Flynn smiles to Korba "He does, doesn't he? but to be honest I think that most of the time he is just dissapointed at me.. " he tries to smile again but it's clear that he is a little bit ashamed.
" You see... " he hesitates for a moment as if he was about to start a history but, on second thought he decides otherwise " I haven't really had too much training... I just started this... path. The clerics and paladins of the Tyr temple teached me the basis of swordfighting and to use the shield but I must be honest I am not too good at it... " To Korba it seems that the word "must" was a little bit heavy on Flynn's mouth. "What about you? Where did you learn to fight? "
"You seem a bit of a natural then,"Korba says, "though I'll gladly give you some tips as we go."Gripping his sword for a moment he pauses and then continues, "My father taught me the basics, and then life forced me to practice, and later I was tasked with helping the youngins learn what my father had showed me to prepare them for their official training later. My blade also... grants me power from a greater being, while also demanding a bit of me."
"I would appreciate the tips for sure and... I wanted to apologize for yesterday I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and acted on prejuice..." "You were being cautious I've never heard of such a thing like a good drow before"interjects the other, more booming voice "Would you just be quiet now? See you still have things to learn too..." he turns to Korba "Sorry about that... we are... adjusting to each other... Seems that your father was a great warrior... he was the elf or... "it's clear that as soon as he starts asking he regrets "Sorry... didn't meant to pry... your sword also demands you? Mine has changed my whole life man!"he changes subjects in case the half-elf doesn't want to dabble in his past after his slip. "
When Flynn starts talking to someone inexistent, Rhaenys smiles. Does he have an intruder on his mind, like her? She wants to ask but this time she decides to do it differently. Just out of curiosity ... oh well ... who is she trying to lie to: this is mostly for causing a little mischief. And the paladin was so jumpy the day before that he seemed the perfect target.
So she looks at the paladin, and he hears in his mind:
- Does your sword talk to you in your mind too? My staff does the same! I thought your weapon only spoke aloud, but through your mouth.
Flynn looks around, amazed and confused, then he looks down to his new belt and moans
“My father’s line is mostly elf…” Korba says, adding, “And that is why blade is… tougher to control… than perhaps it intends. Elven blades are passed down through the generations, and not all feel it should have chosen me… Drow are less understanding of others than most races, and this treatment has meant that I could never quite call myself one, though I lived amongst them, I cannot say that I disagree with everything they do. That said, my life is shorter than theirs, so I intend to not waste it making enemies when allies are available.”
Jodie listens attentively to the priestesses tale of the Lich with the adopted daughter. "Fascinating, the Lich's story would make an interesting ballad. I thought all Undead creatures loathe the living, as it reminds them what they lost. The strength of will here seems stronger than nature. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out..."
Jodie stares when he sees how the other cursed items 'speak out' to their owners. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with Smiler on a constant basis. I hope you can control those personalities. I have heard tales of powerful magic items taking control of their owners. Hopefully that doesn't happen to either of you." She smiles awkwardly and changes back to lighter topics.
"Well then, shall we take to the road? Best to get on while we've got light. Let me just see if I can sell my leather armor. I won't be needing it now that I've this lovely elven chain."
Jodie gets directions to the nearest armorer so she might sell her old armor for whatever coin she can get.
Flynn looks around, amazed and confused, then he looks down to his new belt and moans
"Oh come on... you too? Not this again... "
Rhaenys starts laughing and has to cover her mouth with a hand for a moment, then finally says:
- I'm sorry. That was me. I was just messing with you.
Flynn stares at Rhaenys confused... then intenseily and he suddenly says in the booming voice. "That's not how it works you moron... just talk to her!"
He blinks and looks at Rhaenys.. "Oh well... I see.. yeah you really got me, you know... I had no good experiences with voices in my mind please... don't do that again... unless you warn me, but then it wouldn't be funny... or maybe you can't... ok let's say you do whenever you want or need but please tell me it's you... "
- Sorry, Flynn. And sorry to you too, Master Sword. Excuse me, do you have a name? Anyway, I'll try to warn you next time. But just so you all know, and because this could turn out to be useful, I can stablish a telepathic link to any of you for a short while and it lasts even if we are a few miles apart. We could use it if we ever need to split the party.
