It sounds like everyone is planning to go find yourselves a captain. Are you planning to travel on foot, join a caravan, or do you have something else in mind?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Jodie amends her comment, “Oh yeah, I guess we have a ways until we hit the port. I don’t have enough coin to buy a horse, nor does it make sense to purchase one if we are to set sail. Let’s see if we can hire transport.”
It sounds like everyone is planning to go find yourselves a captain. Are you planning to travel on foot, join a caravan, or do you have something else in mind?
Any response to Hewelathan's question? He'd like to ask Sister Eila about Lord Akkron before they leave the temple if she's available.
Once there are any priests available, he asks them for directions to the nearest port city on the sea. He also asks, "Is Sister Eila available at the temple? We would like to ask her some questions before we head out."
It sounds like everyone is planning to go find yourselves a captain. Are you planning to travel on foot, join a caravan, or do you have something else in mind?
Any response to Hewelathan's question? He'd like to ask Sister Eila about Lord Akkron before they leave the temple if she's available.
Once there are any priests available, he asks them for directions to the nearest port city on the sea. He also asks, "Is Sister Eila available at the temple? We would like to ask her some questions before we head out."
Oh, sorry, looks like I missed that post. Yes, if you want to speak to Sister Eila about Lord Akkron you can. You can find her saying her morning prayers.
There are plenty of maps available to help you find your way to the port if you wish to go on your own.
Watching Flynn doing his morning training, and seeing how they carry similar gear, Korba again approaches the knight and asks, “Where did you do your training? We might fight with a similar style. Sword and board is always safe and effective.”Then listening to the soldier talk with himself, and trying to connect everyone’s similarities, asks, “Is it your sword that makes you talk with yourself like that? It seems quite angry.”
To the others he says, “I would be happy to either sail or travel just with our group. No need to bring a caravan into this.”
Yes, if you want to speak to Sister Eila about Lord Akkron you can. You can find her saying her morning prayers.
Hewelathan doesn't want to disturb Sister Eila's devotions, but he asks her (or asks one of the initiates to ask her) to come find the group when she's done. They have some questions for her before they depart.
When Sister Eila comes to see them, Hewelathan thanks her and asks, "Could you tell us the story your meeting with the lich, Lord Akkron?"
There are plenty of maps available to help you find your way to the port if you wish to go on your own.
(OOC: Do we get to see those maps? 🙂)
When we look at the maps, what kind of terrain would the party be traveling through? Are there good, well-maintained roads between the temple and the port city? If it's only a 2-day journey by road, Hewelathan says, "It's probably not worth it to strike off through the wilderness just to get there a little sooner. You don't win a long race by sprinting the first mile."
Yes, if you want to speak to Sister Eila about Lord Akkron you can. You can find her saying her morning prayers.
Hewelathan doesn't want to disturb Sister Eila's devotions, but he asks her (or asks one of the initiates to ask her) to come find the group when she's done. They have some questions for her before they depart.
When Sister Eila comes to see them, Hewelathan thanks her and asks, "Could you tell us the story your meeting with the lich, Lord Akkron?"
There are plenty of maps available to help you find your way to the port if you wish to go on your own.
(OOC: Do we get to see those maps? 🙂)
When we look at the maps, what kind of terrain would the party be traveling through? Are there good, well-maintained roads between the temple and the port city? If it's only a 2-day journey by road, Hewelathan says, "It's probably not worth it to strike off through the wilderness just to get there a little sooner. You don't win a long race by sprinting the first mile."
(OOC: I'll see what I can do about getting a good map; might take me a little while).
The priestess takes a few moments to collect her thoughts (info dump coming).
"I only met the lich himself briefly,"she says at last. "But... I got to know someone close to him very well, a young half-orc by the name of Bridgette. Some time ago, both of us were snatched from our realm and transported to a pocket dimension ruled by a dark sorcerer known as King Coleborn. I don't really know how or why we were taken, but I know I would have died several times if Bridgette hadn't been there to help me.
Bridgette was... is... a warlock bound to Lord Akkron. I... I won't lie, when I first met her I thought she must be an insane death cultist to serve such a master. But time and again she revealed herself to be one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met, who wouldn't hesitate to risk her life to protect the innocent, especially children. I couldn't understand why someone like her would serve a one of the undead, but I also couldn't deny that I had misjudged her.
