Cob, you lead the group down the narrow alleyway while keeping an eye on the chasers. The alley itself is dim-lighted with stacks of crates and barrels sitting along the way. You fly through, keeping a short distance to scout ahead. This decision proves to be valuable as you lead the group through the maze of alleys along this section of the city. With a turn here, a turn there, a climb here, a crawl down there, deeper and deeper into the inner maze of Vortesso, you have bought the group a couple of minutes to think on their next action.
{{Eremoz, what kind of obstacles are you looking to create?}}
Once in a while, all of you see a shadow flying above you in formation. Upon a closer look, you see black pegasi flying across the city of Vortesso, each of them being ridden by figures wearing grey and white armor. The city guards are mobilizing, and by the pattern of their flight, they are actively patrolling the city.
“Cob thinks the train station will be guarded, we should go straight there if so, and gain their protection”, Drexon says whilst taking a little breather.
“It was a smart move with the box and the sigil, maybe I can do something similar”, he says.
"Good thought. Listen to our eyes in the sky I say." Dvark clutches the amulet to his chest again and keeps glancing over his shoulder looking for the weird spirit monster things.
"I'll bring as many as will follow," Cob sends back.
Cob flies up higher, gauging the distance to the train station, but at the same time, looking for the nearest black pegasus guard to try and flag down.
While he looks, he starts send up a beacon: Eldritch Blast after Eldritch Blast to try and attract the guard's attention.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Despite your best effort to lose your chasers, it seems that they are not without their own tricks. The three translucent figure abandons the illusion of the box as soon as the group goes into the alleyway. They follow even more closely, always only a couple of steps behind the group. They turn when the group turns. They phase through walls and buildings when the group goes in a circle. They shatter when the group is sure to have finally escaped only to reappear closer to the group in a flutter of dust and motes of translucent light. When Karm drops another illusion in their path, this time with the sigil that has stopped them before, they phase through the wall and emerge a distance ahead, bypassing the illusion. However, you do notice that the obstacles that Eremoz has thrown or set in their path considerably slow them down. It seems that they are slower when phasing through objects.
As the chase goes on, ten minutes, twenty minutes, perhaps half an hour since the meeting with Sego, you realize that you are about a third way to the station. Cob, from your place high above the group, you can see the buildings beginning to become shorter and denser. You are about to exit the commercial district and will be entering the industrial district of the city. The train station lies just beyond that, perhaps another forty minutes away. You rise higher still as you are nearing the end of the alley, shooting blasts of colorful sparks in front and around you to gain a modicum of attention from the patrolling guards.
{{You're not purposefully hiding, but you are small. I'll roll Perception for the patrol guards: 14 (15)}}
A couple of pegasi riders take notice of the strange arcane blasts coming from an alleyway and separate from the patrol group. As they fly closer, they see Cob hovering frantically atop a narrow alley. They peer down and curse when they notice the chasing translucent figures.
"Damn them," one of the guards curses. "How many of them are there? We can't enter the alley. It's too narrow for the pegasi. Continue down. We'll wait at the end of the alley. Where are you heading?"
”Never thought I’d be happy to see a city guard. We’re heading to the train station and, er, for whatever reason these things keep chasing that group down there.”
Cob then races lower into the alley to catch up to the others, telling them the guards will be at the end of the alley.
"Farther then the end of the alley," Cob sends back to Drexon. "Thirty, maybe forty minutes at this pace. Just get to the end of the alley ahead of the ghosties."
Cob does his best to guide the group through the jumbled alley.
You emerge out of the alley into an open street about 40 feet wide. There is a clear distinction between the side you have been traveling in and the side in front of you. While the side you have been in has taller and slender buildings that are made for comfort, the side in front of you is solely built for efficiency and effectiveness. The buildings are almost the same from one end of the street to another, colored in light grey to seemingly give a sense of life to its otherwise grim atmosphere. A narrower alleyway separates several groupings of the building, roughly only available to be traversed by one person at a time. While there is no black smoke billowing as a waste of a common industrial sector, this side of the city seems to hold a sense of malaise. The people that roam around this section of the city wear distinctly different garments, a drab grey, black, or washed-out white, compared to the colorful and vibrant fabrics you have seen worn by traders and shoppers before.
