Looking for Players & Groups

Need a hero (or DM)? Recruit or seek your new party here!
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LFG 🐉 Natural 20 - New D&D/TTRPG Europe Discord server [18+] [Looking for players/DMs] [🍃 Beginner friendly] >>
344 4,365
LFG Older player looking for group, live table game only, Seattle/Tacoma metro area, USA >> 3 44
LFG Looking for group >>
by alextweedie21
3 32
LFG (New Player) (Online) (LFG) PST (GMT-8) >>
by Dapper384
1 29
LFG Duo looking for a new campaign (D&D 5-5.5e) >>
by Nachtmahr96
1 49
LFG Player looking for new campaign >>
by cadewyatt2
4 72
LFG DND server recruiting players! We provide you a DM! FREE! >>
by Lorthi0n
2 75
LFG Returning player looking for a noob friendly group. >>
by ZiggyJoJo
0 19
LF 1 Player for One Shot Leading into a Long term campaign >>
by Terracrete
1 62
Westmarch Style Roleplaying Server. All players and Dm's welcomed 2-5 games daily. LGBTQ friendly. 18+only >>
by Ashsunday
25 960
LFG Doctor Who dnd, GMT, LGBTQ friendly 18- >>
by notaname47314
0 9
LFG looking for DM and Group >>
by RedNovaDragon
1 51
LFG Willkommen auf einem deutschsprachigen D&D-Server! >>
by DND_Germany
119 2,647
Paid [Paid] Looking for a few players in various timezones for a Long-Term 5th ed Sandbox campaign. >>
by ChaskaConcar-Tavares
0 13
Paid The Infinite Staircase: A D&D Experience, Recruiting 1 more slot, we are LGBTQ friendly. Every Monday 8pm Est >>
by PergaleChocolates
0 12