Base Class: Wizard

This school of magic focuses on manipulating the mind.  It's similar to the School of Enchantment, but generally considered more dangerous.  Mind wizards specialize in creating nightmarish images and blasting down their opponent's mental defenses.  Many mind wizards are driven insane in their studies.  Some are even known to consort with illithids to attempt to strengthen their psionic powers.

Mental Manipulator

At 2nd level, you know the cantrip vicious mockery.  Additionally, you can cast the spell command as a 1st-level spell once without material components or expending a spell slot.  You regain this ability after taking a short or long rest.

Psychic Overload

At 2nd level, you can augment your mental assaults with your psionics.  You can add your Intelligence modifier to any spell that deals psychic damage.

Psychic Insight

At 6th level, you can see a creature's weaknesses, strengths, greatest desires and greatest fears.  As an action, you can force a sentient creature you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw.  On a failure, you know one of the following things about the creature: any damage resistances or immunities, any damage vulnerabilities, its current goals/desires, or one creature, object, or idea that it truly fears or despises.  You can use this feature a number of times before a long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier + 1.

Tangible Illusion

At 10th level, any illusion you create that looks like it should deal damage deals 1d8 psychic damage.  A creature is not affected by this if it knows that the illusion isn't real.  For example, an illusory creature could attack a creature, and if that creature does not realize it's an illusion, it would take 1d8 psychic damage (no attack roll required).

Mind Rend

At 14th level, you gain the ability to make a single, debilitating mental strike that bypasses any mental defenses.  As an action, choose one sentient creature you can see within 30 feet.  That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw.  On a failure, the creature takes 8d6 psychic damage and is stunned for 5 rounds.  They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.  If they fail by 5 or more, they instead take 48 psychic damage, and their Intelligence score is reduced to 1 until that creature is targeted by a healing spell of 5th level or higher.  While their Intelligence score is 1, they are paralyzed.  On a success, they take half damage and aren't stunned.  This damage bypasses all resistances and immunities.  This feature can't be used again until you take a long rest.

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