When Jodie asks about hitting the road, the sorceress says:
- Yeah, you're totally right! Let's go. By the way, I would love to hear your music during our journey, I'm sure it will make the coming days nicer. Do you know "Down by the river"? I love that song!
Baldur's Gate 3 anyone? hehe
As she motions to stand up, the staff says in her head "Well well. Why don't we give you a more appropriate shape for the coming journey? Something stout perhaps?" and by the time Rhaenys has finished standing up, she now has the shape of a middle aged male dwarf. Short, strong, with long red hair and a think braided and even longer beard.
"There. Stout".
- Gods dammit! - the dwarf exclaims with a deep voice, and quickly covers his mouth with the hands. They are still in a holy temple after all - Of course,it had to be something hairy!!!
"His name is Truthseeker " replies Flynn to Rhaenys "And by all the Gods, he takes is own name too serious... Do not blaspheme!!" Flynn rolls his eyes " soorry..."
I hope you can control those personalities. I have heard tales of powerful magic items taking control of their owners.
Hewelathan's eyes go wide at Jodie's words. A sword taking control of its wielder! What has he gotten himself into? He glances down at his belt, but it remains quiet.
"His name is Truthseeker " replies Flynn to Rhaenys
Hewelathan gives a happy, hearty laugh, saying, "Ho ho! Then friends we shall be, Flinn! And your talkative sword, Truthseeker, too!" He reaches out a hand to give you a vigorous hand-shake, surprisingly strong for such a small half-elf.
But just so you all know, and because this could turn out to be useful, I can establish a telepathic link to any of you for a short while and it lasts even if we are a few miles apart.
"Telepathy? Speaking mind-to-mind? That is a wondrous power, indeed!", Hewelathan says. He seems particularly interested in this ability of Rhaenys.
by the time Rhaenys has finished standing up, she now has the shape of a middle aged male dwarf. Short, strong, with long red hair and a think braided and even longer beard.
"There. Stout".
- Gods dammit! - the dwarf exclaims with a deep voice, and quickly covers his mouth with the hands. They are still in a holy temple after all - Of course,it had to be something hairy!!!
Hewelathan asks, " would you like us to address you when you change your outer form?" He seems a bit embarrassed to be asking, but he realizes that it'll matter as soon as the group goes out in the world together "Do you still go by the name Rhaenys? Do we continue to refer to you as 'she' even when you take an apparently male form? For example, it might be confusing to strangers if you said something and then I referred to what 'she' said while you're in this form."
Hewelathan thanks Sister Eila. Having seen the temple's maps and discussed their options, he's ready to leave the temple and gather some additional gear for their journey. It should only be a 2-day journey to the nearest port city, but he recommends that everyone pack at least 5 days of rations. "One never knows where the road may lead!"
After they finish shopping, they should still have at least half of a day left to travel. If their "shortcut" takes them immediately into the wilderness, they'll have to stop after about 4 hours to find a site and make camp. If they're staying on the road for the first few hours, they could go a little farther, but unless they want to camp by the side of the road, they'll need to find a town--or at least a farmer with a barn--where they can pay for a place to sleep.
(OOC: I have finished updating Hewelathan's inventory.)
"Telepathy? Speaking mind-to-mind? That is a wondrous power, indeed!", Hewelathan says. He seems particularly interested in this ability of Rhaenys.
- Yes, speaking mind-to-mind. This is fortunately not related to my curse. I've had that ability since I was very little. Me and my parents believe it was transmited by some ancestor that skipped them, because they were plain common changelings. I haven't always liked this power, but I've get used to it and it has its uses. But when I was little ... well... being different can be tough. Aberrant mind, they called me - for a moment Rhaenys' eyes focus in some distant point, remembering old times, but then she focuses on the druid again and smiles - But that's in the past! Being different isn't that bad, after all.
Hewelathan asks, " would you like us to address you when you change your outer form?" He seems a bit embarrassed to be asking, but he realizes that it'll matter as soon as the group goes out in the world together "Do you still go by the name Rhaenys? Do we continue to refer to you as 'she' even when you take an apparently male form? For example, it might be confusing to strangers if you said something and then I referred to what 'she' said while you're in this form."
