This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.
Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be reopened.
Notes: Utility, Container
Magical items don't have an official value but in ZGE uncommon magical items are typically worth between 100-500 good pieces
Typically I use ZGE and max it out because it's so useful... So 500-600 gold
Why ethereal? Ethereal binds material plane and the elemental planes together. Astral plane basically holds everything else together. Since your pocket dimension doesn't really bind to elemental planes it defaults to astral
I've never thought about this before but the picture of what looks like a satchel, that might fit a laptop in it, bears no relation to the description of a four foot deep bag with a two foot diameter opening (which would require a six foot circumference).
It is basically a large duffel bag such as you usually associate with the military.
The ethereal plane connects to the inner planes and dealt with physical space. In prior editions, all demiplanes and extradimensional spaces were in the ethereal. Even the Ravenloft setting was in the Ethereal.
The astral is a plane devoid of space and time. It is a plane of thought and spirit. It's much harder to get there physically than it is to just project thoughts there.
Just piercing the bag should dump the contents into the ethereal, since you're essentially just knocking out the wall of the extradimensional space.
The catastrophic event of putting bag into another essentially blows a hole in reality and pushes everything across into the astral.
Still don't see a calculation to put things INTO the bag of holding?
Hypothetically, if I were to take the Bag of Holding into a room/building that's bigger on the inside (like the TARDIS from Doctor Who, for example) would it have the same effect as placing it into a Handy Haversack?
I'm new at this whole DMing thing. I still need to use pre-con adventure books to lead my party. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what source book to use should they happen to create an extradimensional door to the astral plane and get sucked in? Bonus points if they need to go on a quest to find a book where I can work in the Necronomicon Ex Mortis.
If the bag is turned is the extradimensional space inside turned aswell or does all the items with stay level
If a party temporarily paralysed a creature and scooped it up with the bag of holding, would the creature (once the paralysis wears off) be able to rip the bag from the inside? I assume, if yes, this would scatter everything inside the bag (including the creature) across the Astral Plane.
Evil idea: Villain stuffs heroes into BoH, until it breaks. Takes out another, and repeats. Hooray, now the whole party is stuck on the Astral Plane!
While I know this a GM's call
but if creature A has limb in bag but bag not closed and the lid is torn off does it instantly chop off the limb?
Or does it send the entire creature into a random astral plane since it is in the bag?
Or the opposite where it shoves all parts of the creature outside the bag then send the contacts to the astral plane since it is also not in the bag?
Is it just me or is this thing full of inconsistencies
You can customize the weight of each item that is in the bag to 0..
It's a bit clunky but it works!
Okay... so, I'm working on a character with Cook's Tools and the Chef Feat. I'm trying to have my Small (kobold) character be a ridiculously good cook as a surprise for the party-- something that comes out when we play in person for the first time, I hope, and I make the players a tasty real-life dinner. I was thinking that I wish my character had a Bag of Holding that's refrigerated, and would basically be the size and mass of a mini-refrigerator, including weight and volume limits.
That led me to questions.... are the objects in a Bag of Holding moving in linear time? Do objects in the Bag of Holding have oxygen and do they experience decomposition and aging in that pocket dimension? Could I cure meat in it, or would it stay the same? If I put frozen meat in it, would it thaw out or stay in its frozen state?
If the general consensus of these questions is Yes, Yes-Yes-Yes, Yes/No, and Thaw, as I suspect... would you help me consider the statistics, creation process, and values would you give a Minor Chilled Pack of Holding that is essentially a small backpack weighing 5 pounds, that carries 50 lbs./3 Cubic feet, with Ray of Frost permanently affecting the temperature of its interior state to make it about 10 Celsius?
I'm new to D&D and making my first character. I have a bunch of questions about this item.
1. How hard is it to make one?
2. As such, how valuable/rare would they be?
3. Can I put one in the inventory of my new lvl 1 character? You have the ability to give your character legendary items from the start in the character creator here but that seems wrong for a lvl1?
4. If i can't have one from the start, where would I acquire it?
are the objects in a Bag of Holding moving in linear time?
-Since these are pocket dimensions (extradimensional space) So it could be treated as a stasis room.
Do objects in the Bag of Holding have oxygen and do they experience decomposition and aging in that pocket dimension?
-per the DMG: "Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate."
Could I cure meat in it, or would it stay the same?
-No oxygen means no bacteria, so no rotting process. However, other chemical reactions and enzyme protein breakdowns could occur (like Nitrate curing)
If I put frozen meat in it, would it thaw out or stay in its frozen state?
-Temperature isn't mentioned, so GM/DM would probably say thaw.
At the End-of-the-Day you and your group should work out how Homebrew and the fantasy setting you play in incorporates the Sciences.
1. How hard is it to make one?
- Making Magic items is outlined in the DMG, basically 20 days plus cost ($based on rarity) uc= 500gp
2. As such, how valuable/rare would they be?
- Uncommon 500 gp
3. Can I put one in the inventory of my new lvl 1 character? You have the ability to give your character legendary items from the start in the character creator here but that seems wrong for a lvl1?
Magic items (all items outside of std char build allotments) should receive DM/GM approval for story/game balance so that's up to them.
4. If i can't have one from the start, where would I acquire it?
- see #3, DM/GMs control shop inventories and loot tables.
The way I deal with that is:
First, I sum up the weight of all the stuff I put in it to make sure I dont BS exceed the 500lb limit (I've yet to deal with the volume calculations but that's for another day); Then I write down under "Other possessions" as a personal note the total weight inside. After that, I customize every item, and set "Weight override" to 0, since the item was customized it'll have an asterisk on its name in your Equipment list, in case you need to keep track of what you have in the bag, without having to write it down again, as well.
Whoever did the art for some of these magic items, needed to get some additional feedback. The headbands and googles, helms, this bag are all ugly as sin.