You wake up devoid of memory. Your name you can recall but little to nothing else of your life. A hellish nightmare before you where death is a constant predator that stalks you. What happened and how did you end up here? Even more pressing will you live long enough to find the answers?
I am looking for four players to partake in a new campaign that is heavily about survival and uncovering the truth. Death is a constant threat in this campaign that will require the players to be tactical and use what they have wisely. If your interested please apply below.
1. Players may start at level 3 and use a point buy for attributes.
2. For items please only take starting equipment.
3. Your memory has been taken, but I would like you to have one memory that stands out and drives your will to survive. This could be a memory of someone you cared for or a cause you need to fulfill. Other ones are acceptable too.
4. Please be fairly active if you post once every couple of days please don’t apply here.
5. Lastly be accepting of player death if your the type of player that does not do well with it this campaign is not for you.
Only Memory: A struggle. Fighting over a shimmering necklace with a faceless individual. We are both willing to die for this, and in the battle, I tumble out of the emerald tower.
To answer some questions no I am not banning thing in core 5e or critical roll. Just use spells at the appropriate slots you character should have based off their level.
All classes are allowed you may not have personal memories but your body remembers how to fight and the skills it has.
Sep remembers bits and pieces of his past. As the child who grew up with nothing, he learned how to defend himself and fight at an early age. He became part of a school for wayward youths that taught physical discipline in addition to lessons that attempted to bring the students to spiritual enlightenment. He tried to follow their rules and he grew in strength and his ability to perform maneuvers, the martial arts that he practiced with the masters in the academy.
One night he had a dream of a dragonborn glowing in gold who had five hands moving together in synchrony, a flurry of blocks and attacks, a master of form that he had never witnessed. The dream consumed his thoughts, it was so vivid that he woke up twisted and contorted on his pallet, obviously a very active dream.
The next day when practicing alone he began to move his hands in the manner that he recalled in the dream, and when he did so gouts of flame burst forth from his hands, burning the air in front of him. He turned and moved his hands in a different way that his hands seemed to know and bursts of electricity arced between his hands. A fellow student walked by and noted this, ran and told the masters. Sep kept working on his techniques when alone, and hoped to dream of the dragonborn warrior again. A week later he was confronted by his masters who demanded to see a demonstration of his power. He happily showed them his new feats hoping to impress them, but instead he was labelled a freak and a heretic, his hands were bound and he was taken to be tried and hung for witchcraft, which this obviously seemed to be. His last (and only) memory is of the noose being fitted around his neck, it seemed so tight! And then a huge roar and the sight of stars, twinkling in his eyes.
Soren is a human rogue. His reoccurring memory is one where he was part of some criminal organization that was kidnapping children and selling them into slavery. He doesn’t know more than that, but the memory makes him sick. He is seeking to change his ways and find a new path. (Opening the way for a redemption arc and multiclass options… if he survives…)
Her last memory was of a battle, desperately casting Wither & bloom as the shadowy figures overwhelmed them.
Hours later, she awakened at night. And that memory was all she had. Her spellbook said "Spellbook of P.P." So her name started with P. She thought of girls names with P. Polly? Petunia? Ew. Guys names weren't much better. Percy? Perry? Fine. Until she could remember her name, she'd be Peri.
I have a Dwarven life cleric, but I'll have to remake her at 1st level. Her name is Ayda Sternstout, here is a version of the sheet for a West Marches server where she is lvl 3
You wake up devoid of memory. Your name you can recall but little to nothing else of your life. A hellish nightmare before you where death is a constant predator that stalks you. What happened and how did you end up here? Even more pressing will you live long enough to find the answers?
I am looking for four players to partake in a new campaign that is heavily about survival and uncovering the truth. Death is a constant threat in this campaign that will require the players to be tactical and use what they have wisely. If your interested please apply below.
1. Players may start at level 3 and use a point buy for attributes.
2. For items please only take starting equipment.
3. Your memory has been taken, but I would like you to have one memory that stands out and drives your will to survive. This could be a memory of someone you cared for or a cause you need to fulfill. Other ones are acceptable too.
4. Please be fairly active if you post once every couple of days please don’t apply here.
5. Lastly be accepting of player death if your the type of player that does not do well with it this campaign is not for you.
Name: Ver-on
Class: Moon Druid
Race: Reborn (seems perfect for this setting)
Memory: must return home with vital medical ingredient
D&D since 1984
Name: Lexington
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Memory: Must get back to his daughter.
The most memory dependent class I know are Wizards.