At the side of the alley mouth, two Pegasus Riders have dismounted and ready themselves. They have a spear drawn and pointed toward the alley, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Now that you are closer, you can see that the two Pegasus Riders are wearing different accoutrements. One of them seems to have one of their hands on a white pearl, while the other carries a large shield with the emblem of the city of Vortesso on it, a beacon of light cradled by a pair of wings. These are the famous Arcane Rider and Martial Rider of the Vortesso Militia.
When the translucent creatures emerge from the alley, both the Arcane Rider and the Martial Rider strike. The Martial Rider's strike seems to be doing less damage to the creatures despite striking them more times than your eyes can see, but the Arcane Rider picks up the slack when they ignite their spearhead with thunderous energy.
For a moment yet again, you feel relief that help has come. Yet once again, your heart stops when another translucent figure emerges from out of the building to the sides of the alleyway. One... two... five... seven translucent figures emerge and head toward the three that have been chasing you. All ten figures shatter for a moment before three figures reform before you, seemingly larger in size and a bit more opaque. One of them begins to move toward your group, faster than before, while the other two starts to engage the Riders.
{{What do you do? Do you run again or do you stand and fight? If you want to run again, make a Survival.}}
As everyone pauses and these things move toward us Dvark casts Bless on Eremos, Draxon, and Karm. "Dusk Weaver make these souls radiant stars in your beautiful night, thou art their seer and their guide."he entones, before glancing up at cob "I think this is the best shot in a fight we get. Not gonna say no if we wanna keep running though."
"Screw it." Eremoz turns around and pulls his maul. When the beings are within 10 feet Eremoz lets out the loudest roar he can {{Daunting Roar Wis 13 Saving throw}}. With all his might he swings his maul at the ghosts.
Attack: 11+1 (for Bless) Damage: 13 {{Rolled in Game Log}}
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
{{Alright, two have voted to fight. If this is going to be a fight, I want everyone to roll for initiative. Eremoz, we'll resolve your action when we got the initiative rolls. We'll use theater of the mind for now, but I'll try to get some battle maps made in the future if that is what you prefer.}}
{{I'll roll the Riders' initiatives here and keep the enemies' initiatives a surprise as we resolve the combat. Arcane Rider: 5 (18); Martial Rider: 15 (5)}}
You look at the valiant Riders taking on two of these strange creatures and turn to see the last one that has bypassed the Riders' defense. You stand, draw your weapon, and ready yourself for a confrontation that may make or break you.
The creature stands 10 feet away from you. The Arcane Rider is engaging one roughly 15 feet away to the left, while the Martial Rider is engaging another at the mouth of the alleyway you have just come from -- 5 or 10 feet away behind the creature that is heading toward you.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
{{sorry for not posting for that long}}
Initiative: 17 (9) Maybe the Lion is rightKarm holds his hand out to the closest entity and a golden light flickers in his eyes before a fire bolt shoots out of it: Attack:21(15) forgot the 1d4 of bless: 3, Damage if hit: 3(4)
On the other side, I can double our current pace for about half an hour. On your go i will book it to the trainstation and buy you all some time for a more relaxed approach
{{For battlemaps, I have a schmeppy license. Im not sure if you'll be able to edit the map but that might be an option.}}
Running through the alley, Eremoz looks for any opportunity to create obstacles behind the group.
”Karn, at the end of the alley, pass the box to me. I’m the fastest of us and your magic might help slow those… things.”
Cob's eyes go wide when he sees the apparition re-coalesce after getting hit by the Eldritch Blast.
"So, maybe running faster might be good," he calls down to the others as he turns and flies high down the alley.
Cob, you lead the group down the narrow alleyway while keeping an eye on the chasers. The alley itself is dim-lighted with stacks of crates and barrels sitting along the way. You fly through, keeping a short distance to scout ahead. This decision proves to be valuable as you lead the group through the maze of alleys along this section of the city. With a turn here, a turn there, a climb here, a crawl down there, deeper and deeper into the inner maze of Vortesso, you have bought the group a couple of minutes to think on their next action.
