While wearing this belt, you gain the following benefits:
Dwarvish. You know Dwarvish.
Friend of Dwarvenkind. You have Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to interact with dwarves and duergar.
Toughness. Your Constitution increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, while attuned to the belt, you have a 50 percent chance each day at dawn of growing a full beard if you can grow one, or a thicker beard if you already have one.
If you aren’t a dwarf or duergar, you gain the following additional benefits while wearing the belt:
Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Resilience. You have Resistance to Poison damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned condition.
Notes: Bonus: Constitution Score, Advantage: Persuasion, Advantage: Saving Throws, Resistance: Poison, Set Base: Darkvision, Language: Dwarvish, Buff, Social, Utility, Belt
Is there an actual rule that by Attuning the Belt of Dwarvenkind you can also then Attune the Dwarven Thrower? I'm not finding it.
In case you never got an answer, the Belt of Dwarvenkind does nothing for the Dwarven Thrower. The latter requires you to be a dwarf and the belt doesn’t change you to one if you aren’t a dwarf. Of course a lenient DM could shrug and say it’s cool.
So, if you wear this belt for long enough, does your beard just keep getting thicker and thicker?
Is there some upper limit, or will it just keep going until your whole body is entombed in a giant block of keratin?
Um... DM’s discretion?
So turns out if you attune to this as a dwarf it extends your drakvision to 120 feet. it also adds poison resistance twice to your Saving throws.
I this on a tabaxi atm... My DM says I look like a fenline Zz Top. xD. I roll every day that passes in game, I have a thicker beard than most dwarves I meet.
Bearded Kobolds!
Grog's belt!
nope, it specifically states you get resistance and darkvision if you aren't a dwarf.
I think they’re probably saying that because they attuned to it on a character sheet that was a dwarf and it automatically doubled them up. I have had people use these examples as this is the way this item or ability should work, rather than accepting that it’s just how dndbeyond has it coded or what have you.
I'd a rule that a Dwarf wearing this gets the improved Darkvision and either poison immunity or additional resistance
This is how I'd handle it as well. I'm going to be handing one of these out today to my players (none are dwarves), if they can find it. It's hidden inside the base of dwarf statue (there are 6 of them) after a combat session.
Amazing Item!
Our party's Warlock is a Tabaxi. Didn't make sense for him to grow a beard, so I decided that instead of a beard he grows a shaggy lion's mane. The player was tickled by this idea, and really hams it up.
The bard got this and now is is trying to convince us to be ZZ Top.
VEry fun to introduce in a group where all players and their charcters are female xD
Such a fun item. Have this on my Barbarian, and now I have a giant beard, and I role play with a different voice when speaking dwarvish.
I feel like you should get separate benefits for being a dwarf.