Eventually, I had to ask her why she would serve a lich. She explained to me that she grew up as a slave, working in the mines of the Underdark for cruel Drow masters. She had no hope, until she met Lord Akkron. The lich appeared to settle a score with the Drow... and after the battle he set all those who were being held in bondage by the Dark Elves free. But... Bridgette didn't have a home to return to when she was set free. So she asked the lich, ironically the only being who had ever shown her kindness, to take her in and teach her the ways of magic..."
The priestess shivers at the thought of her friend so broken and desperate, but she quickly regains her composure.
"...I of course assumed that Lord Akkron saw her as a pawn in some grand scheme, and that she was taken in because she was desperate and naïve. But I was proven wrong a second time when I finally met him. It turned out that he had scoured the multiverse to find her after her interdimensional abduction, using his vast powers to track her down and rescue her from that accursed place. He delivered both of us, and I had to know... I asked him why.
He told me that, when he was still a mortal man, he had a daughter who was murdered by the servants of Lolth. And... that was why he delivered Bridgette from captivity, why he decided to take her in and teach her. She reminded him of his own little girl that he lost all those years ago."
The priestess smiles sadly as she remembers the encounter.
"Well... I won't say that I think he is a good creature. I am sure that he has done many ruthless things over the years in his quest for revenge, and I don't want to think about what he must have done to become what he is now... but... I know that if he can still feel that grief after all these years, and if he can show that much care for another being, then he hasn't lost all of his humanity."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Tytus wakes up massaging his right foot ankle, takes a deep breath and then stands up to start his day. After brief breakfast he says he has to exchange a few things before they march out and will be right back. It really did not took him long, when he gets back, he has attached to his backpack a rolled blanket. When talks about way of travel occurs he gives his thought:
- I would advocate for traveling by ourselves, what if that shady person from before is only waiting for us to leave temple premises? I do not know how should we manage if he would be to find us on the road, but i think it would be easier to fight or even to flee if we are on our own able to run trough forest. Rather than being big target with caravan full of bystanders.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
“Any undead has lost their humanity. By definition.” Korba says after listening to the priestess. “But if this is true perhaps this lich is less, evil? than others… if that is possible. Though… I do worry about any prejudices he may have towards my kind. Though the young knight here accepted was willing to accept me into the group, an evil Demi-god who seeks revenge against servants of Lolth might not recognize that not all of us worship the Spider Queen.” Hefting his gear into place on his back he adds, “But we seem to have no other option if we are to solve our individual issues. Let us hike to the port, steal, or buy, a boat since it will be tough to convince anyone to take us, and see what this lich can offer, and what he will demand…”
- Adversity makes strange bedfellows - Rhaenys mutters when hearing Akkron's story - Let's see how this Akkron can help us. But for a lich, he doesn't sound that bad so far.
Listening to everyone's opinion on how to reach a port city, she says:
- Okay, let's not go with a caravan, then. Cutting our way through the wilderness sounds good if that means reaching the port sooner. Any suggestion on a shortcut, Hewelathan? - she asks while taking a look at the map over the druid's shoulder.
The priestess takes a few moments to collect her thoughts (info dump coming).
Hewelathan says, "That's an extraordinary adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us, and thank the gods for Bridgette! We are glad that you survived."
When Sister Eila is done with her story, Hewelathan has a few questions:
"What happened to this dark sorcerer, King Coleborn? I can't imagine that Lord Akkron would be happy with the sorcerer for snatching away a warlock bound to him! Does King Coleburn still live?"
"What does Lord Akkron look like? Does he appear like a regular person? Or is his undeath obvious? Like a walking skeleton?"
"Other than this warlock, Bridgette, and the memory of his lost daughter, do you know of anything else that Lord Akkron values?"
"We were told that Lord Akkron resides on the Shaded Isle, somewhere in the Sea of Swords. Did you ever go there? Or did you only see the lich when he rescued you and Bridgette from the pocket dimension?"
“Any undead has lost their humanity. By definition.”
Hewelathan agrees with that sentiment: "Indeed! Mortals are born, we live our lives, and then we die only to be reborn anew. All undead are unnatural and an offense against the laws of Nature!"
Though… I do worry about any prejudices he may have towards my kind. Though the young knight here accepted was willing to accept me into the group, an evil Demi-god who seeks revenge against servants of Lolth might not recognize that all of us worship the Spider Queen.
