Armor (shield), uncommon
While holding this Shield, you have a bonus to Armor Class determined by the Shield’s rarity, in addition to the Shield’s normal bonus to AC.
Shields require the Utilize action to Don or Doff. You gain the Armor Class benefit of a Shield only if you have training with it.
Notes: Bonus: Armor Class, Combat, Warding
Step 1: Be a warforged cleric of the forge
Step 2: Take a one-level dip into fighter to get the defense fighting style
Step 3: Use this in combination with your Blessing of the Forge and the shield master feat
Step 4: Have an AC of 22
Starting AC of 17 (Due to 16 because of chainmail and plus one due to integrated protection) plus 1 (Blessing of the Forge) plus 1 (Defense fighting style) plus 2 (Basic shield) plus 1 (Magic shield). 16+1+1+1+2+1=22
Also, if you can, get a +3 magic shield. It's a very rare magic item but It would bring your AC to 24
An extra large shield