"Curiouser and curiouser." Jack said with eyes narrowing to the thinest of slit. A moment of silent staring goes by before Jack suddenly claps his hands together and speaks again with a bit of a grin. "Well then! It has most certainly been a pleasure, Beren. And if you or your companion ever change your mind about partaking of conversation and entertainment, know that you will always be welcome!" He assured him. Then with that, the Eladrin set off to go find Noel and make sure he hadn't gotten up to any trouble!
...Although as what would usually be the case, something or other inevitably distracted the Eladrin, such as a crossing cat or an idle question with caravan guards turning into an impromptu story session! So it may be for some time yet before the druid reunites with the bard again.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
He chooses to ignore the retainer's words this time, deciding that a response was to much to give. Instead, he simply sends her a sense of: I don't care.
Though he shows no outward signs of discomfort, Beren isn't particularly keen on how the elf was staring at him. He'd had quite enough of that... but he did realize that Jack was simply interested in stories. While he saw Beren as a 'curiosity' he more then likely wasn't looking at him as a 'subject'. So he remains quiet until the elf once more resumes speaking.
"Indeed. I... appreciate your willingness to speak with me. Forgive me if my responses are not...satisfactory," it is clear he is not used to such conversations, but he could tell that the Eladrin had hoped for more...detailed responses.
He nods in response to Jack's invitation, "I fear others in this company are not particularly comfortable with my presence." His mask turns towards the fire where Noel is speaking with the others. It was hard to imagine himself over there, in the company of others merely for...enjoyment. "I will be keeping watch for the night. ...If you need me, I will be here." He gestures towards the rock where he'd been sitting.
Once Jack leaves, Beren resumes his watch. Part of him wondered what would have happened if he'd accompanied the eladrin back to the fire...but the other part of him assured himself that he was better off out here, away from the flames and the prying eyes.
Alone once more, he picks up his swords and buckles them on. After a while, he takes to pacing, which turns into a patrol. Eventually he realizes that there is no real need for a patrol, and that he is likely at least some of the caravan members uncomfortable, so he returns to the rock and resumes watching from that vantage point.
Noel falls silent as the older woman sits down by the fire and listends intently to both of their responses. He find this little anecdote incredibly interesting: anything suggesting of a mistery is worth digging into, as you never quite know how the story will end up! Even with his immense temptation to probe further, as the old woman finishes up her story, he decides it is likely best not to pry, thinking
"What exactly was meant by 'I am not sure I am allowed to'? Who would ban such an ancient story from being told or limit what of it could be said? The old woman, Madam Eva I assume, adds even more interesting detail. The land leaving their homeland? Certainly a mistery far beyond what I've encountered before."
He then turns to Madam Eva and says:
"I am truly honored you would share this all with me. I always love to learn the stories behind the tales we tell. I assume you are the Madam Eva he was talking about. In that case, I would love to test my luck against you in any game of chance! Though learning of my fate certainly doesn't sound bad either"
(OOC: Same mechanics as described earlier or different for this game?)
Beren takes to pacing, then patrolling - atleast for a short while. And during that time he feels uncomfortable stares fall on him. A mixture of understanding he's not there to hurt them, mingled with the apprehension of 'but.. what if?' none of them stared overly long, for fear of gaining his ire but the atmosphere was palpable. Beren was fairly certain that none of them would try to attack him even as a group. Before he sat down, he'd constantly heard small comments about "how a man shouldn't 'glow' like that" and 'Un-natural' the only group that hadn't thus far was the colorful group of people, atleast not to the same extent.
To most at the camp though, Beren was the 'other.' As he sat back down, he had a semi-clear view of the pristine and clear night sky, and surrounding. In some ways it was beautiful, though his own perceptions may color this.
Noel draws a smile from the older woman. She wasn't elderly, but she was clearly an elder. Her eyes wandering as she observes his reaction during his breif mental reverie. We share our stories freely, for that way they may reach the ears and minds of others. But I'm sure you understand this - From what i've learned of you is that you enjoy a good story yourself. And yes, I am she. And if you have not already heard, we she says, motioning to the others around her are the Vistani. A nomadic peoples. Though this was not always the case - as you've likely surmised.
