Noel follows Madam Eva, who casually walks to her tent. She asks him to remain outside for just a moment so that she can prepare her table for the things to come. She needs to prepare and it will be moments still before the other two come in. Some light noise can be heard inside as Noel waits. Beren and Jack inevitably come to the colorful tent, this one slightly larger than the others as if to signify her rank amongst the other Vistani.
And when you all inevitably enter the tent, Magic flames cast a reddish glow over the interior of this tent, revealing a low table covered in a black velvet cloth. Glints of light seem to flash from a crystal ball on the table as a hunched figure peers into its depths. As the crone speaks, her voice crackles like dry weeds. At last you have arrived! Cackling laughter bursts like mad lightning from her withered lips. Her appearance much different than it had been just minutes before. She seemed older, her face more sunken, her body more frail though she simply looked like a crone who was at the very edge of her dusk in life.
I apologize for my appearance! Hahaha. I do cast illusions about myself when among others. My appearance is less than pleasant but to maintain the spell is taxing on my old body. Please... Come inside. she would say. Three chairs lined up on one side of the round table, while a single chair sat on the other - the one Eva herself was in. The crystal ball thrummed with power, the mists inside churning violently like a storm. A set of cards with black sleeves and special designs seemingly filigreed into the cards themselves lay in five small towers in front of her. And I apologize for what you likely feel is deception. But your coming was foretold, and this old Vistani has eagerly waited her entire life for this moment. Of the prophecy of your coming. All of you. Now.. she says as she leans back in her chair, arms spread wide. Do you still wish to know of your futures? Or do you wish to hear proof that I know it? I could tell you all something from each of your pasts... that no one else could know within this company. she says, though as she says this, her eyes are fully on Beren.
Noel waits patiently until the others join him and then walks into Madam Eva's tent, looking around in awe as he does. The crystal ball on the table especially catches his attention, and he stares into it for a little bit before looking up and Madam Eva and immediately jolting back, surprised at her transformation
DM only:
Noel is instantly familar with the kind of magic Madam Eva must have used to disguise herself, though the exact extent of it is beyond his capabilities and is instantly impressive to him. He's too fascinated with what she is saying to focus too long it though, fixating on her comment about having waited her entire life for this moment. Even the prospect of a prophecy excites him, and for him to have possibly been involved in one? If so, this will be a story he will be able to tell for decades to come.
When she makes a comment about mentioning things from their past, he instantly gets nervous, and while he can see her looking at the glowing man next to him, he's not too eager to hear her mention anything from his past as well. Noel doesn't doubt for a moment that she would be able to share things she should not otherwise know, and though he's confided some of his past in Jack, he's not too eager for this new man to hear any of it or for Jack to figure out any of the rest of his past that he has not shared
As Madam Eva finishes up her sentence, Noel immediately chimes in, sitting down in the leftmost chair of the three on the other side of the table from Madam Eva as he talks:
"Fortold you say? If there is truly some prophecy at work of the three of us... well then, I wish to know of my future even more than before! No need to dwell on the past, I trust your prophecies will ring true"
Beren stands slightly behind the others, stopping as soon as he catches sight of the crystal ball. Had he known what he was getting into by following Jack, he might not have come at all.
He listens silently as Eva speaks, the light behind his mask flashing a little at the idea of resurrecting things from the past. Finding the old woman looking at him, he lowers his chin slightly and crosses his arms. "Let the past stay in the past. I have no wish to relive anything, even if it is just through words." As he says this he realizes that the woman likely already knows more then he is really comfortable with her knowing...but that was nothing new. It seemed everyone near him somehow knew all the little details of his past, whether he wanted them to or not. At this point, it wasn't really his story to tell anymore.
Nevertheless, he doesn't let this discomfort show. Instead he says, "I have no love of prophecies. I've spent to long working towards fulfilling other peoples' perceptions of what they think they have foretold. I do not believe the future is fixed, for if I did I would have no future--at least not one worth pursuing." He pauses, toying with the idea of simply walking out. Yet he was invited here, and that was something he wouldn't take lightly--even if this woman thought his coming was prophesied. The thought nearly caused him to chuckle--what would Saelethin think of this woman's prophesy?
"I will hear what you have to say. Perhaps it is different then the future others have tried to force upon me," he says this in spite of having little idea as to what Saelethin and the church have in mind for him. They've meticulously kept him out of the loop in that regard. So perhaps this can give him the edge he needs.
He scans the room, not moving from where he had stopped upon entry. What sort of prophesy would place him with these two storytellers? Even more intriguing...what prophesy would place him here without Saelethin or some other member of the church?
Although Jack put on a show of being surprised at the change of appearance in the woman, anyone with two decent eyes can see through the act, and if bold enough to point it out as well, merely elicit some chuckling out of the eladrin. "As far as I'm concern, there need not be any apologizing at all, my dear. As hardly any real harm had been done, if at all!" Jack assured Eva.
"As for your little suggestion of proving anything, it is... certainly tempting. For me, at least." He side-eyes Beren. "But as my own history is a bit of a mystery even to me, and as I would quite prefer to remain in my Spring...! Perhaps another time for that, dear fortune teller. Even if it might mean making another trade for such tale at a later date! For now, I too am quite eager to see just what sorta future paths you've seen us walk!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Eva nods. She had expected this but it was still polite to offer the right to walk away. Glad that they hadn't, a smirk returns to her lips as she regards you all. Her visage full of expectation. The magical fire illuminating the tent flickered and sputtered excitedly, as she responded to each in the order they had spoken, her arms flourishing wildly as she seemed to be casting a spell upon the cards even as she spoke. Even without a divine sense her magic was at worst... neutral, and this much was obvious, as malicious magicks tended to give that gut churning static of warning.
The tent itself seemed to fill with power, some may describe it as charged but even then it was subtle, gentle, and msyterious.
Indeed Noel. Indeed. Everyone's fate is predetermined. Or at-least I believe so, else how would any prophesy ever work? Luck too, plays a part in it. Though I will admit, .. and I am certain atleast one of you has heard the saying: You can lead a horse to water, however you cannot make it drink. All I can do is show you what was foretold. After that... it is up to you, to decide if you drink.
Her attention next turns to Beren, and his reactions, she found somewhat amusing, enough to cackle again, and her laughter sounded nearly mad but she did acquiesce, and bowed sitting down from where she was. Then I shall not reveal it. Though I know much of it. Perhaps... I will tell you the parts you do not know... should you .... Hmm.. no, I will not tell that much just yet. she says mysteriously, and as he continues - describing his dislike for others prophecies and his desire... Mm I understand. You fear deep down that if it is all predetermined... that nothing you do actually matters. Yet I would contest that with this: If nothing matters, then why do we yet experience sadness and joy? Your actions, for weal or for woe... predetermined or the result of personal choice, ultimately shape the world, a little at a time. As has the Vistani's actions effected our homeland... she says, her face turning to a bittersweet frown, though on a crones face it seemed eerie.
However I am glad that you are atleast willing to listen. You will understand the prophecy in time, though for now it will seem vague.
Finally, turning to Jack, she regarded him for a moment longer than the others. He seemed the most open overall, though Noel wasn't far behind. Indeed my elvish friend. Though i could answer some of your questions. I shall save it as a reward upon... success...
And finally, looking to Beren one last time adding in... What she thinks of my prophecy. Is irrelevant. her head cocking at a partial angle, her smile returning in full before she says... Though you are the first in a long time of those I've met who did not seek proof... My faith grows, if ever so slightly. Now.. let us begin...
she says, the cards, formerly enraptured within magical energies now seem dormant. She lays a card out from one of the decks onto the table, into a square none of you had noticed before... there were four others like it, forming a diamond-shaped + symbol. She did not flip the card just yet however...
She looks at the card breifly, before looking to you all. A foe will stand before you. One who's might has reigned unchallenged. This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy..... Eight of swords.. she says The Dictator.
I see a throne fit for a king.
She does not elaborate. Instead, her hand swiftly going to another card as her eyes turn milky white. This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope... and with a flourish, she places it on the topmost part of the diamond.
The 7 of Coins — The Thief.... she enumerates, before explaining what it means. What you seek lies at the crossroads of life and death, among the buried dead. her breathing intensifies, as hre hand goes for another card. This one placed face down as the others on the east-most slot.
This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.... The 9 of Glyphs — The Traitor.
She finished, before turning this card over as well, before explaining the cards meaning. Look for a wealthy woman. A staunch ally of the devil, she keeps the treasure under lock and key, with the bones of an ancient enemy. .. her body beginning to shake. She reaches for another card...
This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.. before turnign the card face up. The Beast...
As was her wont, she follows with an explanation .. This card... A werewolf holds a secret hatred for your enemy. Use her hatred to your advantage.
The tent itself was shaking now, the ground faintly rumbling. The books within the tent barely staying on their shelves, the severed hand that occupied the table falling over. The crystal ball seeming to flash with lightning. The air thrumming as she reached for the final card... facedown, in the center of this series of cards....
And this one.... The enemy of which I speak... should you seek him... should you seek him... Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him....
she says, slowly turning the card over... revealing.... The Executioner
Eva's body was trembling in every sense of the word, her eyes whiter than before, foggy as the crystal ball, her mouth hanging open. And there was a long pause, as if it took every ounce of her strength to say the final words of this divination.
