Character Classes

Character Classes

Character Classes

Character class provides a character’s most exciting capabilities. This chapter offers twelve classes, each of which contains four subclassesβ€”all summarized below.

Cleric. Invoke divine magic to heal, bolster, and smite. Then harness the Life Domain to be a master of healing.

Fighter. Master all weapons and armor. Then embody the Champion to strive for peak combat prowess.

Rogue. Launch deadly Sneak Attacks while avoiding harm through stealth. Then embody the Thief to master infiltration and treasure hunting.

Wizard. Study arcane magic and master spells for every purpose. Then embody the Evoker to create explosive effects.


Core Cleric Traits

Primary Ability Wisdom
Hit Point Die D8 per Cleric level
Saving Throw Proficiencies Wisdom and Charisma
Skill Proficiencies Choose 2: History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, or Religion
Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons
Armor Training Light and Medium armor and Shields
Starting Equipment Choose A or B: (A) Chain Shirt, Shield, Mace, Holy Symbol, Priest’s Pack, and 7 GP; or (B) 110 GP

Clerics draw power from the realms of the gods and harness it to work miracles. Blessed by a deity, a pantheon, or another immortal entity, a Cleric can reach out to the divine magic of the Outer Planesβ€”where gods dwellβ€”and channel it to bolster people and battle foes.

Because their power is a divine gift, Clerics typically associate themselves with temples dedicated to the deity or other immortal force that unlocked their magic. Harnessing divine magic doesn’t rely on specific training, yet Clerics might learn prayers and rites that help them draw on power from the Outer Planes.

Not every member of a temple or shrine is a Cleric. Some priests are called to a simple life of temple service, carrying out their devotion through prayer and rituals, not through magic. Many mortals claim to speak for the gods, but few can marshal the power of those gods the way a Cleric can.

Becoming a Cleric...

As a Level 1 Cleric
As a Multiclass Cleric
  • Gain the following traits from the Core Cleric Traits table: Hit Point Die and training with Light and Medium armor and Shields.
  • Gain the Cleric’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Cleric Features table. See the multiclassing rules in chapter 2 to determine your available spell slots.

Cleric Class Features

As a Cleric, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Cleric levels. These features are listed in the Cleric Features table.

Cleric Features

β€”β€”Spell Slots per Spell Levelβ€”β€”
Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features Channel Divinity Cantrips Prepared Spells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +2 Spellcasting, Divine Order β€” 3 4 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
2 +2 Channel Divinity 2 3 5 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
3 +2 Cleric Subclass 2 3 6 4 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 7 4 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
5 +3 Sear Undead 2 4 9 4 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
6 +3 Subclass feature 3 4 10 4 3 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
7 +3 Blessed Strikes 3 4 11 4 3 3 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 12 4 3 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
9 +4 β€” 3 4 14 4 3 3 3 1 β€” β€” β€” β€”
10 +4 Divine Intervention 3 5 15 4 3 3 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€”
11 +4 β€” 3 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 β€” β€” β€”
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 β€” β€” β€”
13 +5 β€” 3 5 17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 β€” β€”
14 +5 Improved Blessed Strikes 3 5 17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 β€” β€”
15 +5 β€” 3 5 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 β€”
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 β€”
17 +6 Subclass feature 3 5 19 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18 +6 β€” 4 5 20 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19 +6 Epic Boon 4 5 21 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20 +6 Greater Divine Intervention 4 5 22 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Level 1: Spellcasting

You have learned to cast spells through prayer and meditation. See chapter 7 for the rules on spellcasting. The information below details how you use those rules with Cleric spells, which appear on the Cleric spell list later in the class’s description.

Cantrips. You know three cantrips of your choice from the Cleric spell list. Guidance, Sacred Flame, and Thaumaturgy are recommended.

Whenever you gain a Cleric level, you can replace one of your cantrips with another cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list.

When you reach Cleric levels 4 and 10, you learn another cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list, as shown in the Cantrips column of the Cleric Features table.

Spell Slots. The Cleric Features table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your level 1+ spells. You regain all expended slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Prepared Spells of Level 1+. You prepare the list of level 1+ spells that are available for you to cast with this feature. To start, choose four level 1 spells from the Cleric spell list. Bless, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, and Shield of Faith are recommended.

The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Cleric levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Cleric Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional spells from the Cleric spell list until the number of spells on your list matches the number on the table. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you’re a level 3 Cleric, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of levels 1 and 2 in any combination.

If another Cleric feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Cleric spells for you.

Changing Your Prepared Spells. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can change your list of prepared spells, replacing any of the spells there with other Cleric spells for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Cleric spells.

Spellcasting Focus. You can use a Holy Symbol as a Spellcasting Focus for your Cleric spells.

Level 1: Divine Order

You have dedicated yourself to one of the following sacred roles of your choice.

Protector. Trained for battle, you gain proficiency with Martial weapons and training with Heavy armor.

Thaumaturge. You know one extra cantrip from the Cleric spell list. In addition, your mystical connection to the divine gives you a bonus to your Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) checks. The bonus equals your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

Level 2: Channel Divinity

You can channel divine energy directly from the Outer Planes to fuel magical effects. You start with two such effects: Divine Spark and Turn Undead, each of which is described below. Each time you use this class’s Channel Divinity, choose which Channel Divinity effect from this class to create. You gain additional effect options at higher Cleric levels.