- Rhaenys is fine. And I guess I should be a "he" when I'm in a male form and a "she" when female. It isn't weird for changelings to keep changing pronouns even when they are in their changeling form. Some of them are what they call "genderfluid", and turn from one gender to another when they feel one way or the other. Others stay male or female their entire lives. In my case I'm a female and I haven't felt the urge to change gender so far. In any case, I can understad this could be difficult for you all, so if you want to refer to me as "they" or "them" I won't have any problem. Thank you for asking, Hewelathan, that is thoughtful of you. Not many would care about asking this, you know?
Tytus were listening with awe for a while about talking swords and changing shapes, and telepathy. About telepathy he heard but the rest of that stuff is all new.
- Rhaenys is fine. And I guess I should be a "he" when I'm in a male form and a "she" when female. It isn't weird for changelings to keep changing pronouns even when they are in their changeling form. Some of them are what they call "genderfluid", and turn from one gender to another when they feel one way or the other. Others stay male or female their entire lives. In my case I'm a female and I haven't felt the urge to change gender so far. In any case, I can understad this could be difficult for you all, so if you want to refer to me as "they" or "them" I won't have any problem. Thank you for asking, Hewelathan, that is thoughtful of you. Not many would care about asking this, you know?
- I am sorry if I pry to much, but now you got me confused. I heard word changeling from you before but now i think i now less than i anticipated. From what i understand now, you say there are others like you? who change their form but can have a choosing in it? Are they less cursed than you or what? I mean... i am confused. Is it the curse that make you change forms or not? And how did you looked like before? You must have had some original form did you not? Well... maybe not, but i can not form my mind around that idea. Could you please explain that a little to me?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
After the vigorous shake with Hewelathan, Flynn hears Rhaenys explanation and he says
"Wait wait wait... your people can change gender whenever they want?" he cannot, and doesn't make any effort, to hide his awe to this "But this... that is great I mean... just imagine the possibilities to... explore.... " he winks and smirks.
- "Changeling" is the name of our race. We come from the Feywild, much like eladrin, satyrs, fairies and other fey people. And shapeshifting is a natural ability for all of us, meaning that we can change shape at will. But this staff prevents me from doing so, and he forces shapeshifting upon me whenever he desires. Regarding my original look - he thinks for a moment, and seems like he's struggling to remember - By all the gods, I haven't seen my own face in so much time that it's hard for me to remember it. In any case, we changelings are usually palid skinned, white haired, white eyed and our lips are black or purple. We are not that common outside of the Feywild, and we don't usually wear our original face unless we are among people we fully trust, so we that's why are not that known. Nor trusted, for that matter - his eyes wander off when he says this, as if ashamed. Then continues - Also, we revert to our original form when we are unconcious. So if I'm ever knocked out in a fight, you'll be able see my original form.
When Flynn speaks, dwarven Rhaneys laughs openly:
- My, my! And you looked so naive all this time!
The sorcerer then grabs the neckline of his clothes - which of course, is still a very feminine gown, as Rhaenys hasn't changed clothing - to allow him to take a peek. He arches his bushy brows and says:
With all the shopping done and a bit of interesting discussion, the party sets out on their journey!
As you walk, you may notice that the weather has gotten much less pleasant than it was yesterday when you arrived at the temple. Even so, the first day of travel is mostly uneventful as you plod through rain and mud.
How are you travelling? Are you going through the woods, or just following the road? If you decide to use the woods, I'll need a Survival check from someone to guide the party (with advantage if someone else wants to provide help with that).
Hewelathan says, "Oh! You misunderstand me, Rhaenys. I meant that if it's only a 2-day walk on the road, we should just take the road. A shortcut wouldn't take us so deep into the Wild, but it also would not save us much time. But if the group wants to try a shortcut, I can try to chart one for us."
(OOC: I assume that Hewelathan could attempt to guide them between his proficiency in survival and nature.)
Hewelathan originally advocated for just taking the road since a shortcut wouldn't save them much time vs. a 2-day journey by road. But if the others prefer a hike through the wilderness instead of taking the road, Hewelathan is happy to agree to the group's consensus.
