“I don’t much like the odds of running or fighting in truth, but sticking close to the guards make sense”, Drexon says as he feels the effects of the bless kick in.
He whispers some arcane words of his his own, calling on his luck to once again aid him.
He then moves behind the fighter looking members of the group and gets ready to fight.
(OOC: Are we waiting for initiative or can we post attacks? Oops, lots of posts whist I was writing mine)
{{Forgot to add that you can post action whenever and we'll resolve it later. In addition, if any of you want to know more about the environment or have any idea to use the environment to your advantage, just add it in the post and I'll see if it is possible to immediately do so or if you will have to roll for it.}}
As Drexon falls back, he whispers some words in Deep Speech, moves his hand towards the nearest foe. A ghostly hand appears next to it and tries to claw into it.
Movement: Away from enemies 35 feet Action: Casts Chill Touch at nearest one, Attack (with Bless): 9 + 6 + 4 = 19, Damage: 5 (necrotic - target can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target. If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn) Bonus Action: Converts 2 sorcery points into a level 1 spell slot Reaction: Drexon has a reaction he can take, will post again if needed
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Cob's momentary relief at the sight of the city guards engaging the apparitions is replaced almost immediately with apprehension at the arrival of more of the ghosts.
"They look more solid now," Cob calls down. "Might be able to make some contact."
He flies up above, looking for an opening in the melee below.
"Here goes nothing," he says to himself.
Again the bow dashes across the strings of the fiddle as Cob smiles and says 'buttercup."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
{{To keep the flow moving, as Dvark is the only one who hasn't rolled for initiative, I'll take his casting of Bless to be his action for this turn. Dvark, still roll for initiative and I'll add it for the next turn.}}
A cold wind sweeps through the street as Dvark calls upon a small blessing of the Dusk Weaver on Eremoz, Drexon, and Karm. All three of you feel empowered by this new sensation. There is a part of you that is a little bit concerned with the coldness that seems to permeate around you from this blessing but quickly put it out of your mind.
Drexon feels a strange power flows through his body and twines it with his own inherent power before expelling it toward the creature before him. A ghostly hand emerges from his hand and grasps the figure that has reached Eremoz. As the hand wraps itself around the figure, it tries to constrict the figure's movement and range of motion, but the figure seems to phase through the hand. However, as it phases through, the hand seems to pull some of the figure's essence, causing a small part of it to break into dust and motes of light.
One of the figures that have been struck by the Arcane Rider in turn touches them with its hand. Its sparking hands try to reach for the Rider's skin, but their armor repulses the attack.
The figure that has led the chase against your group reaches Eremoz faster than any of you expect. It tries to grasp Eremoz with its now-opaque hand as sparks of pinkish energy build up on its fingers, but Eremoze moves nimbly out of the way despite his larger form.
Trying to buy as much time for the group behind them, the Arcane Rider touches an emblem on their chest, and echoes of themselves appear beside them. They take a defensive position, blocking the path of the enemy before them.
Dvark once again murmurs to the Dusk Weaver and unleashes a miasma of twilight around him. The miasma sweeps around and through you, filling you with a sense of power and safety.
With the figure right before him, Eremoz draws his maul and strike at the figure as he roars with all his might. The power of the roar rattles the windows of the buildings around him, yet the figure continues its path unflinchingly, deflecting the maul as the weapon is about to strike it.
The other figure that has been struck by the Martial Rider sparks its hand with pinkish energy before reaching toward the armored rider. The Rider blocks both hands with their shield and spear, but one of the figure's hands grasps through the gap between the Rider's armor. The Rider stumbles as blood begins to leak from their nose and eyes.
Seeing the figure striking at Eremoz, Karm unleashes his own magic toward it. A bolt of fire streaks through the air and strikes the figure, momentarily distorting its form as fire ignites within its body before its form returns to cohesion. You notice that it is beginning to show signs of being hurt as particles and motes of light waft out around its body from the point it has been hit by magic. Magic definitely hurts it.
As the figure hits it, the Martial Rider returns in kind, stabbing the figure with their spear. You have never seen someone moves so fast that their movement appears only as a blur. As the Rider backs away a bit, you can see that the figure begins to lose its form.
Cob tries once again to unleash a lance of eldritch energy at the figure before Eremoz. Previously, the spell didn't do quite as he expects, but this time the spell strikes true and blasts away parts of the figure's body. It tries to reform, but not all of its body returns completely.