You can use this class’s Channel Divinity twice. You regain one of its expended uses when you finish a Short Rest, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You gain additional uses when you reach certain Cleric levels, as shown in the Channel Divinity column of the Cleric Features table.

If a Channel Divinity effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals the spell save DC from this class’s Spellcasting feature.

Divine Spark. As a Magic action, you point your Holy Symbol at another creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself and focus divine energy at it. Roll 1d8 and add your Wisdom modifier. You either restore Hit Points to the creature equal to that total or force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Necrotic or Radiant damage (your choice) equal to that total. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage (round down).

You roll an additional d8 when you reach Cleric levels 7 (2d8), 13 (3d8), and 18 (4d8).

Turn Undead. As a Magic action, you present your Holy Symbol and censure Undead creatures. Each Undead of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its save, it has the Frightened and Incapacitated conditions for 1 minute. For that duration, it tries to move as far from you as it can on its turns. This effect ends early on the creature if it takes any damage, if you have the Incapacitated condition, or if you die.

Level 3: Cleric Subclass

You gain a Cleric subclass of your choice. The Life Domain subclass is detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Cleric levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Cleric level or lower.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Cleric levels 8, 12, and 16.

Level 5: Sear Undead

Whenever you use Turn Undead, you can roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1d8) and add the rolls together. Each Undead that fails its saving throw against that use of Turn Undead takes Radiant damage equal to the roll’s total. This damage doesn’t end the turn effect.

Level 7: Blessed Strikes

Divine power infuses you in battle. You gain one of the following options of your choice (if you get either option from a Cleric subclass in an older book, use only the option you choose for this feature).

Divine Strike. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with an attack roll using a weapon, you can cause the target to take an extra 1d8 Necrotic or Radiant damage (your choice).

Potent Spellcasting. Add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any Cleric cantrip.

Level 10: Divine Intervention

You can call on your deity or pantheon to intervene on your behalf. As a Magic action, choose any Cleric spell of level 5 or lower that doesn’t require a Reaction to cast. As part of the same action, you cast that spell without expending a spell slot or needing Material components. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 14: Improved Blessed Strikes

The option you chose for Blessed Strikes grows more powerful.

Divine Strike. The extra damage of your Divine Strike increases to 2d8.

Potent Spellcasting. When you cast a Cleric cantrip and deal damage to a creature with it, you can give vitality to yourself or another creature within 60 feet of yourself, granting a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of Fate is recommended.

Level 20: Greater Divine Intervention

You can call on even more powerful divine intervention. When you use your Divine Intervention feature, you can choose Wish when you select a spell. If you do so, you can’t use Divine Intervention again until you finish 2d4 Long Rests.

Cleric Spell List

This section presents the Cleric spell list. The spells are organized by spell level and then alphabetized, and each spell’s school of magic is listed. In the Special column, C means the spell requires Concentration, R means it’s a Ritual, and M means it requires a specific Material component.

Cantrips (Level 0 Cleric Spells)

Spell School Special
Guidance Divination C
Light Evocation β€”
Mending Transmutation β€”
Resistance Abjuration C
Sacred Flame Evocation β€”
Spare the Dying Necromancy β€”
Thaumaturgy Transmutation β€”

Level 1 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Bane Enchantment C
Bless Enchantment C, M
Command Enchantment β€”
Create or Destroy Water Transmutation β€”
Cure Wounds Abjuration β€”
Detect Evil and Good Divination C
Detect Magic Divination C, R
Detect Poison and Disease Divination C, R
Guiding Bolt Evocation β€”
Healing Word Abjuration β€”
Inflict Wounds Necromancy β€”
Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration C, M
Purify Food and Drink Transmutation R
Sanctuary Abjuration β€”
Shield of Faith Abjuration C

Level 2 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Aid Abjuration β€”
Augury Divination R, M
Blindness/Deafness Transmutation β€”
Calm Emotions Enchantment C
Continual Flame Evocation M
Enhance Ability Transmutation C
Find Traps Divination β€”
Gentle Repose Necromancy R, M
Hold Person Enchantment C
Lesser Restoration Abjuration β€”
Locate Object Divination C
Prayer of Healing Abjuration β€”
Protection from Poison Abjuration β€”
Silence Illusion C, R
Spiritual Weapon Evocation C
Warding Bond Abjuration M
Zone of Truth Enchantment β€”

Level 3 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Animate Dead Necromancy β€”
Beacon of Hope Abjuration C
Bestow Curse Necromancy C
Clairvoyance Divination C, M
Create Food and Water Conjuration β€”
Daylight Evocation β€”
Dispel Magic Abjuration β€”
Glyph of Warding Abjuration M
Magic Circle Abjuration M
Mass Healing Word Abjuration β€”
Meld into Stone Transmutation R
Protection from Energy Abjuration C
Remove Curse Abjuration β€”
Revivify Necromancy M
Sending Divination β€”
Speak with Dead Necromancy β€”
Spirit Guardians Conjuration C
Tongues Divination β€”
Water Walk Transmutation R

Level 4 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Aura of Life Abjuration C
Banishment Abjuration C
Control Water Transmutation C
Death Ward Abjuration β€”
Divination Divination R, M
Freedom of Movement Abjuration β€”
Guardian of Faith Conjuration β€”
Locate Creature Divination C
Stone Shape Transmutation β€”