As for a game of luck, I would say it's more like a game of fate. she says mysteriously but offers a friendly smile to make the smile from before pale with shame. Even as she finishes her sentence, a gust of wind blows through the camp as if confirming, though it was only strong enough to kick up the nearby leaves and replace their positions with new ones. it has been a while since someone was foolish enough to believe they could beat me though! she says, laughing with confidence borne of age and experience. The other Vistani smile but they otherwise remain silent, almost enraptured. Though one still strums his lute to lend sound to the silent night.
She pulls out a deck of cards, though it has a unique foil design, it is recognizable as a common deck of cards.. just with flair. And upon thorough inspection you don't notice anything that could give away 'tells' as some who would seek to cheat might use. No scents, or markings of any kind. If anything this deck was nearly in pristine condition. Once finished with your inspection, she pulls the cards to her hands, shuffling them for far longer than most would.
It was abut this time that Jack made his way over, as she placed the deck squarely on a crate that had been placed between the two.
This game is a game of fate, chance, and luck. To this day I have never lost in my entire life. The rules are simple. It is called high and low. First... you draw a card, and place it face up. (1d10) then, you declare if the next card will be higher, or lower. Then you draw a card from anywhere within the deck (1d10). If you call it correctly, you win the round.
Whoever wins 3 rounds first - Or whomever wins the most out of the five... as a tie is possible... is the winner. A simple game. she says, finishing the explanation.
OOC For Noel: To make this quicker since on PBP there's time differentials, so that this doesn't take 3+ days, do your RP post, and include 5 individual, 1d10 rolls (neatly placed!) at the very bottom of your post like this
Then do a follow up post directly after it, to include 5 individual 1d10 rolls in the same format. After this I will post for Eva in the same fashion. Once the results of all rolls are in we can then roleplay post as if the game is happening in 'real time' despite us knowing the outcome at this point. If only to flesh it out!
To be clear, though you and I will be doing this all as a clump roll post, in character this will be happening in 'rounds' so you draw, then guess, then draw, then Eva draws, guesses, and draws herself for a single round. It is possible for a 'tie' on each round if both parties guess incorrectly.
Hopefully that explanation is clear!
And to make your feature viable you may choose to use advantage or disadvantage on the second set of rolls (As this sint live so i hae no way of telling 'thats a a good idea/bad idea' etc)
Noel examines the deck, admiring how shiny and gilden the deck is but also instantly suspicous of how ornate it is. He's seen many a trick deck in his time, but after taking some time to look over it, he feels confident enough the deck is standard. As she shuffles and puts the deck down, he says:
"A game of fate it is! I am ready to say who Lady Luck favors tonight. I wouldn't say I am 'foolish' though Madam Eva, for she often smiles on me in any game of chance"
Hearing her comment about having never lost, he continues: "Never once in your whole life? And I assume you have played this game many a time. Truly impressive! Perhaps I am outmatched, but I will still test my luck against yours"
As Jack comes over, Noel turns to him with a smile and says: "Ah. Jack! Welcome! It seems I may finally be meeting a superior when it comes to a game of luck! Come, sit, I am about to test my fate and try to be the first to ever beat her at this game! Let us see where luck will lead me!"
With that, he draws from the deck, beginning to play the game:
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
She can't help but laugh at your confidence but not mockingly so. She is clearly just amused at how confident you are. As he makes a semi question semi statement she nods. I have played this game more than a thousand times. I stopped counting after that as.. what's the point? Would just seem like bragging to most. And I only tell the truth, never boastfully so. And while you may or may not doubt that personally she says before waiting for you to begin the game.
Madam Eva herself begins to draw from the deck once you have, gently pulling off the top card, and laying it faceup before doing similarly for the next card she pulls from somewhere near the middle.
Madam Eva matches Noels luck for the first two rounds, as if she was toying with him. Both parties winning their respective draws, and thus leading to multiple ties. She then loses the next two rounds in a row, giving Noel the two win lead but as her rules stated.. it was the first to win three over the other within five rounds is the winner. Her smirk appears as the Vistani around the game lean in. They had never seen a game this close before. And madam Eva's eyes sparkled. She met Noels for a moment, something dancing within her mind, a mixture of curiosity, hope, and determination.
