Wondrous Item, common

Inside this small bag are 3d4 pink jelly beans. Eating a jelly bean grants a temporary effect. Roll a d12 to find out what it is.

d12 Effect
1 The candy makes you feel sick to your stomach. You vomit green slime. Take 1d6 of poison damage.
2 You feel light as air. You can fly for the next 10 minutes. Your flying speed is the same as your walking speed.
3 For 10 minutes, the only word you can say is “gygax”.
4 Your strength becomes 20 for the next 10 minutes. If it already was 20, you instead get advantage on any strength based ability checks.
5 Your nose turns bright orange and glows for 10 minutes. You have disadvantage on stealth checks.
6 You can communicate telepathically with anyone within 100 ft. for the next 10 minutes.
7 You feel compelled to sing everything for the next 10 minutes.
8 You become invisible for 10 minutes. The invisibility ends if you cast a spell or attack.
9 Red spots appear all over your skin for the next 10 minutes. You have disadvantage on all charisma checks.
10 You feel lucky. For the next 10 minutes, you can reroll any 1s you roll on an attack, damage roll, or ability check.
11 You feel extra clumsy for the next 10 minutes. You have disadvantage on any Dexterity based ability checks or saving throws.
12 You feel extra speedy for the next 10 minutes. This applies to both your movement speed and the actions you take in combat. You can now take double your usual amount of actions.

Notes: Consumable

Item Tags: Consumable
