Homebrew Aasimar (winged) Race Details

Winged aasimar share a similar origin to other common aasimar, but their celestial roots are far more recent. A winged aasimar can only be created when an angel or other celestial breeds with a mortal race; the children of these pairings can appear as the mortal race with powers associated with their type, like those that appear in the DMG and Volo's Guide to Monsters, or they can be winged aasimar, which use the traits shown here. An aasimar that is not the child of a celestial may become a winged aasimar if they gain a blessing from a celestial. They then replace their racial traits with those shown here.

Aasimar (winged) Traits

As a winged aasimar, you have certain traits in common with your people. Being able to fly at high speed starting at 1st level is exceptionally effective in certain circumstances and exceedingly dangerous in others. As a result, playing a winged aasimar requires special consideration by your DM.


You know the light cantrip, and you can see in dim light as if it were bright light and darkness as if it were dim light out to a range of 60 feet. You cannot make out color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.


Aasimar are the same height and weight as is common of the race of their non-celestial parent. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You have a flying speed of 45 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial


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