Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How to use Homebrew Subclasses? >>
by DrSmegwipe
23 12,926
Homebrew Fighter Subclass: The Dragon Rider (Inspired by the Inheritance Cycle) >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
51 14,303
Hi, need help making a paladin subclass >>
by N_ShadowFox
2 9
How to modify damage type >>
by HeartofArcana
14 5,569
What is Replace Weapon Ability in the modify tabs of homebrew? >>
by ShadoUrufu
4 32
How do I make spell lists appear on homebrewed species? >>
by Skyrobro
3 17
Looking for someone to help me balance and add a homebrew subclass. >>
by RoarkeStormclaw93
0 3
Kobolds in a Coat [Race] >>
by Haravikk
15 10,737
Greatwyrm modifications >>
by KingOfCharge
1 325
Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXIV >>
by ZomblesKlein
59 492
How do I homebrew something to make my characters Tiny? >>
by Merigold00Yahoo
10 141
Chonic Race >>
by CostcoSample49590
5 19
What's the best way to make a magic weapon that increases in damage with wealth? >>
by Lord_Dinkle
1 12
Homebrew class feature options >>
by Save_vs_DM
24 3,055
Is the Arcane Warrior half caster still missing? >>
by Ain_Undos
24 427
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