The traveling extravaganza known as the Witchlight Carnivalvisits your world once every eight years. You have a dim memory of sneaking into the carnival as a child without paying for a ticket. That memory has grown foggy over time, though it still conjures a weird admixture of emotions—wonder and awe mixed with loss and regret. During this childhood visit, your character lost something. You tried to find it, but the carnival owners—a pair of elves named Mister Witch and Mister Light—were decidedly unhelpful.
“Silly little screeching cricket,” said Witch. “You forgot to buy a ticket.”
“The carnival goes round and round,” said Light. “The multiverse is our playground. Nothing’s free and nothing’s lost. Every visit has its cost.”
As time passed, your heart became less heavy, and you gave less and less thought to those childhood events. Now, for reasons you can’t explain, the longing to retrieve that which you have lost has resurfaced, as though an old spell has faded away, allowing you to feel the loss as sharply as if it happened yesterday.
The Witchlight Carnival has returned, and you find yourself standing near a ticket booth by the entrance at twilight, just as the carnival is about to open. There you meet others who look as troubled as you. Without knowing how or why, you sense that each of them has lost something as well. Perhaps fate has brought you together.
Witchlight Hands: • Colin the mouse (played by nshrock) - Rogue - the rodent security guard for the carnival. • Alyeira the musician (played by 3aeros3) - Elven Bard - a flowery Eladrin carnival performer. • Thing-Me-Bob the handyman (played by IrRy0) - Kenku Artificer - the carnival mechanic who likes taking things apart.
Locals: • Cadwallader the retired craftsman (played by Mithdraugaer) - Human Wizard (Guild Artisan) - a 64-year-old leatherworker who's sick of doing the responsible thing. • Horatio the hermit (played by VosBeyond) - Human Fighter (Country Recluse) - a secluded carpenter who has lost everything - even his reflection. • Matilda the weaver girl (played by Damian_May) - Human Fighter (Folk Hero) - a mouthy but skittish preteen girl, brave when pushed. • Edgardo the entertainer (played by See_Ess) - Harengon Warlock (Entertainer) - an acrobatic rabbitoid who likes to knock on things, but who feels he is missing something... • Benjamin the stonecutter (played by Scott_R_Simmons) - Human Paladin (Guild Artisan) - a burly mason leading a boring life; a bland craftsman seeking his creative spark.
You gather before the ticket booth, which stands near the entrance. It is dusk, and the night is warm.
A silver statue of a dancing faerie is mounted on the roof of this ticket booth and surrounded by fluttering butterflies. The booth is decorated with an animated depiction of the night sky, with shooting stars arcing across it.
An elderly goblin perches behind the ticket counter, peering at you quizzically through a spyglass. He lowers the spyglass and calls out to you: “Greetings, fair fairgoers!”
For once, Ben doesn't wear the heavy leather apron used to shield his worn breeches from the dust and debris ever-present in the craft of stonecutting. The burly and hale mason, in the prime of his life, nevertheless seems dulled by the hard labor and his shoulders slump a little as the sights and sounds of the carnival, as if an old memory has resurfaced and caused him pain. Dark brown hair graces the crown of his head, and prematurely weathered features seem rather plain until he breaks into a tentative smile at some half-forgotten strain of music wafting through the air. Carrying little with him other than a few ubiquitous tools and a pouch, Ben wears sturdy workman's clothes.
At the goblin's question, he looks up quickly and responds as he opens his pouch, saying simply, "How much is admission?"
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
As a crowd gathers by the ticket box a small cloaked figure approaches, hood drawn. A sleeved arm reaches out and raps on the wooden wall of the ticket box. "One please. Hello? I can't see you. Hello?" An unknown accented voice squeaks up to the window whose sill stands a good 10 inches taller than that of the patron. A flash of grey hair, or is it fur, briefly shows as the guest knocks. It's quickly covered as it's hand is retracted back into the folds of the cloak.
Standing near the back of the line of early arrivals, it appears the ticket booth is just opening. Everything in this moment feels so familiar, but distant. His heart is racing but his mind is steady, resolute. Looking around, he sees familiar faces and is surprised to find looks of mixed determination, anxiousness, excitement, and fear. He wonders if that is what his expression must look like to others. Perhaps he'll never know. He double-checks the buckle-straps on his pack. He had once used cheap leather for the straps and the full sixty pound weight of his whole life came pouring out all over the ground around him to the sound of a snap. Everything he owns, in one bag. He breathes deeply. This could be a one way trip, after all. Time to find out.