{{Eremoz, what kind of obstacles are you looking to create?}}
Once in a while, all of you see a shadow flying above you in formation. Upon a closer look, you see black pegasi flying across the city of Vortesso, each of them being ridden by figures wearing grey and white armor. The city guards are mobilizing, and by the pattern of their flight, they are actively patrolling the city.
((do we know how long until the train leaves?))
"I say we either keep moving until just before the train leaves. Or we go sit at the train station and lay low there. Any other ideas?"
Cob watches the pegasi fly above.
"The train station will be guarded," Cob thinks to Drexon. "They may be able to keep the ghosties away or even finish them off."
“Cob thinks the train station will be guarded, we should go straight there if so, and gain their protection”, Drexon says whilst taking a little breather.
“It was a smart move with the box and the sigil, maybe I can do something similar”, he says.
Once they are ready to carry on, he will form an illusion of the box, placed on another box which has the sigil on all sides.
"Good thought. Listen to our eyes in the sky I say." Dvark clutches the amulet to his chest again and keeps glancing over his shoulder looking for the weird spirit monster things.
{{The stuff like the stacks of crates. Just something to quickly rip over and cause clutter and debris for the ghost things to deal with.}}
“Does Cob think he can get the guards attention? Maybe they can help intercept these things on the other end of the alley.”
Drexon nods to Eremoz, “I will suggest it”.
”Can you flag down the guards and send them this way?”, he sends to Cob.
"I'll bring as many as will follow," Cob sends back.
Cob flies up higher, gauging the distance to the train station, but at the same time, looking for the nearest black pegasus guard to try and flag down.
While he looks, he starts send up a beacon: Eldritch Blast after Eldritch Blast to try and attract the guard's attention.
Despite your best effort to lose your chasers, it seems that they are not without their own tricks. The three translucent figure abandons the illusion of the box as soon as the group goes into the alleyway. They follow even more closely, always only a couple of steps behind the group. They turn when the group turns. They phase through walls and buildings when the group goes in a circle. They shatter when the group is sure to have finally escaped only to reappear closer to the group in a flutter of dust and motes of translucent light. When Karm drops another illusion in their path, this time with the sigil that has stopped them before, they phase through the wall and emerge a distance ahead, bypassing the illusion. However, you do notice that the obstacles that Eremoz has thrown or set in their path considerably slow them down. It seems that they are slower when phasing through objects.
As the chase goes on, ten minutes, twenty minutes, perhaps half an hour since the meeting with Sego, you realize that you are about a third way to the station. Cob, from your place high above the group, you can see the buildings beginning to become shorter and denser. You are about to exit the commercial district and will be entering the industrial district of the city. The train station lies just beyond that, perhaps another forty minutes away. You rise higher still as you are nearing the end of the alley, shooting blasts of colorful sparks in front and around you to gain a modicum of attention from the patrolling guards.
{{You're not purposefully hiding, but you are small. I'll roll Perception for the patrol guards: 14 (15)}}
A couple of pegasi riders take notice of the strange arcane blasts coming from an alleyway and separate from the patrol group. As they fly closer, they see Cob hovering frantically atop a narrow alley. They peer down and curse when they notice the chasing translucent figures.
"Damn them," one of the guards curses. "How many of them are there? We can't enter the alley. It's too narrow for the pegasi. Continue down. We'll wait at the end of the alley. Where are you heading?"
Cob salutes the guards who fly closer.
”Never thought I’d be happy to see a city guard. We’re heading to the train station and, er, for whatever reason these things keep chasing that group down there.”
Cob then races lower into the alley to catch up to the others, telling them the guards will be at the end of the alley.
“Great”, Drexon replies to Cob whilst still moving through the alley. “These things are relentless! How much further to the train station?”.
He then re-establishes the telepathic link for another 2 minutes.
"Farther then the end of the alley," Cob sends back to Drexon. "Thirty, maybe forty minutes at this pace. Just get to the end of the alley ahead of the ghosties."
Cob does his best to guide the group through the jumbled alley.