Hewlathan had not caught that detail, "That's a good point, Korba. We wouldn't want Lord Akkron to attack you or even refuse to help us because of some prejudice against all drow elves. We'll have to think about how to handle that before we reach the Shaded Isle."
- Adversity makes strange bedfellows - Rhaenys mutters when hearing Akkron's story - Let's see how this Akkron can help us. But for a lich, he doesn't sound that bad so far.
Hewelathan practically growls, "Strange indeed! But as Korba said, we don't have other options. We wouldn't last long against the necromancer, Firion, and all of his followers on our own. Better to risk getting close to the bear when there's a hungry mountain lion nearby."
Listening to everyone's opinion on how to reach a port city, she says:
- Okay, let's not go with a caravan, then. Cutting our way through the wilderness sounds good if that means reaching the port sooner. Any suggestion on a shortcut, Hewelathan? - she asks while taking a look at the map over the druid's shoulder.
Hewelathan says, "Oh! You misunderstand me, Rhaenys. I meant that if it's only a 2-day walk on the road, we should just take the road. A shortcut wouldn't take us so deep into the Wild, but it also would not save us much time. But if the group wants to try a shortcut, I can try to chart one for us."
(OOC: I assume that Hewelathan could attempt to guide them between his proficiency in survival and nature.)
"What happened to this dark sorcerer, King Coleborn? I can't imagine that Lord Akkron would be happy with the sorcerer for snatching away a warlock bound to him! Does King Coleburn still live?"
"I honestly don't know what became of King Coleborn... but I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Akkron decided to take vengeance after he made sure that Bridgette was safe."
"What does Lord Akkron look like? Does he appear like a regular person? Or is his undeath obvious? Like a walking skeleton?"
"He never made any attempt to hide his undead nature... though I'm sure he could if he wanted to. His body is mostly skeletal... I think his most distinguishing feature is that his bones are surrounded by a kind of ethereal mist."
"Other than this warlock, Bridgette, and the memory of his lost daughter, do you know of anything else that Lord Akkron values?"
"I didn't exactly have tea and a long philosophical discussion with him," the priestess says with a half-hearted chuckle. "But... I think he considers himself to be a necessary evil in opposition to the greater evils perpetrated by Lolth's followers. And judging by what Bridgette told me, he does his best to keep collateral damage to a minimum. So I suppose he still has a sense of justice that he seeks to uphold... though... his idea of 'justice' is probably quite similar to that of a mummy zealously destroying those who desecrate its tomb... that is to say, his wrath doesn't fall upon those who haven't done something to earn it, but it may well be disproportionate to the offense they actually committed."
"We were told that Lord Akkron resides on the Shaded Isle, somewhere in the Sea of Swords. Did you ever go there? Or did you only see the lich when he rescued you and Bridgette from the pocket dimension?"
"I'm afraid I haven't been to the island. As far as I know, there is a small settlement near the shore, though I don't know what kind of people would choose to live there. The rest of the island is covered in ruins of a once-great city."
“Any undead has lost their humanity. By definition.” Korba says after listening to the priestess. “But if this is true perhaps this lich is less, evil? than others… if that is possible. Though… I do worry about any prejudices he may have towards my kind. Though the young knight here accepted was willing to accept me into the group, an evil Demi-god who seeks revenge against servants of Lolth might not recognize that all of us worship the Spider Queen.” Hefting his gear into place on his back he adds, “But we seem to have no other option if we are to solve our individual issues. Let us hike to the port, steal, or buy, a boat since it will be tough to convince anyone to take us, and see what this lich can offer, and what he will demand…”
The priestess considers the half-Drow's concern carefully.
"I don't think that he will destroy you on sight for your heritage," she says slowly. "Especially as you are only half-Drow. But... I would suggest being very careful not to antagonize him. And if at all possible, maybe try to contact Bridgette before you speak to Lord Akkron himself."
(OOC: Yes, Hewelathan could certainly attempt to guide his fellow accursed through the forest if you want to... if you roll well enough, you might be able to cut half a day or so off your journey)
“Any undead has lost their humanity. By definition.” Korba says after listening to the priestess. “But if this is true perhaps this lich is less, evil? than others… if that is possible. Though… I do worry about any prejudices he may have towards my kind. Though the young knight here accepted was willing to accept me into the group, an evil Demi-god who seeks revenge against servants of Lolth might not recognize that all of us worship the Spider Queen.” Hefting his gear into place on his back he adds, “But we seem to have no other option if we are to solve our individual issues. Let us hike to the port, steal, or buy, a boat since it will be tough to convince anyone to take us, and see what this lich can offer, and what he will demand…”
The priestess considers the half-Drow's concern carefully.