Slowly, it dawns on him that Cad and Ben, both of whom he'd worked jobs with before, are in line by themselves. No children, girlfriend or wife. They also have a look about them. Seeing Ben reach the ticket booth, Horatio moves up the line, stepping outside of it as he does, and walks up to Cad. He's never been good at talking to people. They always treat him like a leper.
"Cad..." He nods at the man. "You just coming to see the circus, or...?" His words trail off, at first uncertain as to what to ask. Then the uncertainty dissolves as he remembered why he came. "I lost something here, eight years ago. I'm going in and I'm going to find it. I've heard rumors about this place. I don't think I'm the only one. If you know what I'm talking about, or want to help, I could sure use the company."
The old goblin waves away Edgardo dismissively and squints at Benjamin. "Very very noisy," he grumbles, glancing sideways at Edgardo. "Speak into the horn, please," he instructs Benjamin. He inserts an ornate trumpet into his hairy ear and leans toward him.
Matilda waited impatiently in line sighing dramatically, she looked about for her Aunt but the silly woman had wandered off somewhere....probably to the bakery if rumours about her and Horace were true.
Matilda would not admit it but a growing feeling of disquiet had come over her in the last few minutes...not that disquiet wasn't natural to her anyway. She knew this carnival...knew she'd been here before.....why couldn't she remember? It was always like that.....things she knew for certain that had happened one moment were the next as tangible as soap bubbles. But one thing she was certain of....this place had taken Wirrun from her. And she was angry.....angry that her little brother had disappeared, more angry when her own family denied he had ever existed, more angry still that her mother had left her...barely four at the time, to care for the infant while she mooned over some vapid thing and then had the sheer cheek to deny she had ever bore him. Matilda Fumble-Fire her Aunt had recently taken to calling her, because no matter her attempts she could never get the damn thing to catch.........Matilda hoped her aunt liked her new jumper, it had taken a long time to rub the crysanthemum sap into the wouldn't last but the itching would be epic....she hoped Horace liked blotches.
Matilda didn't get on with her be fair Matilda didn't get on with too many people at all. Most of the adults in the town were too stupid to see things right in front of their face and the majority of the children had the attention span of a kitten. But she knew how to fake it, a bright cheery smile usually let them ignore her and let her get on with important things.
She eyed the three men in the line with her, she knew them but had never bothered learning their names.....they were like her father, large blocky objects that mostly got in the way and moved heavy things. Though the older one might at least have a few tales to tell.
As she got to the counter she placed her long-hidden coins down, " Ticket."
" Theres a Hall of Mirrors in there somewhere, right?", it was the last place she could remember where her and Wirrun were was probably a good place to start.
Cad eyed the entrance to the fair with a mixture of nervous excitement and trepidation. The feeling had been with him since he'd awoken that morning, a fluttering in his stomach as he ate the last of the pie Miss Weaver had dropped off, the urge to giggle -- giggle! -- as he did his morning exercises. It grew throughout the day. He could hardly concentrate on his spellbook -- Wait til folks see that. They'll be sure I'm off my rocker then! -- and it took three times as long to prepare his spells for the day. He'd found himself pacing, waiting for the carnival to open, and tried to squeeze in a nap since he figured he'd be up late, but that had been a lost cause. The hours dragged past until finally the shadows grew long and he knew it was time.
Now that he was standing in front of the gate the butterflies had turned to several hawks in a tussle in his belly. His heart was beating so hard he could hear it over the noise of the Carnival. Breathe, you old fool! Figures you'd wait nearly fifty years only to keel over from a heart attack five feet short of the gate! With an effort he got his nerves under control, though it was a struggle not to grin like a simpleton. The town gossips were going to have months' worth of material after tonight! He smoothed down his jacket, just to give his nervous hands something to do, adjusted the bag on his shoulder, and approached the small knot of people in front of the gate, the white-knuckled grip on his new walking stick a tell for any who looked closely.
He nodded to Ben the Mason, but he wasn't sure if the big man even noticed. He seemed to be a bit high-strung himself. Then he heard his name. He turned and was surprised to see Horatio; the man wasn't much for crowds, if Cad remembered correctly. Stranger still, he was carrying a pack big enough to hold a small horse. Not your typical fair gear... Wonder where he's off to? Before he could ask, Horatio volunteered an explanation."Lost something at the fair? Hmm... It so happens I did lose something here once, though that was most of a lifetime ago. I'd like to get it back, sure, but I don't think it's too likely. Still, if I can help you out I'll try." Horatio was a good man, a good worker, but he always had a cloud hanging over him. Maybe he'll find something to lift that gloom.
