*Anyway, now that Stroth has reached her emotional high, time for the emotional low. I think it’s time for the Valentine Sisters to take action. Sparrow’s about ta get kidnapped, yay!*
Thirteen is reading Plato’s Republic while making matcha.
Mauric is clearing out the gutters.
Loriche is hanging out around the Guilt House.
Riotan is fishing.
Vitroze is studying up for their upcoming defense.
Samaritan suddenly appears behind Riotan, surprisingly silent. He grabs him by the back of the throat, his eyes burning.
The demon quickly collapses, his scales falling into the stream and reforming as he scrambles to the other bank.
Samaritan snarls, following him across.
“Hey hey hey hey! What’s your problem??” He backs up quickly, not trying to fight since he’s very much sure that Samaritan is more powerful than he is.
He raises his hand as hellfire surrounds them both. He pulls out his golden cleaver "MESSIN' WITH FEELINGS IS FUN TO YA HUH??"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
*jsyk, if anyone wants to make another member of the gang, one that works for the Valentines, now would be the time.*
Something seems missing from Lord's Point, or rather someone, most would assume that Sparrow is at work like he usually is, but he's been gone for too long. Stroth would know, if not anyone else that the wards hiding his camp have been broken into, and inside, some things have changed. It's obvious to tell that a fight has happened there, and etched into one of the trees are jagged words carved into the wood set ablaze "Caught him."
Not only Sparrow, but Grimes and Thane are also missing, taken by the Valentines, Thane having left a note where he was taken, telling that they are trapped on the layer of Greed. Merabelle and Arthur seem to have been spared, or at least were able to fight off those that came for them. Part of the gang has been taken, and now they need saving, by any means necessary.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real I'm looking for a way out
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
She looks up from her reading material, tiredly smiling. "Hello. What's the book about?" She inquires, her eyes glancing over at the book in his hand.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
*Good morning, how are you?*
They heard the sound of fighting nearby, the smell of blood in the air.
*I'm doing okay. A little tired, but nothing outside the ordinary. How are you?*
She rushes to the source of the sound, more curious than worried.
*Like I always am, you know how it is.*
They find Merabelle fighting to large demons, and crushing them with strength, her skin black light the night sky, stars twinkling within, her fangs and claws sharp. Her tail slashing and her new, matching night black wings flapping. She is bleeding heavily, and there are many demon corpses on the ground.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
*Good morning, how are you?*
They heard the sound of fighting nearby, the smell of blood in the air.
*I'm doing okay. A little tired, but nothing outside the ordinary. How are you?*
She rushes to the source of the sound, more curious than worried.
*Like I always am, you know how it is.*
They find Merabelle fighting to large demons, and crushing them with strength, her skin black light the night sky, stars twinkling within, her fangs and claws sharp. Her tail slashing and her new, matching night black wings flapping. She is bleeding heavily, and there are many demon corpses on the ground.
Without a moment's hesitation, KK rushes in to help Merabelle. Odds are, KK can't do much to he demons themselves, but she can at least help the one who can survive the encounter- at the very least, she can take an attack or two for Merabelle.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
*Good morning, how are you?*
They heard the sound of fighting nearby, the smell of blood in the air.
*I'm doing okay. A little tired, but nothing outside the ordinary. How are you?*
She rushes to the source of the sound, more curious than worried.
*Like I always am, you know how it is.*
They find Merabelle fighting to large demons, and crushing them with strength, her skin black light the night sky, stars twinkling within, her fangs and claws sharp. Her tail slashing and her new, matching night black wings flapping. She is bleeding heavily, and there are many demon corpses on the ground.
Without a moment's hesitation, KK rushes in to help Merabelle. Odds are, KK can't do much to he demons themselves, but she can at least help the one who can survive the encounter- at the very least, she can take an attack or two for Merabelle.
The remaining demons don't seem that strong, seriously hurt by Merabelle, who is also bleeding pretty bad. When she sees KK, she softly smiles before tearing one of the demon's throats out, the other demon knowing they can't win this fight with another person there, turning into ash and disappearing.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
She looks up from her reading material, tiredly smiling. "Hello. What's the book about?" She inquires, her eyes glancing over at the book in his hand.
"it's an old myth" he sits down next to her
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real I'm looking for a way out
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
*Good morning, how are you?*
They heard the sound of fighting nearby, the smell of blood in the air.
*I'm doing okay. A little tired, but nothing outside the ordinary. How are you?*
She rushes to the source of the sound, more curious than worried.
*Like I always am, you know how it is.*
They find Merabelle fighting to large demons, and crushing them with strength, her skin black light the night sky, stars twinkling within, her fangs and claws sharp. Her tail slashing and her new, matching night black wings flapping. She is bleeding heavily, and there are many demon corpses on the ground.