With the result of the game a draw thus far, despite Noels lead she postured after a moment, saying It seems we've found ourselves in a tie, as the rules do not allow simply continuing. However.... that just means that the stakes are even higher. A single, final round. Winner takes all though there is nothing to take per-se... but if you win, I shall reward you with something we Vistani rarely give. Should I should rise victorious... I will give you something else instead. Regardless of the outcome I believe you will find the reward worth while.
she says, as she reshuffles the deck back together, placing it into a single tower once more. Somehow it seems more imposing this time. But that just makes it all the more tantalizing..
If you agree... then please, after you. she says palm to the sky as her hand points to the deck.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Noel suprises even himself in the first two rounds, Lady Luck clearly favoring him in the initial two pulls, though he is surprised to see that fate clearly rests on Madam Eva's side as well. He had already surmised she would not be nearly as easy to defeat as his usual marks, but this game is only proving it. The third and fourth rounds boost his confidence as he pulls ahead, but when he is unable to close it out in the 5th, he comes back down to earth for a moment. Clearly, he's going to have to get even luckier if he wants to beat her at this game. When she explains the tiebreaker and flourishes the deck one more time, he responds simply with "I accept. Let the odds fall where they may" and pulls from the deck rather dramatically, laying the cards out slowly
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Madam Eva seemed surprised -truly- for the first time. This man had the luck of a devil himself...but she maintained her composure. You sir, are one truly lucky man. Our meeting itself must be fated. she said, pulling the top card out for herself, laying it on the opposite side that Noel had.
Madam Eva's brows raise as she fails to win, at-least if her claims are true... for the first time in her entire life. The other Vistani look among each-other. Stunned into silence to the point that even the music stops playing. And for the first time that night, the Vistani that were nearby stopped their drinking, eating, and general carousing. The air grew tense for a moment before Noel found himself suddenly surrounded and getting pat on the back as they began to congratulate him, jostlign him just a little in celebration for his victory even as the silent Jack watched on.
Getting up, Madam Eva straightened her clothing, and walked around the log to offer her hand to the man, even as the other Vistani bestowed on him another full bottle of ale, one of them offering a Worn Signet ring. And yet another a Kebab. Though it was still the same small group that had been here with a few extras that had come over to see what the commotion was.
When the celebrations died down a bit, and Madam Eva was able to get a word in, she would say to Noel Bring your elf friend, and the glowing one to my tent. I will reward you with divination. Of your future, and theirs. No greater gift could I personally bestow on you. If you will receive the gift, and the potential rewards even beyond it though are up to you....
Noel places his first card of the final round with a flourish, and upon seeing it, immediately knows he guess correctly this round, though he expects Madam Eva's luck to match his own. At this point, he's settled in for a long game, recognizing that he's met his equal if not his superior when it comes to luck, so when Madam Eva fails to predict correctly and Noel becomes, as far as he is aware, the first person to ever beat her in a game of chance, he's almost as shocked as she is, half-heartedly taking the gifts given to him by the other Vistani. Snapping back into reality, he stands up and gives Madam Eva a deep bow, saying:
"I am truly honored, Madam Eva. It was a privilege getting to play this game with you. I accept your gift and I look forward to seeing what my fate has in store!"
"Jack!" he says, turning to his friend, "come now, you heard her! Go grab that shining man you were talking to and meet me in her tent, Madam Eva is going to grant us a glimpse into our futures!"
With that, he stands up and begins to follow Madam Eva back to her tent, hoping Jack will not be far behind with the man he had been talking to earlier
Jack happily accepted Noel's offer of a seat, and would go to watch the game at play with much interest. But notably absent is his usual colorful commentary to further rile up anyone's spirit. Such an activity he usually reserved for children and fools in need of either a lesson through their eventual downfall or encouragement to really get invested at such activities. And at even a glance, Eva struck him as neither of those two things, but rather as something.... special. Although no matter how much he tapped his chin, canted his head, or briefly studied the woman's expression during the game he comes no closer to his answer.
He perks up considerably at the games end, cheering alongside the rest of the Vistani, as well as eagerly join in the jostling of his friend. There's a moment's temptation to snatch up the Kebab before Noel can have it as part of impromptu jest, but... for once he resisted the impulse in favor just letting out hearty laughs. In the wake of Eva's request Jack's ears twitched a little and eyes narrowed just a tidbit in suspicion. Yet as his nature was often antithetical to concern, Noel is able to easily distract the Eladrin from any further thought on the matter with just a few words. "So I shall, my friend, so I shall! And it should be easy enough given.... well, you may see soon enough! Ta-ta for now!" On that note, Jack slipped away from any ongoing celebrating vistani with a smile and promise to join them after the reading, and quickly made his way over to Beren.
