OOC: It is just a bonus action, you are correct. That being said I don't have a ranged weapon and I thought I someone once told me I couldn't cast spells as both my bonus action and action in the same turn.
OoC: You can't cast a leveled spell as an action if you cast a spell as a bonus action, but you can cast a cantrip with a casting time of one action. (At worst, you should probably at least take the dodge action)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
OOC: oh, well in that case....
While moving away from the enemies, he would have turned and extended his aqua colored hand towards the creatures. "Stay away from me you monsters!" he would shout while casting Ray of Frost towards the closest monster.
Whistler will move until he is South (I am assuming up is North) of the troglodytes where he stops. As he is about to move so he can engage the troglodytes, he feel something build in his chest. What starts as a burp, quickly turns into a cone of energy aimed at the troglodytes.
OOC: idk what energy type you picked Gil.
Damage: 7
Frogs 1-5 each get caught in the cone of fire and each try and dive out of the way.
1 - 17
2 - 14
3 - 12
4 - 6
5 - 7
1 and 2 move in time and take half damage. 3, 4 and 5 take full damage.
Darvin approaches the creatures cautiously with his shield held out in front of him. Stopping just southwest of the closest one (#1) he mutters something under his breath and extends a palm toward the creatures as a wave of sonic energy travels toward them.
thunderwave in a 15' cube, targeting trogs 1-5. CON save, DC 15. On a fail, they take 13 damage and are pushed 10'; half damage and no push on a successful save.
If trog 1 fails its save and is pushed (or if it dies), Darvin will back away 10'; otherwise he'll stay put.
“Keep it up gentlemen - we’ve almost got them licked” Tibi calls out as he flies as fast as he can (Bonus Action - Dash) a height of 20 feet directly above the nearest Troglodyte. Whilst flying he heck’s the lanyard on his hand crossbows, drops one and holsters the other.
Gilbert would shout as he sees the trogs attack his friends. Reaching towards his belt, he would pull out his new wand and cast magic missile at second level, sending multi-colored jets of energy streaking through the air and slamming into each of the enemies.
Gilbert would shout as he sees the trogs attack his friends. Reaching towards his belt, he would pull out his new wand and cast magic missile at second level, sending multi-colored jets of energy streaking through the air and slamming into each of the enemies.
Trog 2 falls dead as the dart slams into. The others are injured
Holding up his sheathed sword, he draws it and with a flash of light he slices the troglodyte which he follows up with two quick palm strikes with his off hand.
Holding up his sheathed sword, he draws it and with a flash of light he slices the troglodyte which he follows up with two quick palm strikes with his off hand.
Sword: Attack: 7 Damage: 10
Palm #1 Attack: 14 Damage: 6
Palm #2: Attack: 26 Damage: 9
Whistler misses with the sword but with a double tap from his off hand he kills one of the troglodytes.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
“Tallyho” Tibi cries as he swoops down on the Troglodyte attacking Whistler, rapier extended in front of him, in an attempt to skewer the beast. Attack: 13 Damage: 6 plus sneak attack of 4.
He then uses his Fancy Footwork to disengage and claw for altitude of about 30 feet.
Gilbert would watch Tibi swoop down towards the last trog and would send another Ray of Frost towards the trog if it was still standing after Tibi flew away....
Attack: 18 Damage: 6
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OoC: Hey Wreckzors, wouldn't Gil get a standard action in addition to casting dragon's breath? It's a bonus action to cast, isn't it?
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
OOC: It is just a bonus action, you are correct. That being said I don't have a ranged weapon and I thought I someone once told me I couldn't cast spells as both my bonus action and action in the same turn.
OoC: You can't cast a leveled spell as an action if you cast a spell as a bonus action, but you can cast a cantrip with a casting time of one action. (At worst, you should probably at least take the dodge action)
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
OOC: oh, well in that case....
While moving away from the enemies, he would have turned and extended his aqua colored hand towards the creatures. "Stay away from me you monsters!" he would shout while casting Ray of Frost towards the closest monster.
Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (21/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 1(2), 2(?), 3(?), 4(?), 5(?), 6(?), 7(?), 8(?)
Whistler, I have updated the map with labels. Please let me know where you move to so I know how many Trogs get into the 15 foot cone
I am aiming for G7
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (21/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 1(6), 2(4), 3(7), 4(7), 5(7), 6(?), 7(?), 8(?)
Frogs 1-5 each get caught in the cone of fire and each try and dive out of the way.
1 - 17
2 - 14
3 - 12
4 - 6
5 - 7
1 and 2 move in time and take half damage. 3, 4 and 5 take full damage.
Con Saves:
1 - 19
2 - 20
3 - 4
4 - 13
5 - 6
Trogs 1, 3, 4 and 5 are all killed.
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (21/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 2(11), 6(?), 7(?), 8(?)
Trog 2 bites and claws at Whistler
Attack: 11 Damage: 4
Attack: 6 Damage: 3
Trog 6 moves forward and also bites and claws at Whistler
Attack: 12 Damage: 3
Attack: 15 Damage: 4
Trog 7 exits the cave and moves towards Darvin to claw and bite at him
Attack: 12 Damage: 6
Attack: 10 Damage: 4
Trog 8 moves forward and also bites and claws at Whistler
Attack: 13 Damage: 3
Attack: 7 Damage: 3
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (18/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 2(11), 6(?), 7(?), 8(?)
Whistler, in a flurry of moves and feathers flying avoids every attack but is clawed by Trog 2
Darvin blocks the attacks with his shield
Whistler and Darvin, I will need a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of your next turn.
Tibi is up
“Keep it up gentlemen - we’ve almost got them licked” Tibi calls out as he flies as fast as he can (Bonus Action - Dash) a height of 20 feet directly above the nearest Troglodyte. Whilst flying he heck’s the lanyard on his hand crossbows, drops one and holsters the other.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Con Save (Darvin): 15
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Con Save: 8
Gilbert is up!
Gilbert would shout as he sees the trogs attack his friends. Reaching towards his belt, he would pull out his new wand and cast magic missile at second level, sending multi-colored jets of energy streaking through the air and slamming into each of the enemies.
5 3 3 2
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (18/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 6(3), 7(3), 8(2)
Trog 2 falls dead as the dart slams into. The others are injured
Whistler and then Darvin are up.
Darvin pulls out a whip with a ruby embedded in the handle, and cracks it at the trog in front of him.
Attack: 18 Damage: 8
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Holding up his sheathed sword, he draws it and with a flash of light he slices the troglodyte which he follows up with two quick palm strikes with his off hand.
Sword: Attack: 7 Damage: 9
Palm #1 Attack: 25 Damage: 5
Palm #2: Attack: 19 Damage: 8
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (18/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 6(3), 7(3), 8(2)
Whistler misses with the sword but with a double tap from his off hand he kills one of the troglodytes.
With a crack of his whip the troglodytes is killed.
The remaining troglodyte attacks Whistler
Attack: 12 Damage: 6
Attack: 7 Damage: 4
and both attacks miss as Whistler deflects the blows.
Tibi is up.
“Tallyho” Tibi cries as he swoops down on the Troglodyte attacking Whistler, rapier extended in front of him, in an attempt to skewer the beast. Attack: 13 Damage: 6 plus sneak attack of 4.
He then uses his Fancy Footwork to disengage and claw for altitude of about 30 feet.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Gilbert would watch Tibi swoop down towards the last trog and would send another Ray of Frost towards the trog if it was still standing after Tibi flew away....
Attack: 18 Damage: 6