If the rest of the group votes on taking a shortcut through the wilderness, Hewelathan will try to guide them with Tytus's help. (OOC: No peeking until the group decides whether to take a shortcut. 🙈)
As we march out of the temple towards the port town Tytus will answer to Rhaenys and then advocate his idea of journey:
- Well then mister dwarf Rhaenys that is mighty interesting, i have heard of Faywild, just not much about it. I mostly were taught about nine hells and some about gods, and a little about vampires and other dangers dwelling outside city walls. /Tytus tries to make himself not look entirely ignorant/ Have you lived in Feywild?
- About our trek to port city, i would advocate to take the path off the road. I see that the weather is not really pleasing right now, but my concern is That dark persona who intruded the temple meeting with High priest. We would make ourselves easy targets on the road for him, and i do remind you that he did threaten to get back at us. We could use the forest and go along unseen.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
"Though I have no love for the wilderness above ground, there is wisdom in staying hidden. More so since, as you say, we do seem to have an enemy looking for us. If you feel confident to guide us through the wood I will trust you."Korba says.
When Jodie asks about hitting the road, the sorceress says:
- Yeah, you're totally right! Let's go. By the way, I would love to hear your music during our journey, I'm sure it will make the coming days nicer. Do you know "Down by the river"? I love that song!
"Hmm, I don't know that one. I will play something on the road."
And so the party sets out into the woods, guided easily by Hewelathan's expertise. Most of the day passes uneventfully... excluding the rain that seems to follow you relentlessly. But as it gets closer to evening, the Druid starts to get the feeling that something is amiss... it doesn't take an expert tracker long to figure out that the party is approaching a campsite.
What do you do?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
"I would appreciate the tips for sure and... I wanted to apologize for yesterday I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and acted on prejuice..."
"You were being cautious I've never heard of such a thing like a good drow before" interjects the other, more booming voice
"Would you just be quiet now? See you still have things to learn too..." he turns to Korba "Sorry about that... we are... adjusting to each other... Seems that your father was a great warrior... he was the elf or... " it's clear that as soon as he starts asking he regrets "Sorry... didn't meant to pry... your sword also demands you? Mine has changed my whole life man!" he changes subjects in case the half-elf doesn't want to dabble in his past after his slip.
Flynn looks around, amazed and confused, then he looks down to his new belt and moans
"Oh come on... you too? Not this again... "
PbP Character: A few ;)
“My father’s line is mostly elf…” Korba says, adding, “And that is why blade is… tougher to control… than perhaps it intends. Elven blades are passed down through the generations, and not all feel it should have chosen me… Drow are less understanding of others than most races, and this treatment has meant that I could never quite call myself one, though I lived amongst them, I cannot say that I disagree with everything they do. That said, my life is shorter than theirs, so I intend to not waste it making enemies when allies are available.”
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
"That sounds quite wise... I used to live making friends, but now it seems that I am out looking for enemies..." he sighs
PbP Character: A few ;)
Rhaenys starts laughing and has to cover her mouth with a hand for a moment, then finally says:
- I'm sorry. That was me. I was just messing with you.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Jodie listens attentively to the priestesses tale of the Lich with the adopted daughter. "Fascinating, the Lich's story would make an interesting ballad. I thought all Undead creatures loathe the living, as it reminds them what they lost. The strength of will here seems stronger than nature. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out..."
Jodie stares when he sees how the other cursed items 'speak out' to their owners. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with Smiler on a constant basis. I hope you can control those personalities. I have heard tales of powerful magic items taking control of their owners. Hopefully that doesn't happen to either of you." She smiles awkwardly and changes back to lighter topics.
"Well then, shall we take to the road? Best to get on while we've got light. Let me just see if I can sell my leather armor. I won't be needing it now that I've this lovely elven chain."
Jodie gets directions to the nearest armorer so she might sell her old armor for whatever coin she can get.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Flynn stares at Rhaenys confused... then intenseily and he suddenly says in the booming voice.
"That's not how it works you moron... just talk to her!"