Dvark moves to situate himself to get as many party members as possible within 30 feet of him. He then clutches his amulet and activates Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary (I can't figure out how to activate this class ability tooltip, but anyone who ends their turn within 30 feet of me gets 1d6+2 temp HP)
{{I seem to forget to post the initiative order: Drexon, Retriever 1, Retriever 3 (the one you have been targeting), Arcane Rider, Dvark, Retriever 2, Eremoz, Karm, Martial Rider, and Cob at the end.}}
{{I don't think posting according to the initiative order will be productive, so post whenever with what your character is doing and we'll resolve it when everyone has posted their actions.}}
{{We are now entering the second turn of combat.}}
{{Just have the time to explore mapping tools. For the moment, I hope this is enough to represent the positioning at the end of Turn 1. I'll try to find something else when I have the time. For the most part, I am hoping to use theater of the mind, but I guess there is a point in creating a battle map once in a while. All box is 5 feet.}}
Movement: Backs away to 60 feet from the retriever attacking Eremos
Action: Casts Dissonant Whispers against retriever attacking Eremos. Wis 14 save or take (3+5+3)=11 damage and use it’s reaction to run away (triggering Opportunity Attack). Save takes 5 damage and doesn’t flee.
Cob watches the fight unfold before him. He floats a little higher, hopefully to keep out of range of these creatures, but also hopefully to let him spot any more of them that might show up unannounced.
He then plays a short pairing of notes on his fiddle, and says "jinx" at the creature close to Eremos.
Cob, dips and bobs a little before repeating a now familiar note, accompanied by "buttercup". Energy crackles through Cob and over the fiddle strings before coalescing in to a bolt of light racing towards the same creature near Eremos.
Movement: Flies 30' higher up (approx 60' high now)
Bonus Action: Casts Hex on the one near Eremos - Wisdom affected
Action: Casts Eldritch Blast on the same one: Attack: 16 Damage: 11 plus Necrotic Damage from Hex of 4
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Dvark notices everyone scattering and moves in to support the guards. Drawing his sword and shield he moves to flank retriever 2 with Eremos. Now back to back with one of the guards.
Dvark moves to G10 and attacks retriever 2: 19 damage7
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Retriever 3 Wis save: 8 (8)
Drexon, you send a whisper toward the figure and for the first time since chasing you and your group, you hear it lets out a sound. It screeches and cackles, and the sound pierces directly into the mind of everyone around it. You flinch, and for a moment your vision is filled with an image of a similar scene but with a different background. You catch a glimpse of desolate hills around the figure that disappears when you blink.
The figure immediately retreats back into the alley where it first emerged from. {{Move 40 feet away to the left on the map, into the alley}}.
The Martial Rider sees one of the figure retreating and stabs it with their spear, sending more dust and motes of light around it.
{{For the sake of initiative and focusing on the group, I'll roll the other two other Retrievers' fight with the Riders within the spoiler. I'll still add the narration per round.}}
The other two figures trade blows with the Riders, sparks of energy blasting around them. Already the figure before the Martial Rider is barely humanoid in form anymore with a cloak of dust and motes of light surrounding it.
The figure returns before Eremoz as quickly as it disappears. It once again tries to attack the Leonin with its sparking fingers.
Seeing that Eremoz will need help, Dvark moves to flank the creature and slashes with his own blade. The blade sinks into the figure's torso, but just as you have seen, the blade doesn't seem to deal as much damage as expected.
{{Note: I think with 30 feet radius the Channel Divinity will cover everyone. At the end of each of your turns, Dvark can grant you temporary 1d6 hit points.}}
With Dvark's help, Eremoz strikes at the figure, dealing considerable damage to it. Already, its form begins to bulge in several places, waiting to burst into dust.
I'llget ready to move again, just in case, says Karm as he bows down to strech his legs. When he gets back up he moves around Dvark to I8 and shoots a second fire bolt at the retreiver at H10. should that one be dead by now he targets F12. Attack: 8, Damage: 6
Eremoz tries to swing his maul at the moving figure, yet fail to find purchase.
Karm unleashes another bolt of fire toward the bloating and slowly disintegrating figure in front of Eremoz. Unfortunately, the bolt of fire strikes the outer edge of the miasma, missing the figure completely.
Cob sees the strangely shaped creature and hexes it. You hear the hex wrapping around the creature's true form and shoot a bolt of eldritch energy at it. The creature is blasted away with most of its form turning to dust and motes of light. For the first time, it is showing the little bit of emotion it can manage. It is preparing to run away.
