Looking to Syndra, "There isn't a chance you brought a bag of holding with you that we could have? Some of this equipment is quite heavy and large."
He will purchase 4 gourd salves of insect repellent (4gp) and 5 gallon casks of Tej ale (1gp). He will investigate the stalls to see if anyone is selling armor (chain shirt)
Looking at the yklwa, Rhys asks the merchant, "Are you able to tell me more about this weapon? Is it able to be wielded in one hand?" (looking for specs -- light, finesse, two-handed, etc.)
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
Cleggor purchases both kinds of insect repellent, a tent, a rain catcher, and a second waterskin. He would be interested in any mounts available if they needed to carry a canoe. He walks through the market looking at the different items being traded here, looking for anything useful. He would ask locals about suitable mounts for their expedition as well as any guides that could help with their journey.
"There's a ruined city up the River Tath, beyond Kahakla Gorge. They say no one's explored past the gorge, but that's not the truth. A few have ventured there and returned alive—though most keep tight-lipped about what they found. Word is, the ruins are guarded by a naga. Not just any naga, mind you, but one said to be both wise and generous. Of course, generosity in the jungle often comes at a price."
Lucian wanders about the three markets picking up the supplies (listed above plus) and information.
He also sees if he can learn more about the jungle they are about to explore.
Additional purchases (tot=4gp): block of incense (10), vials of salve (2), rain catcher, sack (2)
He will also get the pros/cons for getting a guide
He will also look for a map.
Investigation: 17
History: 18
As you ask around about the dangers of the jungle, you hear whispers of a treacherous landmark.
"If you travel up the Tiryki River for about five days by canoe, you'll spot a stone spire rising to the east," someone explains. "The locals call it Firefinger. It's home to the dreaded 'terror folk.' If they catch sight of you, you'd better be ready for a fight."
Thyxius prefers Qawasha if they hire a guide, since he is always ready to destroy undead, or the albino dwarf since he is sympathetic to his desire to want to reclaim his family forge.
They're in spoilers at the bottom of page 3. Most say 5 gp a day with 30 days payment up front (so 150 gp). Some have discounts if we help with a quest, share treasure, etc.
Thyxius agrees and will help with Rhys search for information about the pterafolk. He can use his perfume to get a bonus to Persuasion checks if needed to convince people to tell them.
Petor steers clear of extra survival gear, with the exception of insect repellent, of which he purchases two. He considers purchasing some sort of armor, but has never used it and doesn't know how to. He thus decides to forgo the protection.
Instead, Petor turns his eye toward the dinosaur races. "What's the process for betting in one of these competitions here?"
He also is happy to help pay for an animal of some sort, being relatively flush.
"I also think that Qawasha would be a good guide. A lot of the others seem like they have motivations of their own that could, not probably, but not implausibly interfere with our mission. Killing undead in the jungle seems like something that is already neccesary for survival, rather than a task that would take us off course."
Petor also would advocate for a giant lizard or a hadrosaur as a beast of burden, being fairly inexpensive, tough, and strong.
Lucianwould also try to find out the pros and cons for traveling over-land vs. by river/canoe.
((On the map of Chult each hex measures 10 miles across. Moving at a normal pace, you can travel 1 hex per day on foot through coastal, jungle, mountain, swamp, or wasteland terrain. You can travel 2 hexes per day if they’re traveling by canoe on a river or lake. The rate of travel up or down river is the same; the rivers are so sluggish that current is almost imperceptible. Without canoes, the normal rate of travel along a river is the same as through the surrounding terrain. Canoes move 1 hex per day through swamp.
Thyxius agrees and will help with Rhys search for information about the pterafolk. He can use his perfume to get a bonus to Persuasion checks if needed to convince people to tell them.
Thyxius agrees and will help with Rhys search for information about the pterafolk. He can use his perfume to get a bonus to Persuasion checks if needed to convince people to tell them.
Thyxius and Rhys approach a woman who doesn’t have the typical appearance of a merchant. Her strong, weathered physique suggests she’s faced her share of trouble.
