Homebrew Scutterfolk Race Details

Plague of Flesh

Scutterfolk are known to spread with unparalleled speed. Few Scutterfolk can breed, often due to deformity through inbreeding or by infection. Those few who can breed do so near constantly. A single couple will produce on average 8 young a month, and it is therefore possible for the Scutterfolk population to quintuple in a month. Assuming only 8 rats are born a month, and of each generation only two rats can breed, over the average life of a single rat (45 years) the population could grow from 2 rats to nearly 88, 700 rats.

At the highest recorded growth rates a single couple can produce sixteen young a month. If only one breeding pair exists at the start of the year, by the end of the tenth year there will be around 5790 rats.

Plague of flesh is somewhat of a double entendre, as Scutterfolk carry so many diseases in their fur coat that an entire team of scholars struggles to identify them all before falling ill. Even the cleanest Scutterfolk are riddled with all manner of infection, bacteria, fungus and living parasites. It has been noted by many wizards that not even a prestidigitation is enough to truly rid the individual of their ailments.  

Rat Folk

Scutterfolk are often confused with wererats. Though Scutterfolk are more rat-like in some ways and more human in others.

Scutterfolk have long powerful tails, as strong as a man's arm. Their tail can be used to accomplish many tasks, such as holding light objects, or even bashing or strangling in combat. Their tail provides no advantages to these tasks however, as one often finds a thumb is more useful than flexibility.

Scutterfolk are naturally quite perceptive, though the many diseases they carry and their unwashed fur tend to negate such benefits.

Life in the pits

Scutterfolk prefer to breed in tight spaces, called pits. These can vary from small rooms in abandoned houses, small caves, or even literal pits dug in fields. Where several pits are located close-by, fed rats form defensive cities above them, keeping the pits safe from outside influence.

In the pits there is a clear class system: several Scutter-slaves are owned by individual pit rats, just as several pit rats are owned by each breeding pair. Outside the pits Scutter society works mostly the same, several Scutter-slaves are owned by Fed rats, who are the absolute authority outside the pits.

A simple society run on a simple rule

Scutterfolk society is based on a single rule, which extends to all things, save two very specific situations. That rule is: whomever wants it more is the owner. This means Scutterfolk have little need for money, as the individual that wants the object more is willing to fight for it, or at least deceive their opponent into thinking they will fight for it. This means crime (save slavery) is actually quite uncommon, as there are often very clearly established “wanters” and “not wanters”.

The two aforementioned exceptions to this rule are: in the pits the breeding rats get what they want, and Skuttermusk be praised.


The quasi-magical ability of some Scutterfolk to manipulate rats and other Scutterfolk. Scholars are baffled by the exact nature and uses of Scuttermusk. Scuttermusk has been recorded as being able to cause feeding frenzy in rats and Scutterfolk, grant extra-sensory perception to Scutterfolk, and in some rare cases even cause changes to the environment around then.

The leading theory is that Scuttermusk is a purely chemical process, and that Scutterfolk are naturally psychic, but hindered by their own inability to control it, and therefore the effects turn them into a somewhat violent and greedy people.

Scutterfolk Traits

All Scutterfolk have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence score increases by 1.


Scutterfolk mature to adulthood at age 7, and very rarely live over 45 years old.


Scutterfolk stand between four and five feet, but tend to slouch, and are normally pretty light. Your size is Medium


Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Scutterfolk Ingenuity

You have proficiency with any two tools of your choice.

Walking Plauge

Scutterfolk carry a plethora of fowl diseases in their unwashed coat. You have disadvantage to Constitution checks to resist disease. When a creature makes a melee attack against you within 5 feet, it must pass a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or contract a random disease.


You can see in dim light 60 feet as if it were in bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

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