Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a creature proficient with medium armor)

This finely crafted thick leather coat is burnished brown in color with black and gold colored leather cord stitched along its seams and edges. Made for battlefield commanders for military units operating in harsh environments, the quality craftsmanship and magical nature of this cloak offers strong physical protection and magical utility to its wearer if they attune to it.

  • While wearing this coat, your unarmored Armor Class is 14 + your Dexterity modifier (note: this does not stack with armor)
  • You may increase the volume of your voice when speaking, up to three times as loud as normal
  • While wearing this coat you have resistance to cold damage and you do not suffer ill effects from extreme weather conditions and are tolerate temperatures as low as −50 and as high as 140 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection
  • When falling you are able to grab the edges of the coat, as a reaction, you cast the Feather Fall spell, targeting only yourself
  • There are two internal pockets that act as extradimensional spaces, only accessible by the you if attuned. They can hold up to 10 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet, though no object placed inside can exceed 6 feet in any dimension. If you, or another creature, reaches into a pocket and turns it inside out, its contents spill forth out of the pocket, undamaged, into the immediate surrounding area of the coat

Notes: Resistance: Cold, Set: Unarmored Armor Class, creature proficient with medium armor, Buff, Warding, Outerwear

Item Tags: Buff Warding Outerwear



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