He blinks and looks at Rhaenys.. "Oh well... I see.. yeah you really got me, you know... I had no good experiences with voices in my mind please... don't do that again... unless you warn me, but then it wouldn't be funny... or maybe you can't... ok let's say you do whenever you want or need but please tell me it's you... "
PbP Character: A few ;)
Rhaenys smiles and says:
- Sorry, Flynn. And sorry to you too, Master Sword. Excuse me, do you have a name? Anyway, I'll try to warn you next time. But just so you all know, and because this could turn out to be useful, I can stablish a telepathic link to any of you for a short while and it lasts even if we are a few miles apart. We could use it if we ever need to split the party.
When Jodie asks about hitting the road, the sorceress says:
- Yeah, you're totally right! Let's go. By the way, I would love to hear your music during our journey, I'm sure it will make the coming days nicer. Do you know "Down by the river"? I love that song!
Baldur's Gate 3 anyone? hehe
As she motions to stand up, the staff says in her head "Well well. Why don't we give you a more appropriate shape for the coming journey? Something stout perhaps?" and by the time Rhaenys has finished standing up, she now has the shape of a middle aged male dwarf. Short, strong, with long red hair and a think braided and even longer beard.
"There. Stout".
- Gods dammit! - the dwarf exclaims with a deep voice, and quickly covers his mouth with the hands. They are still in a holy temple after all - Of course, it had to be something hairy!!!
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
"His name is Truthseeker " replies Flynn to Rhaenys "And by all the Gods, he takes is own name too serious... Do not blaspheme!!" Flynn rolls his eyes " soorry..."
PbP Character: A few ;)
Hewelathan's eyes go wide at Jodie's words. A sword taking control of its wielder! What has he gotten himself into? He glances down at his belt, but it remains quiet.
Hewelathan gives a happy, hearty laugh, saying, "Ho ho! Then friends we shall be, Flinn! And your talkative sword, Truthseeker, too!" He reaches out a hand to give you a vigorous hand-shake, surprisingly strong for such a small half-elf.
"Telepathy? Speaking mind-to-mind? That is a wondrous power, indeed!", Hewelathan says. He seems particularly interested in this ability of Rhaenys.
Hewelathan asks, " would you like us to address you when you change your outer form?" He seems a bit embarrassed to be asking, but he realizes that it'll matter as soon as the group goes out in the world together "Do you still go by the name Rhaenys? Do we continue to refer to you as 'she' even when you take an apparently male form? For example, it might be confusing to strangers if you said something and then I referred to what 'she' said while you're in this form."
Hewelathan thanks Sister Eila. Having seen the temple's maps and discussed their options, he's ready to leave the temple and gather some additional gear for their journey. It should only be a 2-day journey to the nearest port city, but he recommends that everyone pack at least 5 days of rations. "One never knows where the road may lead!"
After they finish shopping, they should still have at least half of a day left to travel. If their "shortcut" takes them immediately into the wilderness, they'll have to stop after about 4 hours to find a site and make camp. If they're staying on the road for the first few hours, they could go a little farther, but unless they want to camp by the side of the road, they'll need to find a town--or at least a farmer with a barn--where they can pay for a place to sleep.
(OOC: I have finished updating Hewelathan's inventory.)
- Yes, speaking mind-to-mind. This is fortunately not related to my curse. I've had that ability since I was very little. Me and my parents believe it was transmited by some ancestor that skipped them, because they were plain common changelings. I haven't always liked this power, but I've get used to it and it has its uses. But when I was little ... well... being different can be tough. Aberrant mind, they called me - for a moment Rhaenys' eyes focus in some distant point, remembering old times, but then she focuses on the druid again and smiles - But that's in the past! Being different isn't that bad, after all.
- Rhaenys is fine. And I guess I should be a "he" when I'm in a male form and a "she" when female. It isn't weird for changelings to keep changing pronouns even when they are in their changeling form. Some of them are what they call "genderfluid", and turn from one gender to another when they feel one way or the other. Others stay male or female their entire lives. In my case I'm a female and I haven't felt the urge to change gender so far. In any case, I can understad this could be difficult for you all, so if you want to refer to me as "they" or "them" I won't have any problem. Thank you for asking, Hewelathan, that is thoughtful of you. Not many would care about asking this, you know?
