Armor Class
Hit Points
(1d4 - 1)
5 ft., fly 60 ft.
Perception +3, Stealth +3
Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 13
0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus
Flyby. The owl doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
You mean like a browser bookmark?
Something funny: If the owl is Enlarged and a Small PC is Reduced the PC can ride the Owl
"Time for a long rest"
"Who's keeping watch?"
"Yes , he is actually."
Bo hoo is someone angry
hehe owl
Hey, guys. The familiar doesn't have to take the aid action. You can give it magic items, and most work by using an action, not making an attack. Even oil can be poured on an enemy by the familiar then the wizard cast fire bolt, doing an extra shit ton of damage.
Ever hear an owl laugh? Hoo ha hoo ha
Is there a way of adding a creature to a character
owl :D
Second level artificers get to make common magic items. One common magic item is a spellwrought tattoo. You make a tattoo on yourself with find familiar. You can ignore the material components and get a free bird. The tattoo then vanishes, freeing up an infusion slot. You put a tattoo on your owl with the command word being an owl noise, with the spell find familiar, giving the owl an owl. You mark each owl sequentially with a number, and command owl number 1 to command owl number 2 to obey you and command owl number three to obey you and command owl number 4 to obey you… you get a bag of holding to store your owls. At the end of the day, check if any numbers are missing among your owls. If any are, give the number before it a tattoo. If number one is missing, give yourself a tattoo.
I think there's a strong argument to be made for that not working since the wording for Spellwrought tattoo is "The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once the spell ends, the tattoo vanishes from your skin." So it's perfectly valid ruling that the tattoo doesn't vanish when the familiar is summoned, but when the familiar dies since that IS the actual duration of the spell.
I love my pet owl skittles