Level 5 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Commune Divination R
Contagion Necromancy β€”
Dispel Evil and Good Abjuration C
Flame Strike Evocation β€”
Geas Enchantment β€”
Greater Restoration Abjuration M
Hallow Abjuration M
Insect Plague Conjuration C
Legend Lore Divination M
Mass Cure Wounds Abjuration β€”
Planar Binding Abjuration M
Raise Dead Necromancy M
Scrying Divination C, M

Level 6 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Blade Barrier Evocation C
Create Undead Necromancy M
Find the Path Divination C, M
Forbiddance Abjuration R, M
Harm Necromancy β€”
Heal Abjuration β€”
Heroes’ Feast Conjuration M
Planar Ally Conjuration β€”
Sunbeam Evocation C
True Seeing Divination M
Word of Recall Conjuration β€”

Level 7 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Conjure Celestial Conjuration C
Divine Word Evocation β€”
Etherealness Conjuration β€”
Fire Storm Evocation β€”
Plane Shift Conjuration M
Regenerate Transmutation β€”
Resurrection Necromancy M
Symbol Abjuration M

Level 8 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Antimagic Field Abjuration C
Control Weather Transmutation C
Earthquake Transmutation C
Holy Aura Abjuration C, M
Sunburst Evocation β€”

Level 9 Cleric Spells

Spell School Special
Astral Projection Necromancy M
Gate Conjuration C, M
Mass Heal Abjuration β€”
True Resurrection Necromancy M

Cleric Subclass

A Cleric subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Cleric levels, as specified in the subclass. Each Cleric subclass is named after a domain of existence that is favored by a god, pantheon, or religious order. This section presents the Life Domain subclass.

Life Domain

Soothe the Hurts of the World

The Life Domain focuses on the positive energy that helps sustain all life in the multiverse. Clerics who tap into this domain are masters of healing, using that life force to cure many hurts.

Existence itself relies on the positive energy associated with this domain, so a Cleric of almost any religious tradition might choose it. This domain is particularly associated with agricultural deities, gods of healing or endurance, and gods of home and community. Religious orders of healing also seek the magic of this domain.

Level 3: Disciple of Life

When a spell you cast with a spell slot restores Hit Points to a creature, that creature regains additional Hit Points on the turn you cast the spell. The additional Hit Points equal 2 plus the spell slot’s level.

Level 3: Life Domain Spells

Your connection to this divine domain ensures you always have certain spells ready. When you reach a Cleric level specified in the Life Domain Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.

Life Domain Spells
Cleric Level Prepared Spells
3 Aid, Bless, Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration
5 Mass Healing Word, Revivify
7 Aura of Life, Death Ward
9 Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds
Level 3: Preserve Life

As a Magic action, you present your Holy Symbol and expend a use of your Channel Divinity to evoke healing energy that can restore a number of Hit Points equal to five times your Cleric level. Choose Bloodied creatures within 30 feet of yourself (which can include you), and divide those Hit Points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half its Hit Point maximum.

Level 6: Blessed Healer

The healing spells you cast on others heal you as well. Immediately after you cast a spell with a spell slot that restores Hit Points to one or more creatures other than yourself, you regain Hit Points equal to 2 plus the spell slot’s level.

Level 17: Supreme Healing

When you would normally roll one or more dice to restore Hit Points to a creature with a spell or Channel Divinity, don’t roll those dice for the healing; instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 Hit Points to a creature with a spell, you restore 12.


Core Fighter Traits

Primary Ability Strength or Dexterity
Hit Point Die D10 per Fighter level
Saving Throw Proficiencies Strength and Constitution
Skill Proficiencies Choose 2: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Perception, or Survival
Weapon Proficiencies Simple and Martial weapons
Armor Training Light, Medium, and Heavy armor and Shields
Starting Equipment Choose A, B, or C: (A) Chain Mail, Greatsword, Flail, 8 Javelins, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 4 GP; (B) Studded Leather Armor, Scimitar, Shortsword, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Quiver, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 11 GP; or (C) 155 GP

Fighters rule many battlefields. Questing knights, royal champions, elite soldiers, and hardened mercenariesβ€”as Fighters, they all share an unparalleled prowess with weapons and armor. And they are well acquainted with death, both meting it out and defying it.

Fighters master various weapon techniques, and a well-equipped Fighter always has the right tool at hand for any combat situation. Likewise, a Fighter is adept with every form of armor. Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each Fighter specializes in certain styles of combat. Some concentrate on archery, some on fighting with two weapons at once, and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic. This combination of broad ability and extensive specialization makes Fighters superior combatants.

Becoming a Fighter...

As a Level 1 Fighter
As a Multiclass Fighter
  • Gain the following traits from the Core Fighter Traits table: Hit Point Die, proficiency with Martial weapons, and training with Light and Medium armor and Shields.
  • Gain the Fighter’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Fighter Features table.

Fighter Class Features

As a Fighter, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Fighter levels. These features are listed on the Fighter Features table.