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Tytus were listening with awe for a while about talking swords and changing shapes, and telepathy. About telepathy he heard but the rest of that stuff is all new.
- I am sorry if I pry to much, but now you got me confused. I heard word changeling from you before but now i think i now less than i anticipated. From what i understand now, you say there are others like you? who change their form but can have a choosing in it? Are they less cursed than you or what? I mean... i am confused. Is it the curse that make you change forms or not? And how did you looked like before? You must have had some original form did you not? Well... maybe not, but i can not form my mind around that idea. Could you please explain that a little to me?
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
After the vigorous shake with Hewelathan, Flynn hears Rhaenys explanation and he says
"Wait wait wait... your people can change gender whenever they want?" he cannot, and doesn't make any effort, to hide his awe to this "But this... that is great I mean... just imagine the possibilities to... explore.... " he winks and smirks.
PbP Character: A few ;)
The male dwarf answers Tytus first:
- "Changeling" is the name of our race. We come from the Feywild, much like eladrin, satyrs, fairies and other fey people. And shapeshifting is a natural ability for all of us, meaning that we can change shape at will. But this staff prevents me from doing so, and he forces shapeshifting upon me whenever he desires. Regarding my original look - he thinks for a moment, and seems like he's struggling to remember - By all the gods, I haven't seen my own face in so much time that it's hard for me to remember it. In any case, we changelings are usually palid skinned, white haired, white eyed and our lips are black or purple. We are not that common outside of the Feywild, and we don't usually wear our original face unless we are among people we fully trust, so we that's why are not that known. Nor trusted, for that matter - his eyes wander off when he says this, as if ashamed. Then continues - Also, we revert to our original form when we are unconcious. So if I'm ever knocked out in a fight, you'll be able see my original form.
When Flynn speaks, dwarven Rhaneys laughs openly:
- My, my! And you looked so naive all this time!
The sorcerer then grabs the neckline of his clothes - which of course, is still a very feminine gown, as Rhaenys hasn't changed clothing - to allow him to take a peek. He arches his bushy brows and says:
- Heh! This shape is certainly well equipped.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
With all the shopping done and a bit of interesting discussion, the party sets out on their journey!
As you walk, you may notice that the weather has gotten much less pleasant than it was yesterday when you arrived at the temple. Even so, the first day of travel is mostly uneventful as you plod through rain and mud.
How are you travelling? Are you going through the woods, or just following the road? If you decide to use the woods, I'll need a Survival check from someone to guide the party (with advantage if someone else wants to provide help with that).
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Hewelathan originally advocated for just taking the road since a shortcut wouldn't save them much time vs. a 2-day journey by road. But if the others prefer a hike through the wilderness instead of taking the road, Hewelathan is happy to agree to the group's consensus.
If the rest of the group votes on taking a shortcut through the wilderness, Hewelathan will try to guide them with Tytus's help. (OOC: No peeking until the group decides whether to take a shortcut. 🙈)
Survival 25
As we march out of the temple towards the port town Tytus will answer to Rhaenys and then advocate his idea of journey:
- Well then mister dwarf Rhaenys that is mighty interesting, i have heard of Faywild, just not much about it. I mostly were taught about nine hells and some about gods, and a little about vampires and other dangers dwelling outside city walls. /Tytus tries to make himself not look entirely ignorant/ Have you lived in Feywild?
- About our trek to port city, i would advocate to take the path off the road. I see that the weather is not really pleasing right now, but my concern is That dark persona who intruded the temple meeting with High priest. We would make ourselves easy targets on the road for him, and i do remind you that he did threaten to get back at us. We could use the forest and go along unseen.
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
"Though I have no love for the wilderness above ground, there is wisdom in staying hidden. More so since, as you say, we do seem to have an enemy looking for us. If you feel confident to guide us through the wood I will trust you." Korba says.
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
"Hmm, I don't know that one. I will play something on the road."
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
And so the party sets out into the woods, guided easily by Hewelathan's expertise. Most of the day passes uneventfully... excluding the rain that seems to follow you relentlessly. But as it gets closer to evening, the Druid starts to get the feeling that something is amiss... it doesn't take an expert tracker long to figure out that the party is approaching a campsite.
What do you do?
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!