As their eyes meet, it’s clear she’s been searching for someone like them—adventurers. When Thyxius asks her about the Pterafolk, she responds:
"I’ll tell you everything I know about the Terror-folk, but I have a favor to ask first. Come with me to collect a debt. Besides the information you are looking for I'll pay you 10 percent of whatever we recover from a 500 gp debt owed by a man named Taban. He’s a stubborn gladiator, and if things get out of hand, I fear even I won’t be enough to handle him on my own."
When inquiring about the dinosaur races or looking for more information about them, you’ll encounter an enthusiastic tourist who eagerly shares this:
“Every week, the city comes alive with the famous dinosaur races, a tradition like no other. Picture this—dinosaurs painted in vibrant, eye-catching designs, charging through the streets while their riders try to steer them along a course that winds around the harbor and the city’s four hills. Don’t worry too much about the crowd; injuries to spectators are rare. But for the riders and the dinosaurs? It’s a dangerous game, no doubt about it.
A typical race day has three events. First, there’s the four-legged race, then the two-legged race, and finally, the most thrilling of them all—the ‘unchained’ race. Most of the racers are juvenile dinosaurs; they’re easier to handle, you see. The fully grown ones? Far too big and unpredictable for something like this. To keep things under control, the dinosaurs are muzzled, and their claws and horns are dulled. Well, except in the unchained race—that one’s all bets off.
The four-legged race is usually dominated by ankylosauruses and triceratopses, though every now and then, a dimetrodon paired with a Small rider shakes things up. The two-legged race mostly features hadrosauruses and deinonychuses, again with Small riders keeping them steady. But the unchained race? That’s where the real chaos begins. Young allosauruses, even baby tyrannosauruses, tearing through the streets—it’s madness! But it’s the kind of madness that makes Port Nyanzaru unforgettable.”
((to bet on dinosaurs I'll present you a table with the participants descriptions and their odds, then it's up to you to decide how much you'd like to bet. There are Weekly races, you learn that port will be running one tomorrow.))
Thyxius and Rhys approach a woman who doesn’t have the typical appearance of a merchant. Her strong, weathered physique suggests she’s faced her share of trouble.
As their eyes meet, it’s clear she’s been searching for someone like them—adventurers. When Thyxius asks her about the Pterafolk, she responds:
"I’ll tell you everything I know about the Terror-folk, but I have a favor to ask first. Come with me to collect a debt. Besides the information you are looking for I'll pay you 10 percent of whatever we recover from a 500 gp debt owed by a man named Taban. He’s a stubborn gladiator, and if things get out of hand, I fear even I won’t be enough to handle him on my own."
You want us to go with you to face a gladiator? A stubborn gladiator that you are expecting trouble from? I'm not saying no, but let's say 10% each for my friend and I to join you. You'll still get 80% which is a hell of a lot better than 0 or getting torn apart by an angry trained gladiator. Persuasion: 12 (10 + 2 guidance)
"Yes, I believe 10% each would be fair for our assistance. We do have an important mission after all and dealing with a veteran gladiator is a risk. Hopefully we can...convince him to pay the debt peacefully."
Thyxius and Rhys approach a woman who doesn’t have the typical appearance of a merchant. Her strong, weathered physique suggests she’s faced her share of trouble.
As their eyes meet, it’s clear she’s been searching for someone like them—adventurers. When Thyxius asks her about the Pterafolk, she responds:
"I’ll tell you everything I know about the Terror-folk, but I have a favor to ask first. Come with me to collect a debt. Besides the information you are looking for I'll pay you 10 percent of whatever we recover from a 500 gp debt owed by a man named Taban. He’s a stubborn gladiator, and if things get out of hand, I fear even I won’t be enough to handle him on my own."