Fighter Features

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features Second Wind Weapon Mastery
1 +2 Fighting Style, Second Wind, Weapon Mastery 2 3
2 +2 Action Surge (one use), Tactical Mind 2 3
3 +2 Fighter Subclass 2 3
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 4
5 +3 Extra Attack, Tactical Shift 3 4
6 +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4
7 +3 Subclass feature 3 4
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4
9 +4 Indomitable (one use), Tactical Master 3 4
10 +4 Subclass feature 4 5
11 +4 Two Extra Attacks 4 5
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 5
13 +5 Indomitable (two uses), Studied Attacks 4 5
14 +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 5
15 +5 Subclass feature 4 5
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 6
17 +6 Action Surge (two uses), Indomitable (three uses) 4 6
18 +6 Subclass feature 4 6
19 +6 Epic Boon 4 6
20 +6 Three Extra Attacks 4 6

Level 1: Fighting Style

You have honed your martial prowess and gain a Fighting Style feat of your choice (see chapter 5). Defense is recommended.

Whenever you gain a Fighter level, you can replace the feat you chose with a different Fighting Style feat.

Level 1: Second Wind

You have a limited well of physical and mental stamina that you can draw on. As a Bonus Action, you can use it to regain Hit Points equal to 1d10 plus your Fighter level.

You can use this feature twice. You regain one expended use when you finish a Short Rest, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

When you reach certain Fighter levels, you gain more uses of this feature, as shown in the Second Wind column of the Fighter Features table.

Level 1: Weapon Mastery

Your training with weapons allows you to use the mastery properties of three kinds of Simple or Martial weapons of your choice. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can practice weapon drills and change one of those weapon choices.

When you reach certain Fighter levels, you gain the ability to use the mastery properties of more kinds of weapons, as shown in the Weapon Mastery column of the Fighter Features table.

Level 2: Action Surge

You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action, except the Magic action.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Short or Long Rest. Starting at level 17, you can use it twice before a rest but only once on a turn.

Level 2: Tactical Mind

You have a mind for tactics on and off the battlefield. When you fail an ability check, you can expend a use of your Second Wind to push yourself toward success. Rather than regaining Hit Points, you roll 1d10 and add the number rolled to the ability check, potentially turning it into a success. If the check still fails, this use of Second Wind isn’t expended.

Level 3: Fighter Subclass

You gain a Fighter subclass of your choice. The Champion subclass is detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Fighter levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Fighter level or lower.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Fighter levels 6, 8, 12, 14, and 16.

Level 5: Extra Attack

You can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Level 5: Tactical Shift

Whenever you activate your Second Wind with a Bonus Action, you can move up to half your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Level 9: Indomitable

If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it with a bonus equal to your Fighter level. You must use the new roll, and you can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.

You can use this feature twice before a Long Rest starting at level 13 and three times before a Long Rest starting at level 17.

Level 9: Tactical Master

When you attack with a weapon whose mastery property you can use, you can replace that property with the Push, Sap, or Slow property for that attack.

Level 11: Two Extra Attacks

You can attack three times instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Level 13: Studied Attacks

You study your opponents and learn from each attack you make. If you make an attack roll against a creature and miss, you have Advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of Combat Prowess is recommended.

Level 20: Three Extra Attacks

You can attack four times instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fighter Subclass

A Fighter subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain levels, as specified in the subclass. This section presents the Champion subclass.


Pursue Physical Excellence in Combat

A Champion focuses on the development of martial prowess in a relentless pursuit of victory. Champions combine rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows, withstand peril, and garner glory. Whether in athletic contests or bloody battle, Champions strive for the crown of the victor.

Level 3: Improved Critical

Your attack rolls with weapons and Unarmed Strikes can score a Critical Hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.

Level 3: Remarkable Athlete

Thanks to your athleticism, you have Advantage on Initiative rolls and Strength (Athletics) checks.

In addition, immediately after you score a Critical Hit, you can move up to half your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Level 7: Additional Fighting Style

You gain another Fighting Style feat of your choice.

Level 10: Heroic Warrior

The thrill of battle drives you toward victory. During combat, you can give yourself Heroic Inspiration whenever you start your turn without it.

Level 15: Superior Critical

Your attack rolls with weapons and Unarmed Strikes can now score a Critical Hit on a roll of 18–20 on the d20.

Level 18: Survivor

You attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle, giving you these benefits.

Defy Death. You have Advantage on Death Saving Throws. Moreover, when you roll 18–20 on a Death Saving Throw, you gain the benefit of rolling a 20 on it.

Heroic Rally. At the start of each of your turns, you regain Hit Points equal to 5 plus your Constitution modifier if you are Bloodied and have at least 1 Hit Point.


Core Rogue Traits

Primary Ability Dexterity
Hit Point Die D8 per Rogue level
Saving Throw Proficiencies Dexterity and Intelligence
Skill Proficiencies Choose 4: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth
Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons and Martial weapons that have the Finesse or Light property
Tool Proficiencies Thieves’ Tools
Armor Training Light armor
Starting Equipment Choose A or B: (A) Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, Shortsword, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Quiver, Thieves’ Tools, Burglar’s Pack, and 8 GP; or (B) 100 GP

Rogues rely on cunning, stealth, and their foes’ vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem. A few even learn magical tricks to supplement their other abilities. Many Rogues focus on stealth and deception, while others refine skills that help them in a dungeon environment, such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks.

In combat, Rogues prioritize subtle strikes over brute strength. They would rather make one precise strike than wear an opponent down with a barrage of blows.

Some Rogues began their careers as criminals, while others used their cunning to fight crime. Whatever a Rogue’s relation to the law, no common criminal or officer of the law can match the subtle brilliance of the greatest Rogues.

Becoming a Rogue...

