**EDIT Looking for a player to join mid adventure. Please DM to inquire
Hi there, I'm new here, and a new DM but looking to try it out. I'm pretty familiar with this module so I should manage ok. I'm looking for 5 L1 adventurers willing try this out with me.
I'm pretty active but am happy to move at more or less whatever pace. I'll be checking/posting everyday unless otherwise stated. It'll take a couple bumps for me to sort out how best to manage the thread but it'll smooth out fast.
Character creation
L1, Standard array, PHB and XGTE. Please read the synopsis and let me know your background and how you know Gundren.
Please post a link to your character here and say "Yo CK,"
Formatting will help! Try to use bold for action,italics for thoughts, and "quotes for speech". Tooltips are great when you can. *All rolls to be done with the dice roller please*.
Basically, try and follow the formatting suggestions in the FAQ thread. I'm a newbie to this and post on my phone a lot but will work hard to format. This intro post is not a good example lol
Language is fine but let's be mature and keep things civil :)
Role-playing is highly encouraged!
Conventions (Hat tip to Esker)
--If you are performing something where you think a skill check would apply, go ahead and roll it. If I want a different skill i'll adjust the modifier.
--For battles we will use strict initiative, although I would like you, if it makes sense and is possible, to do your action(s) out of turn with a backup plan if you so choose. This will help avoid getting stuck on one person. If no action is taking in 24 hours, the DM will perform for the character.
--For decisions on where to go I will generally go with quorum, unless the situation merits unanimity. Ie, if 3 people say "Hey let's go into that forest", I will not wait for the other 2 to agree.
In the city of Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagon load of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days' travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big," and that he'd pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen's Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Haliwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to "take care of business."
You've spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you've just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You've encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail.
At the age of 20, Riverwing set out on what was to be a tribute to an Aged Elder of her Community. The wise elder wished for nothing else at the end of her life but to fade to peace while exploring. Just a young elf at the time, she knew that she was the only one that was able to grant this wish. Riverwing gathered her things for this long journey. Along the way the old Druid showed her many things of the world. Its creatures, its plants, the movement of the winds. She fell in love with the Druidic ways. As Riverwing herself aged she learned everything she could learn from the Elder. She was well into her 50th year when the Elder passed. After proper rituals,etc, she found herself in Neverwinter. She loves the city and spent many years tending to orphaned children and mainly on the streets herself trying to help where she could.
Upon reaching maturity at 100 she finds herself aching for the forests as the little groves and gardens are never quite the same as a forest. One day while telling a little one a story of elves and trees she found herself speaking of how she missed it, she noticed a sturdy dwarven fellow watching her. She sent the child to play with his fellows and approached this dwarf. He told her that he has need of an assortment of travelers to escort his goods to Phandelin, a settlement a couple days hence and wanted to have her along for her skills with healing as well as fighting. Seeing his eyes alight with excitement about this venture peaked her interest and her dream of getting out of the city again could finally be coming true. She agreed with enthusiasm, made her good-byes and said she was going on a 'Grand Adventure' and the children (who had other caregivers) cheered her on and bid her to slay a dragon for them! The fresh air and bright sky is a delight to her along the way, but she is ever vigilant as she has heard many bandits and brigands accost travelers on this High Road.
Delta grew up on the coast in a fishing town. Unfortunately, she was never fully accepted in her town. Due to her appearance, not everyone was very welcoming to her and was often given strange looks as some people made an effort to avoid going even near her. She did enjoy one escape though. She would go out on the ocean in her family’s fishing boat. Oh how she loved to go out onto the water and feel the salty air in her hair and cool waves on her skin. However, when it came to doing her part and actually doing her chores on the boat, it was much more likely to find her cuddled up with her newest book or endulging in her secret passion for the arcane. As Delta grew of age, she decided to leave her coastal home and get away from the slightly hostile environment to search for a new accepting community in which she could continue her study of the arcane and possibly make some new friends. As time passed, she found herself in the city of Neverwinter, always on the lookout for simple ways to make desperately needed money, she encountered an offer from a dwarf requesting escorts for supplies headed to Phandalin. Headed that way already, Delta accepted his offer, if a bit cautiously due to his vague reasons, and joined his newly recruited traveling party.
Sulvarax Was raised in a prominent family of his clan. He had a thirst for knowledge and a love of the arcane. Throughout his youth he studied under a tutor and learned everything he could about magic. As he grew older and more intelligent he began to question the knowledge of his mentors. Once he was of age, he traveled to the city of Neverwinter to study at a college there. When not studying, Sulvarax spends his time in the arcanist quarter working as an alchemist. He was in his shop one day when he was approached by a dwarf purchasing supplies. The dwarf was speaking of journey he would soon be taking and asked Sulvarax if he would mind accompanying him. Sulvarax, seeing the opportunity to gain some more knowledge, agrees to join.
