*I never want to read about velarization or syllable patterns again*
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Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
*I never want to read about velarization or syllable patterns again*
*Oh dear lord, never again please.*
*Have you ever conlanged personally?*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
*I never want to read about velarization or syllable patterns again*
*Oh dear lord, never again please.*
*Have you ever conlanged personally?*
*Unfortunately so..*
*My first one was a pretty basic PIE Esperanto-derivative just to say “Hey I made a lil language” but my second, Peroukiv (Pèloqif) tried to emulate Semitic language structure by angling/rotating consonantal symbols to imply vowel presence, inspired by Canadian Aboriginal languages, and mixed Old English and Hebrew roots with Japanese grammar elements. It was… horrific.*
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
“No one, no matter how hard they try will ever be a ‘good’ hero. The fact that you’re trying makes you good enough. Even I know that.” He says with a smile.
"Mn, I was never good. Not a good actor, not a good hero.." he sighs and stands up, rolling his neck "Which is why I have to do better."
“Ah the art of constant improvement, now that’s something I can get behind, fighting until I stand at the pinnacle of strength, leaving even the gods behind.”
"Something of the sort I suppose." He laughs "Have you been here long?"
“I’ve been here a while but I wouldn’t say a long time, how about you?”
"A few weeks, like... Three at most." He thinks.
“Ah, so I think I might have been here longer than you. That’s kinda crazy.” He says with a smile, chuckling.
He nods "Care to continue this conversation in the tavern where I'm not freezing to death?"
He nods, putting the staff on his shoulder “I didn’t even notice, but you’re right, it’s almost cold outside.” He gets walking to the tavern.
"How did you not notice it was getting cold?" He snorts, laughing a bit
“Numbed almost everything on my body, helps me fight more without worrying about pain and stuff.”
"But what if you are on fire? Would that be bad?"
“Oh yeah definitely. That would be bad, especially because I wouldn’t feel most of it.”
*I never want to read about velarization or syllable patterns again*
*Oh dear lord, never again please.*
*Have you ever conlanged personally?*
*Unfortunately so..*
*My first one was a pretty basic PIE Esperanto-derivative just to say “Hey I made a lil language” but my second, Peroukiv (Pèloqif) tried to emulate Semitic language structure by angling/rotating consonantal symbols to imply vowel presence, inspired by Canadian Aboriginal languages, and mixed Old English and Hebrew roots with Japanese grammar elements. It was… horrific.*
*what was yours?*
*Sometimes during 2009. I do not remember it because my brain wishes to forget everything I have learned my school day's.*
“No one, no matter how hard they try will ever be a ‘good’ hero. The fact that you’re trying makes you good enough. Even I know that.” He says with a smile.
"Mn, I was never good. Not a good actor, not a good hero.." he sighs and stands up, rolling his neck "Which is why I have to do better."
“Ah the art of constant improvement, now that’s something I can get behind, fighting until I stand at the pinnacle of strength, leaving even the gods behind.”
"Something of the sort I suppose." He laughs "Have you been here long?"
“I’ve been here a while but I wouldn’t say a long time, how about you?”
"A few weeks, like... Three at most." He thinks.
“Ah, so I think I might have been here longer than you. That’s kinda crazy.” He says with a smile, chuckling.
He nods "Care to continue this conversation in the tavern where I'm not freezing to death?"
He nods, putting the staff on his shoulder “I didn’t even notice, but you’re right, it’s almost cold outside.” He gets walking to the tavern.
"How did you not notice it was getting cold?" He snorts, laughing a bit
“Numbed almost everything on my body, helps me fight more without worrying about pain and stuff.”
"But what if you are on fire? Would that be bad?"
“Oh yeah definitely. That would be bad, especially because I wouldn’t feel most of it.”
"Mn, I agree. I rather like my nerve endings thank you." He laughs a bit.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*We are the legion.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*I want to create the most placid, calm, neutral character but have them look absolutely insane.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*I also kinda want to bring back my angel of knowledge, Genesis. He was funky.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*The funky lads are always the most fun :>*
*also sorry for gaps, i may or may not be passing out till my usual morning*
*Nah you're fine. You need to sleep :)*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*I never want to read about velarization or syllable patterns again*
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
This is just Jobah619 again btw
Protect trans kids
*Oh dear lord, never again please.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*Have you ever conlanged personally?*
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
This is just Jobah619 again btw
Protect trans kids
*Unfortunately so..*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*My first one was a pretty basic PIE Esperanto-derivative just to say “Hey I made a lil language” but my second, Peroukiv (Pèloqif) tried to emulate Semitic language structure by angling/rotating consonantal symbols to imply vowel presence, inspired by Canadian Aboriginal languages, and mixed Old English and Hebrew roots with Japanese grammar elements. It was… horrific.*
*what was yours?*
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
This is just Jobah619 again btw
Protect trans kids
“Oh yeah definitely. That would be bad, especially because I wouldn’t feel most of it.”
*Good morning.*
*Sometimes during 2009. I do not remember it because my brain wishes to forget everything I have learned my school day's.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
He sighs, looking up to the ceiling “I’ve got to do all of that? Even keeping you clothed? Yeah you should take some money for yourself.”
She gets herself something small to eat, taking pint sized bites, still nervous around them, but less.
He wraps her up in his arms, holding her with as much strength as he can, which isn’t very strong at the moment.
He just holds his head in his hands “Oh [gp] me. Please feed yourself the amount of food you need.”
"Mn, I agree. I rather like my nerve endings thank you." He laughs a bit.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*Hey Wendi. Amazing to see you again.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.