As a Level 1 Character
As a Multiclass Character
  • Gain the following traits from the Core Rogue Traits table: Hit Point Die, proficiency in one skill of your choice from the Rogue’s skill list, proficiency with Thieves’ Tools, and training with Light armor.
  • Gain the Rogue’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Rogue Features table.

Rogue Class Features

As a Rogue, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Rogue levels. These features are listed in the Rogue Features table.

Rogue Features

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features Sneak Attack
1 +2 Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant, Weapon Mastery 1d6
2 +2 Cunning Action 1d6
3 +2 Rogue Subclass, Steady Aim 2d6
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 2d6
5 +3 Cunning Strike, Uncanny Dodge 3d6
6 +3 Expertise 3d6
7 +3 Evasion, Reliable Talent 4d6
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4d6
9 +4 Subclass feature 5d6
10 +4 Ability Score Improvement 5d6
11 +4 Improved Cunning Strike 6d6
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 6d6
13 +5 Subclass feature 7d6
14 +5 Devious Strikes 7d6
15 +5 Slippery Mind 8d6
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 8d6
17 +6 Subclass feature 9d6
18 +6 Elusive 9d6
19 +6 Epic Boon 10d6
20 +6 Stroke of Luck 10d6

Level 1: Expertise

You gain Expertise in two of your skill proficiencies of your choice. Sleight of Hand and Stealth are recommended if you have proficiency in them.

At Rogue level 6, you gain Expertise in two more of your skill proficiencies of your choice.

Level 1: Sneak Attack

You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack roll if you have Advantage on the roll and the attack uses a Finesse or a Ranged weapon. The extra damage’s type is the same as the weapon’s type.

You don’t need Advantage on the attack roll if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the target, the ally doesn’t have the Incapacitated condition, and you don’t have Disadvantage on the attack roll.

The extra damage increases as you gain Rogue levels, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue Features table.

Level 1: Thieves’ Cant

You picked up various languages in the communities where you plied your roguish talents. You know Thieves’ Cant and one other language of your choice, which you choose from the language tables in chapter 2.

Level 1: Weapon Mastery

Your training with weapons allows you to use the mastery properties of two kinds of weapons of your choice with which you have proficiency, such as Daggers and Shortbows.

Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can change the kinds of weapons you chose. For example, you could switch to using the mastery properties of Scimitars and Shortswords.

Level 2: Cunning Action

Your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. On your turn, you can take one of the following actions as a Bonus Action: Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

Level 3: Rogue Subclass

You gain a Rogue subclass of your choice. The Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Soulknife, and Thief subclasses are detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Rogue levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Rogue level or lower.

Level 3: Steady Aim

As a Bonus Action, you give yourself Advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this feature only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use it, your Speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Rogue levels 8, 10, 12, and 16.

Level 5: Cunning Strike

You’ve developed cunning ways to use your Sneak Attack. When you deal Sneak Attack damage, you can add one of the following Cunning Strike effects. Each effect has a die cost, which is the number of Sneak Attack damage dice you must forgo to add the effect. You remove the die before rolling, and the effect occurs immediately after the attack’s damage is dealt. For example, if you add the Poison effect, remove 1d6 from the Sneak Attack’s damage before rolling.

If a Cunning Strike effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 plus your Dexterity modifier and Proficiency Bonus.

Poison (Cost: 1d6). You add a toxin to your strike, forcing the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target has the Poisoned condition for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the Poisoned target repeats the save, ending the effect on itself on a success.

To use this effect, you must have a Poisoner’s Kit on your person.

Trip (Cost: 1d6). If the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or have the Prone condition.

Withdraw (Cost: 1d6). Immediately after the attack, you move up to half your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Level 5: Uncanny Dodge

When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack roll, you can take a Reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you (round down).

Level 7: Evasion

You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain dangers. When you’re subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw and only half damage if you fail. You can’t use this feature if you have the Incapacitated condition.

Level 7: Reliable Talent

Whenever you make an ability check that uses one of your skill or tool proficiencies, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Level 11: Improved Cunning Strike

You can use up to two Cunning Strike effects when you deal Sneak Attack damage, paying the die cost for each effect.

Level 14: Devious Strikes

You’ve practiced new ways to use your Sneak Attack deviously. The following effects are now among your Cunning Strike options.

Daze (Cost: 2d6). The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or on its next turn, it can do only one of the following: move or take an action or a Bonus Action.

Knock Out (Cost: 6d6). The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it has the Unconscious condition for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. The Unconscious target repeats the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Obscure (Cost: 3d6). The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or it has the Blinded condition until the end of its next turn.

Level 15: Slippery Mind

Your cunning mind is exceptionally difficult to control. You gain proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.

Level 18: Elusive

You’re so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll can have Advantage against you unless you have the Incapacitated condition.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of the Night Spirit is recommended.

Level 20: Stroke of Luck

You have a marvelous knack for succeeding when you need to. If you fail a D20 Test, you can turn the roll into a 20.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Rogue Subclass

A Rogue subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Rogue levels, as specified in the subclass. This section presents the Thief subclass.


Hunt for Treasure as a Classic Adventurer

A mix of burglar, treasure hunter, and explorer, you are the epitome of an adventurer. In addition to improving your agility and stealth, you gain abilities useful for delving into ruins and getting maximum benefit from the magic items you find there.