{{We end the second turn and begin with the third.}}
{{Turn 2 end position. Sorry that there will be a scaling problem as I familiarize myself with this map-making stuff.}}
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Karm reaches to his side where he has a rope coiled up ready to grab quickly, at the end of which hangs a mace-like iron, a compromise between weapon and grappling hook. He begins to swing the weapon to build momentum while walking a few steps sideways to H9. There he hurls the hook towards I12 and magically increases the momentum DC14 Dex save or 18 Bludgeoning Damage
Drexon watches the thing succumb to his mind bending spell and flee, only to return within seconds. Knowing his resources are limited, he chooses to once again attack whatever mind the creature has, but this time with something less taxing. He whispers a word of Deep Speech and drives his will at the same creature as before.
"These things just don't stay down", he calls across to the others.
"Which direction to the station?", he telepathically asks Cob.
Action: Mind Sliver on Retriever 3, DC 14 Int save or take 2 (psychic) damage and subtract 1d4 off next save before end of Drexon's next turn. Movement: Climb up the side of the warehouse towards O5 Bonus Action: Telepathic Speech with Cob, lasts 2 minutes over 4 miles.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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“I don’t much like the odds of running or fighting in truth, but sticking close to the guards make sense”, Drexon says as he feels the effects of the bless kick in.
He whispers some arcane words of his his own, calling on his luck to once again aid him.
He then moves behind the fighter looking members of the group and gets ready to fight.
OOC: Are we waiting for initiative or can we post attacks?Oops, lots of posts whist I was writing mine)Initiative (With Guidance): 19+2+2=23
{{Forgot to add that you can post action whenever and we'll resolve it later. In addition, if any of you want to know more about the environment or have any idea to use the environment to your advantage, just add it in the post and I'll see if it is possible to immediately do so or if you will have to roll for it.}}
As Drexon falls back, he whispers some words in Deep Speech, moves his hand towards the nearest foe. A ghostly hand appears next to it and tries to claw into it.
Movement: Away from enemies 35 feet
Action: Casts Chill Touch at nearest one, Attack (with Bless): 9 + 6 + 4 = 19, Damage: 5 (necrotic - target can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target. If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn)
Bonus Action: Converts 2 sorcery points into a level 1 spell slot
Reaction: Drexon has a reaction he can take, will post again if needed
Cob's momentary relief at the sight of the city guards engaging the apparitions is replaced almost immediately with apprehension at the arrival of more of the ghosts.
"They look more solid now," Cob calls down. "Might be able to make some contact."
He flies up above, looking for an opening in the melee below.
"Here goes nothing," he says to himself.
Again the bow dashes across the strings of the fiddle as Cob smiles and says 'buttercup."
Initiative: 15
Action: Eldritch Blast Attack: 11 Damage: 11
{{To keep the flow moving, as Dvark is the only one who hasn't rolled for initiative, I'll take his casting of Bless to be his action for this turn. Dvark, still roll for initiative and I'll add it for the next turn.}}
A cold wind sweeps through the street as Dvark calls upon a small blessing of the Dusk Weaver on Eremoz, Drexon, and Karm. All three of you feel empowered by this new sensation. There is a part of you that is a little bit concerned with the coldness that seems to permeate around you from this blessing but quickly put it out of your mind.
Drexon feels a strange power flows through his body and twines it with his own inherent power before expelling it toward the creature before him. A ghostly hand emerges from his hand and grasps the figure that has reached Eremoz. As the hand wraps itself around the figure, it tries to constrict the figure's movement and range of motion, but the figure seems to phase through the hand. However, as it phases through, the hand seems to pull some of the figure's essence, causing a small part of it to break into dust and motes of light.
Retriever 1 Attack:
Attack: 26 (12); Damage: 19 (5)
Attack: 16 (12); Damage: 12 (5)
One of the figures that have been struck by the Arcane Rider in turn touches them with its hand. Its sparking hands try to reach for the Rider's skin, but their armor repulses the attack.
Retriever 3 Attack:
Attack: 16 (8); Damage: 6 (7)
Attack: 17 (8); Damage: 5 (9)
The figure that has led the chase against your group reaches Eremoz faster than any of you expect. It tries to grasp Eremoz with its now-opaque hand as sparks of pinkish energy build up on its fingers, but Eremoze moves nimbly out of the way despite his larger form.
Trying to buy as much time for the group behind them, the Arcane Rider touches an emblem on their chest, and echoes of themselves appear beside them. They take a defensive position, blocking the path of the enemy before them.
Dvark once again murmurs to the Dusk Weaver and unleashes a miasma of twilight around him. The miasma sweeps around and through you, filling you with a sense of power and safety.
