The man who calls himself Wainwright grins back at Rhane. "Always good to have a few useful folks around the place, eh? To do the work no-one else wants to. And you're an unusual sort. A curiosity. I reckoned you'd be worth a decent price, to the right buyer."
To Balassar: "You a soldier? You look like a soldier. The point was freedom. Living by our own rules, not under anyone's thumb. You should try it sometime. It's a fine thing to be your own master. And speaking of masters, did someone pay for me? Are you a good little doggie, sent to fetch a stick?"
"She has not," Wainwright replies. "It will not be long now."
He smiles, seemingly to himself rather than to any of you, but then looks away from Rhane and towards Balassar and the others. "Have you any more questions? You will have to earn my answers, with answers of your own."
Balassar just looks at the man "Yeah I was. As for freedom, too much can be a bad thing for instance the people whose houses you all burned down or hurt. I get wanting to be free, but there are limits - like when it hurts other people." he just looks around "Don't know, seems like her freedom was leaving you behind. Just a replaceable cog who she doesn't need under her thumb anymore."
Wainwright grins. "Take me to your master, doggie. Like an obedient little soldier." He seems little interested in further conversation, though you are free to keep talking to him and try to prod something out of him. Do you have any specific goals for the interrogation, or are you just trying to poke some information loose?
Alton rubs the back of his neck, "Wouldn't living by your own rules mean you are living under your own thumb, and thus wouldn't actually be free? Then there are the rules of nature, so you're living under the thumb of nature itself. So, in a sense, there is no such thing as true freedom. We are all bound by some set of rules, natural or otherwise."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Wainwright is re-gagged, and you make your way back to Feltyr. He doesn't seem to struggle or resist.
Kef is grinning as the town comes into view. "Truth be told, I wasn't sure I'd make it back here alive. I'm not much of a fighter, but I guess we came through that okay. I don't know how the Crownsguard will react to you carrying a bound prisoner through the streets, though - what's your plan?"
Alton and Balassar know of a few places in town you might want to visit - a market, a blacksmith, the local Crownsguard headquarters, and an inn.
Balassar just chuckles “Simple, drag him through the streets and drop him at the door of the Crownsguard. They don’t need to like how we present him, they just need to make sure he stays locked up.”
Kef shrugs uncertainly, but doesn't respond. He looks to the rest of you for your responses.
(I don't think you actually promised your patron that you would deliver his daughter's murder to him in Zadash alive, but it's an option. If you hand him over to the Crownsguard, what will you tell them?)
Alton smiles at Kef, "You did good back there. You show some promise in making it, just keep practicing with weapons you feel comfortable with using. I guess we can drop him off with the Crownsguard and make sure he is locked up all well and good; then we go to the inn for a well deserved drink."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
"They'll want to know the whole story," Kef says, reluctantly. "And I don't think they'll like it coming from me. In fact they might arrest me for desertion, now that I think about it. You didn't half upset... well, with what you said." He looks uncertain. "Am I a criminal deserter now? For going with you?"
There's a faint chuckle from the bound and gagged Wainwright.
"You were doing your duty to protect the town. I don't think that would be deserting." Alton says to be reassuring. "But it wouldn't hurt to have us confirm what happened."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
In a short time, you are all standing in the headquarters of the Crownsguard, in front of Reema, the lieutenant in command, backed by two young Crownsguard in uniform standing either side of her. The bound and gagged Wainwright has been deposited on the ground, where a fourth member of the Crownsguard stands over him, watching the brigand and you all with equal wariness. There hasn't been much of a welcome for you.
Kef stands to one side; Reema has cast him a menacing glance which he has, perhaps surprisingly, met with calm confidence. However, he is clearly happy for you to take the lead.
"Now, perhaps you'll kindly tell me what in the King's name is going on?" Reema asks.
Balassar just looks at her “We took out the bandits and brought you their leader to hold him accountable. We also rescued their friend who was taken prisoner by him.” He just looks at Alton and the rest “Anything to add to that?”
The man who calls himself Wainwright grins back at Rhane. "Always good to have a few useful folks around the place, eh? To do the work no-one else wants to. And you're an unusual sort. A curiosity. I reckoned you'd be worth a decent price, to the right buyer."
To Balassar: "You a soldier? You look like a soldier. The point was freedom. Living by our own rules, not under anyone's thumb. You should try it sometime. It's a fine thing to be your own master. And speaking of masters, did someone pay for me? Are you a good little doggie, sent to fetch a stick?"