I see a dark figure on a balcony, looking down upon this tortured land with a twisted smile. Yes... all is as it should be she says, her face twisting into an insane smile, followed by laughter that echoed through the immediate area. And the moment her words had finished.... the phenomena that had been occoring ... ceased. All at once. The tents entrance flew open, as though a gust of wind had slammed its way out in terrible fear for escape.
Eva sat there, trembling for a moment, her hands shaky, as she pulled out a purple potion, chaffing the entirety of it over the course of a minute, and slowly, she seemed to recover. And to whomever was still within the tent, if any, she smiled once more... looking crazed, yet... her words rang true to some extent. Whether you believed them was another thing.
And such... is your futures. I have led you to the oasis of destiny.... but shall you drink the contents of my portents? Or will you abandon this fate? This... is the only part of the prophecy that is unclear.
Beren grimaces as the magic flairs. Not out of fear...more, out of pain. He doesn't let this bother him though, in spite of the ever burning urge to destroy whatever darkness he comes into contact with. Whether this magic was truly evil or not, there was no reason for him to lash out. He wouldn't let that side of him drive his actions. Regardless, he's liking this woman less and less.
When she mentions things about his past that he doesn't know, the light behind his mask flares again. His mind searches for things that she could be thinking of, but it had been so long since he'd bother to question... did it really matter anymore? The thought of her knowing more about him then he did was aggravating, but he supposed it was nothing new. Still it irked him that she did not tell him...though he is rather glad that she kept it to herself. The last thing he needed was for one of these storytellers to get ahold of his life and weave it into one of their fairytales.
"Hmm, we shall see."
The light behind his mask flickers when Eva mentions Saelethin. He hadn't mentioned his wondering out loud... He clenches his fists, suddenly suspicious that this crone might be reading his thoughts. Oh well, it was to late now.
As the magic in the room intensifies, Beren feels the light within him flare. Something about this woman and her cackling was putting him on edge...though at times he found it difficult to differentiate between his own emotions and the all consuming power within him. He shuts his eyes for a moment, causing the light behind the mask to dim as he forces his senses to calm down. After a few seconds the glow that had radiated from him died down a bit, leaving a sort of afterglow around his mask and hands. The light is still there, but it has returned to its former luminosity.
He remained silent through the reading, instead focusing on keeping himself at bay. Little of what Eva said made any sense to him...but that was no surprise. It was a prophesy after all. Prophesies were always vague.
He doesn't flinch as the wind rushes by, instead he stares intently at the cards. At Eva's last statement, he lets out a low chuckle, "And it is as unclear as I expected." He shakes his head, "I do not know what to make of this. Nor do I intend to chase after any fate that has been predestined. I go where I am driven to go. If that leads me down whatever path you have prophesied, so be it. As I have said, I have no love of prophesy. I believe that the future is written as we go, and it can change with the choices we make. That is why, while some prophesies may come to pass, others never will."
He glances at Jack and Noel, wondering what they make of this reading.
"Still, should I find myself traveling towards this future, I am not fool enough to discard what you have said." The light behind the mask flares again, "This enemy of which you speak... this creature of darkness...." He tilts his head downwards, as if thinking, "Perhaps this is the darkness I have been searching for. The evil I must purge." He couldn't overlook the fact that he had no idea why he was here with this caravan. This could very well be leading him towards the darkness he is driven to destroy.
Noel stands in utter silence, the clear magic flowing through this tent in this moment washing over him as Madam Eva presents this propecy. A dictator, a holy relic, a werewolf? It's all too much for him to comprehend fully, though the image of a shadowy figure on a balcony using powers beyond the bounds of mortals to opress certainly is a compelling story, and he focuses in on that, becoming fixated by the possibility of this story perhaps carrying more weight than your average tall tale
That wonder though is quickly replaced with concern as he begins to realize the full extent of what exactly Madam Eva has just laid out. Are they really predestined to do something about all this darkness that Madam Eva has presented to them? How will their own personal futures intertwine with the tale that she has just laid out for them, the three of them being so disperate. The story of it all compells him, but the reality is confusing.
Though he's gone on many travels in his life, he's never really had more at risk than his wallet, and that's always been insulted by his considerable skill, a fair bit of luck, and his other talents. Even if something had gone seriously wrong, at worst he would take a hit to his wallet but walk away otherwise unscathed. If this grim tale that has been laid out in front of him is his future, he's going to be in far far more danger than that. But if he pursues this story... this could be his magnup opus, a story to tell to top all of his other ones. Even if he is not as able as he once was in his youth, to pursue this fate would be the pinnacle of his many illustrious adventures. Still though, he doubts he'd be able to brave the kind of danger that this would all obviously entail
He sits for a moment, and begins to speak before even really thinking it all through, some part of his mind clearly having already decided that he has to pursue this fate to its fullest
"A tale of a tyrant and a battle against darkness... I do not even know where to begin. This prophecy is grander than anything I could have imagined you could ever grant us, Madam Eva. If we are truly part of something this massive... then who are we to resist it? After all, prophecies have a way of happening wether we want them to or not. I would rather dive in head first instead of waiting for fate to find away against my best wishes."
He then looks at Jack, eagerly awaiting his friends response, unsure of where the Eladrin will fall on what has just been presented to them
As one more inclined to make friends over enemies, and of would-be enemies into at worse a neutral party in relation to himself, Jack became morbidly fascinated in time at each mention of a 'future enemy', as it implied some failing on his part. Not that the whole tidbit about their enemy being a creature of darkness hadn't been lost to him. But it wasn't as if the fey wild hadn't had those sort of beings who yet were so wholly immune to even his charms as to not fall into one of two catagories to some extent! That is to say, as far as he could recollect of his time...
"Hm... Mayhaps I should've..." He muttered to himself. Although before he can get too far along that particular train of thought, feeling as right minded person should some degree of concern when even a proposed reality hadn't matched up to the present, the eladrin spots a hint of orange and red creeping up not only his skin but even his outfit began to change ever so subtly as well. His eyes briefly wide at the sight before being squeezed shut for the remaining duration of Eva's telling.
If everyone had not been enraptured in either display of magics, the story told, or even their own thoughts, someone might've taken notice of the small beat the Eladrin had taken to tapping his foot, putting a rhythm where there may not have been to rising tempo of Madam Eva's magic. Even the rumbling of the earth failed to stop the beat. Instead with a subtle grace that only a child of Corellon Larethian, god of elves, could ever display, he smoothly shifted his stance as needed to keep his balance and the rythym in the earth.
By the time he opened his eyes again, which just happened to be in time to meet Noel's gaze, all trace of concern is gone from thought and visage, having been replaced once more by the general upbeatness and absent-minded smiling that was more typical of the Eladrin. Gone too were in traces of discoloration. "What is it, my friend? Expecting a word to the contrary of doing anything less?" He chuckled. "Ah, if only! But even I were of a mind to say '**** that noise, and forget this old bird's chatter', even I wouldn't play a part of someone -that- foolhardy!" He claims. "Though short of our dear fortune teller here or her kin further guiding us along on that second step towards this fate, before ultimately leaving things to us from there, I don't see us stumbling upon this 'tortured land' in the immediate future. Least one of us would've already caught wind of such." He explained, meaning to temper his friends excitement, but failing to do so in himself with how big the smile in his voice became with time.
For Beren's sake however, he let his own buddy excitement simmer down in expression as he said, " And as for you, my exceptionally glowy friend. While not all was clear, it seems to some degree our fates are to be entwinned. So know that 'if' or.. 'when' things do come about, at least you won't be alone traveling the path, eh? Besides your other friend, of course." He gives Beren a wink, then finally looks back to Eva to give her polite bow. "Many thanks, madam, for both warning and reading."
Eva sat there, watching the reactions of all. Beren's intrigued her the most. Even if she knew this would be so, to see it first hand was a different thing entirely. In much the same way as reading how to fish... and actually fishing were. The cards shuffled themselves together, before flying onto the bookshelf as she began the process of cleaning up and otherwise placing back the things that had been displaced. Or, should you fail... atleast you won't die alone. she adds in somberly to accentuate one of Jacks points as she puts the hand back upright. But you are very welcome. I look forward to your success, however it should come about.
Then, she returns to addressing Noel And full-glad I am of your excitement, though whether it shall remain is yet to be seen. For even prophecy cannot see into the hearts of men. Only whither and fro they will go. she says as she places the books back fully into the shelf - her back turned to the group as she finally addresses Berens comments.
Your feelings about prophecy are understandable, considering. But trust me, my dear...prophecies are vague for a reason. As you pierce the veil of eternity, your vision is limited. Much the same as you can only see so far down a path before your vision fails you. The farther you look, the more unclear it is. And yet just because the sun dissappears upon the horizon, does that mean that the sun has ceased to exist? or simply that it has gone beyond your sight?
at that she cackles loudly, turning around in a flourish, her body hunched over with age. Her head down, causing the light to cast a red light upon her features as her eyes were up to her brow, she looked as directly into the Aasimars eyes as possible. Her visage similar to one at a campfire at the deepest of night, with a flashlight facing up, causing her to appear far more fearsome and dark than she otherwise would. Perhaps it is. Or perhaps it is but the first of many. she says ominously, but ultimately bows to the trio.
Whatever you choose to do from here is your own twist on this fate. But for now, you should rest. The moon is high, and I am sure you will all need your rest. If you ask my Vistani kin, they will provide each of you with a very comfortable bedroll that is good at keeping one warm.