Level 3: Fast Hands

As a Bonus Action, you can do one of the following.

Sleight of Hand. Make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to pick a lock or disarm a trap with Thieves’ Tools or to pick a pocket.

Use an Object. Take the Utilize action, or take the Magic action to use a magic item that requires that action.

Level 3: Second-Story Work

You’ve trained to get into especially hard-to-reach places, granting you these benefits.

Climber. You gain a Climb Speed equal to your Speed.

Jumper. You can determine your jump distance using your Dexterity rather than your Strength.

Level 9: Supreme Sneak

You gain the following Cunning Strike option.

Stealth Attack (Cost: 1d6). If you have the Hide action’s Invisible condition, this attack doesn’t end that condition on you if you end the turn behind Three-Quarters Cover or Total Cover.

Level 13: Use Magic Device

You’ve learned how to maximize use of magic items, granting you the following benefits.

Attunement. You can attune to up to four magic items at once.

Charges. Whenever you use a magic item property that expends charges, roll 1d6. On a roll of 6, you use the property without expending the charges.

Scrolls. You can use any Spell Scroll, using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability for the spell. If the spell is a cantrip or a level 1 spell, you can cast it reliably. If the scroll contains a higher-level spell, you must first succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check (DC 10 plus the spell’s level). On a successful check, you cast the spell from the scroll. On a failed check, the scroll disintegrates.

Level 17: Thief’s Reflexes

You are adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal Initiative and your second turn at your Initiative minus 10.


Core Wizard Traits

Primary Ability Intelligence
Hit Point Die D6 per Wizard level
Saving Throw Proficiencies Intelligence and Wisdom
Skill Proficiencies Choose 2: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, or Religion
Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons
Armor Training None
Starting Equipment Choose A or B: (A) 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (Quarterstaff), Robe, Spellbook, Scholar’s Pack, and 5 GP; or (B) 55 GP

Wizards are defined by their exhaustive study of magic’s inner workings. They cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, and spectacular transformations. Their magic conjures monsters from other planes of existence, glimpses the future, or forms protective barriers. Their mightiest spells change one substance into another, call meteors from the sky, or open portals to other worlds.

Most Wizards share a scholarly approach to magic. They examine the theoretical underpinnings of magic, particularly the categorization of spells into schools of magic. Renowned Wizards such as Bigby, Tasha, Mordenkainen, and Yolande have built on their studies to invent iconic spells now used across the multiverse.

The closest a Wizard is likely to come to an ordinary life is working as a sage or lecturer. Other Wizards sell their services as advisers, serve in military forces, or pursue lives of crime or domination.

But the lure of knowledge calls even the most unadventurous Wizards from the safety of their libraries and laboratories and into crumbling ruins and lost cities. Most Wizards believe that their counterparts in ancient civilizations knew secrets of magic that have been lost to the ages, and discovering those secrets could unlock the path to a power greater than any magic available in the present age.

Becoming a Wizard...

As a Level 1 Character
As a Multiclass Character

Wizard Class Features

As a Wizard, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Wizard levels. These features are listed in the Wizard Features table.

Wizard Features

β€”β€”Spell Slots per Spell Levelβ€”β€”
Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features Cantrips Prepared Spells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +2 Spellcasting, Ritual Adept, Arcane Recovery 3 4 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
2 +2 Scholar 3 5 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
3 +2 Wizard Subclass 3 6 4 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 7 4 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
5 +3 Memorize Spell 4 9 4 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
6 +3 Subclass feature 4 10 4 3 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
7 +3 β€” 4 11 4 3 3 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 12 4 3 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
9 +4 β€” 4 14 4 3 3 3 1 β€” β€” β€” β€”
10 +4 Subclass feature 5 15 4 3 3 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€”
11 +4 β€” 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 β€” β€” β€”
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 β€” β€” β€”
13 +5 β€” 5 17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 β€” β€”
14 +5 Subclass feature 5 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 β€” β€”
15 +5 β€” 5 19 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 β€”
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 21 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 β€”
17 +6 β€” 5 22 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18 +6 Spell Mastery 5 23 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19 +6 Epic Boon 5 24 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20 +6 Signature Spells 5 25 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Level 1: Spellcasting

As a student of arcane magic, you have learned to cast spells. See chapter 7 for the rules on spellcasting. The information below details how you use those rules with Wizard spells, which appear in the Wizard spell list later in the class’s description.

Cantrips. You know three Wizard cantrips of your choice. Light, Mage Hand, and Ray of Frost are recommended. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can replace one of your cantrips from this feature with another Wizard cantrip of your choice.

When you reach Wizard levels 4 and 10, you learn another Wizard cantrip of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips column of the Wizard Features table.

Spellbook. Your wizardly apprenticeship culminated in the creation of a unique book: your spellbook. It is a Tiny object that weighs 3 pounds, contains 100 pages, and can be read only by you or someone casting Identify. You determine the book’s appearance and materials, such as a gilt-edged tome or a collection of vellum bound with twine.

The book contains the level 1+ spells you know. It starts with six level 1 Wizard spells of your choice. Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep, and Thunderwave are recommended.

Whenever you gain a Wizard level after 1, add two Wizard spells of your choice to your spellbook. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown in the Wizard Features table. The spells are the culmination of arcane research you do regularly.

