Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Negatives HP >>
by BasharTegMiles
0 9
Homebrewed Magic Elemental Quiver for my Archer (need help) >>
by Chez89
0 5
Homebrew Dragonborn Breath Weapons >>
by ScorpioSymbol
6 1,230
Kibblestasty Homebrew Discussion >>
by ThatOneCoolThrikreen
0 7
New feat with action that is finesse >>
by RilianGoldleaf
0 2
Opinions of Homebrew Feat pls? >>
by DragonsRogue
6 30
Mooks with Species Templates >>
by Pantagruel666
0 15
Swordsman (Fighter Subclass) [feedback requested] >>
by Luithius
2 53
Recreating the Druid subclass Circle of the Moon >>
by XavianTangleseed
6 497
Buffing martials so they actually feel like tanks protecting the squishes >>
by CarlitosTeded
10 1,077
Nick stacking? >>
by Midnightr1der2k
1 8
Homebrew Monsters: Equoids (derived from The Laundry Files) - Feedback cordially requested! >>
by Jakorosin
0 8
Homebrew Subclass (Priest) - Remove Default Class Features of Parent Class >>
by Vistani_Radanavic
9 266
Can you create just a subclass feature, or would you need to make a whole subclass? >>
by Ffamran
1 7
Replacing Racial Trait in Homebrew Race variant does not show properly on Character Sheet >>
by shingallon
26 2,689
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