Weapon (trident), artifact (requires attunement by a non-lawful good or neutral character)

The weapon of choice of an ancient, violent demigod who ruled over the domains of storms and the ocean. This weapon deals an additional 2d8 lightning damage. If this weapon is thrown to make an attack, the user can make a bonus action to recall the trident. Any enemy creatures within five feet of the user when the weapon is recalled must make a DC18 Dexterity save. On a fail the enemy creatures take 2d6 lightning damage or half as much on a success.  While attuned to this weapon the user gains a swimming equal to double their walking speed, and are resistant to lightning and non-magical bludgeoning damage. Once per long rest, as an action the user of this weapon can perform the spell Call Lightning, cast at the 8th level with a save DC20.

Proficiency with a trident allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Notes: non-lawful good or neutral character, Thrown, Versatile