Spell Slots. The Wizard Features table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your level 1+ spells. You regain all expended slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Prepared Spells of Level 1+. You prepare the list of level 1+ spells that are available for you to cast with this feature. To do so, choose four spells from your spellbook. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Wizard levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Wizard Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Wizard spells until the number of spells on your list matches the number in the table. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you’re a level 3 Wizard, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of levels 1 and 2 in any combination, chosen from your spellbook.

If another Wizard feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Wizard spells for you.

Changing Your Prepared Spells. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can change your list of prepared spells, replacing any of the spells there with spells from your spellbook.

Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Wizard spells.

Spellcasting Focus. You can use an Arcane Focus or your spellbook as a Spellcasting Focus for your Wizard spells.

Level 1: Ritual Adept

You can cast any spell as a Ritual if that spell has the Ritual tag and the spell is in your spellbook. You needn’t have the spell prepared, but you must read from the book to cast a spell in this way.

Level 1: Arcane Recovery

You can regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. When you finish a Short Rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level equal to no more than half your Wizard level (round up), and none of the slots can be level 6 or higher. For example, if you’re a level 4 Wizard, you can recover up to two levels’ worth of spell slots, regaining either one level 2 spell slot or two level 1 spell slots.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 2: Scholar

While studying magic, you also specialized in another field of study. Choose one of the following skills in which you have proficiency: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. You have Expertise in the chosen skill.

Level 3: Wizard Subclass

You gain a Wizard subclass of your choice. The Evoker subclass is detailed after this class’s description. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Wizard levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Wizard level or lower.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at Wizard levels 8, 12, and 16.

Level 5: Memorize Spell

Whenever you finish a Short Rest, you can study your spellbook and replace one of the level 1+ Wizard spells you have prepared for your Spellcasting feature with another level 1+ spell from the book.

Level 18: Spell Mastery

You have achieved such mastery over certain spells that you can cast them at will. Choose a level 1 and a level 2 spell in your spellbook that have a casting time of an action. You always have those spells prepared, and you can cast them at their lowest level without expending a spell slot. To cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot.

Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can study your spellbook and replace one of those spells with an eligible spell of the same level from the book.

Level 19: Epic Boon

You gain an Epic Boon feat (see chapter 5) or another feat of your choice for which you qualify. Boon of Spell Recall is recommended.

Level 20: Signature Spells

Choose two level 3 spells in your spellbook as your signature spells. You always have these spells prepared, and you can cast each of them once at level 3 without expending a spell slot. When you do so, you can’t cast them in this way again until you finish a Short or Long Rest. To cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot.

Wizard Spell List

This section presents the Wizard spell list. The spells are organized by spell level and then alphabetized, and each spell’s school of magic is listed. In the Special column, C means the spell requires Concentration, R means it’s a Ritual, and M means it requires a specific Material component.

Cantrips (Level 0 Wizard Spells)

Spell School Special
Acid Splash Evocation β€”
Chill Touch Necromancy β€”
Dancing Lights Illusion C
Fire Bolt Evocation β€”
Light Evocation β€”
Mage Hand Conjuration β€”
Mending Transmutation β€”
Message Transmutation β€”
Minor Illusion Illusion β€”
Poison Spray Necromancy β€”
Prestidigitation Transmutation β€”
Ray of Frost Evocation β€”
Shocking Grasp Evocation β€”
Thunderclap Evocation β€”
True Strike Divination β€”

Level 1 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Alarm Abjuration R
Burning Hands Evocation β€”
Charm Person Enchantment β€”
Color Spray Illusion β€”
Comprehend Languages Divination R
Detect Magic Divination C, R
Disguise Self Illusion β€”
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation C
False Life Necromancy –
Feather Fall Transmutation β€”
Find Familiar Conjuration R, M
Fog Cloud Conjuration C
Grease Conjuration β€”
Identify Divination R, M
Illusory Script Illusion R, M
Jump Transmutation β€”
Longstrider Transmutation β€”
Mage Armor Abjuration β€”
Magic Missile Evocation β€”
Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration C, M
Shield Abjuration β€”
Silent Image Illusion C
Sleep Enchantment C
Thunderwave Evocation β€”
Unseen Servant Conjuration R

Level 2 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Alter Self Transmutation C
Arcane Lock Abjuration M
Augury Divination R, M
Blindness/Deafness Transmutation β€”
Blur Illusion C
Continual Flame Evocation M
Darkness Evocation C
Darkvision Transmutation β€”
Detect Thoughts Divination C
Enhance Ability Transmutation C
Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation C
Flaming Sphere Evocation C
Gentle Repose Necromancy R, M
Gust of Wind Evocation C
Hold Person Enchantment C
Invisibility Illusion C
Knock Transmutation β€”
Levitate Transmutation C
Locate Object Divination C
Magic Mouth Illusion R, M
Magic Weapon Transmutation β€”
Mirror Image Illusion β€”
Misty Step Conjuration β€”
Ray of Enfeeblement Necromancy C
Rope Trick Transmutation β€”
Scorching Ray Evocation β€”
See Invisibility Divination β€”
Shatter Evocation β€”
Spider Climb Transmutation C
Suggestion Enchantment C
Web Conjuration C