Beren does not know how to respond to Jack, especially considering that he has not looked to anyone as a friend in a very long time. Anything he viewed with any sort of affection tended to catch fire and burn before his eyes. Letting out a breath...which results in another flare behind his mask, he shakes his head. "I suppose we will see."
In response to Madame Eva's explanation of prophesy, he simply nods, "This I have heard before. It does not change my opinion. Whatever glimpses prophesy offers are mere possibilities. Events that may take place along a path, given the person or people in question choose to take that path. Perhaps there are points in the future that are unchangeable, but I hold to the belief that wherever choice plays a role the future can change on a whim."
To her next statement, he holds her gaze. He isn't sure if she is trying to intimidate him, or if it was just part of her strange personality. Either way, it didn't bother him much--aside from the burning that had not quite left his limbs since she had started her magic. "Indeed."
"I will return to my post," he says, finding the idea of sleep unwelcoming at the if it ever seemed welcoming for that matter. He realized at this point that keeping watch was unnecessary, but it didn't really matter to him.
He turns towards the door, but stops himself before heading out. Looking back over his shoulder he says, "Thank you...for your hospitality." Then he walks out into the night, unsure if that was the right thing to say, though not really concerned if it wasn't. He doesn't hurry back to his 'post' instead walking slowly through camp, avoiding the firelight whenever he passes a campfire.
Noel bows to Madam Eva one more time, the fear continuing to flee from his head and a nearly giddy joy settling in. The prophecy he has heard will be the greatest story he has ever heard or told, he is sure of it. His very rational fears now completely washed away, he says to Madam Eva
"Thank you Madam Eva. It is true, as you say, not even prophecy can completely determine what any one man will do, though I've found a seer;s words are more often right than not anyway. Prophecies have a way of coming true even when men's hearts and actions do not align with them. I shall see this one to its conclusion, wherever that will lead me"
With a final flourish, he turns to the glowing man, hoping to properly introduce himself and discuss with him more on his rather negative views of prophecy, only to see him walk out of the tent and into the campsite outside. "A strange man indeed", he thinks to himself, "He talks of vanquishing darkness and a mission to purge evil, yet has such a distaste for prophecy and fate! A tale of great interest, though I do not know where it leads. I will have to properly learn that story later. Besides, if fate is to intertwine our paths as Madam Eva has predicted, I will get another chance soon"
Noel then walks back towards the other Vistani sitting by the campfire, grabbing the drink he left behind when he went to Madam Eva's tent as well as the gifts he received from his rather fortuitous victory against her. He's rather tired at this point after a long day of travel (and emptying the pockets of those traveling with him in many games of chance), and while he's got his own rather comfortable furnishings, Madam Eva's words about a bedroll remain in his head... a first step towards following the fate laid out for him perhaps? He turns to those still sitting around the fire and says
"Hello again friends! It's been wonderous drinking and playing games with you all tonight, though I must turn in for now. It's been quite the long day. Madam Eva mentioned you all have some particularly warm bedrolls you might be able to provide me with one of? My own gear is not quite insulated enough for tonight's chill air"
Persuasion (if needed) - In game Log:11, 13 if deception
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Jack reflexively began waving a hand in dismissively of Eva's somber counterpoint but caught himself mid-motion to instead cup in chin thought. A few seconds later he shrugged and still yet seem unconcerned about the future. Only the present mattered! And at present...
"Aww, leaving so soon, Beren. Well, to each his own. But do make sure to find rest some time this evening. For even the most hearty of dwarves and elves or even constructs are wholly beyond the need of respite!" He called after the man and intended to watch him go for a bit with a degree of both amusement and faint worry for the man. Seeing Noel depart soon after, Jack turns to bid Madam Eva a flowery bow of his own before lightly jogging after Noel to join in the search of bedrolls.
"Indeed our oh so hospitability friends!" He exclaimed, joining Noel in entertaining the Vistani. "And if you have a few spare wine skins at that, it would be most appreciated as well! For while I may not find my not entertain myself with dreams the same way as you all, a warm belly and a nice palate goes oh so well with reverie. And I'd be more then willing to compensate you with a bit of gold if need be." He requests. And there need be an actual exchange of gold, try to haggle them down to as low as 4 gold pieces for 2 full wine skins. Although only one of which he intended to have half-emptied before finding his rest one way or another within the next hour or so.
Beren pauses briefly at Jack's words...his gut clenching a little at the mention of 'constructs'. He turns his head just enough so that those behind him can see one of the glowing eye slits of the mask. "I am none of those things. Still, I will rest when rest is needed. Thank you for your concern." Turning back to the path in front of him, he hesitates for a moment more before continuing on his way.
Eva had returned Berens bow, with a curtsy, lowering her head in a slight bow. Though she-herself spoke no more. She was clearly exhausted, and doing her best to hide it. Whatever magic she had used had drained her immensely. On top of previously having held whatever spell had made her look .. give or take 10 years younger. The trio exiting the tent in slight trickle one by one. Noel stops by the first group of Vistani he see's on his way back to wherever he had decided to crash for the night, approaching them with his usual flair - and once the bedrolls are mentioned, they seem to brighten up, and one is just about to leave when Jack joins in. And the Vistani seems relieved - if only that he didn't just go to get the bedroll only to have to go back...again!
and he nods quickly. I will be back in a moment my friends. If madam Eva has told us to give these to you, then truly she must see something inside of you all. One moment. he says as he runs off to one of the carts within the camp. The others watch with mild interest but otherwise say nothing themselves. Seems the night has worn on them as well.
A few minutes pass before the one returns, a bedroll in each arm and a pair of wineskins dangling from his teeth. Seems he had taken Jacks request... literally and filled two waterskins with wine! Regardless, he hands a bright yellow bedroll seemingly made of silk and other fabrics to Noel. To Jack, he presented a bright orange one of similar make. Aside from the color and materials, they look no different in any real way. He hands the wineskins to Jack then, patting the elf on the shoulder and saying Whatever fortune Madam Eva has spoken for you, we wish you the best of luck.
Noel thanks the Vistani and takes the brightly colored bedroll, heading towards an area a bit farther away from the campfire where he has his stuff stored. He takes a moment to examine the bedroll he's been given, but doesn't see anything much up with it and lays it out to head to sleep. The day's been quite long, and Madam Eva's propechy is repeating over and over again in his head. He obsesses over the details... a tyrant on a balcony... a warewolf that may be of service... a wealthy woman allied with the devil... what could it all mean? He knows he should be more concerned than he his, but those thoughts are buried deep, drowned out by his nearly childlike wonder at what he has heard today. "Who knew a simple game of chance could weild me such rewards without even a wager?" he thinks, "I shall meet this future with as much strength as I can muster. I will be the greatest story I have ever told!"
His mind then turns to the other Vistani - "What was their reaction about when it came to the bedrolls? They commented that Madam Eva must truly see something in side of us... perhaps these bedrolls have more properties than I first thought?" With that, he gives the bedroll another once-over, but does not see anything and decides that the best course of action is to head to bed and simply find out in the morning or if something happens, and he gets into the bedroll and heads to sleep
Beren watches Jack and Noel collect their bedrolls from where he had taken up his post. He saw no purpose in asking for one when he had gear of his own. They could keep it, or give it to someone else who needed it more then him. Besides, warmth wasn't exactly something he found himself in need of often. Not with the roiling ever-present power that seared him from within. He still hadn't managed to completely stifle the flair up he'd experienced during Eva's reading.
Letting out a breath, he leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his hands on the cold surface of the mask. The motion briefly covers the ever-present glow, confining it within the small space between his skin and the inside of the mask. He stays like that for a moment, unable to shake the irritating feeling that he was being pulled into something he couldn't control--not that he'd had much control over anything in his life so far. That was what made it so much more annoying. He'd thought that he could at least choose the direction in which he would travel since he was released from the church...even if he was constantly tailed and driven by his own innate senses. Now it seemed he was losing that little bit of control, even if it had all been a disillusion to begin with.
Lifting his head and lowering his hands, the glow that had been trapped behind the mask once more pored freely through the diamond slats in the metal, drifting outwards to dissipate in the air. There have been times when he'd thought of unleashing that power upon himself, letting his body melt away and his spirit disappear to whatever afterlife awaits him--if one awaits him at all. Yet he couldn't, there was always that drive to push on in spite of everything. Even if those around him tried to control him, to set him on a prewritten path, to tell him he had no choice in his future, he had to try to at least do what he could. There were things he needed to atone for, and if he couldn't have freedom himself...well he would try to give it to those who can have it. Whatever this evil that Eva mentioned is, whomever this dictator proves to be, Beren will meet it head on. For what purpose does he have if not to destroy the evil around him? Even if he sometimes wonders how different he is from the ones he is driven to destroy.
Turning his attention outwards, he scans the camp, and the perimeters of the camp. Finding nothing to worry about, he idly looks around for Saelethin, wondering where the elf had inserted herself now. His head doesn't move as he searches, instead he just scans the area with his eyes. Perhaps he'll see the elf, perhaps not. It doesn't really matter to him. He won't tell her about the prophecy...unless he thinks it will irritate her or prove one of her delusional ideas wrong. Who knows, since she wasn't included in the reading, perhaps whatever road awaits him won't allow her to follow.