With the figure right before him, Eremoz draws his maul and strike at the figure as he roars with all his might. The power of the roar rattles the windows of the buildings around him, yet the figure continues its path unflinchingly, deflecting the maul as the weapon is about to strike it.
{{This creature is immune to being frightened.}}
Retriever 2 Attack:
Attack: 9 (18); Damage: 9 (7)
Attack: 24 (8); Damage: 8 (8)
The other figure that has been struck by the Martial Rider sparks its hand with pinkish energy before reaching toward the armored rider. The Rider blocks both hands with their shield and spear, but one of the figure's hands grasps through the gap between the Rider's armor. The Rider stumbles as blood begins to leak from their nose and eyes.
Seeing the figure striking at Eremoz, Karm unleashes his own magic toward it. A bolt of fire streaks through the air and strikes the figure, momentarily distorting its form as fire ignites within its body before its form returns to cohesion. You notice that it is beginning to show signs of being hurt as particles and motes of light waft out around its body from the point it has been hit by magic. Magic definitely hurts it.
Martial Rider Attack:
Attack: 20 (18); Damage: 8 (10)
Attack: 20 (22); Damage: 10 (9)
Attack: 7 (18); Damage: 6 (7)
As the figure hits it, the Martial Rider returns in kind, stabbing the figure with their spear. You have never seen someone moves so fast that their movement appears only as a blur. As the Rider backs away a bit, you can see that the figure begins to lose its form.
Cob tries once again to unleash a lance of eldritch energy at the figure before Eremoz. Previously, the spell didn't do quite as he expects, but this time the spell strikes true and blasts away parts of the figure's body. It tries to reform, but not all of its body returns completely.
((sorry just woke up))
Initiative: 17 (17)
Dvark moves to situate himself to get as many party members as possible within 30 feet of him. He then clutches his amulet and activates Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary (I can't figure out how to activate this class ability tooltip, but anyone who ends their turn within 30 feet of me gets 1d6+2 temp HP)
{{I seem to forget to post the initiative order: Drexon, Retriever 1, Retriever 3 (the one you have been targeting), Arcane Rider, Dvark, Retriever 2, Eremoz, Karm, Martial Rider, and Cob at the end.}}
{{I don't think posting according to the initiative order will be productive, so post whenever with what your character is doing and we'll resolve it when everyone has posted their actions.}}
{{We are now entering the second turn of combat.}}
{{Just have the time to explore mapping tools. For the moment, I hope this is enough to represent the positioning at the end of Turn 1. I'll try to find something else when I have the time. For the most part, I am hoping to use theater of the mind, but I guess there is a point in creating a battle map once in a while. All box is 5 feet.}}
Drexon retreats a little further away to get more distance between himself and the things.
He then whispers a discordant tune that only the thing attacking Eremos can hear.
Movement: Backs away to 60 feet from the retriever attacking Eremos
Action: Casts Dissonant Whispers against retriever attacking Eremos. Wis 14 save or take (3+5+3)=11 damage and use it’s reaction to run away (triggering Opportunity Attack). Save takes 5 damage and doesn’t flee.
Cob watches the fight unfold before him. He floats a little higher, hopefully to keep out of range of these creatures, but also hopefully to let him spot any more of them that might show up unannounced.
He then plays a short pairing of notes on his fiddle, and says "jinx" at the creature close to Eremos.
Cob, dips and bobs a little before repeating a now familiar note, accompanied by "buttercup". Energy crackles through Cob and over the fiddle strings before coalescing in to a bolt of light racing towards the same creature near Eremos.
Movement: Flies 30' higher up (approx 60' high now)
Bonus Action: Casts Hex on the one near Eremos - Wisdom affected
Action: Casts Eldritch Blast on the same one: Attack: 16 Damage: 11 plus Necrotic Damage from Hex of 4
Dvark notices everyone scattering and moves in to support the guards. Drawing his sword and shield he moves to flank retriever 2 with Eremos. Now back to back with one of the guards.
Dvark moves to G10 and attacks retriever 2: 19 damage7
And gains 3 temp HP
Eremoz grits hit teeth and swings his maul at Retriever 2
Attack: 8 Damage: 11
Eremoz also gains 5 Temp HP
{{Lets try again.}}
Attack: 15 Damage: 13 (Rolled in Game Log)
Retriever 3 Wis save: 8 (8)
Drexon, you send a whisper toward the figure and for the first time since chasing you and your group, you hear it lets out a sound. It screeches and cackles, and the sound pierces directly into the mind of everyone around it. You flinch, and for a moment your vision is filled with an image of a similar scene but with a different background. You catch a glimpse of desolate hills around the figure that disappears when you blink.
