There is an ear-shattering boom as a prismatic triangle appears in the sky, lasting only long enough for a flaming vehicle to fling out of it, hurtling toward the ground at breakneck speeds. Behind its crash course lingers a trail of smoke and a few falling debris. Eventually it curves below the treeline, quickly followed by another thundering crash. Smoke rises steadily from the impact location in the distance.
There is an ear-shattering boom as a prismatic triangle appears in the sky, lasting only long enough for a flaming vehicle to fling out of it, hurtling toward the ground at breakneck speeds. Behind its crash course lingers a trail of smoke and a few falling debris. Eventually it curves below the treeline, quickly followed by another thundering crash. Smoke rises steadily from the impact location in the distance.
*Heres the ship if ya wanna see*
Isaac heads over to the impact zone
Already there is movement near the craft as it smolders in its impact crater, a long gorge cut suddenly through the dirt and trees. A bipedal creature angrily throws a burnt-up piece of metal plating deep into the woods, shouting in a language that sounds like a mixture of grunts, growls, and vaguely word-sounding noises. It seems mighty pissed off at the moment and doesn't appear to have noticed him yet.
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
He chuckles “Helps when I get stabbed in the arm or something though.” He opens the door for them onto the tavern.
*Oh no! My one weakness! Vibrantly colored hearts! Like the Care Bears!*
Brody snorts and smooths out his button-up shirt "I always hated the cold... More of a warm weather guy."
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
“Not much of a fan either, heard the summers here are almost tropical though. That’ll be fun to see if I end up staying here that long.”
"I'm hoping now that I do as well." He sighs, rolling his shoulder and grumbling about the cold.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
They arrive the Lord’s Rest Inn and Shen walks into the much warmer building, that same little smirk on his face as always.
Brody shucks off his coat, folding it and hanging it up on the coat rack. He sits at the bar, ordering a vodka shot from them.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
(morning wendo)
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Was it wrong? Was it right?
Should we be here at all?
We've caused pain
Through our crimes
How far will we fall?
*How ya doin Wendi? I forgot to ask, other than bein tired are ya good?*
He sits down next to them, cracking his neck with a palm, making a series up pops before he takes one of the shots “Thanks.” Downing it in one gulp.
*I'm fine for the most part. Freezing.*
Brody does the same, tapping the glass against the wood of the bar.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*Same, cause I'm Anemic I can't handle the cold.*
His green eyes glow softly, his wooden crown doing the same as he taking another shot.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run… but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
This is just Jobah619 again btw
Protect trans kids
they/her Always open to chat. Just send me a PM
Was it wrong? Was it right?
Should we be here at all?
We've caused pain
Through our crimes
How far will we fall?
*Hey Jobah, good morning.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*I have a weird issue with my skin where, when it gets cold, I break out in hives. Makes me itchy.*
"You drink a lot? Seem like a professional." He raises a brow.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*👉🏻 GAY!*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*That sounds terrible, I wouldn't want to deal with that. Hope you can warm yourself up somehow.*
He shakes his head "Nope, just trained myself against poisons, gives me a high tolerance."
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
"Hm, interesting. Imagine if all people could do that." He chuckles
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.