Dungeon Masters Only

Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Level 20 One shot in TWO DAYS >>
8 73
Maps Question - Lost Mines of Phandelver >>
by Solynde
13 402
Making Lifestyle Expenses Mechanical >>
by SquigsTheTruth
8 8,559
Please suggest some silly and powerful magic items for use in a game! >>
by CorniferBuggington
16 208
Earning Magic Items >>
by Sterbo0311
5 78
6 ways to use >>
by alexanderatoz
36 584
What would an ancient Drow house need from Zhentarim? >>
by Shreddingmaterial
2 39
What would a Night Hag do if she had a wish scroll on her hands? >>
by jamesopre49
6 63
Running House of Lament for 3 people >>
by RRRogue16
6 40
Digital Dungeon Master Screen >>
by lilpanther117
8 16,324
GM Food, snacks and drink? >>
by Ancient_Mutt
26 1,416
What's with all the... >>
by Latimus410
0 50
Need some final weapon form ideas >>
by StephenVillareale
3 39
Wow so I just keep having problems... (DM SOS) >>
by LocoCocoDraws2
19 123
Astral Plane Mechanics >>
by limlad
2 32
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