The usual thrill of anticipation Alyeira feels at the opening of the carnival is gone, replaced with a mundane numbness as she watches the crowd gathering around the nearby ticket booth. Ever since she was young the eladrin had always seen the carnival as a bright and colourful place full of never-ending intrigue and excitement, but recently it had become dull and grey, its once-riveting pleasures seeming nothing but a fad. This was reflected in Alyeira herself, the humorous and vivacious elf becoming oddly quiet. Even her performances - once her greatest joy - grew tiresome as she repeated them day after day, year after year. She had begun to despise the gawking crowd that had once brought her such pride as they stared at her with wide eyes, enamoured at her lithe movements and the lilting melody of her flute. For the first time in many decades Alyeira began to mourn that which the carnival had stolen from her, grief piercing her heart as foggy memories of a time before the carnival began to free themselves from a place her mind had long since locked away.
The performer turns to an old blink dog that lies next to her, rose-coloured hand coming to rest on the canines mottled back. “So, Tebogo? What do you make of this bunch? They seem rather… bland.”
((OOC: Here’s a reference image I made of Alyeira to help with visualisation :) ))
"Noisy? I'll give you..." he grabs at the hand drum by his side but catches himself just before giving it a quick twist. Last time I was here it didn't end well. Instead he hops back a step and stands to his full height. "Eh hmm" clearing his throat he musters his deepest voice. "One please". It is still barely as deep as the small child who just asked for a ticket.
Colin steps up next to Alyeira, his red cape draped over his tiny shoulders. A leather jerkin, a short (mouse sized) dueling blade on his hip, with the hilt sticking out and ready. Colin scowls at the newcomers.
"These rabble are still wet behind the ears. No idea what awaits them here. Sorry souls, with dark intentions... I should chase them off now before they cause trouble, yes?" He half draws his rapier.
The old goblin pauses, looks at each of you silently through his spyglass, then looks down at a scrap of paper in his booth.
(Benjamin takes the opportunity to scan the booth for signs, and finds one: a small placard reading, "Adult tickets 8 sp. Child tickets 3 sp. Entry without a ticket STRICTLY PROHIBITED.")
The old goblin opens a small box behind his counter, licks his fingers, and pulls out a handful of colorful tickets.
"You." He points accusingly at Benjamin. "You. You. You. You." He points in turn at Cad, Horatio, Matilda, and Edgardo. "Your tickets were paid for by an anonymous benefactor.”
He hands each of you a ticket, together with a map. Reaching again below his counter, he reappears with an armful of colorful cloth butterfly wings, and hands those out as well. "The butterfly wings must be worn at all times to show the staff that you are paid attendees," he admonishes.
In a drone, the old man then continues his patter: each ticket is good for eight attractions; guests who want to sample more of the carnival’s offerings must buy another ticket. Most attractions in the carnival have a cost of 1 ticket punch. After the eighth punch, a ticket becomes a worthless keepsake.
"You are now free to explore the carnival at your leisure," he concludes.
He turns to Colin. "Colin, can you give them some extra help?" (Colin knows what "extra help" means - it's a carnival code word for security to keep an extra eye on a particular person or group. The perceptive old man has a knack for sensing potential trouble, and clearly he feels there's something off about this group.)
Looking down at Matilda, "Hall of Mirrors? You mean the Hall of Illusions." He begins to reach for Matilda's map, but then notices Alyeira and Tebogo. "Alyeira? Would you be a dear and help this young lady find the Hall of Illusions?"
He looks back and snaps at Cad, Horatio, Edgardo, and Benjamin. "Put your wings on!"
"Next!" he calls, looking over your shoulders with his spyglass.
Matilda took the ticket though she was very confused by talk of a benefactor, as soon as the wings were offered she stole forward and managed to snare a pair that reminded her of the orange skippers that fluttered about the hedgerows on the farm.
" Illusions or Mirrors, both are lies.", she said shortly, accidentally quoting her grandmother.
She looked about for this Alyeira person as a small part of her took a little enjoyment imaging her father amongst the men currently selecting their butterfly wings to wear.