You emerge out of the alley into an open street about 40 feet wide. There is a clear distinction between the side you have been traveling in and the side in front of you. While the side you have been in has taller and slender buildings that are made for comfort, the side in front of you is solely built for efficiency and effectiveness. The buildings are almost the same from one end of the street to another, colored in light grey to seemingly give a sense of life to its otherwise grim atmosphere. A narrower alleyway separates several groupings of the building, roughly only available to be traversed by one person at a time. While there is no black smoke billowing as a waste of a common industrial sector, this side of the city seems to hold a sense of malaise. The people that roam around this section of the city wear distinctly different garments, a drab grey, black, or washed-out white, compared to the colorful and vibrant fabrics you have seen worn by traders and shoppers before.
At the side of the alley mouth, two Pegasus Riders have dismounted and ready themselves. They have a spear drawn and pointed toward the alley, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Now that you are closer, you can see that the two Pegasus Riders are wearing different accoutrements. One of them seems to have one of their hands on a white pearl, while the other carries a large shield with the emblem of the city of Vortesso on it, a beacon of light cradled by a pair of wings. These are the famous Arcane Rider and Martial Rider of the Vortesso Militia.
When the translucent creatures emerge from the alley, both the Arcane Rider and the Martial Rider strike. The Martial Rider's strike seems to be doing less damage to the creatures despite striking them more times than your eyes can see, but the Arcane Rider picks up the slack when they ignite their spearhead with thunderous energy.
For a moment yet again, you feel relief that help has come. Yet once again, your heart stops when another translucent figure emerges from out of the building to the sides of the alleyway. One... two... five... seven translucent figures emerge and head toward the three that have been chasing you. All ten figures shatter for a moment before three figures reform before you, seemingly larger in size and a bit more opaque. One of them begins to move toward your group, faster than before, while the other two starts to engage the Riders.
{{What do you do? Do you run again or do you stand and fight? If you want to run again, make a Survival.}}
As everyone pauses and these things move toward us Dvark casts Bless on Eremos, Draxon, and Karm. "Dusk Weaver make these souls radiant stars in your beautiful night, thou art their seer and their guide." he entones, before glancing up at cob "I think this is the best shot in a fight we get. Not gonna say no if we wanna keep running though."
"Screw it." Eremoz turns around and pulls his maul. When the beings are within 10 feet Eremoz lets out the loudest roar he can {{Daunting Roar Wis 13 Saving throw}}. With all his might he swings his maul at the ghosts.
Attack: 11+1 (for Bless) Damage: 13 {{Rolled in Game Log}}
{{Alright, two have voted to fight. If this is going to be a fight, I want everyone to roll for initiative. Eremoz, we'll resolve your action when we got the initiative rolls. We'll use theater of the mind for now, but I'll try to get some battle maps made in the future if that is what you prefer.}}
{{I'll roll the Riders' initiatives here and keep the enemies' initiatives a surprise as we resolve the combat. Arcane Rider: 5 (18); Martial Rider: 15 (5)}}
You look at the valiant Riders taking on two of these strange creatures and turn to see the last one that has bypassed the Riders' defense. You stand, draw your weapon, and ready yourself for a confrontation that may make or break you.
The creature stands 10 feet away from you. The Arcane Rider is engaging one roughly 15 feet away to the left, while the Martial Rider is engaging another at the mouth of the alleyway you have just come from -- 5 or 10 feet away behind the creature that is heading toward you.
{{Initiative: 16 Rolled in Game Log}}
{{sorry for not posting for that long}}
Initiative: 17 (9)
Maybe the Lion is right Karm holds his hand out to the closest entity and a golden light flickers in his eyes before a fire bolt shoots out of it:
Attack:21(15) forgot the 1d4 of bless: 3, Damage if hit: 3(4)
On the other side, I can double our current pace for about half an hour. On your go i will book it to the trainstation and buy you all some time for a more relaxed approach
{{For battlemaps, I have a schmeppy license. Im not sure if you'll be able to edit the map but that might be an option.}}
Olloray Dim - Limbo's Pit
Gunther Korroden - Nightmares in the Mist