Backstory: Misfortune seems to follow Anton wherever he goes. After his town was assaulted by raiders, who burned down his house with his wife and children inside, Anton joined the navy. He sailed for several years, until an unfortunate run-in with pirates left his crew for dead, with Anton pinned under a crate in the lower deck. Thanks to his training in field medicine, he was able to stabilize himself, but by the time he extricated himself from the crate, everyone else was beyond saving. He left the navy, moved to Neverwinter, doing odd jobs here and there and spiraling into depression and drinking, until one day he was approached in a tavern by a dwarf, who said he needed some muscle for a little job he was putting together. Anton readily agreed, thinking it would be a quick escort gig for some easy money, with no idea what kind of adventure lay ahead.
Thanks for joining! I'll kick us off with 4 (once I get a confirmation form Jynne or someone else joins) and will fold a 5th in if someone else wants to join. Any questions/comments are welcome here, or via PM.
If everyone could let me know what Time zone they are in, it would be helpful. I am in EST (Ottawa).
Once again, the synopsis:
In the city of Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagon load of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days' travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big," and that he'd pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen's Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Haliwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to "take care of business."
You've spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you've just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You've encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail. You have stopped for a short break to rest the oxen pulling the wagon and eat.
DM Note: When you decide to continue along the Tribor trail, i'll need to know who is driving the wagon and how/where everyone is travelling.
If there's still a space, I'll put my character here, the character sheet is done, and I already have the backstory in mind, I just wanted to confirm a space for me, while I put it out.
Gilmys has short-length memory, so not even him can remember his own full backstory, he was born in a small elven town, and he lived his childhood with his uncle and aunt, because a disease caused his parents to both decease, but he was too young to have a full understanding of what was going on, so it didn't really affect him that much. In his teens he made a friend, a female young adult elf bard, but as most of their type, she left because of travel, and so he was inspired to follow the same path, to find her.
Instead of traveling to sing, sharing stories, and showing art, which he still did, he left in search of knowledge, so he would go to a new city, read a lot of books, sing their stories, and create some artistic expression out of it, and then head to the next town or city he would find. He did that for a few years, until he realized he was getting tired of the same routine, and so, he tried joining in an adventure, with a group with the potential to entertain him, just as he could entertain them.
Riverwing sits at the back of the wagon dangling her feet off the side watching the world go and enjoying being out of the city. Spending a great deal of time around children, she's sort of child like herself (thus the dangling legs). As the wagon rolls to a stop, she hops off and checks for herbs, berries, anything to add to her kits or close by that would add to their quick meal. (picture in spoiler window)
(My character doesn't have 'vehicle knowledge' but could do it if needed - anyone have skill with driving a wagon?)
OoC: I'll go ahead and nominate Riverwing to drive; seems like the Druid would be most likely to handle the oxen... Edit: Never mind, I see Jynne already posted!
Anton thought this would just be a routine job. Take some supplies from point A to point B. Get paid. Simple. But why were there five of them? And such an odd crew, at that. And one of them a water genasi? He'd run into one or two of those in his days in the navy, but seeing one travel over land in a cart.. that had to be a first.
He sits quietly along the side of the cart, suspiciously eyeing the others. He's not feeling much like conversation right now.
Combing through the bushes, you find enough berries for half a meal, and, much to your surprise, a single goodberry protruding from a mulberrry bush. Silvanus is clearly smiling on you
River pauses holding all the berries in both hands for a moment to pay her respects to Silvanus, and strolls on over to the somber one on the wagon. "For you!" she says to Anton as he sits observing the others and holds out the half meals' worth of berries. She raises her eyebrows in anticipation, gives him a big grin, then pops the goodberry into her mouth to show they are safe.
"Oh, um... thanks," Anton says, accepting the berries from the grinning wood elf, and slowly putting one in his mouth and starting to chew. Not bad. His demeanor softens slightly, as he extends a hand toward her. "I'm Anton."
(OoC: Answering what CK asked in his starting post, my time zone is -3:00, so one hour later than EST.)
Gilmys was handling the cart, not because he was good at it, but no one would offer, and he's always up for getting to know a new area of knowledge, even if it is how to drive that wagon, so it wasn't difficult for him to accept going in front. With some difficulty, he stops the wagon, and leaves after stretching some of the tire he had made looking around. He sees the interaction between River and Anton, and chuckles.