“I’ve been working at the Carn-i-val,all the live long dayyy!” a strange voice sings, at first it is deep, masculine, and booming, yet it changes mid-sentence to that of a young girl's.
A plucky little kenku pops into view, he stands a little under 5ft, has white feathers, and eyes as deep and blue as the ocean. As he walks he whistles merrily to himself. “Come, come, dearest Primrose,” the kenku says, mimicking the voice of a nobleman, raucous and full of pomp. “One must do one’s bit for the Carnival. Let us not dally now!”
Slinking behind the tiny kenku, comes a slightly taller Tabaxi, her fur is sleek and well-groomed. As she speaks her voice is slow, caring, and as silky as her fur, “Now then Bob, exactly what was it that Messieurs Witch and Light wanted?”
“Well, I don' rightly know luv,”Bob’s voice changes, gruffer now. The young kenku was uncertain as to what specifically was required from him but would certain he would be able to fix it - or at least attempt to - if at all possible. That had been his job for the last number of years; handyman, jack of all trades, Mr Fix-it. “Alls I know is tha' we’ll give it a good go. Whats with my smarts and yer help, well I’m sure we’ll manage. Ain’t that the truth?”
“Like I always says; whats ever the job we’ll give it a good crack, eh?!”Bob declares proudly.“Yesss, yesss,”Primrose replies, exasperated. They continue to potter along until they draw close to the old goblin. As they walk Bob swings his leather satchel happily; all sorts of random tidbits and shiny objects are attached to its exterior, a collection of odds and ends that might be of use to someone, somewhere. He had always liked a good challenge, refusing to accept that anything was ever truly broken.
“Did you need us, sir?” Bob asks Nikolas, attempting to get to the point quickly, knowing how cantankerous the goblin could be. “Thou’st a task for Primrose and I.”
((Bob and Primrose character art in spoiler below))
((Thing-Me-Bob, or simply 'Bob'. The Carnival's resident handyman.))
((Primrose. Apprentice to Bob and all-round 'good egg'.))
Taking a pair of wings and putting them on, even though it felt quite silly, Ben puts 3 silver down on the counter. “I, ah, neglected to pay here once in my youth. I would spare another child the same fate.”
Seeing Cad’s greeting as he moves aside so others may proceed to the ticket counter, Ben responds, “Good evening Cad, Horatio. I think there was something about a lost items location on the map.” Ben fumbles with the map as he reddens a bit seeing his friends while wearing these wings…though the wings themselves appear dull and grey, more like a moth than a butterfly…
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Before he can decides whether to answer Horatio's question they're interrupted by the ticket goblin. His eyebrows go up upon hearing that his ticket had been paid for, along with these others. What could we have in common? Or is it just that we happened to show up at some lucky moment when the next five people got in for free? No, that wouldn't make any sense. There's something about this group... Overhearing the little girl's quip he snorts. Wonder where she picked that up?
He accepts the butterfly wings with some skepticism. He tries to remember whether he'd had to wear them on his last visit, but it was a dim and distant memory. Had anyone mentioned the wings after more recent visits? He tended to avoid the topic of the Carnival, and didn't listen closely to others' chatter about it. ((History8)) Well, regardless of whether or not it was some kind of prank, Cad donned his wings. If you can't handle looking a little silly you should never have picked up a new spellbook!
"Evening, Ben. I have been metamorphosed in my old age," he says, gesturing to his colorful wings. "Ah, yes, Lost Things. Horatio had something he hoped to recover; I guess that's as good a place as any to start."
((OOC: Those who know Cad know he's friendly but not particularly outgoing. This enthusiasm might strike them as out of place -- unless, of course, they're a little distracted by their own feelings.))
Horatio looks skeptically at the wings and free ticket and doesn't move to take them. The ticket master is a Goblin?! He hadn't realized how scary this place was.
When he overhears Ben trying to pay for his prior visit he questions for the first time if his family paid... at all? Had all their misfortunes been over a matter of a few silver apiece? Were they all cursed? His stomach turned a little at the idea.
To the ticket master, wide-eyed andwith an unexpected croak in his voice, "I'll pay my own way... and I may also owe for my last visit, though I don't know for sure. How many attractions are there, so I know how many tickets I'll need?"