"Oh Ber-reeeeennn~" He called as the man came into sight. "Good news my overly armored friend! I do believe I found someone that might be able to help get a leg up on your future endeavors! Isn't that grand?! Please! Come, come! I'll show you to her!" Jack said, waving at the man to follow after him. Which if he agreed to, the Eladrin would lead the way with some pep in his step. if Beren required a bit more convincing however, then... Jack would need a moment to think!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Beren is rather surprised that Jack bothered to come back, but no such emotion shows as he turns his masked face towards the elf. He isn't sure what to think of this...person who could help with his vaguely mentioned 'future endeavors' either, was this some sort of joke?
He hesitates, standing up as Jack approaches, "I am not sure how this person would help me... or if she would really want to for that matter. What sort of aid does she intend to offer?" He pauses, wondering if his questions would be thought rude. Perhaps he should simply go where he is asked...yet, wasn't that what he always did? In spite of his recent freedom, it is taking him longer then he'd expected to re-accustom himself to life outside of the church.
As Jack waves him along, he finds himself following in spite of his hesitance. As they enter the camp, Beren does his best to appear unthreatening, and keeps his eyes focused on the path ahead of him. He'd found it best not to make eye-contact with anyone, as it seems the glowing mask tends to either cause discomfort or draw...unwanted attention. Of course, everyone here had already seen him, so those initial reactions were long past. Still, he is well aware of their whisperings, and while the do bother him a little, he'd learned not to let it bother him too much.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"Curiouser and curiouser." Jack said with eyes narrowing to the thinest of slit. A moment of silent staring goes by before Jack suddenly claps his hands together and speaks again with a bit of a grin. "Well then! It has most certainly been a pleasure, Beren. And if you or your companion ever change your mind about partaking of conversation and entertainment, know that you will always be welcome!" He assured him. Then with that, the Eladrin set off to go find Noel and make sure he hadn't gotten up to any trouble!
...Although as what would usually be the case, something or other inevitably distracted the Eladrin, such as a crossing cat or an idle question with caravan guards turning into an impromptu story session! So it may be for some time yet before the druid reunites with the bard again.
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
He chooses to ignore the retainer's words this time, deciding that a response was to much to give. Instead, he simply sends her a sense of: I don't care.
Though he shows no outward signs of discomfort, Beren isn't particularly keen on how the elf was staring at him. He'd had quite enough of that... but he did realize that Jack was simply interested in stories. While he saw Beren as a 'curiosity' he more then likely wasn't looking at him as a 'subject'. So he remains quiet until the elf once more resumes speaking.
"Indeed. I... appreciate your willingness to speak with me. Forgive me if my responses are not...satisfactory," it is clear he is not used to such conversations, but he could tell that the Eladrin had hoped for more...detailed responses.
He nods in response to Jack's invitation, "I fear others in this company are not particularly comfortable with my presence." His mask turns towards the fire where Noel is speaking with the others. It was hard to imagine himself over there, in the company of others merely for...enjoyment. "I will be keeping watch for the night. ...If you need me, I will be here." He gestures towards the rock where he'd been sitting.
Once Jack leaves, Beren resumes his watch. Part of him wondered what would have happened if he'd accompanied the eladrin back to the fire...but the other part of him assured himself that he was better off out here, away from the flames and the prying eyes.
Alone once more, he picks up his swords and buckles them on. After a while, he takes to pacing, which turns into a patrol. Eventually he realizes that there is no real need for a patrol, and that he is likely at least some of the caravan members uncomfortable, so he returns to the rock and resumes watching from that vantage point.
Noel falls silent as the older woman sits down by the fire and listends intently to both of their responses. He find this little anecdote incredibly interesting: anything suggesting of a mistery is worth digging into, as you never quite know how the story will end up! Even with his immense temptation to probe further, as the old woman finishes up her story, he decides it is likely best not to pry, thinking
"What exactly was meant by 'I am not sure I am allowed to'? Who would ban such an ancient story from being told or limit what of it could be said? The old woman, Madam Eva I assume, adds even more interesting detail. The land leaving their homeland? Certainly a mistery far beyond what I've encountered before."