Level 3 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Animate Dead Necromancy β€”
Bestow Curse Necromancy C
Blink Transmutation β€”
Clairvoyance Divination C, M
Counterspell Abjuration β€”
Dispel Magic Abjuration β€”
Fear Illusion C
Fireball Evocation β€”
Fly Transmutation C
Gaseous Form Transmutation C
Glyph of Warding Abjuration M
Haste Transmutation C
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion C
Lightning Bolt Evocation β€”
Magic Circle Abjuration M
Major Image Illusion C
Nondetection Abjuration M
Phantom Steed Illusion R
Protection from Energy Abjuration C
Remove Curse Abjuration β€”
Sending Divination β€”
Sleet Storm Conjuration C
Slow Transmutation C
Speak with Dead Necromancy β€”
Stinking Cloud Conjuration C
Tongues Divination β€”
Vampiric Touch Necromancy C
Water Breathing Transmutation R

Level 4 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Arcane Eye Divination C
Banishment Abjuration C
Blight Necromancy β€”
Confusion Enchantment C
Conjure Minor Elementals Conjuration C
Control Water Transmutation C
Dimension Door Conjuration β€”
Divination Divination R, M
Fabricate Transmutation β€”
Fire Shield Evocation β€”
Greater Invisibility Illusion C
Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion β€”
Ice Storm Evocation β€”
Locate Creature Divination C
Phantasmal Killer Illusion C
Polymorph Transmutation C
Stone Shape Transmutation β€”
Stoneskin Transmutation C, M
Wall of Fire Evocation C

Level 5 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Animate Objects Transmutation C
Cloudkill Conjuration C
Cone of Cold Evocation β€”
Conjure Elemental Conjuration C
Contact Other Plane Divination R
Creation Illusion β€”
Dominate Person Enchantment C
Dream Illusion β€”
Geas Enchantment β€”
Hold Monster Enchantment C
Legend Lore Divination M
Mislead Illusion C
Modify Memory Enchantment C
Passwall Transmutation β€”
Planar Binding Abjuration M
Scrying Divination C, M
Seeming Illusion β€”
Telekinesis Transmutation C
Teleportation Circle Conjuration M
Wall of Force Evocation C
Wall of Stone Evocation C

Level 6 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Chain Lightning Evocation β€”
Circle of Death Necromancy M
Contingency Abjuration M
Create Undead Necromancy M
Disintegrate Transmutation β€”
Eyebite Necromancy C
Flesh to Stone Transmutation C
Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration C
Guards and Wards Abjuration M
Magic Jar Necromancy M
Mass Suggestion Enchantment β€”
Move Earth Transmutation C
Programmed Illusion Illusion M
Sunbeam Evocation C
True Seeing Divination M
Wall of Ice Evocation C

Level 7 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Delayed Blast Fireball Evocation C
Etherealness Conjuration β€”
Finger of Death Necromancy β€”
Forcecage Evocation C, M
Mirage Arcane Illusion β€”
Plane Shift Conjuration M
Prismatic Spray Evocation β€”
Project Image Illusion C, M
Reverse Gravity Transmutation C
Sequester Transmutation M
Simulacrum Illusion M
Symbol Abjuration M
Teleport Conjuration β€”

Level 8 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Antimagic Field Abjuration C
Antipathy/Sympathy Enchantment β€”
Clone Necromancy M
Control Weather Transmutation C
Demiplane Conjuration β€”
Dominate Monster Enchantment C
Incendiary Cloud Conjuration C
Maze Conjuration C
Mind Blank Abjuration β€”
Power Word Stun Enchantment β€”
Sunburst Evocation β€”

Level 9 Wizard Spells

Spell School Special
Astral Projection Necromancy M
Foresight Divination β€”
Gate Conjuration C, M
Imprisonment Abjuration M
Meteor Swarm Evocation β€”
Power Word Kill Enchantment β€”
Prismatic Wall Abjuration β€”
Shapechange Transmutation C, M
Time Stop Transmutation β€”
True Polymorph Transmutation C
Weird Illusion C
Wish Conjuration β€”

Wizard Subclass

A Wizard subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Wizard levels, as specified in the subclass. This section presents the Evoker subclass.


Create Explosive Elemental Effects

Your studies focus on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid. Some Evokers find employment in military forces, serving as artillery to blast armies from afar. Others use their power to protect others, while some seek their own gain.

Level 3: Evocation Savant

Choose two Wizard spells from the Evocation school, each of which must be no higher than level 2, and add them to your spellbook for free.

In addition, whenever you gain access to a new level of spell slots in this class, you can add one Wizard spell from the Evocation school to your spellbook for free. The chosen spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Level 3: Potent Cantrip

Your damaging cantrips affect even creatures that avoid the brunt of the effect. When you cast a cantrip at a creature and you miss with the attack roll or the target succeeds on a saving throw against the cantrip, the target takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

Level 6: Sculpt Spells

You can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocations. When you cast an Evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 plus the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.

Level 10: Empowered Evocation

Whenever you cast a Wizard spell from the Evocation school, you can add your Intelligence modifier to one damage roll of that spell.

Level 14: Overchannel

You can increase the power of your spells. When you cast a Wizard spell with a spell slot of levels 1–5 that deals damage, you can deal maximum damage with that spell on the turn you cast it.

The first time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. If you use this feature again before you finish a Long Rest, you take 2d12 Necrotic damage for each level of the spell slot immediately after you cast it. This damage ignores Resistance and Immunity.

Each time you use this feature again before finishing a Long Rest, the Necrotic damage per spell level increases by 1d12.