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The traveling extravaganza known as the Witchlight Carnival visits your world once every eight years. You have a dim memory of sneaking into the carnival as a child without paying for a ticket. That memory has grown foggy over time, though it still conjures a weird admixture of emotions—wonder and awe mixed with loss and regret. During this childhood visit, your character lost something. You tried to find it, but the carnival owners—a pair of elves named Mister Witch and Mister Light—were decidedly unhelpful.
“Silly little screeching cricket,” said Witch. “You forgot to buy a ticket.”
“The carnival goes round and round,” said Light. “The multiverse is our playground. Nothing’s free and nothing’s lost. Every visit has its cost.”
As time passed, your heart became less heavy, and you gave less and less thought to those childhood events. Now, for reasons you can’t explain, the longing to retrieve that which you have lost has resurfaced, as though an old spell has faded away, allowing you to feel the loss as sharply as if it happened yesterday.
The Witchlight Carnival has returned, and you find yourself standing near a ticket booth by the entrance at twilight, just as the carnival is about to open. There you meet others who look as troubled as you. Without knowing how or why, you sense that each of them has lost something as well. Perhaps fate has brought you together.
Our Eight Player Characters:
Witchlight Hands:
• Colin the mouse (played by nshrock) - Rogue - the rodent security guard for the carnival.
• Alyeira the musician (played by 3aeros3) - Elven Bard - a flowery Eladrin carnival performer.
• Thing-Me-Bob the handyman (played by IrRy0) - Kenku Artificer - the carnival mechanic who likes taking things apart.
• Cadwallader the retired craftsman (played by Mithdraugaer) - Human Wizard (Guild Artisan) - a 64-year-old leatherworker who's sick of doing the responsible thing.
• Horatio the hermit (played by VosBeyond) - Human Fighter (Country Recluse) - a secluded carpenter who has lost everything - even his reflection.
• Matilda the weaver girl (played by Damian_May) - Human Fighter (Folk Hero) - a mouthy but skittish preteen girl, brave when pushed.
• Edgardo the entertainer (played by See_Ess) - Harengon Warlock (Entertainer) - an acrobatic rabbitoid who likes to knock on things, but who feels he is missing something...
• Benjamin the stonecutter (played by Scott_R_Simmons) - Human Paladin (Guild Artisan) - a burly mason leading a boring life; a bland craftsman seeking his creative spark.
You gather before the ticket booth, which stands near the entrance. It is dusk, and the night is warm.
A silver statue of a dancing faerie is mounted on the roof of this ticket booth and surrounded by fluttering butterflies. The booth is decorated with an animated depiction of the night sky, with shooting stars arcing across it.
An elderly goblin perches behind the ticket counter, peering at you quizzically through a spyglass. He lowers the spyglass and calls out to you: “Greetings, fair fairgoers!”

(Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival!)
For once, Ben doesn't wear the heavy leather apron used to shield his worn breeches from the dust and debris ever-present in the craft of stonecutting. The burly and hale mason, in the prime of his life, nevertheless seems dulled by the hard labor and his shoulders slump a little as the sights and sounds of the carnival, as if an old memory has resurfaced and caused him pain. Dark brown hair graces the crown of his head, and prematurely weathered features seem rather plain until he breaks into a tentative smile at some half-forgotten strain of music wafting through the air. Carrying little with him other than a few ubiquitous tools and a pouch, Ben wears sturdy workman's clothes.
At the goblin's question, he looks up quickly and responds as he opens his pouch, saying simply, "How much is admission?"
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
As a crowd gathers by the ticket box a small cloaked figure approaches, hood drawn. A sleeved arm reaches out and raps on the wooden wall of the ticket box. "One please. Hello? I can't see you. Hello?" An unknown accented voice squeaks up to the window whose sill stands a good 10 inches taller than that of the patron. A flash of grey hair, or is it fur, briefly shows as the guest knocks. It's quickly covered as it's hand is retracted back into the folds of the cloak.
Standing near the back of the line of early arrivals, it appears the ticket booth is just opening. Everything in this moment feels so familiar, but distant. His heart is racing but his mind is steady, resolute. Looking around, he sees familiar faces and is surprised to find looks of mixed determination, anxiousness, excitement, and fear. He wonders if that is what his expression must look like to others. Perhaps he'll never know. He double-checks the buckle-straps on his pack. He had once used cheap leather for the straps and the full sixty pound weight of his whole life came pouring out all over the ground around him to the sound of a snap. Everything he owns, in one bag. He breathes deeply. This could be a one way trip, after all. Time to find out.