He then turns to Madam Eva and says:
"I am truly honored you would share this all with me. I always love to learn the stories behind the tales we tell. I assume you are the Madam Eva he was talking about. In that case, I would love to test my luck against you in any game of chance! Though learning of my fate certainly doesn't sound bad either"
(OOC: Same mechanics as described earlier or different for this game?)
Beren takes to pacing, then patrolling - atleast for a short while. And during that time he feels uncomfortable stares fall on him. A mixture of understanding he's not there to hurt them, mingled with the apprehension of 'but.. what if?' none of them stared overly long, for fear of gaining his ire but the atmosphere was palpable. Beren was fairly certain that none of them would try to attack him even as a group. Before he sat down, he'd constantly heard small comments about "how a man shouldn't 'glow' like that" and 'Un-natural' the only group that hadn't thus far was the colorful group of people, atleast not to the same extent.
To most at the camp though, Beren was the 'other.' As he sat back down, he had a semi-clear view of the pristine and clear night sky, and surrounding. In some ways it was beautiful, though his own perceptions may color this.
Noel draws a smile from the older woman. She wasn't elderly, but she was clearly an elder. Her eyes wandering as she observes his reaction during his breif mental reverie. We share our stories freely, for that way they may reach the ears and minds of others. But I'm sure you understand this - From what i've learned of you is that you enjoy a good story yourself. And yes, I am she. And if you have not already heard, we she says, motioning to the others around her are the Vistani. A nomadic peoples. Though this was not always the case - as you've likely surmised.
As for a game of luck, I would say it's more like a game of fate. she says mysteriously but offers a friendly smile to make the smile from before pale with shame. Even as she finishes her sentence, a gust of wind blows through the camp as if confirming, though it was only strong enough to kick up the nearby leaves and replace their positions with new ones. it has been a while since someone was foolish enough to believe they could beat me though! she says, laughing with confidence borne of age and experience. The other Vistani smile but they otherwise remain silent, almost enraptured. Though one still strums his lute to lend sound to the silent night.
She pulls out a deck of cards, though it has a unique foil design, it is recognizable as a common deck of cards.. just with flair. And upon thorough inspection you don't notice anything that could give away 'tells' as some who would seek to cheat might use. No scents, or markings of any kind. If anything this deck was nearly in pristine condition. Once finished with your inspection, she pulls the cards to her hands, shuffling them for far longer than most would.
It was abut this time that Jack made his way over, as she placed the deck squarely on a crate that had been placed between the two.
This game is a game of fate, chance, and luck. To this day I have never lost in my entire life. The rules are simple. It is called high and low. First... you draw a card, and place it face up. (1d10) then, you declare if the next card will be higher, or lower. Then you draw a card from anywhere within the deck (1d10). If you call it correctly, you win the round.
Whoever wins 3 rounds first - Or whomever wins the most out of the five... as a tie is possible... is the winner. A simple game. she says, finishing the explanation.
OOC For Noel: To make this quicker since on PBP there's time differentials, so that this doesn't take 3+ days, do your RP post, and include 5 individual, 1d10 rolls (neatly placed!) at the very bottom of your post like this
Then do a follow up post directly after it, to include 5 individual 1d10 rolls in the same format. After this I will post for Eva in the same fashion. Once the results of all rolls are in we can then roleplay post as if the game is happening in 'real time' despite us knowing the outcome at this point. If only to flesh it out!
To be clear, though you and I will be doing this all as a clump roll post, in character this will be happening in 'rounds' so you draw, then guess, then draw, then Eva draws, guesses, and draws herself for a single round. It is possible for a 'tie' on each round if both parties guess incorrectly.
Hopefully that explanation is clear!
And to make your feature viable you may choose to use advantage or disadvantage on the second set of rolls (As this sint live so i hae no way of telling 'thats a a good idea/bad idea' etc)
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Noel examines the deck, admiring how shiny and gilden the deck is but also instantly suspicous of how ornate it is. He's seen many a trick deck in his time, but after taking some time to look over it, he feels confident enough the deck is standard. As she shuffles and puts the deck down, he says:
"A game of fate it is! I am ready to say who Lady Luck favors tonight. I wouldn't say I am 'foolish' though Madam Eva, for she often smiles on me in any game of chance"
Hearing her comment about having never lost, he continues: "Never once in your whole life? And I assume you have played this game many a time. Truly impressive! Perhaps I am outmatched, but I will still test my luck against yours"
As Jack comes over, Noel turns to him with a smile and says: "Ah. Jack! Welcome! It seems I may finally be meeting a superior when it comes to a game of luck! Come, sit, I am about to test my fate and try to be the first to ever beat her at this game! Let us see where luck will lead me!"
