Dungeon Masters Only

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Trying to run a lmop game in 30 mins per session, Help! >> (1 Viewing)
by CorniferBuggington
3 13
Building Big Bads >>
by SaintofM
2 11
Why Is My Chemist Working Weekends (help with campaign plot)? >>
by CaptainCleverUsernameHere
0 11
writing group for DM's/story tellers/ world builders looking for members >>
by SatsumaSada
19 232
How do you deal with nat ones in combat? >>
by GracefulLion
61 14,953
BIG A** SPACE MONSTERS! >> (1 Viewing)
by Capatin_Crunch
3 19
i dont really understand reaction >>
by jackeierwackler
40 10,166
Player wants to have two characters and change them at will >>
by NeonManiac
25 1,190
Help with bad DM >> (1 Viewing)
by Noelvesplease
5 72
New DM for a four-player group >>
by pandalv829
11 100
Using Chat GPT to build random encounters >>
by MoesRSSS
11 79
How many pounds of pressure can a 10 ft. pole create? >>
by BiggusBeardus
7 46
Giving strongholds and/or titles >>
by Velstitzen
8 67
DM's Toolbox Video >>
by AEDorsay
1 24
Chatroom Apps for Players as Different Characters >>
by SquigsTheTruth
0 14
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