"I don't think that he will destroy you on sight for your heritage," she says slowly. "Especially as you are only half-Drow. But... I would suggest being very careful not to antagonize him. And if at all possible, maybe try to contact Bridgette before you speak to Lord Akkron himself."
"An ambassador would be helpful," Korba says with a nod, adding, "Will she be on the island?"
((sorry if I missed her location already being given))
"As far as I know she lives in the settlement that I mentioned," the priestess replies. "I doubt it will be difficult to find her once you reach the island."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Watching Flynn doing his morning training, and seeing how they carry similar gear, Korba again approaches the knight and asks, “Where did you do your training? We might fight with a similar style. Sword and board is always safe and effective.”Then listening to the soldier talk with himself, and trying to connect everyone’s similarities, asks, “Is it your sword that makes you talk with yourself like that? It seems quite angry.”
Flynn smiles to Korba "He does, doesn't he? but to be honest I think that most of the time he is just dissapointed at me.. " he tries to smile again but it's clear that he is a little bit ashamed.
" You see... " he hesitates for a moment as if he was about to start a history but, on second thought he decides otherwise " I haven't really had too much training... I just started this... path. The clerics and paladins of the Tyr temple teached me the basis of swordfighting and to use the shield but I must be honest I am not too good at it... " To Korba it seems that the word "must" was a little bit heavy on Flynn's mouth. "What about you? Where did you learn to fight? "
Hearing the history of Bridggite, the priestess and the lich fills Flynn both iwth awe and fear.
"Do you... do you think he decided to become a lich... just to have enough time to take revenge with the drow? they are certainly long lived elves after all... Can you imagine the pain he had been suffering to decide on doing such a thing like become an undead just to stop the evil drow for all eternity?" He stops and looks to his right as if someone where whispering to him. "Well ok ok, he is an undead and should be destroyed... but one could be allowed to feel pity for the dammed... oh come on!! as if you had never made a bad life choice... well.. un-life in this case I guess... what? no, no way we are not going to destroy this lich, I do not care how noble, heroic or glorious that quest would be... the guy seems pretty decent to me... I said no... do you want me to tell you that we are going to, even if I had no intention to do that? do you want me to lie? .... hmmm that'ss what I thought. He seems powerful enough to just vanish us with a snap of his fingers, and do not forget that he is the only hope for this kind people and we are meant to help people right? good... now please can you leave me alone while I try not to look like a mad man? Thank you..."
He then looks back to the party "Oh! I am sorry... what we were saying? shortcut through the forest, rent, not steal, not a good idea, a boat, reach the island, befriend a lich, perhaps use his adoptive daughter as leverage, I mean... ambassador to make introductions. Hope that necromancer or his lackeys attack us in the forests... sounds like a plan to me... "
Flynn smiles to Korba "He does, doesn't he? but to be honest I think that most of the time he is just dissapointed at me.. " he tries to smile again but it's clear that he is a little bit ashamed.
" You see... " he hesitates for a moment as if he was about to start a history but, on second thought he decides otherwise " I haven't really had too much training... I just started this... path. The clerics and paladins of the Tyr temple teached me the basis of swordfighting and to use the shield but I must be honest I am not too good at it... " To Korba it seems that the word "must" was a little bit heavy on Flynn's mouth. "What about you? Where did you learn to fight? "
"You seem a bit of a natural then,"Korba says, "though I'll gladly give you some tips as we go."Gripping his sword for a moment he pauses and then continues, "My father taught me the basics, and then life forced me to practice, and later I was tasked with helping the youngins learn what my father had showed me to prepare them for their official training later. My blade also... grants me power from a greater being, while also demanding a bit of me."
When Flynn starts talking to someone inexistent, Rhaenys smiles. Does he have an intruder on his mind, like her? She wants to ask but this time she decides to do it differently. Just out of curiosity ... oh well ... who is she trying to lie to: this is mostly for causing a little mischief. And the paladin was so jumpy the day before that he seemed the perfect target.
