Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)

This wand has 5 charges. While holding it you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges. Doing so requires you to roll a d100. The result of the roll defines the result of expending a wand’s charge, as seen on the table.

This wand regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into dust and is destroyed.


The wielder of the horn is teleported up to 40’ backwards to a random location. Roll a d8 to determine how many 5' spaces you teleport. The teleport always happens. If there is a solid wall blocking teleportation, you stop in front of it. If there is a wall with a room on the other side, you are teleported to the other side of the wall up to the rolled distance.


The wielder of the horn gains resistance to all damage until the end of their next turn, or 15 seconds outside of combat.


Cure Wounds is cast on the wielder of the Horn for 2d8+2 HP


The wielder of the horn casts the spell Fog Cloud centered on them


The wielder of the horn casts the spell Detect Evil and Good


The wielder of the horn casts the spell Calm Emotions


The spell Entangle is cast by the wielder on one enemy within 30’


The wielder of the Horn and all other creatures within 10’ teleport 40’ in any direction, at the wielder’s choice. All creatures teleported maintain their original positions when they arrive at the new location, even if the terrain shifts (if you are next to a person when the teleport initiates, you will still be next to them when it completes, even if they are standing on the stairs and you are on the floor). As this spell affects any creature in the 10’ around the wielder, each creature may make a saving throw against the teleport to remain where they are, DC 14.


1d10 Gold Appears in the hands of a random creature within 40’ of the wielder. The wielder cannot benefit from this effect.


Illusory Butterflies and Flower Petals fall in 10’ all around the wielder for 10 minutes.


Cure Wounds is cast on one random person within 10’ of the wielder for 2d8+2 HP. The wielder cannot benefit from this effect.


The wielder of the horn can see any invisible creatures within 50’ for the next minute, but loses the ability to see any visible creatures for the same amount of time, including allies.


The wielder of the horn casts the spell Pass without Trace


One creature within 40’ of the wielder is cured of any one disease they are affected by. If the creature is affected by multiple diseases, the wielder may choose which one is cured. The wielder cannot benefit from this effect.


Mass Cure Wounds is cast by the wielder of the horn. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point for 3d8+2 HP.


Notes: Spellcaster, Healing, Teleportation, Utility

Item Tags: Healing Teleportation Utility