”Freedom!” scoffs Rhane, “How can you be free if you imprison others?”
”And you seem enslaved as well to the one you were ranting about back during the battle. Who is she, and why has she abandoned you?” asks Rhane.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
"She has not," Wainwright replies. "It will not be long now."
He smiles, seemingly to himself rather than to any of you, but then looks away from Rhane and towards Balassar and the others. "Have you any more questions? You will have to earn my answers, with answers of your own."
Balassar just looks at the man "Yeah I was. As for freedom, too much can be a bad thing for instance the people whose houses you all burned down or hurt. I get wanting to be free, but there are limits - like when it hurts other people." he just looks around "Don't know, seems like her freedom was leaving you behind. Just a replaceable cog who she doesn't need under her thumb anymore."
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Wainwright grins. "Take me to your master, doggie. Like an obedient little soldier." He seems little interested in further conversation, though you are free to keep talking to him and try to prod something out of him. Do you have any specific goals for the interrogation, or are you just trying to poke some information loose?
Alton rubs the back of his neck, "Wouldn't living by your own rules mean you are living under your own thumb, and thus wouldn't actually be free? Then there are the rules of nature, so you're living under the thumb of nature itself. So, in a sense, there is no such thing as true freedom. We are all bound by some set of rules, natural or otherwise."
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Alton, Wainwright doesn't respond, though others are free to do so if they wish.
Balassar just chuckles "Oh no masters here, we're mercenaries. Though we can get going again if you want."
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Wainwright is re-gagged, and you make your way back to Feltyr. He doesn't seem to struggle or resist.
Kef is grinning as the town comes into view. "Truth be told, I wasn't sure I'd make it back here alive. I'm not much of a fighter, but I guess we came through that okay. I don't know how the Crownsguard will react to you carrying a bound prisoner through the streets, though - what's your plan?"
Alton and Balassar know of a few places in town you might want to visit - a market, a blacksmith, the local Crownsguard headquarters, and an inn.
Balassar just chuckles “Simple, drag him through the streets and drop him at the door of the Crownsguard. They don’t need to like how we present him, they just need to make sure he stays locked up.”
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Kef shrugs uncertainly, but doesn't respond. He looks to the rest of you for your responses.
(I don't think you actually promised your patron that you would deliver his daughter's murder to him in Zadash alive, but it's an option. If you hand him over to the Crownsguard, what will you tell them?)
Alton smiles at Kef, "You did good back there. You show some promise in making it, just keep practicing with weapons you feel comfortable with using. I guess we can drop him off with the Crownsguard and make sure he is locked up all well and good; then we go to the inn for a well deserved drink."
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
”Was there someone in particular you were supposed to deliver him to? Or will just the guard station do?” asks Rhane.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Balassar just shrugs "Some guy in Zadash wanted him...well wanted us to get revenge for him. Maybe we should drop Kef off and keep going?"
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
"They'll want to know the whole story," Kef says, reluctantly. "And I don't think they'll like it coming from me. In fact they might arrest me for desertion, now that I think about it. You didn't half upset... well, with what you said." He looks uncertain. "Am I a criminal deserter now? For going with you?"
There's a faint chuckle from the bound and gagged Wainwright.
"You were doing your duty to protect the town. I don't think that would be deserting." Alton says to be reassuring. "But it wouldn't hurt to have us confirm what happened."
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Balassar just smirked “Plus it’d be pretty hard for them to punish the hero of the town. Wouldn’t look so good for the guard.”
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
In a short time, you are all standing in the headquarters of the Crownsguard, in front of Reema, the lieutenant in command, backed by two young Crownsguard in uniform standing either side of her. The bound and gagged Wainwright has been deposited on the ground, where a fourth member of the Crownsguard stands over him, watching the brigand and you all with equal wariness. There hasn't been much of a welcome for you.
Kef stands to one side; Reema has cast him a menacing glance which he has, perhaps surprisingly, met with calm confidence. However, he is clearly happy for you to take the lead.
"Now, perhaps you'll kindly tell me what in the King's name is going on?" Reema asks.
Balassar just looks at her “We took out the bandits and brought you their leader to hold him accountable. We also rescued their friend who was taken prisoner by him.” He just looks at Alton and the rest “Anything to add to that?”
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
"And I can give you details about my captivity if you desire," interjects Rhane.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"