So she looks at the paladin, and he hears in his mind:
- Does your sword talk to you in your mind too? My staff does the same! I thought your weapon only spoke aloud, but through your mouth.
At the same time, Rhaenys hears in hers:
"See? You and I aren't so different. We only want to have a little fun!"
Jodie eats her breakfast merrily, but finds the company of the priests rather droll. She packs up quickly, eager to move on.
“Let’s find ourselves a captain, eh?”
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
It sounds like everyone is planning to go find yourselves a captain. Are you planning to travel on foot, join a caravan, or do you have something else in mind?
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Jodie amends her comment, “Oh yeah, I guess we have a ways until we hit the port. I don’t have enough coin to buy a horse, nor does it make sense to purchase one if we are to set sail. Let’s see if we can hire transport.”
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Any response to Hewelathan's question? He'd like to ask Sister Eila about Lord Akkron before they leave the temple if she's available.
Oh, sorry, looks like I missed that post. Yes, if you want to speak to Sister Eila about Lord Akkron you can. You can find her saying her morning prayers.
There are plenty of maps available to help you find your way to the port if you wish to go on your own.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Watching Flynn doing his morning training, and seeing how they carry similar gear, Korba again approaches the knight and asks, “Where did you do your training? We might fight with a similar style. Sword and board is always safe and effective.” Then listening to the soldier talk with himself, and trying to connect everyone’s similarities, asks, “Is it your sword that makes you talk with yourself like that? It seems quite angry.”
To the others he says, “I would be happy to either sail or travel just with our group. No need to bring a caravan into this.”
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
Hewelathan doesn't want to disturb Sister Eila's devotions, but he asks her (or asks one of the initiates to ask her) to come find the group when she's done. They have some questions for her before they depart.
When Sister Eila comes to see them, Hewelathan thanks her and asks, "Could you tell us the story your meeting with the lich, Lord Akkron?"
(OOC: Do we get to see those maps? 🙂)
When we look at the maps, what kind of terrain would the party be traveling through? Are there good, well-maintained roads between the temple and the port city? If it's only a 2-day journey by road, Hewelathan says, "It's probably not worth it to strike off through the wilderness just to get there a little sooner. You don't win a long race by sprinting the first mile."
(OOC: I'll see what I can do about getting a good map; might take me a little while).
The priestess takes a few moments to collect her thoughts (info dump coming).
"I only met the lich himself briefly," she says at last. "But... I got to know someone close to him very well, a young half-orc by the name of Bridgette. Some time ago, both of us were snatched from our realm and transported to a pocket dimension ruled by a dark sorcerer known as King Coleborn. I don't really know how or why we were taken, but I know I would have died several times if Bridgette hadn't been there to help me.
Bridgette was... is... a warlock bound to Lord Akkron. I... I won't lie, when I first met her I thought she must be an insane death cultist to serve such a master. But time and again she revealed herself to be one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met, who wouldn't hesitate to risk her life to protect the innocent, especially children. I couldn't understand why someone like her would serve a one of the undead, but I also couldn't deny that I had misjudged her.
Eventually, I had to ask her why she would serve a lich. She explained to me that she grew up as a slave, working in the mines of the Underdark for cruel Drow masters. She had no hope, until she met Lord Akkron. The lich appeared to settle a score with the Drow... and after the battle he set all those who were being held in bondage by the Dark Elves free. But... Bridgette didn't have a home to return to when she was set free. So she asked the lich, ironically the only being who had ever shown her kindness, to take her in and teach her the ways of magic..."
The priestess shivers at the thought of her friend so broken and desperate, but she quickly regains her composure.
"...I of course assumed that Lord Akkron saw her as a pawn in some grand scheme, and that she was taken in because she was desperate and naïve. But I was proven wrong a second time when I finally met him. It turned out that he had scoured the multiverse to find her after her interdimensional abduction, using his vast powers to track her down and rescue her from that accursed place. He delivered both of us, and I had to know... I asked him why.
He told me that, when he was still a mortal man, he had a daughter who was murdered by the servants of Lolth. And... that was why he delivered Bridgette from captivity, why he decided to take her in and teach her. She reminded him of his own little girl that he lost all those years ago."
The priestess smiles sadly as she remembers the encounter.
