How Humblewood Tales Expands the Enchanting World of Humblewood

Humblewood Tales has arrived on D&D Beyond! This book from Hit Point Press brings even more magic and adventure to the enchanting world of Humblewood.

Humblewood Tales offers new player options and five captivating adventures designed for characters levels 3 to 8. It's also packed with lore, magic items, monsters, and tools for Dungeon Masters, so this supplement is your ticket to experiencing and expanding the wonders of Humblewood like never before!

Prepare for More Adventures in Humblewood

Humblewood Tales is a companion sourcebook to the Humblewood Campaign Setting with new adventures, player options, and tools for Dungeon Masters.

This supplement adds 3 new subclasses, 4 feats, 7 spells, and 35 magic items to equip adventurers made using the rules in the Humblewood Campaign Setting. So, get ready to build new and exciting heroes for your adventures in the Wood!

More Player Options for Your Humble Adventurers

Artist: Anna PodedwornaA mouse character rides a snake-bird hybrid into the skies

Humblewood Tales also includes new ways to craft your critter characters, including feats, spells, and subclasses, some of which have been inspired by a mysterious and benevolent faction spreading throughout Humblewood, the Tenders.

Tenders are wise teachers and vigilant protectors, dedicated to guiding others toward harmony with the Great Rhythm and safeguarding the balance of nature. They work to prevent and mitigate threats—natural or magical—while healing scarred lands, shielding communities from monstrous dangers, and restoring balance to areas impacted by strong elemental energies.

3 New Subclasses

In Humblewood Tales, new subclasses offer unique ways to shape the natural world and embrace the forces of the forest. Below are the new paths introduced to help characters harness their abilities:

  • Circle of the Warden Druid: Druids in this circle use Divination and Abjuration magic to protect nature's balance. They help both people and wildlife, often aligning with the Tenders of the Scorched Grove, and work to prevent and heal damage from natural disasters.
  • The Predator Patron Warlock: Your patron is a primal, bloodthirsty beast. Predators like ancient white dragons or bestial demons sometimes make pacts with aspiring Warlocks, bestowing them predatory traits like claws and razor teeth.
  • Leyline Magic Wizard: Leyline Magic Wizards harness the primal forces of nature to enhance their magic, access new spells, and disrupt unnatural forces. The most powerful can create new leylines, transforming barren areas into thriving ecosystems, often working alongside druids to heal corrupted environments.

4 New Feats

Whether your character is Tender or not, they may have gained a talent to heal the wounded or protect the natural world. Humblewood Tales includes four new feats that offer unique abilities tied to the sacred duties upheld by Tenders:

  • Field Medic: Enhance your ability to identify injuries and conditions, provide magical aid, and cast healing spells.
  • Flamewoken: Manifest fire-based abilities, including communication with fire-aspected creatures, manipulating flames, and amplifying fire damage.
  • Forest Sage: Improve your understanding of natural or arcane magic, boost magic- and nature-focused skills, and expand your spell options.
  • Plantmender: Develop the ability to communicate with plants, heal or enhance them, and harness nature magic for defense and restoration.

7 New Spells

Humblewood Tales introduces an armament of new spells for every caster class to bring their elemental, primal, and natural powers to bear. Whether you're hiding from foes with the level 2 Ambush Prey spell, manipulating the forces of nature with the level 4 Shape Plants spell, or harnessing the powers of the wind to protect yourself with the Gust Barrier cantrip, these spells help your character tap into the wild forces that flow through the Humblewood region.

Expand the Vibrant World of Humblewood

Artist: DaarkenPowerful animal beings displayed on the cover of Humblewood Tales

Ready-to-Run Adventures in Humblewood

Humblewood Tales features five adventures set in the world of Humblewood. These stories take adventurers from the heights of Alderheart's canopy to the stormy shores of Saltar's Port. The standalone adventures range from levels 3 to 8 and can be strung together for groups running long-term adventures in the Wood or separately for parties that are just stopping in for a quick quest!

Alderheart Traveler's Guide

A city unlike any other, Alderheart is the capital city of Humblewood and sprouts from a rare Evertree. It consists of three levels—the Canopy, the Trunk, and the Roots–each of which is home to certain types of creatures from far and wide.

In Humblewood Tales, you'll discover Alderheart through the eyes of Jonal, a merchant with a knack for storytelling, and her faithful gargath companion, Bello. The Alderheart Traveler's Guide is a resource for DMs to understand the people, places, and past of Alderheart and helps them use the Great Tree City in their games.

Shops, Shopkeepers, and More

Looking to add some colorful NPCs and unique stores to your game? Humblewood Tales introduces a delightful array of shops and shopkeepers, each with their own quirks and inventory. From movers of magical wares to curators of rare curiosities, these establishments can be added to any Humblewood adventure.

Beyond an inventory of magical and non-magical items, each of these shops has a quest for the party to undertake in exchange for gold, loot, and sometimes more!

New Monsters and Magic Items

Whether you're looking for wondrous artifacts to reward your party or deadly predators to challenge the characters, Humblewood Tales provides plenty of options to intrigue your players and spice up your encounters.

Among the 30+ magic items, you'll find everything from a pebble that helps you find your way to a cloak woven from the night sky, ensuring there are new wonders to experience, no matter your party's level!

But what would an adventure be without a bit of danger? The menacing creatures included in this book will test your party's mettle, keeping them on their toes at every turn. From the CR ⅛ Glassbeetle, a fragile foe with a surprisingly big bite, to the CR 9 Corrupted Rosselbuck, a twisted fey spirit of the forest, these monsters will add compelling challenges to your campaign.

Experience Humblewood on D&D Beyond

Create Critter Characters with the Character Builder

D&D Beyond makes it simple to bring your Humblewood characters to life using the Character Builder. After guiding you through the steps required to create your hero, you'll have a fully functioning character sheet that lets you roll dice (and even does all the math!):

A gif of making a character in the D&D Beyond character builder

Make Combat Easier with the Official D&D VTT

With Maps at your disposal, you can whip up encounters quicker than a cervan can shake its tail! Maps connects directly to your D&D Beyond digital library, allowing you to add maps and monster tokens with a couple of clicks.

Then, when it's time to play, you can invite your party and use an array of tools, from fog of war to an Initiative tracker, to help run your sessions!

A gif of combat using Maps

Explore Together

When it comes time to explore the vast wilderness or navigate the busy paths of the bustling city of Alderheart, Maps can help immerse you and your players in the world of Humblewood!

Thanks to the shared digital playspace, you can see each other's rolls and player tokens, ensuring you never split the party (or, if you do, you're able to stay in touch)!

A screenshot of the bustling tree city of Alderhart

Venture into the Wood Today

Heed the call of the wild and venture into Humblewood with Humblewood Tales! With the expanded options offered by this supplement, you'll be able to craft brave heroes and then set out to discover the hidden wonders, ancient secrets, and treacherous dangers that await in the Wood!

The Humblewood Campaign Setting Arrives to D&D Beyond! See What's Inside!
by Davyd Barker
Exploring the Player Options of the Humblewood Campaign Setting Guide
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D&D Beyond Maps: How to Start Playing Today
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Mike Bernier (@arcane_eye) is the founder of Arcane Eye, a site focused on providing useful tips and tricks to all those involved in the world of D&D. Outside of writing for Arcane Eye, Mike spends most of his time playing games, hiking with his partner, and tending the veritable jungle of houseplants that have invaded his house.


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