Wondrous Item, rare

While wearing this hat, you can use a bonus action at will to cause shadows to wreath your face and part of your body, causing you to become lightly obscured to others. The shadows turn dim light within 10 feet of you into darkness, and bright light in the same area to dim light. The wearer’s face can only be determined in bright light, turned dim light, and then only through a DC 18 Perception check. You might still be recognized through an investigation check based on movement or scent, DC determined by GM. You also have resistance to radiant damage while the shadows are active. The effect ends if the hat is removed or the spell is dismissed by using a reaction.

 The Shadowbrim is a hat that allows its wearer to move relatively unseen through the alleys and under the eaves and awnings of the city.  Its powers are difficult to discern at night, but relatively easier to notice during the day. Its usual appearance is of a fedora, but it has been often restyled, frequently into top hats and deerstalkers. It is a favorite of criminals and private detectives.


Notes: Deception, Headwear

Item Tags: Deception Headwear



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