"Well... I won't say that I think he is a good creature. I am sure that he has done many ruthless things over the years in his quest for revenge, and I don't want to think about what he must have done to become what he is now... but... I know that if he can still feel that grief after all these years, and if he can show that much care for another being, then he hasn't lost all of his humanity."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Tytus wakes up massaging his right foot ankle, takes a deep breath and then stands up to start his day. After brief breakfast he says he has to exchange a few things before they march out and will be right back. It really did not took him long, when he gets back, he has attached to his backpack a rolled blanket. When talks about way of travel occurs he gives his thought:
- I would advocate for traveling by ourselves, what if that shady person from before is only waiting for us to leave temple premises? I do not know how should we manage if he would be to find us on the road, but i think it would be easier to fight or even to flee if we are on our own able to run trough forest. Rather than being big target with caravan full of bystanders.
Currently playing: DM - Dragon of Icespire Peak | Tytus Wolan - Warlock (Chronicles of the Accursed) | Biezdar Kamrazzan - Warrior (Icespire Peak)
“Any undead has lost their humanity. By definition.” Korba says after listening to the priestess. “But if this is true perhaps this lich is less, evil? than others… if that is possible. Though… I do worry about any prejudices he may have towards my kind. Though the young knight here accepted was willing to accept me into the group, an evil Demi-god who seeks revenge against servants of Lolth might not recognize that not all of us worship the Spider Queen.” Hefting his gear into place on his back he adds, “But we seem to have no other option if we are to solve our individual issues. Let us hike to the port, steal, or buy, a boat since it will be tough to convince anyone to take us, and see what this lich can offer, and what he will demand…”
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
- Adversity makes strange bedfellows - Rhaenys mutters when hearing Akkron's story - Let's see how this Akkron can help us. But for a lich, he doesn't sound that bad so far.
Listening to everyone's opinion on how to reach a port city, she says:
- Okay, let's not go with a caravan, then. Cutting our way through the wilderness sounds good if that means reaching the port sooner. Any suggestion on a shortcut, Hewelathan? - she asks while taking a look at the map over the druid's shoulder.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Hewelathan says, "That's an extraordinary adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us, and thank the gods for Bridgette! We are glad that you survived."
When Sister Eila is done with her story, Hewelathan has a few questions:
"What happened to this dark sorcerer, King Coleborn? I can't imagine that Lord Akkron would be happy with the sorcerer for snatching away a warlock bound to him! Does King Coleburn still live?"
"What does Lord Akkron look like? Does he appear like a regular person? Or is his undeath obvious? Like a walking skeleton?"
"Other than this warlock, Bridgette, and the memory of his lost daughter, do you know of anything else that Lord Akkron values?"
"We were told that Lord Akkron resides on the Shaded Isle, somewhere in the Sea of Swords. Did you ever go there? Or did you only see the lich when he rescued you and Bridgette from the pocket dimension?"
After Sister Eila is done sharing her story...
Hewelathan agrees with that sentiment: "Indeed! Mortals are born, we live our lives, and then we die only to be reborn anew. All undead are unnatural and an offense against the laws of Nature!"
Hewlathan had not caught that detail, "That's a good point, Korba. We wouldn't want Lord Akkron to attack you or even refuse to help us because of some prejudice against all drow elves. We'll have to think about how to handle that before we reach the Shaded Isle."
Hewelathan practically growls, "Strange indeed! But as Korba said, we don't have other options. We wouldn't last long against the necromancer, Firion, and all of his followers on our own. Better to risk getting close to the bear when there's a hungry mountain lion nearby."
Hewelathan says, "Oh! You misunderstand me, Rhaenys. I meant that if it's only a 2-day walk on the road, we should just take the road. A shortcut wouldn't take us so deep into the Wild, but it also would not save us much time. But if the group wants to try a shortcut, I can try to chart one for us."
(OOC: I assume that Hewelathan could attempt to guide them between his proficiency in survival and nature.)
The priestess is a little bit caught off guard by the barrage of questions, but she does her best to answer all of them.
"I honestly don't know what became of King Coleborn... but I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Akkron decided to take vengeance after he made sure that Bridgette was safe."
"He never made any attempt to hide his undead nature... though I'm sure he could if he wanted to. His body is mostly skeletal... I think his most distinguishing feature is that his bones are surrounded by a kind of ethereal mist."