You want us to go with you to face a gladiator? A stubborn gladiator that you are expecting trouble from? I'm not saying no, but let's say 10% each for my friend and I to join you. You'll still get 80% which is a hell of a lot better than 0 or getting torn apart by an angry trained gladiator. Persuasion: 12 (10 + 2 guidance)
"I suppose you’re not the only ones stocking up for a jungle expedition, are you?" the Chultan woman remarks, her piercing eyes flicking over the supplies you've gathered. Her sun-darkened skin glints faintly in the light, and her braided hair, adorned with bone and metal beads, sways as she shifts her stance. A heavy crossbow rests casually across her back, and a mace hangs at her side, both well-worn yet clearly ready for use.
"I know it might sound presumptuous," she continues, her tone firm yet conversational, "but I’ve seen how groups like yours tend to operate. Sometimes, things don’t even escalate to violence. And honestly, I doubt Taban would want the Ytepka Society breathing down his neck by killing someone over a debt he knows he owes."
She crosses her arms, the scuffed leather of her armor creaking slightly. "Name’s K’lahu. I’m a bookie—I take bets at Executioner’s Run. Believe me, this isn’t my first time collecting debts, and I’d really prefer to get this handled today, that's the only reason why I'm looking for people to help me with this."
"Yes, I believe 10% each would be fair for our assistance. We do have an important mission after all and dealing with a veteran gladiator is a risk. Hopefully we can...convince him to pay the debt peacefully."
Persuasion: 22
"Okay, okay, looks like we’re both in a rush. Let’s wrap this up fast. I can offer 50%, but I need to hold some back for the bosses, you get the picture. Still, I’m happy to split the commission and keep things moving so I can get more done today."
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A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).
"There's a ruined city up the River Tath, beyond Kahakla Gorge. They say no one's explored past the gorge, but that's not the truth. A few have ventured there and returned alive—though most keep tight-lipped about what they found. Word is, the ruins are guarded by a naga. Not just any naga, mind you, but one said to be both wise and generous. Of course, generosity in the jungle often comes at a price."
As you ask around about the dangers of the jungle, you hear whispers of a treacherous landmark.
"If you travel up the Tiryki River for about five days by canoe, you'll spot a stone spire rising to the east," someone explains. "The locals call it Firefinger. It's home to the dreaded 'terror folk.' If they catch sight of you, you'd better be ready for a fight."
you already have a map (posted on discord)
Thyxius prefers Qawasha if they hire a guide, since he is always ready to destroy undead, or the albino dwarf since he is sympathetic to his desire to want to reclaim his family forge.
Do we know how much a guide costs?
They're in spoilers at the bottom of page 3. Most say 5 gp a day with 30 days payment up front (so 150 gp). Some have discounts if we help with a quest, share treasure, etc.
Lucian would also try to find out the pros and cons for traveling over-land vs. by river/canoe.
D&D since 1984
I like the first guide. We can also waive her fee by retrieving her wooden mask from the pterafolk.
I’d like to talk to some merchants and local residents about the pterafolk and the Firefingers to see if they are truly evil or being misrepresented.
Thyxius agrees and will help with Rhys search for information about the pterafolk. He can use his perfume to get a bonus to Persuasion checks if needed to convince people to tell them.
Investigation: 4, History: 15
Petor steers clear of extra survival gear, with the exception of insect repellent, of which he purchases two. He considers purchasing some sort of armor, but has never used it and doesn't know how to. He thus decides to forgo the protection.
Instead, Petor turns his eye toward the dinosaur races. "What's the process for betting in one of these competitions here?"
He also is happy to help pay for an animal of some sort, being relatively flush.
"I also think that Qawasha would be a good guide. A lot of the others seem like they have motivations of their own that could, not probably, but not implausibly interfere with our mission. Killing undead in the jungle seems like something that is already neccesary for survival, rather than a task that would take us off course."
Petor also would advocate for a giant lizard or a hadrosaur as a beast of burden, being fairly inexpensive, tough, and strong.
((On the map of Chult each hex measures 10 miles across. Moving at a normal pace, you can travel 1 hex per day on foot through coastal, jungle, mountain, swamp, or wasteland terrain. You can travel 2 hexes per day if they’re traveling by canoe on a river or lake. The rate of travel up or down river is the same; the rivers are so sluggish that current is almost imperceptible. Without canoes, the normal rate of travel along a river is the same as through the surrounding terrain. Canoes move 1 hex per day through swamp.
