Tiny Ooze, Unaligned
Armor Class 10 natural armor
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 5 ft.
6 (-2)
6 (-2)
6 (-2)
6 (-2)
6 (-2)
6 (-2)
Skills Stealth +10
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Prone
Senses Blindsight 15ft, Passive Perception 15
Languages --
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Face Attachment Once this creature touches any part of another, non-Face-Mask, creature it immediately migrates to the creature's face and attempts to take control of the creature's brain. This ignores AC and squeezes through the cracks of magical and non-magical armor both. To avoid being taken over a character must succeed a Wisdom check with DC12.

Failing the Wisdom check turns the character’s demeanor into that of a zombie, but the character is not undead. If the character passes the test the Face-Mask gives the character x2 healing during short rests, and their statistics all increase by one.

Within a day the Face-Mask dissolves the creature's eyes and regrows better ones and immediately sharpens the other senses (+1 to Perception checks, +2 with the new eyes, no penalties while the eyes are dissolved). Within a month the creature’s face appears completely normal. If a Face-Mask is removed by any means the host dies.

Natural Camouflage The Face-Mask gets +10 to stealth rolls. Creatures trying to identify a Face-Mask gets disadvantage on the roll.


Grapple Reaction When grappled the Face Attachment special trait activates.


These creatures look and feel like a mass of wet, rotting refuse, but do not be fooled. If they touch a creature they turn that creature into either a living zombie or a freak of nature.

Environment: Swamp



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