For now though, he will focus on getting the caravan safely to the city. This might not be his job, but it is his self appointed duty.
Perception (if needed for watch or finding Saelethin): 8
Whatever inkling of stress or concern perfectly melted away the moment Jack had the opportunity to pop one of the wineskins and give it a quick swig. "Ahh~ Now that's nice!" He declared no matter the actual quality of the wine. "A thousand thanks for the drink, and a hundred more for the well wishes. May they not go wasted no matter what the future holds for any of us, eh?" He said as he took up the second skin and slid the bedroll under an arm. Afterwards, he bids the Vistani both goodnight and goodbye in raising both skins in an informal toast before making his way back to where he last left the rest of his belongings.
Unlike Noel, the eladrin's thoughts are muddied only by the quickly forming buzz from the wine, as not a one drifts to his bundle beyond seeing it laid out a comfortable distance near a fire, before settling down upon it. There he sat for close to an hour staring into the flames and occasionally taking a swing from his skin. Only once had his thought drifted back to Madam Eva's offer to illuminate his passed. Yet he just as swiftly shook his head at the thought knowing the consequences of staying too entrapped by the past.
'Mn. Tomorrow, maybe. There's always tomorrow' He thought with a sleepy smile as he watched the flames until their hypnotizing dance kindled just the right level of focus for meditative reverie and rest... in his own way.
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Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Beren briefly sinks into himself, in much the same way as someone might lay over a sink and wet their face when deep in thought, and potentially stressed... atleast before he once more places his eyes on the camp. Most of it has gone to bed, outside of a new shift of guards beginning their first patrols. Beren hears some complaints about Damned fog.. and the night was so beautiful too!and similar lines from the guards retiring from their own shifts. Beren hadn't quite noticed but in the time they were in the tent the clear night had given way to cloudy skies, and the landscape that had been visible, foiled by distant fog blurring the shadowed outlines of what was the mountain ranges in the distance. His eyes scanning for his beloved retainer who had been annoying him most of that night, outside of the last few moments, and when she had been attempting to curry favor or glean information.
For some reason, beren couldn't quite catch sight of her, nor had she bugged him the moment he was 'away' from those heathens. Aside from the complaints, no one seemed upset, and it was that time of year where weather would change swiftly, so it didn't draw any particular panic or stress from anyone. Perhaps Madam Eva's reading had taken longer than it seemed? Beren kept a steady watch, but he blinked.
Beren blinked again, and his lids felt suddenly heavy. Was the mist or fog closer now? His mind felt sluggish, and atleast for a moment. His eyes felt heavier... and the world went black, if only for another moment. Beren caught himself just as he was starting to slip to the earth as one might when falling asleep in a chair with no support and the world was white.... the fog had suddenly surrounded him.. or was it mist? he couldn't quite tell, though his luminocity did make the otherwise plain fog shine .. if only ever so slightly. He heard no sounds of struggle .. in fact it was far too quiet.
His gut suddenly felt like it had risen in the same way it does when on a roller coaster or car going fast over a sudden dip yet his feet were on the ground. breifly he lost his breath, then it came back. Beren passed out once more, the world going black as he collapsed to the ground.
Noel fell quickly asleep after whatever pre-sleep rituals he may or may not have. The bedroll feeling particularly comfortable and warm. But most importantly silky. The smooth fabric pleasant to the touch, and then he was off in the land of dreams. The dream itself was disjointed - A scene would play out and for a breif time, be coherent before simply shifting to something else entirely. He remembered his youth first.. that time he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to and his father gave him a whooping, then, suddenly his father was gone, and he was alone in the room.
Getting up and leaving it, he found his parents sitting at the dinner table, enjoying a pleasant smelling meal. Confused breifly, he waved at them, and greeted them. And they didn't react. Then, looking to the table, he notices there is no plate made for him .. just his parents. Noel blinks, and when his eyes open the room is empty, derelict, abandoned. He walks outside, seeing himself playing with his friends just when he'd began to realize he enjoyed games of chance. Both his parents came over and gave him a hug. He blinked. Now he wasn't just outside the door of his house, but he was where 'he' had been, feeling his parents embrace. He enjoyed the moment.. or didn't... he wasn't sure.
Noel couldn't remember if those things had actually happened, perhaps only Noel knew, and all he had just witnessed was just an act of his imagination. In the distance, he saw war. Fires, and the sounds of battle rang through the sky like a chorus, bloody, brutal. One side was clearly overpowering the other, and the general took glee in this fact, as his men overcame the enemy.
None of this woke Noel up, but after that, the world went black, and he felt as though he were surrounded by mists or fog.. or perhaps both? but after that, his mind settled, and full rest set in.
The Vistani return the courtesies, nodding and seeming to finally ready themselves for sleep of their own. Jack drinking and staring into the fire, sitting comfortably atop his newly aquired bedroll. his mind wandering into the dancing flames. His mind as much of a fog as that which was actually surrounding him without his notice. His eyes drawn to the flame within his reverie. Though the flame began to look oddly like a face that shifted like a fire. It was.. handsome by all standards though it was hard to truly see through the light of the fire itself.
In time though, the fire began to smell like corpses, and he found himself unable to break from his reverie. Was this his buzzed mind? it was hard to tell, but soon the flames seemed to .. slide away? expanding. Peoples screams could be heard in the distance though they seemed so far away... just at the edge of hearing. A small town was on fire. Clearly a battle had been waged here, and the townsfolk had... lost. And now the few survivors were being burnt at the stake. As all this was settling into Jack's perception, he saw three of himself all walking but getting nowhere.. as if they were on some invisible treadmill.. or otherwise lacked friction to move themselves with. Then they vanished. Blackness engulfed Jack before being replaced by a thick mist, and then a familiar buzz. The alcohol, most likely. And soon his mind faded to peaceful slumber, despite what he had just seen.
Beren wakes up, but his vision is still obscured by fog., if he cries out his voice seems simply to fade, as if there is nothing for it to bounce off. It's then that he feels the heavy gaze of someone... or something watching him... from nowhere... and everywhere all at once. Beren can't seem to find any of his supplies, nor even the weapon that had been near him. Deep within the fog, a handsome face smiles before disappearing, and the mist gives way... somewhat.
Beren is certain that he passed out, and his body feels rested... if stiff or sore from having laid directly onto the ground itself for... who knows how long.
Beren then realizes he's surrounded by tree's, though a path is not far off to the north of him, but the mists cling heavy to the ground impeding vision beyond thirty or so feet, it was then that he realized his weapon was lying there in the brush. The next thing he'd notice is that he seemed to be alone... the carts, the guards... everyone else seemed to be gone, and his supplies lay on the ground roughly where they were, except on the ground. As if the carts had been raptured leaving only his possessions behind. Visibility low, and finding himself surrounded in a forest he had not been within before, he notices that though it now appears to be day... the sky is muted. The sun itself hidden behind thick clouds that let in only enough light be able to see, and casting grasping shadows at the ground.
a light wind sent a howling through the tree's that sounded like the terrified screams of a child, though no source could be found. The rustling of leaves sounding akin to a rattlesnake poised to strike.
Not far off, Noel and Jack sleep soundly within their bedrolls, their supplies also strewn about the ground as if their cart or mule, or wherever it had been stashed aside from perhaps a backpack had simply vanished.
The road only went two directions: East, and West and what lie beyond in either direction was impossible to tell, for the thick mist blanketed all, hiding secrets in the distance as the world returns to still, deafening silence.
At the sounds of a struggle, Beren fights desperately against whatever witchcraft had overtaken him. He stumbles forward, only to be met with that sickening feeling of falling.
Once he awakens, he scrambles to his feet as quickly as possible in his chainmail, ignoring the bruises he'd gained from sleeping in the armor. A moment of...anger, not panic, takes him as he realizes that he is weaponless. That didn't matter though, he doesn't need a weapon since well...he is one. Seeing the face in the mist, he lunges towards it--only for it to disappear before his eyes. The light behind the mask flares as he spins futile in the mist trying to get his bearings. Where is everyone? What trickery is this?
Calming himself down, in spite of his senses telling him that everything was wrong, he refocuses as the forested path becomes clear around him. Seeing his swords cast aside in the brush, he gathers them up and straps them back on. ...Someone had to have taken them off of him while he was asleep, yet what had been the purpose of that if they just left them here in the bushes? Shaking his head, he collects his belongings before making his way over to where camp had been, noting the absence of, well everyone.
Finding Jack and Noel sleeping soundly in spite of what had just happened, Beren feels that anger rising within him again. This was that old crone's doing wasn't it. Oh... he should have...he should have eradicated her while he had the chance. It would have been so easy to just remove the mask and watch the tent burn. Of course, then he would have risked harming these two as well, and he didn't wish that on either of them. It wasn't their fault they had been roped into this...even if they were for some reason so excited about it.
Shaking his head, he bends down and nudges Jack, "Hey, wake up. Looks like you and your friend get to experience your story sooner then expected." Whether or not the elf wakes up, he walks over to Noel and nudges him likewise. If neither of them wake up, he straightens and then scans the area. It had not escaped his notice that Saelethin was not among them. That gave him pause. He was not worried about her...not really, but it seemed odd that she would disappear along with the rest of the caravan. Surely if she had any say in the matter she would be here right alongside him. Yet she was least, not as far as he could tell.
