Looking for Players & Groups

Need a hero (or DM)? Recruit or seek your new party here!
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DM Looking for 3-5 Players for Casual Play Friday 8ish to 10ish CST >>
by MogDaCrom
6 494
Looking for DM >>
by ESKETIT42069
0 314
LFG Critter Looking For A Game >>
by beannybear
2 496
Looking for a group for discord!! >>
by Pumpkincookie
3 277
[Online] DM looking for 2-3 players for a 1-shot Pirate Cove adventure tonight >>
by IanLeaf
1 304
Closed Looking for a player for Tal'Dorei PbP (Only open to those familiar with Critical Role) >>
by MightyOwl
2 325
LFG LFG 5th edition Forgotten Realm setting >>
by Disturby
0 275
LFG New player looking for a group over Discord! >>
by ceruleanspiders
1 313
LFG Looking for group to play with (im a noob at D&D) >>
by Deleted
5 445
cool people in a cool group cus Im clueless >>
by Spaghettmate
0 257
LFG Looking for a group on Thursdays or Saturdays >>
by ThatGirlMar
7 341
[DISCORD] I have a campaign and I need four more players. >>
by ShanePabloTheFifth2099
13 1,218
LFG Newish Player LFG on Discord >>
by IPMan
2 529
LFG New player looking for online game (roll20, discord, PbP, etc.) >>
by KuudereChef
6 668
LFG DnD 5E player looking for a Roll20/Discord group. >>
by Desecrator
1 368
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