With that, he draws from the deck, beginning to play the game:
Round 1: 10
Round 2: 6
Round 3: 1
Round 4: 8
Round 5: 9
Round 1: Higher
Round 2: Higher
Round 3: Higher
Round 4: Higher
Round 5: Lower
Second Set of Rolls
Round 1: 7
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 4
Round 4: 10
Round 5: 4
She can't help but laugh at your confidence but not mockingly so. She is clearly just amused at how confident you are. As he makes a semi question semi statement she nods. I have played this game more than a thousand times. I stopped counting after that as.. what's the point? Would just seem like bragging to most. And I only tell the truth, never boastfully so. And while you may or may not doubt that personally she says before waiting for you to begin the game.
Madam Eva herself begins to draw from the deck once you have, gently pulling off the top card, and laying it faceup before doing similarly for the next card she pulls from somewhere near the middle.
First Cards
1 10
2 5
3 8
4 10
5 6
Occassional Dungeon Master.
1 Lower
2 Lower
3 higher
4 Lower
5 higher
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Second Draws
1 5
2 3
3 9
4 9
5 9
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Madam Eva matches Noels luck for the first two rounds, as if she was toying with him. Both parties winning their respective draws, and thus leading to multiple ties. She then loses the next two rounds in a row, giving Noel the two win lead but as her rules stated.. it was the first to win three over the other within five rounds is the winner. Her smirk appears as the Vistani around the game lean in. They had never seen a game this close before. And madam Eva's eyes sparkled. She met Noels for a moment, something dancing within her mind, a mixture of curiosity, hope, and determination.
With the result of the game a draw thus far, despite Noels lead she postured after a moment, saying It seems we've found ourselves in a tie, as the rules do not allow simply continuing. However.... that just means that the stakes are even higher. A single, final round. Winner takes all though there is nothing to take per-se... but if you win, I shall reward you with something we Vistani rarely give. Should I should rise victorious... I will give you something else instead. Regardless of the outcome I believe you will find the reward worth while.
she says, as she reshuffles the deck back together, placing it into a single tower once more. Somehow it seems more imposing this time. But that just makes it all the more tantalizing..
If you agree... then please, after you. she says palm to the sky as her hand points to the deck.
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Noel suprises even himself in the first two rounds, Lady Luck clearly favoring him in the initial two pulls, though he is surprised to see that fate clearly rests on Madam Eva's side as well. He had already surmised she would not be nearly as easy to defeat as his usual marks, but this game is only proving it. The third and fourth rounds boost his confidence as he pulls ahead, but when he is unable to close it out in the 5th, he comes back down to earth for a moment. Clearly, he's going to have to get even luckier if he wants to beat her at this game. When she explains the tiebreaker and flourishes the deck one more time, he responds simply with "I accept. Let the odds fall where they may" and pulls from the deck rather dramatically, laying the cards out slowly
First Draw: 4
Guess: Lower
Second Draw: 5
Madam Eva seemed surprised -truly- for the first time. This man had the luck of a devil himself...but she maintained her composure. You sir, are one truly lucky man. Our meeting itself must be fated. she said, pulling the top card out for herself, laying it on the opposite side that Noel had.
Final round?: 7
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Guess lower.
Final Round?: 3
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Madam Eva's brows raise as she fails to win, at-least if her claims are true... for the first time in her entire life. The other Vistani look among each-other. Stunned into silence to the point that even the music stops playing. And for the first time that night, the Vistani that were nearby stopped their drinking, eating, and general carousing. The air grew tense for a moment before Noel found himself suddenly surrounded and getting pat on the back as they began to congratulate him, jostlign him just a little in celebration for his victory even as the silent Jack watched on.
Getting up, Madam Eva straightened her clothing, and walked around the log to offer her hand to the man, even as the other Vistani bestowed on him another full bottle of ale, one of them offering a Worn Signet ring. And yet another a Kebab. Though it was still the same small group that had been here with a few extras that had come over to see what the commotion was.