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Madam Eva's Tent
Noel follows Madam Eva, who casually walks to her tent. She asks him to remain outside for just a moment so that she can prepare her table for the things to come. She needs to prepare and it will be moments still before the other two come in. Some light noise can be heard inside as Noel waits. Beren and Jack inevitably come to the colorful tent, this one slightly larger than the others as if to signify her rank amongst the other Vistani.
And when you all inevitably enter the tent, Magic flames cast a reddish glow over the interior of this tent, revealing a low table covered in a black velvet cloth. Glints of light seem to flash from a crystal ball on the table as a hunched figure peers into its depths. As the crone speaks, her voice crackles like dry weeds. At last you have arrived! Cackling laughter bursts like mad lightning from her withered lips. Her appearance much different than it had been just minutes before. She seemed older, her face more sunken, her body more frail though she simply looked like a crone who was at the very edge of her dusk in life.
I apologize for my appearance! Hahaha. I do cast illusions about myself when among others. My appearance is less than pleasant but to maintain the spell is taxing on my old body. Please... Come inside. she would say. Three chairs lined up on one side of the round table, while a single chair sat on the other - the one Eva herself was in. The crystal ball thrummed with power, the mists inside churning violently like a storm. A set of cards with black sleeves and special designs seemingly filigreed into the cards themselves lay in five small towers in front of her. And I apologize for what you likely feel is deception. But your coming was foretold, and this old Vistani has eagerly waited her entire life for this moment. Of the prophecy of your coming. All of you. Now.. she says as she leans back in her chair, arms spread wide. Do you still wish to know of your futures? Or do you wish to hear proof that I know it? I could tell you all something from each of your pasts... that no one else could know within this company. she says, though as she says this, her eyes are fully on Beren.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Noel waits patiently until the others join him and then walks into Madam Eva's tent, looking around in awe as he does. The crystal ball on the table especially catches his attention, and he stares into it for a little bit before looking up and Madam Eva and immediately jolting back, surprised at her transformation
DM only:
Noel is instantly familar with the kind of magic Madam Eva must have used to disguise herself, though the exact extent of it is beyond his capabilities and is instantly impressive to him. He's too fascinated with what she is saying to focus too long it though, fixating on her comment about having waited her entire life for this moment. Even the prospect of a prophecy excites him, and for him to have possibly been involved in one? If so, this will be a story he will be able to tell for decades to come.
When she makes a comment about mentioning things from their past, he instantly gets nervous, and while he can see her looking at the glowing man next to him, he's not too eager to hear her mention anything from his past as well. Noel doesn't doubt for a moment that she would be able to share things she should not otherwise know, and though he's confided some of his past in Jack, he's not too eager for this new man to hear any of it or for Jack to figure out any of the rest of his past that he has not shared
As Madam Eva finishes up her sentence, Noel immediately chimes in, sitting down in the leftmost chair of the three on the other side of the table from Madam Eva as he talks:
"Fortold you say? If there is truly some prophecy at work of the three of us... well then, I wish to know of my future even more than before! No need to dwell on the past, I trust your prophecies will ring true"
Beren stands slightly behind the others, stopping as soon as he catches sight of the crystal ball. Had he known what he was getting into by following Jack, he might not have come at all.
He listens silently as Eva speaks, the light behind his mask flashing a little at the idea of resurrecting things from the past. Finding the old woman looking at him, he lowers his chin slightly and crosses his arms. "Let the past stay in the past. I have no wish to relive anything, even if it is just through words." As he says this he realizes that the woman likely already knows more then he is really comfortable with her knowing...but that was nothing new. It seemed everyone near him somehow knew all the little details of his past, whether he wanted them to or not. At this point, it wasn't really his story to tell anymore.
Nevertheless, he doesn't let this discomfort show. Instead he says, "I have no love of prophecies. I've spent to long working towards fulfilling other peoples' perceptions of what they think they have foretold. I do not believe the future is fixed, for if I did I would have no future--at least not one worth pursuing." He pauses, toying with the idea of simply walking out. Yet he was invited here, and that was something he wouldn't take lightly--even if this woman thought his coming was prophesied. The thought nearly caused him to chuckle--what would Saelethin think of this woman's prophesy?
"I will hear what you have to say. Perhaps it is different then the future others have tried to force upon me," he says this in spite of having little idea as to what Saelethin and the church have in mind for him. They've meticulously kept him out of the loop in that regard. So perhaps this can give him the edge he needs.
He scans the room, not moving from where he had stopped upon entry. What sort of prophesy would place him with these two storytellers? Even more intriguing...what prophesy would place him here without Saelethin or some other member of the church?
Although Jack put on a show of being surprised at the change of appearance in the woman, anyone with two decent eyes can see through the act, and if bold enough to point it out as well, merely elicit some chuckling out of the eladrin. "As far as I'm concern, there need not be any apologizing at all, my dear. As hardly any real harm had been done, if at all!" Jack assured Eva.
"As for your little suggestion of proving anything, it is... certainly tempting. For me, at least." He side-eyes Beren. "But as my own history is a bit of a mystery even to me, and as I would quite prefer to remain in my Spring...! Perhaps another time for that, dear fortune teller. Even if it might mean making another trade for such tale at a later date! For now, I too am quite eager to see just what sorta future paths you've seen us walk!"
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
Eva nods. She had expected this but it was still polite to offer the right to walk away. Glad that they hadn't, a smirk returns to her lips as she regards you all. Her visage full of expectation. The magical fire illuminating the tent flickered and sputtered excitedly, as she responded to each in the order they had spoken, her arms flourishing wildly as she seemed to be casting a spell upon the cards even as she spoke. Even without a divine sense her magic was at worst... neutral, and this much was obvious, as malicious magicks tended to give that gut churning static of warning.
The tent itself seemed to fill with power, some may describe it as charged but even then it was subtle, gentle, and msyterious.
Indeed Noel. Indeed. Everyone's fate is predetermined. Or at-least I believe so, else how would any prophesy ever work? Luck too, plays a part in it. Though I will admit, .. and I am certain atleast one of you has heard the saying: You can lead a horse to water, however you cannot make it drink. All I can do is show you what was foretold. After that... it is up to you, to decide if you drink.
Her attention next turns to Beren, and his reactions, she found somewhat amusing, enough to cackle again, and her laughter sounded nearly mad but she did acquiesce, and bowed sitting down from where she was. Then I shall not reveal it. Though I know much of it. Perhaps... I will tell you the parts you do not know... should you .... Hmm.. no, I will not tell that much just yet. she says mysteriously, and as he continues - describing his dislike for others prophecies and his desire... Mm I understand. You fear deep down that if it is all predetermined... that nothing you do actually matters. Yet I would contest that with this: If nothing matters, then why do we yet experience sadness and joy? Your actions, for weal or for woe... predetermined or the result of personal choice, ultimately shape the world, a little at a time. As has the Vistani's actions effected our homeland... she says, her face turning to a bittersweet frown, though on a crones face it seemed eerie.
However I am glad that you are atleast willing to listen. You will understand the prophecy in time, though for now it will seem vague.
Finally, turning to Jack, she regarded him for a moment longer than the others. He seemed the most open overall, though Noel wasn't far behind. Indeed my elvish friend. Though i could answer some of your questions. I shall save it as a reward upon... success...
And finally, looking to Beren one last time adding in... What she thinks of my prophecy. Is irrelevant. her head cocking at a partial angle, her smile returning in full before she says... Though you are the first in a long time of those I've met who did not seek proof... My faith grows, if ever so slightly. Now.. let us begin...
she says, the cards, formerly enraptured within magical energies now seem dormant. She lays a card out from one of the decks onto the table, into a square none of you had noticed before... there were four others like it, forming a diamond-shaped + symbol. She did not flip the card just yet however...
She looks at the card breifly, before looking to you all. A foe will stand before you. One who's might has reigned unchallenged. This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy..... Eight of swords.. she says The Dictator.
I see a throne fit for a king.
She does not elaborate. Instead, her hand swiftly going to another card as her eyes turn milky white. This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope... and with a flourish, she places it on the topmost part of the diamond.
The 7 of Coins — The Thief.... she enumerates, before explaining what it means. What you seek lies at the crossroads of life and death, among the buried dead. her breathing intensifies, as hre hand goes for another card. This one placed face down as the others on the east-most slot.
This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.... The 9 of Glyphs — The Traitor.
She finished, before turning this card over as well, before explaining the cards meaning. Look for a wealthy woman. A staunch ally of the devil, she keeps the treasure under lock and key, with the bones of an ancient enemy. .. her body beginning to shake. She reaches for another card...
This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.. before turnign the card face up. The Beast...
As was her wont, she follows with an explanation .. This card... A werewolf holds a secret hatred for your enemy. Use her hatred to your advantage.
The tent itself was shaking now, the ground faintly rumbling. The books within the tent barely staying on their shelves, the severed hand that occupied the table falling over. The crystal ball seeming to flash with lightning. The air thrumming as she reached for the final card... facedown, in the center of this series of cards....
And this one.... The enemy of which I speak... should you seek him... should you seek him... Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him....
she says, slowly turning the card over... revealing.... The Executioner
Eva's body was trembling in every sense of the word, her eyes whiter than before, foggy as the crystal ball, her mouth hanging open. And there was a long pause, as if it took every ounce of her strength to say the final words of this divination.