Slowly, it dawns on him that Cad and Ben, both of whom he'd worked jobs with before, are in line by themselves. No children, girlfriend or wife. They also have a look about them. Seeing Ben reach the ticket booth, Horatio moves up the line, stepping outside of it as he does, and walks up to Cad. He's never been good at talking to people. They always treat him like a leper.
"Cad..." He nods at the man. "You just coming to see the circus, or...?" His words trail off, at first uncertain as to what to ask. Then the uncertainty dissolves as he remembered why he came. "I lost something here, eight years ago. I'm going in and I'm going to find it. I've heard rumors about this place. I don't think I'm the only one. If you know what I'm talking about, or want to help, I could sure use the company."
The old goblin waves away Edgardo dismissively and squints at Benjamin. "Very very noisy," he grumbles, glancing sideways at Edgardo. "Speak into the horn, please," he instructs Benjamin. He inserts an ornate trumpet into his hairy ear and leans toward him.
Matilda waited impatiently in line sighing dramatically, she looked about for her Aunt but the silly woman had wandered off somewhere....probably to the bakery if rumours about her and Horace were true.
Matilda would not admit it but a growing feeling of disquiet had come over her in the last few minutes...not that disquiet wasn't natural to her anyway. She knew this carnival...knew she'd been here before.....why couldn't she remember? It was always like that.....things she knew for certain that had happened one moment were the next as tangible as soap bubbles. But one thing she was certain of....this place had taken Wirrun from her. And she was angry.....angry that her little brother had disappeared, more angry when her own family denied he had ever existed, more angry still that her mother had left her...barely four at the time, to care for the infant while she mooned over some vapid thing and then had the sheer cheek to deny she had ever bore him. Matilda Fumble-Fire her Aunt had recently taken to calling her, because no matter her attempts she could never get the damn thing to catch.........Matilda hoped her aunt liked her new jumper, it had taken a long time to rub the crysanthemum sap into the wouldn't last but the itching would be epic....she hoped Horace liked blotches.
Matilda didn't get on with her be fair Matilda didn't get on with too many people at all. Most of the adults in the town were too stupid to see things right in front of their face and the majority of the children had the attention span of a kitten. But she knew how to fake it, a bright cheery smile usually let them ignore her and let her get on with important things.
She eyed the three men in the line with her, she knew them but had never bothered learning their names.....they were like her father, large blocky objects that mostly got in the way and moved heavy things. Though the older one might at least have a few tales to tell.
As she got to the counter she placed her long-hidden coins down, " Ticket."
" Theres a Hall of Mirrors in there somewhere, right?", it was the last place she could remember where her and Wirrun were was probably a good place to start.
Not wishing to be a complete dullard, Ben looks for any signs which might list the actual price for admission before repeating his question.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Cad eyed the entrance to the fair with a mixture of nervous excitement and trepidation. The feeling had been with him since he'd awoken that morning, a fluttering in his stomach as he ate the last of the pie Miss Weaver had dropped off, the urge to giggle -- giggle! -- as he did his morning exercises. It grew throughout the day. He could hardly concentrate on his spellbook -- Wait til folks see that. They'll be sure I'm off my rocker then! -- and it took three times as long to prepare his spells for the day. He'd found himself pacing, waiting for the carnival to open, and tried to squeeze in a nap since he figured he'd be up late, but that had been a lost cause. The hours dragged past until finally the shadows grew long and he knew it was time.
Now that he was standing in front of the gate the butterflies had turned to several hawks in a tussle in his belly. His heart was beating so hard he could hear it over the noise of the Carnival. Breathe, you old fool! Figures you'd wait nearly fifty years only to keel over from a heart attack five feet short of the gate! With an effort he got his nerves under control, though it was a struggle not to grin like a simpleton. The town gossips were going to have months' worth of material after tonight! He smoothed down his jacket, just to give his nervous hands something to do, adjusted the bag on his shoulder, and approached the small knot of people in front of the gate, the white-knuckled grip on his new walking stick a tell for any who looked closely.
He nodded to Ben the Mason, but he wasn't sure if the big man even noticed. He seemed to be a bit high-strung himself. Then he heard his name. He turned and was surprised to see Horatio; the man wasn't much for crowds, if Cad remembered correctly. Stranger still, he was carrying a pack big enough to hold a small horse. Not your typical fair gear... Wonder where he's off to? Before he could ask, Horatio volunteered an explanation. "Lost something at the fair? Hmm... It so happens I did lose something here once, though that was most of a lifetime ago. I'd like to get it back, sure, but I don't think it's too likely. Still, if I can help you out I'll try." Horatio was a good man, a good worker, but he always had a cloud hanging over him. Maybe he'll find something to lift that gloom.