"That's what I like to see. It's sensational to spot such an euphonious scene. Some animation wouldn't kill anyone, for all I know."
"So what do you think is really going on here?" She whispers to him and shakes his hand. "I mean surely this wagon has value, but 5 guards? Oh and call me River!"
She looks over at their chuckling driver and waves him over. "Come join us!"
(she may appear oblivious to the world about her but her passives are here in case needed)
Delta is sitting on the cart, hood slightly obscuring her face. She gives Gilmys glance and a nod of acknowledgement as he comments on the interaction, but remains silent, appearing to be more focused on reading a more well worn, slightly waterlogged book.
When River says exactly what he'd been thinking, Anton goes all the way from taciturn to talking her ear off. "I have no idea; I was going to ask you the same thing!" Anton replies. "The dwarf...what was his name again...Rockseeker. He just told me he needed some brawn to help escort this stuff to Phandalin. Nothing out of the ordinary, seemed to me. Thought there'd be two or three of us, and, well, no offense, but I kinda presumed the others would be... well... I mean, those two aren't even wearing any armor!" he says, gesturing to Sulvarax and Delta. "When Rockseeker said he needed some muscle, I didn't think he meant just me. Again, no offense. I'm sure you can handle yourself, but.." He pauses. "Do ... do you four know each other?" he adds, eager to change the subject to distract from the foot that was now firmly implanted in his mouth.
Her grin broadens to a full smile, "There you are! Never underestimate the power of the Quarterstaff. But I'm mainly here to patch you all up if needed. I don't know the others, but I can fix that," and climbs back into the wagon to sit cross-legged in front of Delta leaning slightly forward to see the book. "Good book?"
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**EDIT Looking for a player to join mid adventure. Please DM to inquire
Hi there, I'm new here, and a new DM but looking to try it out. I'm pretty familiar with this module so I should manage ok. I'm looking for 5 L1 adventurers willing try this out with me.
I'm pretty active but am happy to move at more or less whatever pace. I'll be checking/posting everyday unless otherwise stated. It'll take a couple bumps for me to sort out how best to manage the thread but it'll smooth out fast.
Character creation
L1, Standard array, PHB and XGTE. Please read the synopsis and let me know your background and how you know Gundren.
Please post a link to your character here and say "Yo CK,"
Formatting will help! Try to use bold for action, italics for thoughts, and "quotes for speech". Tooltips are great when you can. *All rolls to be done with the dice roller please*.
Basically, try and follow the formatting suggestions in the FAQ thread. I'm a newbie to this and post on my phone a lot but will work hard to format. This intro post is not a good example lol
Language is fine but let's be mature and keep things civil :)
Role-playing is highly encouraged!
Conventions (Hat tip to Esker)
--If you are performing something where you think a skill check would apply, go ahead and roll it. If I want a different skill i'll adjust the modifier.
--For battles we will use strict initiative, although I would like you, if it makes sense and is possible, to do your action(s) out of turn with a backup plan if you so choose. This will help avoid getting stuck on one person. If no action is taking in 24 hours, the DM will perform for the character.
--For decisions on where to go I will generally go with quorum, unless the situation merits unanimity. Ie, if 3 people say "Hey let's go into that forest", I will not wait for the other 2 to agree.
At the age of 20, Riverwing set out on what was to be a tribute to an Aged Elder of her Community. The wise elder wished for nothing else at the end of her life but to fade to peace while exploring. Just a young elf at the time, she knew that she was the only one that was able to grant this wish. Riverwing gathered her things for this long journey. Along the way the old Druid showed her many things of the world. Its creatures, its plants, the movement of the winds. She fell in love with the Druidic ways. As Riverwing herself aged she learned everything she could learn from the Elder. She was well into her 50th year when the Elder passed. After proper rituals,etc, she found herself in Neverwinter. She loves the city and spent many years tending to orphaned children and mainly on the streets herself trying to help where she could.
Upon reaching maturity at 100 she finds herself aching for the forests as the little groves and gardens are never quite the same as a forest. One day while telling a little one a story of elves and trees she found herself speaking of how she missed it, she noticed a sturdy dwarven fellow watching her. She sent the child to play with his fellows and approached this dwarf. He told her that he has need of an assortment of travelers to escort his goods to Phandelin, a settlement a couple days hence and wanted to have her along for her skills with healing as well as fighting. Seeing his eyes alight with excitement about this venture peaked her interest and her dream of getting out of the city again could finally be coming true. She agreed with enthusiasm, made her good-byes and said she was going on a 'Grand Adventure' and the children (who had other caregivers) cheered her on and bid her to slay a dragon for them! The fresh air and bright sky is a delight to her along the way, but she is ever vigilant as she has heard many bandits and brigands accost travelers on this High Road.