I see a dark figure on a balcony, looking down upon this tortured land with a twisted smile. Yes... all is as it should be she says, her face twisting into an insane smile, followed by laughter that echoed through the immediate area. And the moment her words had finished.... the phenomena that had been occoring ... ceased. All at once. The tents entrance flew open, as though a gust of wind had slammed its way out in terrible fear for escape.
Eva sat there, trembling for a moment, her hands shaky, as she pulled out a purple potion, chaffing the entirety of it over the course of a minute, and slowly, she seemed to recover. And to whomever was still within the tent, if any, she smiled once more... looking crazed, yet... her words rang true to some extent. Whether you believed them was another thing.
And such... is your futures. I have led you to the oasis of destiny.... but shall you drink the contents of my portents? Or will you abandon this fate? This... is the only part of the prophecy that is unclear.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Beren grimaces as the magic flairs. Not out of fear...more, out of pain. He doesn't let this bother him though, in spite of the ever burning urge to destroy whatever darkness he comes into contact with. Whether this magic was truly evil or not, there was no reason for him to lash out. He wouldn't let that side of him drive his actions. Regardless, he's liking this woman less and less.
When she mentions things about his past that he doesn't know, the light behind his mask flares again. His mind searches for things that she could be thinking of, but it had been so long since he'd bother to question... did it really matter anymore? The thought of her knowing more about him then he did was aggravating, but he supposed it was nothing new. Still it irked him that she did not tell him...though he is rather glad that she kept it to herself. The last thing he needed was for one of these storytellers to get ahold of his life and weave it into one of their fairytales.
"Hmm, we shall see."
The light behind his mask flickers when Eva mentions Saelethin. He hadn't mentioned his wondering out loud... He clenches his fists, suddenly suspicious that this crone might be reading his thoughts. Oh well, it was to late now.
As the magic in the room intensifies, Beren feels the light within him flare. Something about this woman and her cackling was putting him on edge...though at times he found it difficult to differentiate between his own emotions and the all consuming power within him. He shuts his eyes for a moment, causing the light behind the mask to dim as he forces his senses to calm down. After a few seconds the glow that had radiated from him died down a bit, leaving a sort of afterglow around his mask and hands. The light is still there, but it has returned to its former luminosity.
He remained silent through the reading, instead focusing on keeping himself at bay. Little of what Eva said made any sense to him...but that was no surprise. It was a prophesy after all. Prophesies were always vague.
He doesn't flinch as the wind rushes by, instead he stares intently at the cards. At Eva's last statement, he lets out a low chuckle, "And it is as unclear as I expected." He shakes his head, "I do not know what to make of this. Nor do I intend to chase after any fate that has been predestined. I go where I am driven to go. If that leads me down whatever path you have prophesied, so be it. As I have said, I have no love of prophesy. I believe that the future is written as we go, and it can change with the choices we make. That is why, while some prophesies may come to pass, others never will."
He glances at Jack and Noel, wondering what they make of this reading.
"Still, should I find myself traveling towards this future, I am not fool enough to discard what you have said." The light behind the mask flares again, "This enemy of which you speak... this creature of darkness...." He tilts his head downwards, as if thinking, "Perhaps this is the darkness I have been searching for. The evil I must purge." He couldn't overlook the fact that he had no idea why he was here with this caravan. This could very well be leading him towards the darkness he is driven to destroy.
Noel stands in utter silence, the clear magic flowing through this tent in this moment washing over him as Madam Eva presents this propecy. A dictator, a holy relic, a werewolf? It's all too much for him to comprehend fully, though the image of a shadowy figure on a balcony using powers beyond the bounds of mortals to opress certainly is a compelling story, and he focuses in on that, becoming fixated by the possibility of this story perhaps carrying more weight than your average tall tale
That wonder though is quickly replaced with concern as he begins to realize the full extent of what exactly Madam Eva has just laid out. Are they really predestined to do something about all this darkness that Madam Eva has presented to them? How will their own personal futures intertwine with the tale that she has just laid out for them, the three of them being so disperate. The story of it all compells him, but the reality is confusing.
Though he's gone on many travels in his life, he's never really had more at risk than his wallet, and that's always been insulted by his considerable skill, a fair bit of luck, and his other talents. Even if something had gone seriously wrong, at worst he would take a hit to his wallet but walk away otherwise unscathed. If this grim tale that has been laid out in front of him is his future, he's going to be in far far more danger than that. But if he pursues this story... this could be his magnup opus, a story to tell to top all of his other ones. Even if he is not as able as he once was in his youth, to pursue this fate would be the pinnacle of his many illustrious adventures. Still though, he doubts he'd be able to brave the kind of danger that this would all obviously entail
He sits for a moment, and begins to speak before even really thinking it all through, some part of his mind clearly having already decided that he has to pursue this fate to its fullest
"A tale of a tyrant and a battle against darkness... I do not even know where to begin. This prophecy is grander than anything I could have imagined you could ever grant us, Madam Eva. If we are truly part of something this massive... then who are we to resist it? After all, prophecies have a way of happening wether we want them to or not. I would rather dive in head first instead of waiting for fate to find away against my best wishes."
He then looks at Jack, eagerly awaiting his friends response, unsure of where the Eladrin will fall on what has just been presented to them
As one more inclined to make friends over enemies, and of would-be enemies into at worse a neutral party in relation to himself, Jack became morbidly fascinated in time at each mention of a 'future enemy', as it implied some failing on his part. Not that the whole tidbit about their enemy being a creature of darkness hadn't been lost to him. But it wasn't as if the fey wild hadn't had those sort of beings who yet were so wholly immune to even his charms as to not fall into one of two catagories to some extent! That is to say, as far as he could recollect of his time...
"Hm... Mayhaps I should've..." He muttered to himself. Although before he can get too far along that particular train of thought, feeling as right minded person should some degree of concern when even a proposed reality hadn't matched up to the present, the eladrin spots a hint of orange and red creeping up not only his skin but even his outfit began to change ever so subtly as well. His eyes briefly wide at the sight before being squeezed shut for the remaining duration of Eva's telling.
If everyone had not been enraptured in either display of magics, the story told, or even their own thoughts, someone might've taken notice of the small beat the Eladrin had taken to tapping his foot, putting a rhythm where there may not have been to rising tempo of Madam Eva's magic. Even the rumbling of the earth failed to stop the beat. Instead with a subtle grace that only a child of Corellon Larethian, god of elves, could ever display, he smoothly shifted his stance as needed to keep his balance and the rythym in the earth.
By the time he opened his eyes again, which just happened to be in time to meet Noel's gaze, all trace of concern is gone from thought and visage, having been replaced once more by the general upbeatness and absent-minded smiling that was more typical of the Eladrin. Gone too were in traces of discoloration. "What is it, my friend? Expecting a word to the contrary of doing anything less?" He chuckled. "Ah, if only! But even I were of a mind to say '**** that noise, and forget this old bird's chatter', even I wouldn't play a part of someone -that- foolhardy!" He claims. "Though short of our dear fortune teller here or her kin further guiding us along on that second step towards this fate, before ultimately leaving things to us from there, I don't see us stumbling upon this 'tortured land' in the immediate future. Least one of us would've already caught wind of such." He explained, meaning to temper his friends excitement, but failing to do so in himself with how big the smile in his voice became with time.
For Beren's sake however, he let his own buddy excitement simmer down in expression as he said, " And as for you, my exceptionally glowy friend. While not all was clear, it seems to some degree our fates are to be entwinned. So know that 'if' or.. 'when' things do come about, at least you won't be alone traveling the path, eh? Besides your other friend, of course." He gives Beren a wink, then finally looks back to Eva to give her polite bow. "Many thanks, madam, for both warning and reading."
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
Eva sat there, watching the reactions of all. Beren's intrigued her the most. Even if she knew this would be so, to see it first hand was a different thing entirely. In much the same way as reading how to fish... and actually fishing were. The cards shuffled themselves together, before flying onto the bookshelf as she began the process of cleaning up and otherwise placing back the things that had been displaced. Or, should you fail... atleast you won't die alone. she adds in somberly to accentuate one of Jacks points as she puts the hand back upright. But you are very welcome. I look forward to your success, however it should come about.
Then, she returns to addressing Noel And full-glad I am of your excitement, though whether it shall remain is yet to be seen. For even prophecy cannot see into the hearts of men. Only whither and fro they will go. she says as she places the books back fully into the shelf - her back turned to the group as she finally addresses Berens comments.
Your feelings about prophecy are understandable, considering. But trust me, my dear...prophecies are vague for a reason. As you pierce the veil of eternity, your vision is limited. Much the same as you can only see so far down a path before your vision fails you. The farther you look, the more unclear it is. And yet just because the sun dissappears upon the horizon, does that mean that the sun has ceased to exist? or simply that it has gone beyond your sight?
at that she cackles loudly, turning around in a flourish, her body hunched over with age. Her head down, causing the light to cast a red light upon her features as her eyes were up to her brow, she looked as directly into the Aasimars eyes as possible. Her visage similar to one at a campfire at the deepest of night, with a flashlight facing up, causing her to appear far more fearsome and dark than she otherwise would. Perhaps it is. Or perhaps it is but the first of many. she says ominously, but ultimately bows to the trio.