"I didn't exactly have tea and a long philosophical discussion with him," the priestess says with a half-hearted chuckle. "But... I think he considers himself to be a necessary evil in opposition to the greater evils perpetrated by Lolth's followers. And judging by what Bridgette told me, he does his best to keep collateral damage to a minimum. So I suppose he still has a sense of justice that he seeks to uphold... though... his idea of 'justice' is probably quite similar to that of a mummy zealously destroying those who desecrate its tomb... that is to say, his wrath doesn't fall upon those who haven't done something to earn it, but it may well be disproportionate to the offense they actually committed."
"I'm afraid I haven't been to the island. As far as I know, there is a small settlement near the shore, though I don't know what kind of people would choose to live there. The rest of the island is covered in ruins of a once-great city."
The priestess considers the half-Drow's concern carefully.
"I don't think that he will destroy you on sight for your heritage," she says slowly. "Especially as you are only half-Drow. But... I would suggest being very careful not to antagonize him. And if at all possible, maybe try to contact Bridgette before you speak to Lord Akkron himself."
(OOC: Yes, Hewelathan could certainly attempt to guide his fellow accursed through the forest if you want to... if you roll well enough, you might be able to cut half a day or so off your journey)
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"An ambassador would be helpful," Korba says with a nod, adding, "Will she be on the island?"
((sorry if I missed her location already being given))
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
"As far as I know she lives in the settlement that I mentioned," the priestess replies. "I doubt it will be difficult to find her once you reach the island."
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Flynn smiles to Korba "He does, doesn't he? but to be honest I think that most of the time he is just dissapointed at me.. " he tries to smile again but it's clear that he is a little bit ashamed.
" You see... " he hesitates for a moment as if he was about to start a history but, on second thought he decides otherwise " I haven't really had too much training... I just started this... path. The clerics and paladins of the Tyr temple teached me the basis of swordfighting and to use the shield but I must be honest I am not too good at it... " To Korba it seems that the word "must" was a little bit heavy on Flynn's mouth.
"What about you? Where did you learn to fight? "
PbP Character: A few ;)
Hearing the history of Bridggite, the priestess and the lich fills Flynn both iwth awe and fear.
"Do you... do you think he decided to become a lich... just to have enough time to take revenge with the drow? they are certainly long lived elves after all... Can you imagine the pain he had been suffering to decide on doing such a thing like become an undead just to stop the evil drow for all eternity?"
He stops and looks to his right as if someone where whispering to him. "Well ok ok, he is an undead and should be destroyed... but one could be allowed to feel pity for the dammed... oh come on!! as if you had never made a bad life choice... well.. un-life in this case I guess... what? no, no way we are not going to destroy this lich, I do not care how noble, heroic or glorious that quest would be... the guy seems pretty decent to me... I said no... do you want me to tell you that we are going to, even if I had no intention to do that? do you want me to lie? .... hmmm that'ss what I thought. He seems powerful enough to just vanish us with a snap of his fingers, and do not forget that he is the only hope for this kind people and we are meant to help people right? good... now please can you leave me alone while I try not to look like a mad man? Thank you..."
He then looks back to the party "Oh! I am sorry... what we were saying? shortcut through the forest, rent, not steal, not a good idea, a boat, reach the island, befriend a lich, perhaps use his adoptive daughter as leverage, I mean... ambassador to make introductions. Hope that necromancer or his lackeys attack us in the forests... sounds like a plan to me... "
PbP Character: A few ;)
"You seem a bit of a natural then," Korba says, "though I'll gladly give you some tips as we go." Gripping his sword for a moment he pauses and then continues, "My father taught me the basics, and then life forced me to practice, and later I was tasked with helping the youngins learn what my father had showed me to prepare them for their official training later. My blade also... grants me power from a greater being, while also demanding a bit of me."
PbP 🎲: Tyekanik; Moneo Noree; Korba Muris; & occasional DM:
When Flynn starts talking to someone inexistent, Rhaenys smiles. Does he have an intruder on his mind, like her? She wants to ask but this time she decides to do it differently. Just out of curiosity ... oh well ... who is she trying to lie to: this is mostly for causing a little mischief. And the paladin was so jumpy the day before that he seemed the perfect target.
So she looks at the paladin, and he hears in his mind:
- Does your sword talk to you in your mind too? My staff does the same! I thought your weapon only spoke aloud, but through your mouth.
At the same time, Rhaenys hears in hers:
"See? You and I aren't so different. We only want to have a little fun!"
"Shush!", the sorceress answers back.
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling