Medium Humanoid (Goliath), Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 18 (half-plate, shield)
Hit Points 256 (27d10 + 108)
Speed 30 ft.
20 (+5)
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
18 (+4)
Saving Throws STR +10, DEX +7, CON +9
Damage Resistances Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Senses Passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5

Indomitable (3/Day). Thaladred can reroll a saving throw he fails. He must use the new roll.

Survivor. Thaladred regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn if he has at least 1 hit point, but fewer hit points than half its hit point maximum.

Unstoppable. Aside from being grappled or restrained, Thaladred is immune to effects that reduce his speed to 0. Effects that reduce his movement instead reduce half that amount. 

Skilled Soldier. Thaladred is a skilled soldier of many war campaigns. He is proficient in both the Dueling and Protection fighting styles.

  • Dueling - When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Protection - When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Multiattack. Thaladred makes three weapon attacks.

Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 7) piercing damage.


Shield Wall (3/Day). When any ranged attack would hit Thaladred or a creature within 5ft. of Thaladred, Thaladred can quickly raise his shield to fully block the attack causing the attack to miss. Thaladred then receives -2 to his AC until the start of his next turn. 

Legendary Actions

Thaladred can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Thaladred regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Weapon Attack. Thaladred makes a weapon attack.

Command Ally. Thaladred targets one ally it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear Thaladred, the target can make one weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage on the attack roll.

Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). Thaladred targets one enemy it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear it, the target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of Thaladred’s next turn.


Thaladred, The Mountain That Walks, is a 7'9", 400 lb Goliath. He looks like any other Goliath that one would imagine. However, he has multiple vertical rows of lithoderms on the right side of his face. These lithoderms are unique in that they range in color from green, grey, and white. 

Thaladred wears metal armor in key locations to protect himself from attacks from creatures of smaller stature. He also wears a large round metal helmet with a wide flat brim. Covering his armor is a large black trench coat with a massive purple stripe along the left side of his body. He wields two items: a flail with an extended chain and a massive tower shield with a giant's skull embedded on the front. 


Thaladred is a stoic and quiet defender of the town in which he resides. No one knows where he came from and all are afraid to ask him for more information. When he arrived in town, he established himself as the town's protector and no one argued with him. Since then he has single-handedly defended the town against roving bandits and other undesirable threats. He even led the town in a battle against an invading giant's warband. Townsfolk feel very fortunate to have him around, but still wonder why he is here defending the town as he does. 


Ideal. The strength of one's arm and the focus of one's will is all that matters.

Bond. I will remain in exile and protect those that I deem need protecting.

Flaw. When focused on a target or task, I become single-minded until the objective is completed. 

Monster Tags: NPC

Environment: ArcticMountain



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