Thyxius and Rhys approach a woman who doesn’t have the typical appearance of a merchant. Her strong, weathered physique suggests she’s faced her share of trouble.
As their eyes meet, it’s clear she’s been searching for someone like them—adventurers. When Thyxius asks her about the Pterafolk, she responds:
"I’ll tell you everything I know about the Terror-folk, but I have a favor to ask first. Come with me to collect a debt. Besides the information you are looking for I'll pay you 10 percent of whatever we recover from a 500 gp debt owed by a man named Taban. He’s a stubborn gladiator, and if things get out of hand, I fear even I won’t be enough to handle him on my own."
When inquiring about the dinosaur races or looking for more information about them, you’ll encounter an enthusiastic tourist who eagerly shares this:
“Every week, the city comes alive with the famous dinosaur races, a tradition like no other. Picture this—dinosaurs painted in vibrant, eye-catching designs, charging through the streets while their riders try to steer them along a course that winds around the harbor and the city’s four hills. Don’t worry too much about the crowd; injuries to spectators are rare. But for the riders and the dinosaurs? It’s a dangerous game, no doubt about it.
A typical race day has three events. First, there’s the four-legged race, then the two-legged race, and finally, the most thrilling of them all—the ‘unchained’ race. Most of the racers are juvenile dinosaurs; they’re easier to handle, you see. The fully grown ones? Far too big and unpredictable for something like this. To keep things under control, the dinosaurs are muzzled, and their claws and horns are dulled. Well, except in the unchained race—that one’s all bets off.
The four-legged race is usually dominated by ankylosauruses and triceratopses, though every now and then, a dimetrodon paired with a Small rider shakes things up. The two-legged race mostly features hadrosauruses and deinonychuses, again with Small riders keeping them steady. But the unchained race? That’s where the real chaos begins. Young allosauruses, even baby tyrannosauruses, tearing through the streets—it’s madness! But it’s the kind of madness that makes Port Nyanzaru unforgettable.”
((to bet on dinosaurs I'll present you a table with the participants descriptions and their odds, then it's up to you to decide how much you'd like to bet. There are Weekly races, you learn that port will be running one tomorrow.))
You want us to go with you to face a gladiator? A stubborn gladiator that you are expecting trouble from? I'm not saying no, but let's say 10% each for my friend and I to join you. You'll still get 80% which is a hell of a lot better than 0 or getting torn apart by an angry trained gladiator.
Persuasion: 12 (10 + 2 guidance)
"Yes, I believe 10% each would be fair for our assistance. We do have an important mission after all and dealing with a veteran gladiator is a risk. Hopefully we can...convince him to pay the debt peacefully."
Persuasion: 22
"I suppose you’re not the only ones stocking up for a jungle expedition, are you?" the Chultan woman remarks, her piercing eyes flicking over the supplies you've gathered. Her sun-darkened skin glints faintly in the light, and her braided hair, adorned with bone and metal beads, sways as she shifts her stance. A heavy crossbow rests casually across her back, and a mace hangs at her side, both well-worn yet clearly ready for use.
"I know it might sound presumptuous," she continues, her tone firm yet conversational, "but I’ve seen how groups like yours tend to operate. Sometimes, things don’t even escalate to violence. And honestly, I doubt Taban would want the Ytepka Society breathing down his neck by killing someone over a debt he knows he owes."
She crosses her arms, the scuffed leather of her armor creaking slightly. "Name’s K’lahu. I’m a bookie—I take bets at Executioner’s Run. Believe me, this isn’t my first time collecting debts, and I’d really prefer to get this handled today, that's the only reason why I'm looking for people to help me with this."
"Okay, okay, looks like we’re both in a rush. Let’s wrap this up fast. I can offer 50%, but I need to hold some back for the bosses, you get the picture. Still, I’m happy to split the commission and keep things moving so I can get more done today."