Base Class: Paladin

A Paladin who swears the Oath of Fellowship sacrifices their own glory to give divine purpose and power to a group of comrades. You swear this oath in conjunction with a group of others, and though they are not paladins, they are nevertheless like-minded peers. You all swear to uphold certain virtues of courage and righteousness, but above all else, you pledge an undying loyalty to one another, swearing to aid and protect one another at any cost. Holding one another accountable to the values and goals of the group, you have your own inner system of discipline, and you would not betray one of your own to an outside power or authority. No ideal, god, or monarch commands higher loyalty than your sworn fellows. A betrayal of this group loyalty can be punished and in extreme cases result in a death sentence from the group. A failure to punish betrayal can also be regarded as a betrayal of the oath. Many groups have crumbled and come apart under the weight of this oath, and it is not one to be undertaken lightly. 

Taking the Oath of Fellowship requires one other willing person at minimum. Others can be inducted into the fellowship later, but once the oath is made, it is binding for life. The paladin takes this oath with other player characters, and though it is the paladin's oath which gives the compact its power, all members benefit and all are considered equal in terms of decision making. If no other player character is willing to make this oath, the DM at their discretion may allow for a 1st level NPC to take the oath with you. Otherwise, you must choose a different sacred oath.

If a member of the group strays from the oath they have taken, the other members may decide to revoke access to the granted features of the oath until amends are made. If a member breaks the oath by showing unrepentant disloyalty, then they are cast from the group and permanently suffer Disadvantage to all Charisma ability checks and saving throws. This effect cannot be removed short of a wish spell. A paladin who willingly betrays his group becomes an Oathbreaker. One who finds himself without a group, whether it because they have died or broken their own oaths, loses all access to features of the oath and can no longer gain levels in the Paladin class. If the paladin dies leaving a sworn group behind, that group retains the benefits of the level that the paladin had reached.

Tenets of the Fellowship:

The goals of any specific fellowship may vary, and they may resemble the tenets of other Paladin Oaths, but loyalty to other members of the oath group is of prime importance. 

Loyalty: The group of people you pledge your devotion to are your kin, your brothers and sisters in arms, and you will stand by each other in the darkest of times, giving your life for one another if need be. 

Solidarity: You are joined with your brothers and sisters in a common cause. You must remain loyal to this cause in order to remain loyal to your group.

Responsibility. You are responsible for fulfilling your duties to the group who can impose penalties on those who stray from their obligations. 

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Pack Tactics. As an action, any member of your oath group can rally the others, granting them Advantage on attack rolls against a creature for the remainder of combat if at least one of the group is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. 

Rebuke the Outsider. When a creature you can see hits a member of your group with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. The creature takes 2d8 radiant damage on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. You can use this feature once per member of your group, once per day. You regain expended uses after a long rest. 

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of the Fellowship Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3rd heroism, purify food and drink
5th prayer of healing, enhance ability
9th aura of vitalityrevivify
13th guardian of faith, locate creature
17th Rary's telepathic bond, teleportation circle

Aura of Unity

Starting at 7th level, an aura of unity extends between members. Any member of the oath group who is forced to make a saving throw may use the saving throw modifier of another member if it is higher than their own and if they are within 5ft of one another. 

Strength in Numbers

Beginning at 15th level, members of your oath group, at the beginning of their turn in combat, regain hit points equal to the number of other oath group members within 5ft of them (up to a maximum of 8)

Leader of the Pack

At 20th level, your oath group, using their reactions simultaneously, can take on an intimidating aspect that marks each of them as part of the same team. Perhaps the same tattoo pattern appears on each of their faces, or everyone's eyes light up red, or everyone's weapons all become wreathed in the same ghostly light. It is up to the group to decide what effect suits them best. One member of the group's choice will take on an aspect that is somewhat more pronounced marking them as the leader of the pack. Members must be within 30ft of you when this feature is activated, but as long as they are within 30ft of any other member afterward, they gain the following benefits for up to one hour:

- An additional 10ft of movement per round.
- +5 to initiative checks
- Advantage on all saving throws

The member who is leader of the pack gains Advantage on all ability checks. This feature can only be used once and is regained after all members have completed a long rest.

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