The usual thrill of anticipation Alyeira feels at the opening of the carnival is gone, replaced with a mundane numbness as she watches the crowd gathering around the nearby ticket booth. Ever since she was young the eladrin had always seen the carnival as a bright and colourful place full of never-ending intrigue and excitement, but recently it had become dull and grey, its once-riveting pleasures seeming nothing but a fad. This was reflected in Alyeira herself, the humorous and vivacious elf becoming oddly quiet. Even her performances - once her greatest joy - grew tiresome as she repeated them day after day, year after year. She had begun to despise the gawking crowd that had once brought her such pride as they stared at her with wide eyes, enamoured at her lithe movements and the lilting melody of her flute. For the first time in many decades Alyeira began to mourn that which the carnival had stolen from her, grief piercing her heart as foggy memories of a time before the carnival began to free themselves from a place her mind had long since locked away.
The performer turns to an old blink dog that lies next to her, rose-coloured hand coming to rest on the canines mottled back. “So, Tebogo? What do you make of this bunch? They seem rather… bland.”
((OOC: Here’s a reference image I made of Alyeira to help with visualisation :) ))
"Thank you Cad... may I ask, what did you lose?"
"Noisy? I'll give you..." he grabs at the hand drum by his side but catches himself just before giving it a quick twist. Last time I was here it didn't end well. Instead he hops back a step and stands to his full height. "Eh hmm" clearing his throat he musters his deepest voice. "One please". It is still barely as deep as the small child who just asked for a ticket.
Colin steps up next to Alyeira, his red cape draped over his tiny shoulders. A leather jerkin, a short (mouse sized) dueling blade on his hip, with the hilt sticking out and ready. Colin scowls at the newcomers.
"These rabble are still wet behind the ears. No idea what awaits them here. Sorry souls, with dark intentions... I should chase them off now before they cause trouble, yes?" He half draws his rapier.
Paladin - warforged - orange
The old goblin pauses, looks at each of you silently through his spyglass, then looks down at a scrap of paper in his booth.
(Benjamin takes the opportunity to scan the booth for signs, and finds one: a small placard reading, "Adult tickets 8 sp. Child tickets 3 sp. Entry without a ticket STRICTLY PROHIBITED.")
The old goblin opens a small box behind his counter, licks his fingers, and pulls out a handful of colorful tickets.
"You." He points accusingly at Benjamin. "You. You. You. You." He points in turn at Cad, Horatio, Matilda, and Edgardo. "Your tickets were paid for by an anonymous benefactor.”
He hands each of you a ticket, together with a map. Reaching again below his counter, he reappears with an armful of colorful cloth butterfly wings, and hands those out as well. "The butterfly wings must be worn at all times to show the staff that you are paid attendees," he admonishes.
In a drone, the old man then continues his patter: each ticket is good for eight attractions; guests who want to sample more of the carnival’s offerings must buy another ticket. Most attractions in the carnival have a cost of 1 ticket punch. After the eighth punch, a ticket becomes a worthless keepsake.
"You are now free to explore the carnival at your leisure," he concludes.
He turns to Colin. "Colin, can you give them some extra help?" (Colin knows what "extra help" means - it's a carnival code word for security to keep an extra eye on a particular person or group. The perceptive old man has a knack for sensing potential trouble, and clearly he feels there's something off about this group.)
Looking down at Matilda, "Hall of Mirrors? You mean the Hall of Illusions." He begins to reach for Matilda's map, but then notices Alyeira and Tebogo. "Alyeira? Would you be a dear and help this young lady find the Hall of Illusions?"
He looks back and snaps at Cad, Horatio, Edgardo, and Benjamin. "Put your wings on!"

"Next!" he calls, looking over your shoulders with his spyglass.
Matilda took the ticket though she was very confused by talk of a benefactor, as soon as the wings were offered she stole forward and managed to snare a pair that reminded her of the orange skippers that fluttered about the hedgerows on the farm.
" Illusions or Mirrors, both are lies.", she said shortly, accidentally quoting her grandmother.
She looked about for this Alyeira person as a small part of her took a little enjoyment imaging her father amongst the men currently selecting their butterfly wings to wear.