Whatever you choose to do from here is your own twist on this fate. But for now, you should rest. The moon is high, and I am sure you will all need your rest. If you ask my Vistani kin, they will provide each of you with a very comfortable bedroll that is good at keeping one warm.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Beren does not know how to respond to Jack, especially considering that he has not looked to anyone as a friend in a very long time. Anything he viewed with any sort of affection tended to catch fire and burn before his eyes. Letting out a breath...which results in another flare behind his mask, he shakes his head. "I suppose we will see."
In response to Madame Eva's explanation of prophesy, he simply nods, "This I have heard before. It does not change my opinion. Whatever glimpses prophesy offers are mere possibilities. Events that may take place along a path, given the person or people in question choose to take that path. Perhaps there are points in the future that are unchangeable, but I hold to the belief that wherever choice plays a role the future can change on a whim."
To her next statement, he holds her gaze. He isn't sure if she is trying to intimidate him, or if it was just part of her strange personality. Either way, it didn't bother him much--aside from the burning that had not quite left his limbs since she had started her magic. "Indeed."
"I will return to my post," he says, finding the idea of sleep unwelcoming at the if it ever seemed welcoming for that matter. He realized at this point that keeping watch was unnecessary, but it didn't really matter to him.
He turns towards the door, but stops himself before heading out. Looking back over his shoulder he says, "Thank you...for your hospitality." Then he walks out into the night, unsure if that was the right thing to say, though not really concerned if it wasn't. He doesn't hurry back to his 'post' instead walking slowly through camp, avoiding the firelight whenever he passes a campfire.
Noel bows to Madam Eva one more time, the fear continuing to flee from his head and a nearly giddy joy settling in. The prophecy he has heard will be the greatest story he has ever heard or told, he is sure of it. His very rational fears now completely washed away, he says to Madam Eva
"Thank you Madam Eva. It is true, as you say, not even prophecy can completely determine what any one man will do, though I've found a seer;s words are more often right than not anyway. Prophecies have a way of coming true even when men's hearts and actions do not align with them. I shall see this one to its conclusion, wherever that will lead me"
With a final flourish, he turns to the glowing man, hoping to properly introduce himself and discuss with him more on his rather negative views of prophecy, only to see him walk out of the tent and into the campsite outside. "A strange man indeed", he thinks to himself, "He talks of vanquishing darkness and a mission to purge evil, yet has such a distaste for prophecy and fate! A tale of great interest, though I do not know where it leads. I will have to properly learn that story later. Besides, if fate is to intertwine our paths as Madam Eva has predicted, I will get another chance soon"
Noel then walks back towards the other Vistani sitting by the campfire, grabbing the drink he left behind when he went to Madam Eva's tent as well as the gifts he received from his rather fortuitous victory against her. He's rather tired at this point after a long day of travel (and emptying the pockets of those traveling with him in many games of chance), and while he's got his own rather comfortable furnishings, Madam Eva's words about a bedroll remain in his head... a first step towards following the fate laid out for him perhaps? He turns to those still sitting around the fire and says
"Hello again friends! It's been wonderous drinking and playing games with you all tonight, though I must turn in for now. It's been quite the long day. Madam Eva mentioned you all have some particularly warm bedrolls you might be able to provide me with one of? My own gear is not quite insulated enough for tonight's chill air"
Persuasion (if needed) - In game Log: 11, 13 if deception
OOC: Mehmen has said they will post on the morrow. Once his post is in, I shall post msyelf!
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Jack reflexively began waving a hand in dismissively of Eva's somber counterpoint but caught himself mid-motion to instead cup in chin thought. A few seconds later he shrugged and still yet seem unconcerned about the future. Only the present mattered! And at present...
"Aww, leaving so soon, Beren. Well, to each his own. But do make sure to find rest some time this evening. For even the most hearty of dwarves and elves or even constructs are wholly beyond the need of respite!" He called after the man and intended to watch him go for a bit with a degree of both amusement and faint worry for the man. Seeing Noel depart soon after, Jack turns to bid Madam Eva a flowery bow of his own before lightly jogging after Noel to join in the search of bedrolls.
"Indeed our oh so hospitability friends!" He exclaimed, joining Noel in entertaining the Vistani. "And if you have a few spare wine skins at that, it would be most appreciated as well! For while I may not find my not entertain myself with dreams the same way as you all, a warm belly and a nice palate goes oh so well with reverie. And I'd be more then willing to compensate you with a bit of gold if need be." He requests. And there need be an actual exchange of gold, try to haggle them down to as low as 4 gold pieces for 2 full wine skins. Although only one of which he intended to have half-emptied before finding his rest one way or another within the next hour or so.
Persuasion: 9.
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
Beren pauses briefly at Jack's words...his gut clenching a little at the mention of 'constructs'. He turns his head just enough so that those behind him can see one of the glowing eye slits of the mask. "I am none of those things. Still, I will rest when rest is needed. Thank you for your concern." Turning back to the path in front of him, he hesitates for a moment more before continuing on his way.
Eva had returned Berens bow, with a curtsy, lowering her head in a slight bow. Though she-herself spoke no more. She was clearly exhausted, and doing her best to hide it. Whatever magic she had used had drained her immensely. On top of previously having held whatever spell had made her look .. give or take 10 years younger. The trio exiting the tent in slight trickle one by one. Noel stops by the first group of Vistani he see's on his way back to wherever he had decided to crash for the night, approaching them with his usual flair - and once the bedrolls are mentioned, they seem to brighten up, and one is just about to leave when Jack joins in. And the Vistani seems relieved - if only that he didn't just go to get the bedroll only to have to go back...again!
and he nods quickly. I will be back in a moment my friends. If madam Eva has told us to give these to you, then truly she must see something inside of you all. One moment. he says as he runs off to one of the carts within the camp. The others watch with mild interest but otherwise say nothing themselves. Seems the night has worn on them as well.
A few minutes pass before the one returns, a bedroll in each arm and a pair of wineskins dangling from his teeth. Seems he had taken Jacks request... literally and filled two waterskins with wine! Regardless, he hands a bright yellow bedroll seemingly made of silk and other fabrics to Noel. To Jack, he presented a bright orange one of similar make. Aside from the color and materials, they look no different in any real way. He hands the wineskins to Jack then, patting the elf on the shoulder and saying Whatever fortune Madam Eva has spoken for you, we wish you the best of luck.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Noel thanks the Vistani and takes the brightly colored bedroll, heading towards an area a bit farther away from the campfire where he has his stuff stored. He takes a moment to examine the bedroll he's been given, but doesn't see anything much up with it and lays it out to head to sleep. The day's been quite long, and Madam Eva's propechy is repeating over and over again in his head. He obsesses over the details... a tyrant on a balcony... a warewolf that may be of service... a wealthy woman allied with the devil... what could it all mean? He knows he should be more concerned than he his, but those thoughts are buried deep, drowned out by his nearly childlike wonder at what he has heard today. "Who knew a simple game of chance could weild me such rewards without even a wager?" he thinks, "I shall meet this future with as much strength as I can muster. I will be the greatest story I have ever told!"
His mind then turns to the other Vistani - "What was their reaction about when it came to the bedrolls? They commented that Madam Eva must truly see something in side of us... perhaps these bedrolls have more properties than I first thought?" With that, he gives the bedroll another once-over, but does not see anything and decides that the best course of action is to head to bed and simply find out in the morning or if something happens, and he gets into the bedroll and heads to sleep
Beren watches Jack and Noel collect their bedrolls from where he had taken up his post. He saw no purpose in asking for one when he had gear of his own. They could keep it, or give it to someone else who needed it more then him. Besides, warmth wasn't exactly something he found himself in need of often. Not with the roiling ever-present power that seared him from within. He still hadn't managed to completely stifle the flair up he'd experienced during Eva's reading.
Letting out a breath, he leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his hands on the cold surface of the mask. The motion briefly covers the ever-present glow, confining it within the small space between his skin and the inside of the mask. He stays like that for a moment, unable to shake the irritating feeling that he was being pulled into something he couldn't control--not that he'd had much control over anything in his life so far. That was what made it so much more annoying. He'd thought that he could at least choose the direction in which he would travel since he was released from the church...even if he was constantly tailed and driven by his own innate senses. Now it seemed he was losing that little bit of control, even if it had all been a disillusion to begin with.
Lifting his head and lowering his hands, the glow that had been trapped behind the mask once more pored freely through the diamond slats in the metal, drifting outwards to dissipate in the air. There have been times when he'd thought of unleashing that power upon himself, letting his body melt away and his spirit disappear to whatever afterlife awaits him--if one awaits him at all. Yet he couldn't, there was always that drive to push on in spite of everything. Even if those around him tried to control him, to set him on a prewritten path, to tell him he had no choice in his future, he had to try to at least do what he could. There were things he needed to atone for, and if he couldn't have freedom himself...well he would try to give it to those who can have it. Whatever this evil that Eva mentioned is, whomever this dictator proves to be, Beren will meet it head on. For what purpose does he have if not to destroy the evil around him? Even if he sometimes wonders how different he is from the ones he is driven to destroy.
Turning his attention outwards, he scans the camp, and the perimeters of the camp. Finding nothing to worry about, he idly looks around for Saelethin, wondering where the elf had inserted herself now. His head doesn't move as he searches, instead he just scans the area with his eyes. Perhaps he'll see the elf, perhaps not. It doesn't really matter to him. He won't tell her about the prophecy...unless he thinks it will irritate her or prove one of her delusional ideas wrong. Who knows, since she wasn't included in the reading, perhaps whatever road awaits him won't allow her to follow.