When the celebrations died down a bit, and Madam Eva was able to get a word in, she would say to Noel Bring your elf friend, and the glowing one to my tent. I will reward you with divination. Of your future, and theirs. No greater gift could I personally bestow on you. If you will receive the gift, and the potential rewards even beyond it though are up to you....
Occassional Dungeon Master.
Noel places his first card of the final round with a flourish, and upon seeing it, immediately knows he guess correctly this round, though he expects Madam Eva's luck to match his own. At this point, he's settled in for a long game, recognizing that he's met his equal if not his superior when it comes to luck, so when Madam Eva fails to predict correctly and Noel becomes, as far as he is aware, the first person to ever beat her in a game of chance, he's almost as shocked as she is, half-heartedly taking the gifts given to him by the other Vistani. Snapping back into reality, he stands up and gives Madam Eva a deep bow, saying:
"I am truly honored, Madam Eva. It was a privilege getting to play this game with you. I accept your gift and I look forward to seeing what my fate has in store!"
"Jack!" he says, turning to his friend, "come now, you heard her! Go grab that shining man you were talking to and meet me in her tent, Madam Eva is going to grant us a glimpse into our futures!"
With that, he stands up and begins to follow Madam Eva back to her tent, hoping Jack will not be far behind with the man he had been talking to earlier
Jack happily accepted Noel's offer of a seat, and would go to watch the game at play with much interest. But notably absent is his usual colorful commentary to further rile up anyone's spirit. Such an activity he usually reserved for children and fools in need of either a lesson through their eventual downfall or encouragement to really get invested at such activities. And at even a glance, Eva struck him as neither of those two things, but rather as something.... special. Although no matter how much he tapped his chin, canted his head, or briefly studied the woman's expression during the game he comes no closer to his answer.
He perks up considerably at the games end, cheering alongside the rest of the Vistani, as well as eagerly join in the jostling of his friend. There's a moment's temptation to snatch up the Kebab before Noel can have it as part of impromptu jest, but... for once he resisted the impulse in favor just letting out hearty laughs. In the wake of Eva's request Jack's ears twitched a little and eyes narrowed just a tidbit in suspicion. Yet as his nature was often antithetical to concern, Noel is able to easily distract the Eladrin from any further thought on the matter with just a few words. "So I shall, my friend, so I shall! And it should be easy enough given.... well, you may see soon enough! Ta-ta for now!" On that note, Jack slipped away from any ongoing celebrating vistani with a smile and promise to join them after the reading, and quickly made his way over to Beren.
"Oh Ber-reeeeennn~" He called as the man came into sight. "Good news my overly armored friend! I do believe I found someone that might be able to help get a leg up on your future endeavors! Isn't that grand?! Please! Come, come! I'll show you to her!" Jack said, waving at the man to follow after him. Which if he agreed to, the Eladrin would lead the way with some pep in his step. if Beren required a bit more convincing however, then... Jack would need a moment to think!
Goyo - [Tortle]Druid/Warlock - Circle of Sea/Celestial (Libretalia)
Nobody - [Feral-Tiefling]Wizard/Sorcerer - War/Draconic (HoTDQ)
Jack Vicvan - [Eladrin]Warlock - Archfey
Xanrazan - [Earth Genasi]Bard - College of Swords(Shadowthorn's Princess of the Apocalypse)
Beren is rather surprised that Jack bothered to come back, but no such emotion shows as he turns his masked face towards the elf. He isn't sure what to think of this...person who could help with his vaguely mentioned 'future endeavors' either, was this some sort of joke?
He hesitates, standing up as Jack approaches, "I am not sure how this person would help me... or if she would really want to for that matter. What sort of aid does she intend to offer?" He pauses, wondering if his questions would be thought rude. Perhaps he should simply go where he is asked...yet, wasn't that what he always did? In spite of his recent freedom, it is taking him longer then he'd expected to re-accustom himself to life outside of the church.
As Jack waves him along, he finds himself following in spite of his hesitance. As they enter the camp, Beren does his best to appear unthreatening, and keeps his eyes focused on the path ahead of him. He'd found it best not to make eye-contact with anyone, as it seems the glowing mask tends to either cause discomfort or draw...unwanted attention. Of course, everyone here had already seen him, so those initial reactions were long past. Still, he is well aware of their whisperings, and while the do bother him a little, he'd learned not to let it bother him too much.