Wondrous Item, uncommon

This bag looks and functions exactly like a normal Bag of Holding, with double the interior capacity of up to 1000 pounds and 128 cubic feet.  This capacity comes at a cost, as a Bag of Withholding feels unappreciated, because players only want to talk to it when they want something.  The bag must be reassured of its value and importance in order to open up to release any item contained inside.

When attempting to retrieve any item in the Bag of Withholding, the player must succeed on a DC 14 persuasion check, or the bag will shut more tightly.  Each failure increases the DC of the next check by 1.  Successfully convincing the Bag of its importance will allow access for 1 minute, resetting the DC to 14 thereafter.  Regardless of the DC at the end of the day, the DC resets to 14 the following dawn, as the Bag of Withholding has had a chance to reconsider its feelings over the course of the night.

Notes: Utility, Container

Item Tags: Utility Container



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