your ship makes its way toward a calm harbor on the island's north side.
A large, open-air temple comes into view, perched on the edge of a cliff high above you. The ship drops anchor at the mouth of the harbor, and two sailors row you ashore. You have plenty of time to admire the towering statue at the center of the temple, depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds. A long path winds up the side of the cliff to the temple, dotted along the way with doorways cut into the rock.
The sailors set you ashore on a rickety dock, where a large rowboat is neatly tied. They point to the base of the path and wish you good luck before they row back to the ship. Your visit to Dragon's Rest begins!
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Zooke looks over his mates on deck then back to the creature, "look here creature from the deep, the captain says you usually extort 400 gold, seeing how we're all poor pilgrims I don't really see how you're going to get that amount. So here's the deal. We'll pay you 100 gold, leaving us with the packs on our backs. You take it and swim back to the scale queen of ours and we'll be on our way. Or, the good captain here puts me to swabbing the deck after we bleed you from port to stern."
Make a persuasion check
Persuasion roll 18
The Merrow grumbles something under his breath and says “Fine 100 gold it is now leave before I change my mind.” With a splash, the merrow disappears into the ocean deeps and the ship continues on its way. The sailors raise a cheer, and the storm brewing overhead seems not quite so threatening now.It And that brings us to the end of your first taste of adventure.
Zooke moves to the rail on the side the creature went, glancing over just to make sure he's gone. "well, that could have been interesting. Alas, a peaceful solution is sometimes a good solution."
He looks at everyone on deck, "by the way, Zooke's the name. Owed my captain friend here a favor so I'm working this part of the run. What brings the rest of you out?" Zooke is a goliath, just over 7 ft tall, bald, blue/gray skin tone, you've seen him working around on the ship, seems to know his way around a sailing vessel.
An elf runs over to you as an owl lands on a his shield.
"It's an honor to make your aquaintance! You can call me Elle, I am on my way to the Stormwreck Isle to study dragons"
"the honor is mine Elle. And you too master owl." Zooke greets you both
You guys ready for the actual setting now?
((yes, when you are. Did you want us to character intros here or did you have that planned for later?))
You can post them here think of this as a warm up and all this took place on your way to the actual setting
Zooke eyes the dwarf bard, "fine singing master bard, you spend much time around the dock of Neverwinter?"
(Happy to start the adventure now for sure.)
Narath puts his sword away as he scowls at the monster swim away. "It pleases me that we avoided bloodshed, but I fear the creature will simply lick it's wounds and return to a life of piracy. When all this is over, I may have to track it down and bring it into the light." He turns back to the others, "Well done all, my name is Narath, and I must say you seem to all be able to handle yourselves well. Perhaps when we get to the island we could stay together for a while, i'm happy to lend my shield to others following a path of justice and hope."
Elle angles his blue shield with a quarter silver moon towards Natath and studies him for any symbol Elle might be familiar with.
“Hail sir Narath, sadly history teaches us that stopping such an insignificant underling is as useful as cutting off the head of a Hydra. Two more will come in his place and cause more suffering. One must stop the source of the problem to truly help.
That being put aside, it would be an honor to stand alongside such great heros. May your blade always strike as true as Corellon’s”
"Good call big guy!" says the Halfling while keeping away his bow. "I'm Ariel, a hunter for hire."
(I actually hadn’t settled on a god for Narath, are we in the Forgotten Realms? Who are some cool Paladiny gods in FR?)
That would depend on what you paladin values and their oath you pick in the future
(I think i've been playing Narath pretty much Lawful Good. He believes that a just system of rules can exist and it only needs to be enforced in order to prevail. I was probably gonna pick up Oath of Devotion, the base Paladin subclass.)
Kavaki, the Ram-Lord, was the guardian and creator deity of the goliaths. Or Helm, I think he's a default for LG pally's in the realms.
"Jodhr. Philosopher and shantyman" *The sun-dried dwarf says*
Aside from the Merrow, Your journey was uneventful, but the island now visible off the bow promises rare wonders. Seaweed shimmers in countless brilliant colors below you, and rays of sunlight defy the overcast sky to illuminate the lush grass and dark basalt rock of the island. Avoiding the rocks jutting up from the ocean, your ship makes its way toward a calm harbor on the island's north side.
A large, open-air temple comes into view, perched on the edge of a cliff high above you. The ship drops anchor at the mouth of the harbor, and two sailors row you ashore. You have plenty of time to admire the towering statue at the center of the temple, depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds. A long path winds up the side of the cliff to the temple, dotted along the way with doorways cut into the rock.
The sailors set you ashore on a rickety dock, where a large rowboat is neatly tied. They point to the base of the path and wish you good luck before they row back to the ship. Your visit to Dragon's Rest begins!