For now though, he will focus on getting the caravan safely to the city. This might not be his job, but it is his self appointed duty.
Perception (if needed for watch or finding Saelethin): 8
Whatever inkling of stress or concern perfectly melted away the moment Jack had the opportunity to pop one of the wineskins and give it a quick swig. "Ahh~ Now that's nice!" He declared no matter the actual quality of the wine. "A thousand thanks for the drink, and a hundred more for the well wishes. May they not go wasted no matter what the future holds for any of us, eh?" He said as he took up the second skin and slid the bedroll under an arm. Afterwards, he bids the Vistani both goodnight and goodbye in raising both skins in an informal toast before making his way back to where he last left the rest of his belongings.
Unlike Noel, the eladrin's thoughts are muddied only by the quickly forming buzz from the wine, as not a one drifts to his bundle beyond seeing it laid out a comfortable distance near a fire, before settling down upon it. There he sat for close to an hour staring into the flames and occasionally taking a swing from his skin. Only once had his thought drifted back to Madam Eva's offer to illuminate his passed. Yet he just as swiftly shook his head at the thought knowing the consequences of staying too entrapped by the past.
'Mn. Tomorrow, maybe. There's always tomorrow' He thought with a sleepy smile as he watched the flames until their hypnotizing dance kindled just the right level of focus for meditative reverie and rest... in his own way.
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
Beren briefly sinks into himself, in much the same way as someone might lay over a sink and wet their face when deep in thought, and potentially stressed... atleast before he once more places his eyes on the camp. Most of it has gone to bed, outside of a new shift of guards beginning their first patrols. Beren hears some complaints about Damned fog.. and the night was so beautiful too! and similar lines from the guards retiring from their own shifts. Beren hadn't quite noticed but in the time they were in the tent the clear night had given way to cloudy skies, and the landscape that had been visible, foiled by distant fog blurring the shadowed outlines of what was the mountain ranges in the distance. His eyes scanning for his beloved retainer who had been annoying him most of that night, outside of the last few moments, and when she had been attempting to curry favor or glean information.
For some reason, beren couldn't quite catch sight of her, nor had she bugged him the moment he was 'away' from those heathens. Aside from the complaints, no one seemed upset, and it was that time of year where weather would change swiftly, so it didn't draw any particular panic or stress from anyone. Perhaps Madam Eva's reading had taken longer than it seemed? Beren kept a steady watch, but he blinked.
Beren blinked again, and his lids felt suddenly heavy. Was the mist or fog closer now? His mind felt sluggish, and atleast for a moment. His eyes felt heavier... and the world went black, if only for another moment. Beren caught himself just as he was starting to slip to the earth as one might when falling asleep in a chair with no support and the world was white.... the fog had suddenly surrounded him.. or was it mist? he couldn't quite tell, though his luminocity did make the otherwise plain fog shine .. if only ever so slightly. He heard no sounds of struggle .. in fact it was far too quiet.
His gut suddenly felt like it had risen in the same way it does when on a roller coaster or car going fast over a sudden dip yet his feet were on the ground. breifly he lost his breath, then it came back. Beren passed out once more, the world going black as he collapsed to the ground.
Noel fell quickly asleep after whatever pre-sleep rituals he may or may not have. The bedroll feeling particularly comfortable and warm. But most importantly silky. The smooth fabric pleasant to the touch, and then he was off in the land of dreams. The dream itself was disjointed - A scene would play out and for a breif time, be coherent before simply shifting to something else entirely. He remembered his youth first.. that time he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to and his father gave him a whooping, then, suddenly his father was gone, and he was alone in the room.
Getting up and leaving it, he found his parents sitting at the dinner table, enjoying a pleasant smelling meal. Confused breifly, he waved at them, and greeted them. And they didn't react. Then, looking to the table, he notices there is no plate made for him .. just his parents. Noel blinks, and when his eyes open the room is empty, derelict, abandoned. He walks outside, seeing himself playing with his friends just when he'd began to realize he enjoyed games of chance. Both his parents came over and gave him a hug. He blinked. Now he wasn't just outside the door of his house, but he was where 'he' had been, feeling his parents embrace. He enjoyed the moment.. or didn't... he wasn't sure.
Noel couldn't remember if those things had actually happened, perhaps only Noel knew, and all he had just witnessed was just an act of his imagination. In the distance, he saw war. Fires, and the sounds of battle rang through the sky like a chorus, bloody, brutal. One side was clearly overpowering the other, and the general took glee in this fact, as his men overcame the enemy.
None of this woke Noel up, but after that, the world went black, and he felt as though he were surrounded by mists or fog.. or perhaps both? but after that, his mind settled, and full rest set in.
The Vistani return the courtesies, nodding and seeming to finally ready themselves for sleep of their own. Jack drinking and staring into the fire, sitting comfortably atop his newly aquired bedroll. his mind wandering into the dancing flames. His mind as much of a fog as that which was actually surrounding him without his notice. His eyes drawn to the flame within his reverie. Though the flame began to look oddly like a face that shifted like a fire. It was.. handsome by all standards though it was hard to truly see through the light of the fire itself.
In time though, the fire began to smell like corpses, and he found himself unable to break from his reverie. Was this his buzzed mind? it was hard to tell, but soon the flames seemed to .. slide away? expanding. Peoples screams could be heard in the distance though they seemed so far away... just at the edge of hearing. A small town was on fire. Clearly a battle had been waged here, and the townsfolk had... lost. And now the few survivors were being burnt at the stake. As all this was settling into Jack's perception, he saw three of himself all walking but getting nowhere.. as if they were on some invisible treadmill.. or otherwise lacked friction to move themselves with. Then they vanished. Blackness engulfed Jack before being replaced by a thick mist, and then a familiar buzz. The alcohol, most likely. And soon his mind faded to peaceful slumber, despite what he had just seen.
Beren wakes up, but his vision is still obscured by fog., if he cries out his voice seems simply to fade, as if there is nothing for it to bounce off. It's then that he feels the heavy gaze of someone... or something watching him... from nowhere... and everywhere all at once. Beren can't seem to find any of his supplies, nor even the weapon that had been near him. Deep within the fog, a handsome face smiles before disappearing, and the mist gives way... somewhat.
Beren is certain that he passed out, and his body feels rested... if stiff or sore from having laid directly onto the ground itself for... who knows how long.
Beren then realizes he's surrounded by tree's, though a path is not far off to the north of him, but the mists cling heavy to the ground impeding vision beyond thirty or so feet, it was then that he realized his weapon was lying there in the brush. The next thing he'd notice is that he seemed to be alone... the carts, the guards... everyone else seemed to be gone, and his supplies lay on the ground roughly where they were, except on the ground. As if the carts had been raptured leaving only his possessions behind. Visibility low, and finding himself surrounded in a forest he had not been within before, he notices that though it now appears to be day... the sky is muted. The sun itself hidden behind thick clouds that let in only enough light be able to see, and casting grasping shadows at the ground.
a light wind sent a howling through the tree's that sounded like the terrified screams of a child, though no source could be found. The rustling of leaves sounding akin to a rattlesnake poised to strike.
Not far off, Noel and Jack sleep soundly within their bedrolls, their supplies also strewn about the ground as if their cart or mule, or wherever it had been stashed aside from perhaps a backpack had simply vanished.
The road only went two directions: East, and West and what lie beyond in either direction was impossible to tell, for the thick mist blanketed all, hiding secrets in the distance as the world returns to still, deafening silence.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
At the sounds of a struggle, Beren fights desperately against whatever witchcraft had overtaken him. He stumbles forward, only to be met with that sickening feeling of falling.
Once he awakens, he scrambles to his feet as quickly as possible in his chainmail, ignoring the bruises he'd gained from sleeping in the armor. A moment of...anger, not panic, takes him as he realizes that he is weaponless. That didn't matter though, he doesn't need a weapon since well...he is one. Seeing the face in the mist, he lunges towards it--only for it to disappear before his eyes. The light behind the mask flares as he spins futile in the mist trying to get his bearings. Where is everyone? What trickery is this?
Calming himself down, in spite of his senses telling him that everything was wrong, he refocuses as the forested path becomes clear around him. Seeing his swords cast aside in the brush, he gathers them up and straps them back on. ...Someone had to have taken them off of him while he was asleep, yet what had been the purpose of that if they just left them here in the bushes? Shaking his head, he collects his belongings before making his way over to where camp had been, noting the absence of, well everyone.
Finding Jack and Noel sleeping soundly in spite of what had just happened, Beren feels that anger rising within him again. This was that old crone's doing wasn't it. Oh... he should have...he should have eradicated her while he had the chance. It would have been so easy to just remove the mask and watch the tent burn. Of course, then he would have risked harming these two as well, and he didn't wish that on either of them. It wasn't their fault they had been roped into this...even if they were for some reason so excited about it.
Shaking his head, he bends down and nudges Jack, "Hey, wake up. Looks like you and your friend get to experience your story sooner then expected." Whether or not the elf wakes up, he walks over to Noel and nudges him likewise. If neither of them wake up, he straightens and then scans the area. It had not escaped his notice that Saelethin was not among them. That gave him pause. He was not worried about her...not really, but it seemed odd that she would disappear along with the rest of the caravan. Surely if she had any say in the matter she would be here right alongside him. Yet she was least, not as far as he could tell.