Without a moment's hesitation, KK rushes in to help Merabelle. Odds are, KK can't do much to he demons themselves, but she can at least help the one who can survive the encounter- at the very least, she can take an attack or two for Merabelle.
The remaining demons don't seem that strong, seriously hurt by Merabelle, who is also bleeding pretty bad. When she sees KK, she softly smiles before tearing one of the demon's throats out, the other demon knowing they can't win this fight with another person there, turning into ash and disappearing.
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
She looks up from her reading material, tiredly smiling. "Hello. What's the book about?" She inquires, her eyes glancing over at the book in his hand.
"it's an old myth" he sits down next to her
"Interesting... which one?" She glances between his tome of knowledge and her own.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
She looks up from her reading material, tiredly smiling. "Hello. What's the book about?" She inquires, her eyes glancing over at the book in his hand.
"it's an old myth" he sits down next to her
"Interesting... which one?" She glances between his tome of knowledge and her own.
"one you probably haven't heard of. I would tell you the title but," he shows her the front of the book, which is blank "I don't know it"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real I'm looking for a way out
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
"Thane an' Sparrow are usually around the Inn, did ya see either of 'em? 'Er did ya see Arthur?" She says, continuing to heal her wounds, there being lots of them.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
"Thane an' Sparrow are usually around the Inn, did ya see either of 'em? 'Er did ya see Arthur?" She says, continuing to heal her wounds, there being lots of them.
"I think I might have saw Arthur earlier, not entirely sure, but I know I didn't see Thane or Sparrow."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
*Da sadness is temporary, da trauma is forever.*
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
This is just Jobah619 again btw
Protect trans kids
*jsyk, if anyone wants to make another member of the gang, one that works for the Valentines, now would be the time.*
Something seems missing from Lord's Point, or rather someone, most would assume that Sparrow is at work like he usually is, but he's been gone for too long. Stroth would know, if not anyone else that the wards hiding his camp have been broken into, and inside, some things have changed. It's obvious to tell that a fight has happened there, and etched into one of the trees are jagged words carved into the wood set ablaze "Caught him."
Not only Sparrow, but Grimes and Thane are also missing, taken by the Valentines, Thane having left a note where he was taken, telling that they are trapped on the layer of Greed. Merabelle and Arthur seem to have been spared, or at least were able to fight off those that came for them. Part of the gang has been taken, and now they need saving, by any means necessary.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*Good morning, everyone!*
Omori is outside the Inn, exhausted from staying up for almost the whole night practicing magic. She sits in the same spot where Traitor used to sharpen her claws, reading her book.
KK is walking through the woods, faintly humming an old tune to herself.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Isaac walks out of the tavern with a large book in his hand
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
*Good morning, how are you?*
They heard the sound of fighting nearby, the smell of blood in the air.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*I'm doing okay. A little tired, but nothing outside the ordinary. How are you?*
She rushes to the source of the sound, more curious than worried.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She looks up from her reading material, tiredly smiling. "Hello. What's the book about?" She inquires, her eyes glancing over at the book in his hand.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
*Like I always am, you know how it is.*
They find Merabelle fighting to large demons, and crushing them with strength, her skin black light the night sky, stars twinkling within, her fangs and claws sharp. Her tail slashing and her new, matching night black wings flapping. She is bleeding heavily, and there are many demon corpses on the ground.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Without a moment's hesitation, KK rushes in to help Merabelle. Odds are, KK can't do much to he demons themselves, but she can at least help the one who can survive the encounter- at the very least, she can take an attack or two for Merabelle.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
The remaining demons don't seem that strong, seriously hurt by Merabelle, who is also bleeding pretty bad. When she sees KK, she softly smiles before tearing one of the demon's throats out, the other demon knowing they can't win this fight with another person there, turning into ash and disappearing.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
"it's an old myth" he sits down next to her
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
She relaxes just a tiny bit upon seeing the remaining demon retreat, before going over to Merabelle, softly smiling back despite a clear expression of worry on her face. "Should I fetch someone with healing magic for you?"
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
"Interesting... which one?" She glances between his tome of knowledge and her own.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She shakes his head, sitting down and breathing heavily, exhausted from the fight, beginning to heal herself with Druidic magic "Don't worry 'bout me none. I'll heal, but I ain't sure the others can fight off their demons." She sighs, "The Valentines ain't playin' anymore."
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
"one you probably haven't heard of. I would tell you the title but," he shows her the front of the book, which is blank "I don't know it"
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
"Where are the others right now? Odds are, they'd stand a much better chance against whatever the Valentines throw at them as a group."
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
"Thane an' Sparrow are usually around the Inn, did ya see either of 'em? 'Er did ya see Arthur?" She says, continuing to heal her wounds, there being lots of them.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
"I think I might have saw Arthur earlier, not entirely sure, but I know I didn't see Thane or Sparrow."
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)