Delta grew up on the coast in a fishing town. Unfortunately, she was never fully accepted in her town. Due to her appearance, not everyone was very welcoming to her and was often given strange looks as some people made an effort to avoid going even near her. She did enjoy one escape though. She would go out on the ocean in her family’s fishing boat. Oh how she loved to go out onto the water and feel the salty air in her hair and cool waves on her skin. However, when it came to doing her part and actually doing her chores on the boat, it was much more likely to find her cuddled up with her newest book or endulging in her secret passion for the arcane. As Delta grew of age, she decided to leave her coastal home and get away from the slightly hostile environment to search for a new accepting community in which she could continue her study of the arcane and possibly make some new friends. As time passed, she found herself in the city of Neverwinter, always on the lookout for simple ways to make desperately needed money, she encountered an offer from a dwarf requesting escorts for supplies headed to Phandalin. Headed that way already, Delta accepted his offer, if a bit cautiously due to his vague reasons, and joined his newly recruited traveling party.
Sulvarax Was raised in a prominent family of his clan. He had a thirst for knowledge and a love of the arcane. Throughout his youth he studied under a tutor and learned everything he could about magic. As he grew older and more intelligent he began to question the knowledge of his mentors. Once he was of age, he traveled to the city of Neverwinter to study at a college there. When not studying, Sulvarax spends his time in the arcanist quarter working as an alchemist. He was in his shop one day when he was approached by a dwarf purchasing supplies. The dwarf was speaking of journey he would soon be taking and asked Sulvarax if he would mind accompanying him. Sulvarax, seeing the opportunity to gain some more knowledge, agrees to join.
Sulvarax Myilril | Dragonborn | Sorcerer | Lost Mines of Phandelver
Yo CK,
Anton Chergoba
Backstory: Misfortune seems to follow Anton wherever he goes. After his town was assaulted by raiders, who burned down his house with his wife and children inside, Anton joined the navy. He sailed for several years, until an unfortunate run-in with pirates left his crew for dead, with Anton pinned under a crate in the lower deck. Thanks to his training in field medicine, he was able to stabilize himself, but by the time he extricated himself from the crate, everyone else was beyond saving. He left the navy, moved to Neverwinter, doing odd jobs here and there and spiraling into depression and drinking, until one day he was approached in a tavern by a dwarf, who said he needed some muscle for a little job he was putting together. Anton readily agreed, thinking it would be a quick escort gig for some easy money, with no idea what kind of adventure lay ahead.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Thanks for joining! I'll kick us off with 4 (once I get a confirmation form Jynne or someone else joins) and will fold a 5th in if someone else wants to join. Any questions/comments are welcome here, or via PM.
If everyone could let me know what Time zone they are in, it would be helpful. I am in EST (Ottawa).
Once again, the synopsis:
DM Note: When you decide to continue along the Tribor trail, i'll need to know who is driving the wagon and how/where everyone is travelling.
Yo CK,
If there's still a space, I'll put my character here, the character sheet is done, and I already have the backstory in mind, I just wanted to confirm a space for me, while I put it out.
Gilmys Rothenel
Gilmys has short-length memory, so not even him can remember his own full backstory, he was born in a small elven town, and he lived his childhood with his uncle and aunt, because a disease caused his parents to both decease, but he was too young to have a full understanding of what was going on, so it didn't really affect him that much. In his teens he made a friend, a female young adult elf bard, but as most of their type, she left because of travel, and so he was inspired to follow the same path, to find her.
Instead of traveling to sing, sharing stories, and showing art, which he still did, he left in search of knowledge, so he would go to a new city, read a lot of books, sing their stories, and create some artistic expression out of it, and then head to the next town or city he would find. He did that for a few years, until he realized he was getting tired of the same routine, and so, he tried joining in an adventure, with a group with the potential to entertain him, just as he could entertain them.
Velmine - Tiefling, Rogue (9), Swashbuckler - Dead in Thay
Riris Swiftwhistle - Halfling, Bard (4), College of Swords - Lost Mines of Phandelver
Rellahne Vanderboren - Half-Elf, Wizard (4), School of Abjuration - The Shackled City
Ann Hidrizo - Human, Fighter (2) - Amphail Adventures
Sha - Firbolg, Cleric (3), Twilight Domain - Hunt for the Wish Dragon
Welcome all!