Thing-Me-Bob ('Bob' for short):
“I’ve been working at the Carn-i-val, all the live long dayyy!” a strange voice sings, at first it is deep, masculine, and booming, yet it changes mid-sentence to that of a young girl's.
A plucky little kenku pops into view, he stands a little under 5ft, has white feathers, and eyes as deep and blue as the ocean. As he walks he whistles merrily to himself. “Come, come, dearest Primrose,” the kenku says, mimicking the voice of a nobleman, raucous and full of pomp. “One must do one’s bit for the Carnival. Let us not dally now!”
Slinking behind the tiny kenku, comes a slightly taller Tabaxi, her fur is sleek and well-groomed. As she speaks her voice is slow, caring, and as silky as her fur, “Now then Bob, exactly what was it that Messieurs Witch and Light wanted?”
“Well, I don' rightly know luv,” Bob’s voice changes, gruffer now. The young kenku was uncertain as to what specifically was required from him but would certain he would be able to fix it - or at least attempt to - if at all possible. That had been his job for the last number of years; handyman, jack of all trades, Mr Fix-it. “Alls I know is tha' we’ll give it a good go. Whats with my smarts and yer help, well I’m sure we’ll manage. Ain’t that the truth?”
“Like I always says; whats ever the job we’ll give it a good crack, eh?!” Bob declares proudly. “Yesss, yesss,” Primrose replies, exasperated. They continue to potter along until they draw close to the old goblin. As they walk Bob swings his leather satchel happily; all sorts of random tidbits and shiny objects are attached to its exterior, a collection of odds and ends that might be of use to someone, somewhere. He had always liked a good challenge, refusing to accept that anything was ever truly broken.
“Did you need us, sir?” Bob asks Nikolas, attempting to get to the point quickly, knowing how cantankerous the goblin could be. “Thou’st a task for Primrose and I.”
((Bob and Primrose character art in spoiler below))
((Primrose. Apprentice to Bob and all-round 'good egg'.))
DM - The Call of Strahd (CoS); Feyrealm Campaign, Chapter 0 - Bleak Prospect (BP), Chapter 1 - Destination Unknown (DU)
Taking a pair of wings and putting them on, even though it felt quite silly, Ben puts 3 silver down on the counter. “I, ah, neglected to pay here once in my youth. I would spare another child the same fate.”
Seeing Cad’s greeting as he moves aside so others may proceed to the ticket counter, Ben responds, “Good evening Cad, Horatio. I think there was something about a lost items location on the map.” Ben fumbles with the map as he reddens a bit seeing his friends while wearing these wings…though the wings themselves appear dull and grey, more like a moth than a butterfly…
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Before he can decides whether to answer Horatio's question they're interrupted by the ticket goblin. His eyebrows go up upon hearing that his ticket had been paid for, along with these others. What could we have in common? Or is it just that we happened to show up at some lucky moment when the next five people got in for free? No, that wouldn't make any sense. There's something about this group... Overhearing the little girl's quip he snorts. Wonder where she picked that up?
He accepts the butterfly wings with some skepticism. He tries to remember whether he'd had to wear them on his last visit, but it was a dim and distant memory. Had anyone mentioned the wings after more recent visits? He tended to avoid the topic of the Carnival, and didn't listen closely to others' chatter about it. ((History 8)) Well, regardless of whether or not it was some kind of prank, Cad donned his wings. If you can't handle looking a little silly you should never have picked up a new spellbook!
"Evening, Ben. I have been metamorphosed in my old age," he says, gesturing to his colorful wings. "Ah, yes, Lost Things. Horatio had something he hoped to recover; I guess that's as good a place as any to start."
((OOC: Those who know Cad know he's friendly but not particularly outgoing. This enthusiasm might strike them as out of place -- unless, of course, they're a little distracted by their own feelings.))
Horatio looks skeptically at the wings and free ticket and doesn't move to take them. The ticket master is a Goblin?! He hadn't realized how scary this place was.
When he overhears Ben trying to pay for his prior visit he questions for the first time if his family paid... at all? Had all their misfortunes been over a matter of a few silver apiece? Were they all cursed? His stomach turned a little at the idea.
To the ticket master, wide-eyed andwith an unexpected croak in his voice, "I'll pay my own way... and I may also owe for my last visit, though I don't know for sure. How many attractions are there, so I know how many tickets I'll need?"