The figure immediately retreats back into the alley where it first emerged from. {{Move 40 feet away to the left on the map, into the alley}}.
{{Eremoz, you get an Opportunity Attack.}}
Martial Rider Opportunity Attack: Attack: 21 (21); Damage: 5 (9) Piercing
The Martial Rider sees one of the figure retreating and stabs it with their spear, sending more dust and motes of light around it.
{{For the sake of initiative and focusing on the group, I'll roll the other two other Retrievers' fight with the Riders within the spoiler. I'll still add the narration per round.}}
Retriever 1 Action:
Attack: 22 (21); Damage: 6 (5) Psychic
Attack: 8 (21); Damage: 6 (7) Psychic
Arcane Rider Action:
Attack: 11 (15); Damage: 6 (6) Piercing
Attack: 11 (14); Damage: 6 (6) Piercing
Attack: 7 (17); Damage: 8 (6) Piercing
Retriever 2 Action:
Attack: 13 (19); Damage: 8 (6) Psychic
Attack: 9 (19); Damage: 4 (7) Psychic
Martial Rider Action:
Attack: 8 (22); Damage: 8 (7) Piercing
Attack: 25 (10); Damage: 9 (7) Piercing
Attack: 16 (8); Damage: 9 (10) Piercing
The other two figures trade blows with the Riders, sparks of energy blasting around them. Already the figure before the Martial Rider is barely humanoid in form anymore with a cloak of dust and motes of light surrounding it.
Retriever 3 Action:
Attack: 9 (14); Damage: 4 (8) Psychic
Attack: 10 (9); Damage: 10 (12) Psychic
The figure returns before Eremoz as quickly as it disappears. It once again tries to attack the Leonin with its sparking fingers.
Seeing that Eremoz will need help, Dvark moves to flank the creature and slashes with his own blade. The blade sinks into the figure's torso, but just as you have seen, the blade doesn't seem to deal as much damage as expected.
{{Note: I think with 30 feet radius the Channel Divinity will cover everyone. At the end of each of your turns, Dvark can grant you temporary 1d6 hit points.}}
With Dvark's help, Eremoz strikes at the figure, dealing considerable damage to it. Already, its form begins to bulge in several places, waiting to burst into dust.
Eremoz swings his maul at the fleeing figure. {{Opportunity Attack}}
Attack: 13 Damage: 11
I'll get ready to move again, just in case, says Karm as he bows down to strech his legs. When he gets back up he moves around Dvark to I8 and shoots a second fire bolt at the retreiver at H10. should that one be dead by now he targets F12.
Attack: 8, Damage: 6
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist
Eremoz tries to swing his maul at the moving figure, yet fail to find purchase.
Karm unleashes another bolt of fire toward the bloating and slowly disintegrating figure in front of Eremoz. Unfortunately, the bolt of fire strikes the outer edge of the miasma, missing the figure completely.
Cob sees the strangely shaped creature and hexes it. You hear the hex wrapping around the creature's true form and shoot a bolt of eldritch energy at it. The creature is blasted away with most of its form turning to dust and motes of light. For the first time, it is showing the little bit of emotion it can manage. It is preparing to run away.
{{We end the second turn and begin with the third.}}
{{Turn 2 end position. Sorry that there will be a scaling problem as I familiarize myself with this map-making stuff.}}
Dvark takes another swing at the strange creature: Attack: 24 Damage: 5
Karm reaches to his side where he has a rope coiled up ready to grab quickly, at the end of which hangs a mace-like iron, a compromise between weapon and grappling hook. He begins to swing the weapon to build momentum while walking a few steps sideways to H9. There he hurls the hook towards I12 and magically increases the momentum
DC14 Dex save or 18 Bludgeoning Damage
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist
Drexon watches the thing succumb to his mind bending spell and flee, only to return within seconds. Knowing his resources are limited, he chooses to once again attack whatever mind the creature has, but this time with something less taxing. He whispers a word of Deep Speech and drives his will at the same creature as before.
"These things just don't stay down", he calls across to the others.
"Which direction to the station?", he telepathically asks Cob.
Action: Mind Sliver on Retriever 3, DC 14 Int save or take 2 (psychic) damage and subtract 1d4 off next save before end of Drexon's next turn.
Movement: Climb up the side of the warehouse towards O5
Bonus Action: Telepathic Speech with Cob, lasts 2 minutes over 4 miles.