Base Class: Sorcerer

You have been born in an area overlapped by the Shadowfell, or perhaps conceived in a dark ritual. Somehow you have darkness you, a connection to the very essence of it that exists through all planes. This grants you power over the weave of reality to cast spells but also manifests powers of shadow, fear, illusion, coldness and death. You can pass through objects, alter minds, and move from shadow to shadow silently.

Dark Soul Sorcerers, also known as Shadow Mages, are rare and very secretive. Their powers are usually misunderstood and more often than not the mage may be shunned or hunted by those who fear them.

Dark Nature

Darkness is part of who you are. With your vision you can treat all dim light and any non-magical darkness in range of your sight as if it were bright light but you can still tell what light level it is supposed to be. You can also see through magical darkness out to a range of 120 ft. Additionally you see into any area of dim light or darkness that is within 120 ft of you even if that area would be blocked by obstructions like objects, walls, floors, ceiling etc; this only allows you to be aware of the areas and see if spaces are occupied or not. You may see movement but you do not see colour or definition and will be unable to differentiate between an object or creature or even properly identify the shape of an object or creature.

At home in the dark and quiet you are naturally stealthy. Shadows seem to darken you more than normal and reduce noise you make. You gain proficiency with the Stealth skill and if you are in an area of dim light or darkness you have advantage on Stealth checks.

Dark Magic

Your dark magic can manifest through a variety of ways. Choose one cantrip and a 1st level spell. You know these spells but they do not count against your maximum cantrips or known spells. These spells must match one or more of the following requirementsk although they do not both have to be the same one (Note: the builder does not allow filtering the spells in this way so it is up to you to ensure the spell meets a requirement):

  • It deals necrotic damage and cannot deal damage of any other type.
  • It deals cold damage and cannot deal damage of any other type.
  • It deals psychic damage and cannot deal damage of any other type.
  • It is from the necromancy school of magic.
  • It is from the illusion school of magic.

At future levels if you replace the 1st level spell the new spell you replace it with must also meet one of these requirements. These spells can be from any spell list and will be considered a Sorcerer spell for you and use your Charisma as the spellcasting ability modifier. You may ignore any material components for these spells.

Additionally when you reach 3rd level in this class you learn the Darkness spell and this does not count against your maximum of known spells. You can cast the spell using spell slots as normal or by spending 2 Sorcery Points and can ignore all component requirements. You can choose the size of the area of darkness: you can make it as small as 1 foot in radius or up to double the normal area radius for the spell. While concentrating on the spell you can use your action to move the area of darkness up to 30 ft in any direction you choose but the central point of the spell's area of effect must be within 120 ft of you.

Shadow Step

After reaching 6th level while in an area of dim light or darkness you may use a bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60 ft of you that is also in an area of dim light or darkness. You can bring one creature with you that is within 5 ft and 1 size category bigger than you or smaller. If the target is unwilling you must have the target grappled.

Merge Into Shadow

When you reach 14th level you can merge with shadows. When in an area of dim light or shadow you can use an action to become Invisible. You remain invisible until you take damage, cause damage to any creature or are in an area of bright light.

Abyssal Shadow

When you reach 18th level you can, as an action, spend 10 sorcery points to target one creature you can see within 60 ft of you and attempt to attempt to send it into an abyss of your making. The target must make a Charisma saving throw and on success it takes 2d6 psychic damage and nothing further happens. If it fails the saving throw it takes 3d6 damage, it is incapacitated, its space is filled with darkness and it is sent to an abyss filled with infinite nothing but horrible endless expanse of darkness where it will be assailed by nightmares, terrifying illusions, extreme cold and have its life force slowly seep away. The space it left behind remains occupied by a cloud of impassable darkness and shadow.

While in this abyss the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw on the start of its turns and if it fails this it takes 2d6 psychic damage. It must then make a constitution saving throw taking 2d6 cold damage on failure or half of this on success. At the end of its turn it can make a Charisma saving throw causing this effect to end on a success but if it fails it remains in the abyss. It if remains in the abyss at the end of its turn by failing the saving throw a [monster[Shadow[/monster] is created if there is not one already active. The target creature takes 3d8+3 necrotic damage on creation of the [monster[Shadow[/monster] and this [monster[Shadow[/monster] then emerges on the material plane stepping out of the dark cloud. You can communite telepathically with this [monster[Shadow[/monster] and it understands you and obeys all your commands to the best of its ability. The [monster[Shadow[/monster] has its own turns which it takes immediately following the target creature's turn, you can command the [monster[Shadow[/monster] as a free action at the start of its turns or at any time on your turn. The [monster[Shadow[/monster] cannot create more [monster[Shadow[/monster]s using the Strength Drain attack. Only one [monster[Shadow[/monster] created by this effect can be active at any time. The [monster[Shadow[/monster] begins with hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage the target creature received when the [monster[Shadow[/monster] was spawned. The [monster[Shadow[/monster] is destroyed and vanishes without trace if it is dropped to 0 Hit Points or if this effect ends early.

Concentration is not required to maintain this effect and it lasts 1 minute. You may end it early as an action and it will also end early if the target creature succeeds on the Charisma saving throw or if you become unconscious or die or if the target creature dies. The effect can also end early by attacking the dark cloud and destroying it: it has an AC of 20 and hit points equal to 4x your Charisma modifier but is immune to all damage except radiant damage. When the effect ends the creature is returned to its original space on the material plane as the dark cloud dissipates.

Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you have completed a long rest.

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