This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d6 − 1 levels of stored spells chosen by the GM.
Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring. If the ring can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.
While wearing this ring, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the ring is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.
Notes: Buff, Utility, Jewelry
If there are spells stored in this ring, will Detect Magic light up with their schools of magic?
Someone else asked this but I didnt see a response.
If a sorcerer casts a spell contained in this ring, can they use their own metamagic options on the spell? I would think no, but Im looking to verify.
I would say "Yes, they could," based on the wording of the item description, and of Metamagic:
The ring-bearer, for all intents and purposes except those outlined (spell save DC, etc.) is the one casting the spell that comes out of the ring. And since they cast it, they can use their Metamagic on it.
(Subject to DM overrule, as always.)
These kinds of objects, with somewhat obscure descriptions, should come with an example in the description. This took several reads through and then reviewing the questions below before I had a clue as to how to use this.
Please don't take this as snark - I know it's hard to write this stuff. But, I think it would be a good practice to always give an example of the various mechanics in the description so people have something to base their understanding on.
Is there a point where the ring regains spell levels back from the original 1d6-1 roll? Like after a long rest or after the spell has been used?
If you are able to get a caster to set Sigil of Warding into the ring with the sigil triggering Darkness spell, would you have to concentrate for that darkness?
I've heard sigil just uses the trigger spell for its duration without needing concentration(not sure if that's accurate) so I was wondering if I can essentially use the ring to get benefits of devil sight/darkness and also be able cast and concentrate on Hex within the same encounter.
I like this one with my Warlock.
Most people I met only have one spell stored on higher Level warlocks because they only have Level 5 spellslots, which immediatly fill the ring, but I use them kinda different.
First I picked the Tiefling as my race (really creative, I know). But, choosing the standard tiefling gives you a once per day cast of Hellish Rebuke (Level 1) and Darkness (Level 2)
Next, I picked the Fey touched Feat for +1 Charisma, which also gives me a once per day cast of Misty Step (Level 2) and Hex (Level 1).
Now, at the end of each day, I look which of these daily spells I didnt use and just store them in the ring as possible. Since you cast them at the lowest level, they dont suffer from the Warlocks weakness of upcasting everything and this allows you to have 3 to 5 spells stored in the ring just on your own.
Of course this works for every race/feat that gives you a once per day cast.
Could someone please tell me if my interpretation of this is correct?
The way I understand the description of this is that it doesn't simply hold 5 spells of any level, but the levels of the spells take up the space. So the ring could hold for example:
Five lvl 1 spells -or- One lvl 5 spell -or- Two lvl 2 spells and one lvl 1 spell
Meaning that as long as the levels of the spells add up to 5 you're good? And if so that would mean that it can't hold anything higher than a level 5? Right?
Correct. 5 spell levels of any combination.
(1)5th Level, (1) 4th and (1) first, (1) 3rd and (1) 2nd, etc
Wait so that means that a high level Warlock can only ever cast one spell in the ring at a time :0
Anyone figure out how to get this to display the spells contained in it somewhere useful like on the Spells bit of the character sheet? I've just had my wizard add a Dispel Magic, and Blur to it's notes, but... it would be nice if they showed up in the Spells or ???
Disregard... you can create a custom magic item based on the Ring of Spell Storing, and then add Spells to it... equip that, and Bob's your uncle.
Could I cast Revivify and store it in the ring just before taking a long rest and then regain the expended spell slot after finishing the long rest, or when I then eventually use the Revivify stored in the ring would I need to have a 3rd level spell slot free to be able to cast it which would then be used up? The way I saw it was that I could cast a spell into the ring, long rest to gain the spell slot back and then I have all of my level 3 spell slots available and can also cast that Revivify on top of what level 3 slots I have available. I feel like it would be pointless item otherwise if it still required a spell slot.
I just manually typed up something in notes to keep note of what I have stored in it and just change this as I go along and use spells in it/add new spells. Easy enough to search the spells effects on DnD Beyond if I don't know them but if I'm storing it I usually know what it does anyway. If not then takes seconds to Google it anyway.
How are cantrips treated? Do they count as level 1 unless upcasted? And if I use eldrich blast, would it scale with level?
The artwork for this ring is really cool. I want an irl ring like that.
If I were to put 5 1st Level cure wounds in the ring can I combine them to cast it at 5th level, or twice at level 2? Or something like that.
If a spell has a longer casting time, do you decide to put the spell in the ring when you take the first or final casting action?
Cantrips are 0th level spells RAW, so a caster can load up cantrips and then give it to another creature to use as they wish. Useful for airborne fights.
The tier of the cantrip is based on the ring user’s level, instead of the caster’s.