Gilmys, Half-elf Barr
Delta, Water Genasi Wuzard
Anton, Juman Fighter
Riverwing, Wood Elf Druid
Sulvarax, Dragonborn Sorcerer
We have our party, so I invite you to begin
OOC: This is a cool party makeup for this campaign. It'll make for some fun encounters :)
Riverwing sits at the back of the wagon dangling her feet off the side watching the world go and enjoying being out of the city. Spending a great deal of time around children, she's sort of child like herself (thus the dangling legs). As the wagon rolls to a stop, she hops off and checks for herbs, berries, anything to add to her kits or close by that would add to their quick meal. (picture in spoiler window)
(My character doesn't have 'vehicle knowledge' but could do it if needed - anyone have skill with driving a wagon?)
OoC: I'll go ahead and nominate Riverwing to drive; seems like the Druid would be most likely to handle the oxen...Edit: Never mind, I see Jynne already posted!Anton thought this would just be a routine job. Take some supplies from point A to point B. Get paid. Simple. But why were there five of them? And such an odd crew, at that. And one of them a water genasi? He'd run into one or two of those in his days in the navy, but seeing one travel over land in a cart.. that had to be a first.
He sits quietly along the side of the cart, suspiciously eyeing the others. He's not feeling much like conversation right now.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Riverwing, please roll survival for the foraging
survival 18
River pauses holding all the berries in both hands for a moment to pay her respects to Silvanus, and strolls on over to the somber one on the wagon. "For you!" she says to Anton as he sits observing the others and holds out the half meals' worth of berries. She raises her eyebrows in anticipation, gives him a big grin, then pops the goodberry into her mouth to show they are safe.
"Oh, um... thanks," Anton says, accepting the berries from the grinning wood elf, and slowly putting one in his mouth and starting to chew. Not bad. His demeanor softens slightly, as he extends a hand toward her. "I'm Anton."
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
(OoC: Answering what CK asked in his starting post, my time zone is -3:00, so one hour later than EST.)
Gilmys was handling the cart, not because he was good at it, but no one would offer, and he's always up for getting to know a new area of knowledge, even if it is how to drive that wagon, so it wasn't difficult for him to accept going in front. With some difficulty, he stops the wagon, and leaves after stretching some of the tire he had made looking around. He sees the interaction between River and Anton, and chuckles.
"That's what I like to see. It's sensational to spot such an euphonious scene. Some animation wouldn't kill anyone, for all I know."
Velmine - Tiefling, Rogue (9), Swashbuckler - Dead in Thay
Riris Swiftwhistle - Halfling, Bard (4), College of Swords - Lost Mines of Phandelver
Rellahne Vanderboren - Half-Elf, Wizard (4), School of Abjuration - The Shackled City
Ann Hidrizo - Human, Fighter (2) - Amphail Adventures
Sha - Firbolg, Cleric (3), Twilight Domain - Hunt for the Wish Dragon
"So what do you think is really going on here?" She whispers to him and shakes his hand. "I mean surely this wagon has value, but 5 guards? Oh and call me River!"
She looks over at their chuckling driver and waves him over. "Come join us!"
(she may appear oblivious to the world about her but her passives are here in case needed)
Delta is sitting on the cart, hood slightly obscuring her face. She gives Gilmys glance and a nod of acknowledgement as he comments on the interaction, but remains silent, appearing to be more focused on reading a more well worn, slightly waterlogged book.
When River says exactly what he'd been thinking, Anton goes all the way from taciturn to talking her ear off. "I have no idea; I was going to ask you the same thing!" Anton replies. "The dwarf...what was his name again...Rockseeker. He just told me he needed some brawn to help escort this stuff to Phandalin. Nothing out of the ordinary, seemed to me. Thought there'd be two or three of us, and, well, no offense, but I kinda presumed the others would be... well... I mean, those two aren't even wearing any armor!" he says, gesturing to Sulvarax and Delta. "When Rockseeker said he needed some muscle, I didn't think he meant just me. Again, no offense. I'm sure you can handle yourself, but.." He pauses. "Do ... do you four know each other?" he adds, eager to change the subject to distract from the foot that was now firmly implanted in his mouth.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Her grin broadens to a full smile, "There you are! Never underestimate the power of the Quarterstaff. But I'm mainly here to patch you all up if needed. I don't know the others, but I can fix that," and climbs back into the wagon to sit cross-legged in front of Delta leaning slightly forward to see the book. "Good book?"