I assume (to be viable) that Wizard PCs have their spellbook and know how to use it (even if they don't remember their training).
Do wizards have spells appropriate for a 3rd level caster in their spellbooks? If so, any limits on spell choice above 1st?
Working on character, but wanted to be clear.
Name: Hocerys
Class: Cleric/ Twilight Domain
Race: Aasimar
Memory: Find the holy relic at all cost.
Character Sheet:
Name: Caelyn Alishtii
Class: Rogue 2 / Fighter 1
Race: Eladrin
Only Memory: A struggle. Fighting over a shimmering necklace with a faceless individual. We are both willing to die for this, and in the battle, I tumble out of the emerald tower.
To answer some questions no I am not banning thing in core 5e or critical roll. Just use spells at the appropriate slots you character should have based off their level.
All classes are allowed you may not have personal memories but your body remembers how to fight and the skills it has.
Name: Veldris Askanti
Class: Sorcerer (aberrant)
Race: Drow
Memory: An adult female drow and two drow children being killed by mind flayers.
I can definetly post at least once a day and will aim for more!
Name : Sep
Class : Monk (Way of the Ascendant Dragon)
Race : Reborn
Only memory :
Sep remembers bits and pieces of his past. As the child who grew up with nothing, he learned how to defend himself and fight at an early age. He became part of a school for wayward youths that taught physical discipline in addition to lessons that attempted to bring the students to spiritual enlightenment. He tried to follow their rules and he grew in strength and his ability to perform maneuvers, the martial arts that he practiced with the masters in the academy.
One night he had a dream of a dragonborn glowing in gold who had five hands moving together in synchrony, a flurry of blocks and attacks, a master of form that he had never witnessed. The dream consumed his thoughts, it was so vivid that he woke up twisted and contorted on his pallet, obviously a very active dream.
The next day when practicing alone he began to move his hands in the manner that he recalled in the dream, and when he did so gouts of flame burst forth from his hands, burning the air in front of him. He turned and moved his hands in a different way that his hands seemed to know and bursts of electricity arced between his hands. A fellow student walked by and noted this, ran and told the masters. Sep kept working on his techniques when alone, and hoped to dream of the dragonborn warrior again. A week later he was confronted by his masters who demanded to see a demonstration of his power. He happily showed them his new feats hoping to impress them, but instead he was labelled a freak and a heretic, his hands were bound and he was taken to be tried and hung for witchcraft, which this obviously seemed to be. His last (and only) memory is of the noose being fitted around his neck, it seemed so tight! And then a huge roar and the sight of stars, twinkling in his eyes.
Name: Thellara
Class: Ranger (Hunter)
Race: Half-Elf
Memory: A screaming child being ripped from my arms.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Necromancer, will decide name & thr rest later
Link to character didn't work
Name: Yono
Class: Abjuration Wizard
Race: Hobgoblin
Memory: Fighting on a battlefield trying to reach a wounded friend while arcane powers crackled overhead
If it is okay to use money to start I would appreciate it as wizard doesn't let me start with the armor my race grants me.
Soren is a human rogue. His reoccurring memory is one where he was part of some criminal organization that was kidnapping children and selling them into slavery. He doesn’t know more than that, but the memory makes him sick. He is seeking to change his ways and find a new path. (Opening the way for a redemption arc and multiclass options… if he survives…)
Most of my character are the type where their memory makes them who they are but I think I have a few characters that might work for this setting.I'll post a character soon.Withdrawn. Couldn't end up making a proper character in the end :P
Bump i’ll leave it up for a little more before finalizing selection.
Trying again.
Her last memory was of a battle, desperately casting Wither & bloom as the shadowy figures overwhelmed them.
Hours later, she awakened at night. And that memory was all she had. Her spellbook said "Spellbook of P.P." So her name started with P. She thought of girls names with P. Polly? Petunia? Ew. Guys names weren't much better. Percy? Perry? Fine. Until she could remember her name, she'd be Peri.
(OOC I've added the spells she gets for her level (3 cantrips & 5 spells). Let me know if there's a chance she has more spells in her book)
As a side note if anyone is interested in playing a cleric leme know. I am looking to make a party I think has the potential to do well.
I believe WeatherVision, in post #7, offered up a Cleric.
Oh excellent I missed that! If anyone else would like to throw their hat in the mix too now is the time!
I have a Dwarven life cleric, but I'll have to remake her at 1st level. Her name is Ayda Sternstout, here is a version of the sheet for a West Marches server where she is lvl 3
For this, I would say her memory might be of an altar or Temple? Maybe defending it, but unable to recall against whom or the outcome