Base Class: Paladin

Paladins who have taken the Oath of Mage Slayer, often called Witch Hunters or Inquisitors, specialize in fighting spellcasters. They are found all over the world, and dedicate their lives to rooting out and killing spellcasters that have gone evil. The process of which they are called is a lengthy one unless a spellcaster or casters have made their selves infamous then in which case the Mage slayers mobilize 1 to 5 of the order to deal with the issue. The Mage Slayers have a over all ranking system with in the Order and depending on how skilled you are or how successful your labors are depends on your ranking. 


  • Slayers - Base rank, is generally a low level paladin and a warrior type
  • Inquisitor - Base rank, is generally a low level Paladin and is the investogator
  • The Hunters - is a medium rank with in the order generally a level 5 to 9 paladin they usually specialize in hunting one particular type of Mage
  • Spellguards - is a lower end Higher rank and are generally a level 10 to 13 paladin, they usually are over seers to the groups sent out on missions. They often times are the face of the group and deal with the mayors or towns guard. 
  • Spellbreaker - this is the highest rank among the Mage slayers, they are generally the ones that are the head of a chapter and do all the paperwork and run things from the home front. but make no mistake that they are a force to be had. 

Tenets of the Mage Slayer

There are no set oaths that the Paladins repeat more so a modified version of the below. 

Valor: The enemy of the world can crack the world as we know it with the powers of the Arcana, I must be the shield that protects the world and show them mercy at first but destruction if need be.

Enmity: My mind must be strong and resolved, for the enemy can subvert and subvert my emotions and thoughts.

Absolution: My resolve must be pure, if i let my emotions cloud the judgement that was bestowed upon me the world can suffer for it. 

Atonement: If i fail in my duties to protect the innocent of the destruction of my enemies, i must make right what I wronged. I must absolve their pain their my fruits and labors.

Oaths of the Mage Slayer Features




Oath Spells, Channel Divinity 


Hunters Eye

15 th 

Arcane Tether

20 TH 




Oath Spells




Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud 


Hold person, Silence 


counterspell, Protection from Energy 

13 TH 

Confusion, Locate creature 

17 TH 

Wall of Force, Modify Memory 



Channel Divinity

Starting at 3rd level, as an Action, you can imbue a creature with your positive energy, undoing magical and debilitating affects. This energy cleanses the following affect 

Arcanum Cleanse

  • 1 affect that charmed or Petrified
  • 1 curse or enchantment
  • 1 affect reducing a creatures maximum hit points

Disrupt Magic

You can use your channel Divinity to disrupt concentration spells, As you lift your Holy symbol into the air a Pulse spreads out from the symbol 30 ft. outward. All casters that have concentration Affects going must immediately make a concentration check versus your Spell Save DC. Any caster that fails this check loses concentration of the spell. 

Hunters Eye

Starting at 7th Level, when you use your smite ability you sacrifice dealing damage and you can put a mark on the target. The mark is very visible and the target knows they have it. Dispel Magic can remove the mark, other than that nothing can remove it. The mark stays for a number of hours equal to your charisma modifier

Arcane Tether

Starting at 15th Level, the Mage Slayers can tether a magic user to a designated 5 foot square that they can not go further than 45 feet from. As an Action you may sacrifice 2 Level 4 spell slots or 1 Level 5 Spell slot, doing so on your next successful melee attack a magical cord attaches to the arcane essence of the caster. The other end of the cord is rooted into the ground of a designated 5 foot square. The caster must make Constitution Saving throw, on a successful save the mage is able to shed the cord free. On a failed save the caster not only tethered to the spot but can not cast concentration spells till freed. The target may make another Constitution Saving throw at the end of their next turn. In addition any spellcaster you have tethered has a harder time hurting you with their spells. While they are tethered you have resistance to all damage produced from their spells. 


At 20th Level, you become the ultimate killing machine when it comes to Mages. As an Action you may take of the embodiment of anti Magic, the effect last for 1 minute, or until the Paladin is reduced to 0 health or falls unconscious. You gain the following benefits:


  • Any spell cast at you that is level 5 and below automatically fail to go off. 
  •  All attacks made are considered to have the affects of staggering Smite
  • You have planar sight up to 15 ft. can be turned on and off at will. Planar sight allows you to see in the one of the three planes: Shadowfell, Fewwyld, Ethereal 


After using this feature you may not use it again till after a long rest

Oath Of The Mage Slayer Image


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