Reformed Bandit Image

You used to be a bandit, but then you took a metaphorical arrow to the knee.  You decided to reform your criminal ways, and dedicate yourself to hunting down those you used to work with.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Stealth
Equipment: A dice set, a dagger, a set of hooded traveling clothes, a bullseye lantern, and a pouch with 15 gp
Feature: Criminal Past

You know how groups of bandits work (from personal experience), and can easily predict patterns etc.   You can also easily pass as a member of a group.

Suggested Characteristics

Your time as a bandit has affected you more than you might think— by making you twitchier, hardening your emotions, or deepening your distrust of city guards.

d8 Personality Trait
1 You are always twitchy and on the lookout for danger.
2 You have an ingrown sympathy for the plight of bandits.
3 You always help every traveler you find on the road.
4 You distrust members of the guard.
5 You know endless amounts of bawdy campfire stories.
6 You always show respect to traveling caravans.
7 I believe that any fair fight is a lost fight.
8 You act like you were born 4 social classes higher than you were.
d6 Ideal
1 Justice. You are hunting your former band for past atrocities (Lawful).
2 Redemption. You seek redemption for past deeds (Good).
3 Might. If you're stronger, you can rightfully take whatever you want (Evil).
4 Equality. Everyone deserves as much as every one else (Chaotic).
5 Money. Money can solve everything (Neutral).
6 Ambition. You wish to rise above your lowly origins (Any).
d6 Bond
1 You have an angry magistrate chasing after you for past crimes.
2 You still retain loyalty to your former leader (or band).
3 You owe a kind traveller who spared your life after you tried to rob him.
4 You seek revenge against a former compatriot who cheated you.
5 You are looking for a friend who also abandoned your group with you, but was separated from you.
6 You seek to prove yourself to a former mentor you disappointed.
d6 Flaw
1 You can be cruel at times, especially to bandits.
2 All you really care about is money.
3 You refuse to trust any member of the guard.
4 You still feel the urge to plunder passing caravans.
5 You are unwilling to kill members of your former band, no matter the cost.
6 You prefer to stay on the sidelines shouting encouragement, rather than fighting.

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6/2/2018 10:53:34 AM
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